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Truck driver who killed Chilean cyclist in Korat fined THB7,500


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there is a a special place in hell waiting crooked cops , bad judges , drunk drivers , wife beaters , pedo freaks , and the takers of innocent life . ahh the thainess of it all .

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BINOs. Buddhists in Name Only. Compassion ends once the key is in the ignition. God help this country get it's act together.

Words fail me. ermm.gif

Edited by connda
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If I am correct these are 2 of the statements made by quit a few people here:

The perpetrator got off so easy because he only killed a foreigner through his reckless driving.

He would have been sent away for a long time if he killed a Thai person with some influence.

So, again I am asking myself; why would anyone in their right state of mind stay in a country where his life is worth f all?

Honest question; honest answer. I can only speak for myself, but for me it's because I have family and loved ones here. I love, appreciate and enjoy being with them, and so I do my best to help and support them. But that said, I consciously keep my head down and maintain a low profile, essentially accepting the odds. But we substantially improve those odds by choosing to live on a very, very small island with no car ferry, where everyone knows everyone. There is no military presence here, only 1 policeman on the island, and very few nightspots where one can get into trouble. When we do go to the mainland, I choose not to drive at night, and we almost never go out 'partying' at bars. Instead, we are happy to have a nice dinner and cocktails with friends. Basically we choose to live a quiet and low-profile life, in a very small yet pretty place. And in this respect, we love our Thailand home.

But no place is perfect, and even on our little island we had a 'Thailand suicide' this last season. A ladyboy from somewhere on the mainland went missing. Some days later she was found dead in a 55-gallon water barrel. Because drugs were found at her bungalow, and it was thought she owed people money, the authorities ruled it a suicide--probably to save face. Apparently she climbed into the water barrel, somehow hooked up the water pipe and then turned on the water, while squatting down to get her head under water and pulling on the lid. She was obviously very, very intent on killing herself because instead of just standing up when she started coughing on water, she remained in the barrel with her head under water until she was dead. Needless to say, there was no investigation into foul play; it was obviously just another sad suicide. No place is perfect.

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(Posted by Blackfox)You make my farking blood boil BKK Equity.

"GUEST IN"...I've been in and out of Thailand for 25 years. I'm 44 years of age now.

I've travelled the world and assisted in 2 major accidents. One in Guatemala and one home in Aus. Everyone dead, although I did my best.

Thai gentility and Buddhist preservation of life. A great farking hypocrisy.

I'm married and love my Thai wife but shit like this and numerous others have me thinking of my real home.

My condolences go to the families and loved ones who have suffered in similar circumstances.

I drive here in BKK every day mate and I'm fast, efficient but cautious.

How would you cope BKK Equity if the RTP and family of a dear loved one who's life you brought to an unplanned close on these roads now desired to extract as much of that foreign currency from you as they could, or go to prison.

My question; would you pay up to avoid time in Khlong Prem or, do your time in penance for the satisfaction of the public and more so families directly affected?

Yes Blackfox ... "Guest in". Here is the test. Are you a Thai Citizen? Guessing that is a "no"

Sort of like a Hotel, you can check in many times as you like, and guess what the ledger title is?


As to the rest of your rant:

(1) Not quite sure being involved in fatal accidents on the other side of the planet has much to do with this.

(2) Happy you have a nice Thai wife .. that has bearing on this ... why?

(3) You are a good driver. And so what does that have to do with this?

(4) Where in this story is someone being hijacked by the RTP to pay a large sum of "foreign currency" or face prison time. I believe we are discussing the fact a Thai Citizen has to pay 7,500 THB for having an accident.

Are you sure we are commenting on the same topic. or do you just need a sounding board to post a series of disjointed thoughts?

it is sad that you are .. so unhappy. But heads up dear friend: This may come as a nasty surprise, so please sit down.

OK, ready? It is not all about you! That is right! People can have conversations that do not hinge on your little world and what happens in it! Shocking .. but true !!!

Now take your meds and have a nap, will you?

Okay khunt, here's my reply;

First, now you put your arse in a chair please.

"In and out of Thailand for 25 years...home in Aus". Therefore I'm not a Thai citizen you tit!!!

