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Got scammed in BKK. Police isn't interested.

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Two days ago, I was sitting at my hotel's reception when a guy came to me, telling me that he got all his documents/money stolen and that he is looking for the Greek embassy.

So I opened Google maps, trying to find out how to get there, informing him it was 10km away. So he told me he would walk. That would take him several hours. So I just offered him 50 baht instead so that the "poor man" could take the sky train.

We talked a bit, and at one point he asks me how many languages I am able to speak. I answer him I speak French, Dutch, Russian, ... and he stops me there. He tells me he works for a Russian company and that he might have an interesting job opportunity for me, and shared his email. I sent him an email with a few contact information (full name, date of birth, my parents' name <= yes that sounds strange, but hey it could have been the Russian way, they use patronymics there anyway). And we arranged the next meeting at 1pm at my reception.

Yesterday, at 1pm, the guy is waiting me there. We would send a letter for the job, express delivery. We go to the post office, a letter to my country would cost me 1,400 baht. Way too expensive. He gives a call to his embassy, telling me about some discount. He is able to send it for 810 baht. We go back to the sky train, I give him the 810 baht, and fix a meeting for today 3pm (that's in about 2 hours from now).

On my way back to the hotel, I got my brain back. Slowly I reviewed all he had said to me. And the more I was thinking, the more obvious it was a scam.

It seems ridiculous if you read my summary like that, how I could fall for this; I'm laughing at myself too. I would never think I would fall for a scam. Never ever. The guy is very smart. We talked about our common knowledge of Russian. About Ukraine, where he could give me correctly every details of any city (I have travelled there for several years). He also has a Russian email. About my home country. It all made sense definitely. On the way to the post office, he succeeded to remove my ability of clear thinking, like hypnosis. He was walking so fast I could barely follow him if I didn't run for some moments, talking me about so many different things, keep telling me that we need to do the things straight away, etc. I had no time to suspect anything.

I went to the police, explaining to them that this guy is a scammer, that I lost only <900 baht for now but that he will meet me today at 3pm at my recpetion, for his next move. But the police doesn't want to get involved, because they have no proof, and it's only a <900 baht loss. But then I think, tomorrow he could find someone more gullible than me, and extort more cash? Maybe (probably) he overstays? Maybe they can find evidence where he stays? I guess I've been watching too many movies and expect too much from police :-) but still, these guys are dangerous for the tourists here and they should rot in prison. Instead, there he is walking freely and scamming people all day... And nobody stops him. What a pity. I am disappointed.

He should be coming in about 2 hours (if he didn't follow me to the police and if he doesn't see this post). I asked the reception to try to make a picture of this guy. All I could do now is post his face all over the internet for a warning.

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Please slow down. Life is too short to get all worked up about this. You really should move on knowing he is the bad guy and just be happy you aren't like him.

Every moment of my life that I spent sweating over this guy and what he did would be wasted. I choose happy days every time I can and for you, how you deal with this is a choice.

Just remember that no one can make you angry. No one can make you keep focusing on something. They can't make you but you can choose it. Go have a beer and lunch and look around at things you like. Think positive thoughts.

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Sounds like a lot of work for 810 baht scam to me. I'm not entirely sure why you have reached this conclusion to be honest.

Be interesting to see if there is a further attempt to get more money, but not surprised at all that the police are not interested at this stage. You agreed to send a letter for 810 baht (which is not hugely expensive for international express signed for delivery) and offered your details - where is the scam aspect?

Don't get me wrong, I would be very suspicious as well, but at this stage no scam has occurred.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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@NeverSure I wish I was as wise as you are. You are right, I didn't sleep today because of this story. This guy especially choose a target who is willing to help him freely buy a ticket for a man in need, and then exploits this kindness to extort more money (oh wait... here I am thinking about it again...). I am upset.

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I can not see the police being Too excited, I know in Australia and New Zealand it would be the same reaction,

Best to just forget it and be happy it was a relatively cheap experience, but a good one. It will not happen again to you.

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Still, like I've said before thailand is just not the place to conduct anything other then casual acquaintance. Too many drawbacks to getting involved.

People pull all kinds of baloney here. They could just be bored, lonely or stoned or need someone to tell their problems to in one way or another.

with men this typically comes in the form of business deals, loans, investments etc. that type of thing. Just to get you involved in their personal issues even if its not an outright scam.

Edited by fey
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This "I've had my wallet stolen" usually with all money and cards is a popular scam amongst the desperate.

I used to like sitting on Sukhumvit into the small hours.

Not too long ago I was subject to it three times in the space of two days.

They prey on people's good nature and gullability.


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Languages are a dime a dozen. With all the half breeds and educated folks...you are small potatoes.

What made you think speaking foreign languages makes you special?

I know a few...and never made a dime, for all the trouble.

Where did he say he was special?

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I have lived in Thailand for 8 years me and my better half.lol,but,I love this country for all its worth, their is downsides and upsides to living here.it's quite cheap the baht is on the rise comparing to the American dollar.34.7 when I last check that it's pretty good but all in all Thai people are loving and grateful for everything they have.




Wesley chapel


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I have lived in Thailand for 8 years me and my better half.lol,but,I love this country for all its worth, their is downsides and upsides to living here.it's quite cheap the baht is on the rise comparing to the American dollar.34.7 when I last check that it's pretty good but all in all Thai people are loving and grateful for everything they have.




Wesley chapel


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your lucky to get away with 800 baht, i got took for a lot lot more than that by a bar girl last year. she was a pro clap2.gif

go back tomorrow and hit him a swift kick in the balls. forget about the police in this instant also coffee1.gif

Edited by dirtycash
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if you lost a comparable amount under similar circumstances in your home country would you go to the police? do you think they would be interested in spending time investigating such a crime?

seems a small price to pay for a lesson in life that may prevent you falling for a bigger scam in future.

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i give up, people really are inherently stupid or stupidly lonely. or full of shit.

who actually has the time to listen to this crap, let alone go to the police then return home and write it all up?

sadly, i took the time to read it.

at least i didn't bother reading the rest of the thread.

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i give up, people really are inherently stupid or stupidly lonely. or full of shit.

who actually has the time to listen to this crap, let alone go to the police then return home and write it all up?

sadly, i took the time to read it.

at least i didn't bother reading the rest of the thread.

Why did you click on the thread in the first place? The title is self-explanatory, what did you expect?

I told my story about this scam because

1. I wanted to read people's reaction (and by the way, thank you all!)

2. It could be a warning for some other foreigners

You are an extremely unpleasant person to write publicly that I'm a stupid person writing crap, just like that. Get to know me first, or tell me it face-to-face.

Yes please, do give up, it will make this forum a better place.

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