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Bandido chief stranded in Thailand after Australian govt refuses to renew visa


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@ diamondKing.....................

Many years ago my "local" pub in Sydney was also the watering hole for the Sydney chapter of the Bandido's on a friday night. Around 50-80 bikes each friday. as a local I knew this and it was my choice to go there on a friday or not . Never in 2 years did I have any trouble being there on a Friday night , played the occasional game of pool with members ....no issues.Basically , in their own realm , these bikies were quite nice, polite and friendly----however I also know that underneath there is a different side to them as well.

HOWEVER, and this applies to everyone harping on about the guy NOT actually having been convicted of any crime .....................................

The OP is about an immigration status issue .......NOT criminal charge issue. This man , like the rebel member mentioned in another post, has lived in Australia long enough to have applied for citizenship if they had so desired................they did not do so. therefore after leaving the country( of his own choice) he must meet the requirements to re-enter.

So Mr Roach is now facing a simple immigration problem . Basically his application for entry to Australia has been refused as he has been deemed to not meet the requirements. He has the right to appeal this decision .........which no doubt he will ( and probably seek legal aid to do so !!!!)

All of us who chose to live in Thailand are constantly faced with the same issue if we decide to leave the Kingdom, on re-entry we must satisfy the legal requirements to re-enter the country......if we cannot or do not ..............we also could be similarly " stranded". Then we , like Mr Roach, would have no choice but to return to our native country or attempt to meet the immigration requirements of another country of our choice.

Smartest Post of the day

You hit the nail on the head with your experience in your local pub and that is how it is here in Thailand too, you could walk into Roo Bar on Loih Kroh where many Bikers hang out and have the exact same experience, friendly bunch of guys, you are spot on again when you say underneath there is a different side to them and nobody would ever see that side as long as respect is maintained, if you insult one expect to get what you would expect to get smile.png

Thanks for a solid post right to the point and accurate, it does seem Australia is targeting Bikers though even if they have no criminal record but like you say they had many years to apply for Citizenship.

Seems as if this has been on the governments agenda for a while.

Bikies living in Australia unlawfully are at the top of immigration minister's target list, writes Sarah Whyte.


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I admire Tony Abbott and his no nonsense approach.

He obviously chose the right guy for the job.

One day after Mr Dutton was sworn in as the Immigration Minister this month he took to Facebook to list his priorities as the incoming minister.

"If you're an illegal bikie, if you're part of an outlaw motorcycle gang involved in organised criminal activity, you've just made it to the top of my list," wrote Mr Dutton on his fan page.

"Coming to Australia is a privilege and if you're coming here harming Australians, ripping off our welfare system, committing serious crimes, then you're at the top of my list for deporting."

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i only espress my opinion (in person) to those that are able to control themselves, biker gangs and now aparently diamond king take pride in avenging a percieved insult with violence.... they are shunned and reviled for good reason.

If someone introduced us and we got to talking about the Bike scene we could quite happily have a civilized debate about it and maybe you would have some real life experience to talk about afterwards, but if the first thing out your mouth was a perceived insult you would get exactly what you would expect to get.

So why not stop posting comments that you would not say to someone to their face its pretty simple and you would get more respect for that and could express your opinion without any problems smile.png

Jut common sense really but in a forum where people can hide they often say and post what they would never do face to face.

You sound like a lot of snippy little girls to me. Real Bikers, more like Real W...kers.

The real questions are - if these "alleged" bad boys are kicked out of Aus., why the hell should they be allowed back into the UK and why are they allowed to stay in LOS?

rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif OK let me try and help you out and try and answer those difficult questions for you.

1.) BECAUSE HE HAS A UK PASSPORT thumbsup.gif so cannot be denied entry to the country of his birth

2.) HE HAS COMMITED NO CRIME IS NOT A CONVICTED CRIMINAL so why would he not be allowed to stay in LOS just as you are

He is guilty by Australian standards of Association that is all and that it not even a crime in any normal country.

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i only espress my opinion (in person) to those that are able to control themselves, biker gangs and now aparently diamond king take pride in avenging a percieved insult with violence.... they are shunned and reviled for good reason.

If someone introduced us and we got to talking about the Bike scene we could quite happily have a civilized debate about it and maybe you would have some real life experience to talk about afterwards, but if the first thing out your mouth was a perceived insult you would get exactly what you would expect to get.

So why not stop posting comments that you would not say to someone to their face its pretty simple and you would get more respect for that and could express your opinion without any problems smile.png

Jut common sense really but in a forum where people can hide they often say and post what they would never do face to face.

You sound like a lot of snippy little girls to me. Real Bikers, more like Real W...kers.