First and foremost, as I previously stated, my condolences go to the family of the Chilean rider now deceased and others who have recently passed on the road.

My post was broad and not entirely subject specific however, it has great relevance for foreigners driving, riding, pillion passengers, and/or pedestrians.

Why? Just take note of every other post BKK Equity.

In response;

(1) Not involved in fatal accidents dick. I assisted immediately after. Why did I make this point? I'm qualified as emergency assist (not career or work related). Would I assist in this country if I WAS involved in an accident and potential unfavourable legal ramifications may occur if my perceived or judged assistance was detrimental or not warranted. If it was another farang? Without doubt, I'd help in any way I could.

A Thai? My instinct, upbringing and personal duty would want to but....perhaps not.

Not good I know, but as you mentioned and I really don't want this perceived the wrong way but, I'm just a GUEST. I fear legal ramifications in this country even if best efforts were to try and save, or preserve life, I might just get <deleted> over.

(2) My Thai wife is the youngest daughter and particularly close to her ageing Father. It hurts me to tell her that I'm rapidly losing the desire to stay in this substandard country (post specific for reasoning to my increasing despair). She respects that I and we, will not have continuity of life here because of double standards and archaic laws. Irrespective of a genuine accident, nobody should just pay a small fine and potentially get behind the wheel shortly thereafter.

(3) Good driver...yes I am actually. Grew up on notorious country Australian dirt roads. Many fatalities and lost friends. Years also driving in large cities. I genuinely enjoy driving in BKK traffic when it's moving but am always conscious of the "what if" and "will I get <deleted> over for not being at fault following an accident". I haven't had one yet but the law of probability has it coming.

(4) You are right, I got off track. This post is about the loss of a man pursuing a likely dream and love, and now has a young family grieving.

Judging by the many posts on this thread thus far, ex pats feel quite passionate and somewhat disillusioned by the "cheapness of life" here. Before you pipe on BKK Equity, be aware that my wife farewelled an Uncle recently in a RTA.

I, and I'm sure many fear how we might be held accountable following an accident that we may or may not have caused.

Please do me the service and answer my previous question honestly BKK Equity, how would you feel hypothetically if getting your balls squeezed by a Thai family and the RTP because you are white Caucasian and not at fault? Or, you lost your wife on the road here and then see the driver that caused her fatality again on the road next month?

It's shitful anyone loses their life on any road but people must be held accountable.

At least in my home country irrespective of race, creed or colour, all are treated equally and without bias.

Here not.

Edited by Blackfox
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If this had happened in my (U.S) country he would have gotten a looooooooooong prison sentence,not a slap on the wrist. Thank God I am a Christian,and life means something to me.

im not a christian and let me tell you sonny life means just as much to me thank.you...a pathetic attempt.by you what has faith got to do with driving.....

Quite a bit, when you shift your attention from the road to the floor. Of your moving truck.

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4 years ago a farang I know accidentally killed a Thai person whilst driving. He was not drunk and the Thai person was at fault. This farang was fined 400,000 baht and blacklisted from Thailand. If you Thai people continue to treat foreigners as dogs in your land I hope they will stop coming. You do not deserve the revenue which tourist bring. How do Thai people wish to be treated when they are overseas?

This guy is going to jail. Would you preferred it if the foreigner you knew would have been sent to jail?

Can't you read?

KORAT: -- The truck driver who killed a round-the-world Chilean cyclist on a Korat highway has been sentenced to prison but wont have to actually go to jail as the sentence was suspended.

OOPs! someone already said that !!!

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It is a shame. Killed farang tourist is worth only 234 $. Thailand is back in history about 200 years. Just look at the discovered massgraves of killed Rohingyas in Satun province, similar to KZ camps in Nazi Germany. A Buddhist country with no respect for human live, never mind, you will be reborn again...

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What a joke, it makes you laugh because if you run over a Soi dog, some Thai person runs out and wants more money than that for the dog, this country is becoming more of a joke as the months roll on, and slowly the world is seeing it for what it really is,

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What is wrong with the judiciary? How would they react if it was one of their family, not a foreigner or a lesser Thai mortal? Maybe if they came out of their bloody cocoons and lived in the real world where us plebs do, and have regard for the lives of others, then maybe they would understand why people have lost respect for them. Reckless driving, how about vehicular homicide, which is an offence under Thai statutes.

