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Swept under the rug to save face all round.

If you walked across Thailand's rug ... you'd be walking uphill.

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"He is in fact a lieutenant colonel on the rolls of the Thai Muang police station, and has been suffering from a psychiatric disorder for some time." - but still has his service pistol. rolleyes.gif

Nobody's got the bottle to try to take it away from him. Remember where we are, would you?


Id like to hear a response from some Thais as their opinion of this ie do they accept Mr Big Hiso look at me is ok to do it or not?


With that rank, it's like the Chief Constable in a UK city spending his day issuing parking tickets.

I suppose if you have about 4,000 generals then you have to find them something to do.

Really weird story.


So if a Thai cop does his job ...he's a nutter. Got it.


Why don't you read the article again, maybe you missed something! You mustn't stop at the first full stop, Fullstop.


...just cannot wait to hear the outcome into which two HiSo 'do-you-know-who-I-ams' - wins

was it a real pistol? - or a dunny cleaner's bug zapper?


Some of you are nuttier than the "cop"... or just lack any knowledge of the rules of the road. A no parking zone IS NOT a no stopping zone. It is legal to stop there if you are behind the wheel of the car (which the chauffeur was). It is illegal to stop and leave your car unattended - hence "parking". There was NO infraction peeps. Neither the Gov, nor his driver were doing anything wrong. So get over the hi-so bashing!


who's saying the old blunderbuss coppa was wearing a gun???

remember, the photo is of the follow-up BIBs


Well I'm at it...

Unless there is another news report with more info, nowhere does it say the unstable cop brandished a weapon nor even had one... Where is that coming from space members?

And, what's wrong with him working a menial job at the station and being paid while on medical/psychiatric leave? I feel like I live on another planet to some of y'all!!


The title seems wrong... shouldn't it read.

Thai Policeman does his job - Phuket Governor believes he is above the law.


An example of all that is wrong in Thai society today: When those with power and money behave as they do setting the tone and example of 'entitlement' to all who follow...

Perhaps the police need more 'nutters' like him who are not afraid of the 'Do you know who I am' brigade.coffee1.gif


^^^ Please tell that to the copper who just this morning very angrily told me to move while I was behind the wheel in a no parking zone.

Maybe it was the same nut job.


The cop was doing his job no special treatment for the high ups, the law is the law.

Quite some years back in Chester England there was couple guys at the big Chester Zoo parking tourists to the Zoo and charging them, also giving them parking coupons for £1 they had jackets on with Chester council Zoo parking printed on the jackets, they did it for over 12 months before they were caught.


.'..and has suffered from a psychological disorder for some time...'..

...quite an oversight.....

..makes one wonder what percentage of the population fall under the same category....no treatment...no restrictions.....scary...

...what is considered 'normal' then...after all I have read about...very scary...


I live in this country and whatever you think there is no country on earth that has as such a high per capita dick head contingent with many of them carrying guns. Delusional nation of under achievers.


Mr Somporn had parked the governor’s black Toyota Camry in a red-and-white no-parking zone

Hope he gets a ticket for that, should know better !

Do you know who he is !!


The title seems wrong... shouldn't it read.

Thai Policeman does his job - Phuket Governor believes he is above the law.


An example of all that is wrong in Thai society today: When those with power and money behave as they do setting the tone and example of 'entitlement' to all who follow...

In the US, the driver would have been 'tazed'. End of story.


reminds me of a guy that spent his days outside the loony bin in Bern, Switzerland. He wore fireman's trousers, an army tunic and some kind of peaked cap. I saw him a couple of times giving directions to tourists.

Wow, thanks! I always wondered what happened to my uncle.



That guy in Bern was Freddy Star


Well I'm at it...

Unless there is another news report with more info, nowhere does it say the unstable cop brandished a weapon nor even had one... Where is that coming from space members?

And, what's wrong with him working a menial job at the station and being paid while on medical/psychiatric leave? I feel like I live on another planet to some of y'all!!

Nothing wrong with that at all.

That's not what he was doing though, he was out in public in a different province, in uniform he shouldn't have been wearing, giving out tickets he has no remit to issue and falsely claiming to be the head of police.

How he was able to be in a position to do this when his superiors clearly knew he had psychiatric issues is the question.


has been suffering from a psychiatric disorder for some time.

They need to check the police station water-cooler...there must be something like liquid "Thainess" attacking our find Thai police force...


A - The bloke dressed up and acting as a policeman, when in fact they are suspended from active duty and currently work in the cells, that falsely claims to be Chief of police, and claims that the general listens to his instructions so therefore everybody else should.

B - The bloke who parked his car where he shouldn't

One of the above


Me thinks that both the governor and the oddball police guy along with the rest at the the police station should first be sacked and then arrested.


A - The bloke dressed up and acting as a policeman, when in fact they are suspended from active duty and currently work in the cells, that falsely claims to be Chief of police, and claims that the general listens to his instructions so therefore everybody else should.

B - The bloke who parked his car where he shouldn't

One of the above

..or was it just a cop fired for doing his job getting back at authority?


"He is in fact a lieutenant colonel on the rolls of the Thai Muang police station, and has been suffering from a psychiatric disorder for some time." - but still has his service pistol. rolleyes.gif

This is the second news report like this, in as many days. Just yesterday or so, there was a report about a veteran police officer who shot and killed himself at home, and the news report said he'd been suffering from mental problems for years, but had remained on duty until recently being removed from active duty.

And now this Lt. Col. Fruitcake comes along, "suffering from a psychiatric disorder for some time."

Kind of begins to explain why the BIB operate the way they do.


Does he still carry his weapon?

I carry my WEAPON everywhere. Not always loaded, but never leaves me. Trusty little sucker he is. Getting low on ammo as we both get older, but still able to fire a good shot when needed.


didnt see the do you know who i am..in the op report..more abuse of power ..by the govener they are so lazy to walk anywhere these people

It was here, cunningly disguised...

Gov Nisit came out of the book store and identified himself in hope of easing the situation.

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