Too hard for the coppers to prove the more serious offence, or did they take the easy way out? Confessed, so he gets a lowly two year sentence and a B15,000.00 fine, which is halved because he confessed and then the sentence is suspended. No wonder people have no respect for the law or it's application, as there is little if any reasonable penalties applied when they fail to abide by laws set down to protect the community.

The storey I read does not contain all the details so I have no idea why the suspended sentence but for god's sake, this person, through his actions, has taken the life of another, and gets a slap on the wrist. Can't they give these killers, and that's what they are, a more realistic sentence and stop pussy footing around and treat them like the criminals that they are. Oh I know, the old adage of why should we care, it's only a foreigner but then they even adopt this approach when their own citizens are the victims.

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Very obviously most people here do not understand the difference between a death by negligent behavior and a premeditated murder.

Instead of starting a witch hunt if the parents are rich and a Thailand bashing when the guy is poor, spend some time getting information and facts about criminal law. Honestly these discussions are getting more and more embarrassing

And I always thought that punishment had some sort of "deterrent effect" built in? whistling.gif

The taking of another persons life in road incidents is still taking another persons life, regardless of what legal term you use!

Tell us, dominique355 what your solution to this problem is? We have read your criticisms now let us read your constructive workable solutions coffee1.gif

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Kill somebody and get a $200 fine.

This may mean he will have to cut down on chain smoking and caffeine drinks while driving, he will have to get his friends to call him while he is driving as he wont be able to afford the cell phone charges.

This actually happened minus the killing but near the same as I went in a truck to show the driver where we lived to deliver a container.

He was overtaking then being overtaken by the truck he just passed, chain smoking drinking caffeine and talking almost all the time on his cell phone, then when we went through a town he nearly took out a bike , actually knocked the rider off, never stopped and kept going passing through Cha Amm at 120k.

I called my wife and she spoke to him after I told him off and asked him to slow down and stop then my wife and her brother drove out to meet him so he could follow.

I said don't let him get close to you he will run you over.

This guy was but 1 of the many thousands of loony truck drivers on the RD.

I give them a wide berth.

And Oh my God forgot to tip him!.

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This is another great example of this country leaders,justice system and laws why Thailand driving problem will never improve. All they got to do is look in the mirror to find the problem.

I wonder? I'm about the same age, if I kill a Thai or anyone would I get the same sentence and fine? This country leaders fuel and are able to line their pocket with our tourist dollars yet they seem to enjoy throwing it in our face whenever we make a mistake intentional or not.

Thailand, strives to be noticed on the world stage but still lacks the mentality and acts if they were a under developed 3rd world country. .

Edited by thailand49
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Very obviously most people here do not understand the difference between a death by negligent behavior and a premeditated murder.

Instead of starting a witch hunt if the parents are rich and a Thailand bashing when the guy is poor, spend some time getting information and facts about criminal law. Honestly these discussions are getting more and more embarrassing

Yes, in the US the law sees a basic difference between vehicular homicide (premeditated or criminal action, like speeding or wreckless driving) and vehicular manslaughter (unintentional, accident) that results in the death of a person other than the driver. Even in the States the fine for vehicular manslaughter can be $1000 and up to a year in jail, which can be reduced to probation or a few months in jail--just talking to my cousin, a lawyer in Florida.

But that depends on the State involved. In California for example if a driver was sending a text message from their cell phone while driving causing them to hit a bicyclist and killing them this would be considered manslaughter/gross vehicular manslaughter with a maximum felony sentence of six years in a state prison.

In fact I have never seen any reports as to whether the truck driver was distracted in any way and whether this was a contributing factor to the accident.

But just based on observing the number of Thai drivers and motorcyclists who do use their mobile telephones when driving/riding in the most inappropriate driving conditions it wouldn't be surprising.

And who thinks it’s likely that the police would ever have made any distinction in this case regarding the nature of the charges even if the truck driver had been on the mobile at the time of this accident ?rolleyes.gif

Yes, state laws differ. In some states using the cell phone while driving is illegal; which may make killing a person while using a cell phone vehicular homicide, since you are breaking a law when you killed the person. Thailand has no such cell phone law, so unless there is proof the driver was doing something against the law, it would be considered an accident; or in stateside terms, vehicular manslaughter.

Sorry to correct you but as of the 5th August 2014, it became an offence in Thailand to use a hand held mobile telephone whilst driving a vehicle. Fines range between B400.00 to B1000.00. And no, it is not an accident. This terminology is no longer used by Police, world wide as to use it implies that there is no one at fault, that the whole incident was a mistake with no one to blame. The words now used are crash or collision but the former is the preferred term because, in most cases, there is someone who was acting illegally or negligently that caused the collision and the injury to or the death of the other person.

Edited by Si Thea01
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3-rd times reread this article... thinking... I hate my neighbour. And I want to get rid of him. If I invite him to my place, knock him out and cross him by my car...After that call to police and confess.Will it cost me just 7.500baht? Or I have to hire a Thai to do this? Because I'm afraid for farang it will be a little bit more expensive.Anyway it's not bad idea at all. Thanks for a tip! I really love Thailand. But this awful story...O.k., mai pen rai


The rules of this forum forbid me for expressing what many of us are thinking about your posting.

Let's just say we are convinced your IQ is the product of the equation

(x) x 0 = IQ

"Many of us? - Speak for yourself as I do not wish to be associated with your small mind in any way.

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(Posted by Blackfox)You make my farking blood boil BKK Equity.

"GUEST IN"...I've been in and out of Thailand for 25 years. I'm 44 years of age now.

I've travelled the world and assisted in 2 major accidents. One in Guatemala and one home in Aus. Everyone dead, although I did my best.

Thai gentility and Buddhist preservation of life. A great farking hypocrisy.

I'm married and love my Thai wife but shit like this and numerous others have me thinking of my real home.

My condolences go to the families and loved ones who have suffered in similar circumstances.

I drive here in BKK every day mate and I'm fast, efficient but cautious.

How would you cope BKK Equity if the RTP and family of a dear loved one who's life you brought to an unplanned close on these roads now desired to extract as much of that foreign currency from you as they could, or go to prison.

My question; would you pay up to avoid time in Khlong Prem or, do your time in penance for the satisfaction of the public and more so families directly affected?

Yes Blackfox ... "Guest in". Here is the test. Are you a Thai Citizen? Guessing that is a "no"

Sort of like a Hotel, you can check in many times as you like, and guess what the ledger title is?


As to the rest of your rant:

(1) Not quite sure being involved in fatal accidents on the other side of the planet has much to do with this.

(2) Happy you have a nice Thai wife .. that has bearing on this ... why?

(3) You are a good driver. And so what does that have to do with this?

(4) Where in this story is someone being hijacked by the RTP to pay a large sum of "foreign currency" or face prison time. I believe we are discussing the fact a Thai Citizen has to pay 7,500 THB for having an accident.

Are you sure we are commenting on the same topic. or do you just need a sounding board to post a series of disjointed thoughts?

it is sad that you are .. so unhappy. But heads up dear friend: This may come as a nasty surprise, so please sit down.

OK, ready? It is not all about you! That is right! People can have conversations that do not hinge on your little world and what happens in it! Shocking .. but true !!!

Now take your meds and have a nap, will you?

Okay khunt, here's my reply;

First, now you put your arse in a chair please.

"In and out of Thailand for 25 years...home in Aus". Therefore I'm not a Thai citizen you tit!!!

First and foremost, as I previously stated, my condolences go to the family of the Chilean rider now deceased and others who have recently passed on the road.

My post was broad and not entirely subject specific however, it has great relevance for foreigners driving, riding, pillion passengers, and/or pedestrians.

Why? Just take note of every other post BKK Equity.

In response;

(1) Not involved in fatal accidents dick. I assisted immediately after. Why did I make this point? I'm qualified as emergency assist (not career or work related). Would I assist in this country if I WAS involved in an accident and potential unfavourable legal ramifications may occur if my perceived or judged assistance was detrimental or not warranted. If it was another farang? Without doubt, I'd help in any way I could.

A Thai? My instinct, upbringing and personal duty would want to but....perhaps not.

Not good I know, but as you mentioned and I really don't want this perceived the wrong way but, I'm just a GUEST. I fear legal ramifications in this country even if best efforts were to try and save, or preserve life, I might just get <deleted> over.

(2) My Thai wife is the youngest daughter and particularly close to her ageing Father. It hurts me to tell her that I'm rapidly losing the desire to stay in this substandard country (post specific for reasoning to my increasing despair). She respects that I and we, will not have continuity of life here because of double standards and archaic laws. Irrespective of a genuine accident, nobody should just pay a small fine and potentially get behind the wheel shortly thereafter.

(3) Good driver...yes I am actually. Grew up on notorious country Australian dirt roads. Many fatalities and lost friends. Years also driving in large cities. I genuinely enjoy driving in BKK traffic when it's moving but am always conscious of the "what if" and "will I get <deleted> over for not being at fault following an accident". I haven't had one yet but the law of probability has it coming.

(4) You are right, I got off track. This post is about the loss of a man pursuing a likely dream and love, and now has a young family grieving.

Judging by the many posts on this thread thus far, ex pats feel quite passionate and somewhat disillusioned by the "cheapness of life" here. Before you pipe on BKK Equity, be aware that my wife farewelled an Uncle recently in a RTA.

I, and I'm sure many fear how we might be held accountable following an accident that we may or may not have caused.

Please do me the service and answer my previous question honestly BKK Equity, how would you feel hypothetically if getting your balls squeezed by a Thai family and the RTP because you are white Caucasian and not at fault? Or, you lost your wife on the road here and then see the driver that caused her fatality again on the road next month?

It's shitful anyone loses their life on any road but people must be held accountable.

At least in my home country irrespective of race, creed or colour, all are treated equally and without bias.

Here not.

Dear Clueless,

Although English is your first language, you are not particularly skilled in either reading it or writing it.

I am not sure what is going on in the world since the internet, blogs, facebook, sites like this .. etc … allows people to just verbally jerk off about all their personal problems and / or “hero moments” with nothing to do with to topic on hand. Your ridiculous reply couched in “I got off track’ really was only an exercise to retell the same stupid unrelated tales, only with more detail.

There is a thing called “projecting.” Sort of like you taking all the pain and anxiety of your failed marriage, unhappy situation in Thailand, and what seems to be an unpleasant cocktail of stupidity and anger .. and puking it all up here for us to read.

I could go line by line and show you that you DID imply you were not a “guest” … educate you that a person is “Involved” in an event … regardless what role they played in it … that your driving record has not thing one to do with this .. and on and on and on.

But you would not get it, because in your personal emotional breakdown, in your current self pity party … it is ALL ABOUT YOU! It is all about how the world does not appreciate all the good things you do, and how your way is SO much more perfect and closer to God. (The one on the cross. Of course .. the “perfect” one. 555)

Lastly, again .. I do not know what happened to the art of debate .. but this new thing people do has me baffled. The same thing you do.

Two people are debating if water shoud be taken from a river to irrigate crops, or sent downstream to a big city.

A wackjob like you would somehow get it to “How would you like to be nailed to a wall and left to die of thirst on a desert island infested with red ants?

And the answer to that is “Huh????”

It is called the “Hitler Effect” .. as in …how many postings does it take an idiot to go from a debate about eating meat .. to “Hitler did eat meat! Are you a Nazi?”

And so it is with you.

“Please do me the service and answer my previous question honestly BKK Equity, how would you feel hypothetically if getting your balls squeezed by a Thai family and the RTP because you are white Caucasian and not at fault? Or, you lost your wife on the road here and then see the driver that caused her fatality again on the road next month?”

I do give you one bonus point for slipping in the word “hypothetically” … since you are sort of acknowledging “This is total crap .. but I am a very angry little boy and need attention.”

I am sorry your life sucks. I am sorry your marriage has failed. I am sorry you chose Thailand and the financial obligations that marriage generates in terms of caring for your wife’s family. I am sorry your wife has to put up with your abuse, and the uncertainty each day must bring.

I am tired of a cyber world crawling with mean spirited narcissistic “damaged goods” people like you with a remarkably low IQ. A daily puke fest where it is impossible to have a healthy debate about anything without some Nancy like you getting all butt hurt and going off on the most bizarre tangents.

Please seek professional help, or at least dial up a mate from home … to try and sort out your personal domestic mess. It makes me pity you to read it all.

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Very obviously most people here do not understand the difference between a death by negligent behavior and a premeditated murder.

Instead of starting a witch hunt if the parents are rich and a Thailand bashing when the guy is poor, spend some time getting information and facts about criminal law. Honestly these discussions are getting more and more embarrassing

I didn't see any previous posts that said anything about premeditated murder? The majority of the posters are not incorrect in feeling that the laws regarding negligence and the justice system are too lenient in Thailand, and that this causes more of a "who cares" attitude and more tragedy.

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This Thai bashing is getting ridiculous. The sentence the driver got here is the same as others around the world get. Some racists here want Thai drivers to hang if they kill a fellow foreigner.

With a quick search from google(just one page):-

Australia - the director of public prosecutions walks free after causing death !!!!! suspended from his $500,000 a year job on full pay after the crash.


USA - 23 year old fined 229 pounds for killing cyclist! http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2010/06/28/suspended-sentence-for-death-crash-driver/

Ireland - teenager gets suspended sentence for killing an 8 year old girl! - http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/suspended-sentence-for-driver-who-caused-girl-s-death-1.2187048

Wales - woman gets 1000 pound fine for causing death of motorcyclist. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/neath-death-crash-greg-flowers-8925478

= man gets same fine pus 150 community service for killing 16 year old http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/sarah-jepson-driver-gets-suspended-8237001

England - 150 hours community service - http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-32130945

Malta - drug addicts gets suspended sentence for causing death http://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2015-02-17/local-news/Driver-admits-to-causing-car-crash-death-in-2013-given-suspended-sentence-6736130769

USA - suspended sentence for killing 3 year old boy! http://www.northernsound.ie/news/american-woman-handed-suspended-sentence-for-dangerous-driving-causing-death-of-monaghan-boy/

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Very obviously most people here do not understand the difference between a death by negligent behavior and a premeditated murder.

Instead of starting a witch hunt if the parents are rich and a Thailand bashing when the guy is poor, spend some time getting information and facts about criminal law. Honestly these discussions are getting more and more embarrassing

I didn't see any previous posts that said anything about premeditated murder? The majority of the posters are not incorrect in feeling that the laws regarding negligence and the justice system are too lenient in Thailand, and that this causes more of a "who cares" attitude and more tragedy.

I agree Dominique. They haven't a clue about Thai laws. They'll be silent now as they've had their say and are now out integrating with their adopted country's brothers and sisters not.

Edited by Neeranam
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I have no judgement on this topic, but would like to supply the following for edification...

"In NSW, 14 cyclists were killed last year, double the number in 2012. Cycling safety advocacy group the Amy Gillett Foundation says it knows of no driver going to jail or receiving a significant fine for killing or injuring a cyclist when the driver was at fault."

This is an extract from the following...http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/drivers-escape-penalty-for-cyclist-fatalities/story-fn59niix-1226889467653

Evidently the Australian legal DOES believe in fair trade... Aussies are justas cheap here as in Thailand.

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I have no judgement on this topic, but would like to supply the following for edification...

"In NSW, 14 cyclists were killed last year, double the number in 2012. Cycling safety advocacy group the Amy Gillett Foundation says it knows of no driver going to jail or receiving a significant fine for killing or injuring a cyclist when the driver was at fault."

This is an extract from the following...http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/drivers-escape-penalty-for-cyclist-fatalities/story-fn59niix-1226889467653

Evidently the Australian legal DOES believe in fair trade... Aussies are justas cheap here as in Thailand.

When I've cycled there there have always been cycle lanes and had to wear a helmet. Many people cycle there but not here. IMHO, it is foolish to cycle here and idiotic to cycle on the main highways.

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Kill somebody and get a $200 fine.

Find yourself on Overstay and receive a $600 fine.

And count yourself lucky, in most countries, you'd be put in jail or deported.

Edited by Neeranam
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