The real questions are - if these "alleged" bad boys are kicked out of Aus., why the hell should they be allowed back into the UK and why are they allowed to stay in LOS?

rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif OK let me try and help you out and try and answer those difficult questions for you.

1.) BECAUSE HE HAS A UK PASSPORT thumbsup.gif so cannot be denied entry to the country of his birth

2.) HE HAS COMMITED NO CRIME IS NOT A CONVICTED CRIMINAL so why would he not be allowed to stay in LOS just as you are

He is guilty by Australian standards of Association that is all and that it not even a crime in any normal country.

He can certainly return to the UK but there will be no public handouts on his return and he will have to support himself. Unless his family are UK or EU citizens he will be returning without them.

Getting a job will not be easy looking as he does.

As for Australia not being a normal country as you suggest I admire the Aussies for keeping a tight rein on who they let in. They don't have the mess unbridled immigration has saddled the UK with.

There are lots of decent motorcycle clubs but the tattooed apes who join these gangs are low life uneducated morons.

It appears his visa was revoked for good reason.

"The man is alleged to have had involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug offences, through his alleged association with an outlaw motorcycle gang in Victoria," the spokesman said.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2015/05/19/04/45/bandido-chief-stranded-in-thailand-after-australia-refuses-to-renew-visa#kGC3yBoSRMpxrgg3.99

Edited by Jay Sata
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i only espress my opinion (in person) to those that are able to control themselves, biker gangs and now aparently diamond king take pride in avenging a percieved insult with violence.... they are shunned and reviled for good reason.

If someone introduced us and we got to talking about the Bike scene we could quite happily have a civilized debate about it and maybe you would have some real life experience to talk about afterwards, but if the first thing out your mouth was a perceived insult you would get exactly what you would expect to get.

So why not stop posting comments that you would not say to someone to their face its pretty simple and you would get more respect for that and could express your opinion without any problems smile.png

Jut common sense really but in a forum where people can hide they often say and post what they would never do face to face.

You sound like a lot of snippy little girls to me. Real Bikers, more like Real W...kers.

The real questions are - if these "alleged" bad boys are kicked out of Aus., why the hell should they be allowed back into the UK and why are they allowed to stay in LOS?

rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif OK let me try and help you out and try and answer those difficult questions for you.

1.) BECAUSE HE HAS A UK PASSPORT thumbsup.gif so cannot be denied entry to the country of his birth

2.) HE HAS COMMITED NO CRIME IS NOT A CONVICTED CRIMINAL so why would he not be allowed to stay in LOS just as you are

He is guilty by Australian standards of Association that is all and that it not even a crime in any normal country.

Na, that's just logic, Brain of Britain, and already covered in about 50 posts, put your eyes back in your ass, rolling around like that could do you a mischief, but does not answer the question.

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Ay yai yai yai!

The Frito Bandito!

Easily identified by the salty-yellow fingertips, 555

BTW, when did Australia start keeping criminals OUT?

Oh, give me a break. Another would-be comedian who still thinks that a joke about Australia being a penal colony 200 years ago is still funny. It's already been done to death on this post alone, never mind the 100's of other posts where it's been done. For god's sake, try a bit of originality.

Crikey whats wrong with you giddyup? Its called banter and maybe even rivalry. Why do you bite at EVERY penal/Oz remark?

Geez how to get an Aussie in a bad mood . . . . if it was 200 years ago or whatever, aint it about time you started ignoring the jokes? As it happens, its all true, Australia's real people are the Aborigines, just like the US were/are the native Indians. Is it jealousy that gets every Aussie biting cos you feel you have no identity to the land you live in?

Im English but having blonde hair and blue eyes classes me as a Hun or Scandanavian via ancestry. So what?

Seems to me you dont like being from Oz? Seriously if we talk about chips on shoulders, you lot could feed Ireland for centuries!!

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Come too OZ break laws, GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK!!!

Should be a lot more of this for all visa holders,

Only one problem, it could be appealed and rescinded as to proof of character or crimes committed in OZ to be confirmed.

Well Britain used to send their criminals to Australia! That's how Australia became colonised. Shame they don't keep up that tradition!whistling.gif

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For those who don't understand, this is the relevant section of the Migration Act of Australia relating to the character test: (6) b (I) and (ii) would apply if he doesn't qualify under (6)(a).

An Act of Parliament is law, and Federal Law would usually overrule State criminal law if there is a conflict.

It paints with a pretty broad brush, and a Minister's decision is non-appellable.

Character test

(6) For the purposes of this section, a person does not pass the character test if:

(a) the person has a substantial criminal record (as defined by subsection (7)); or

(aa) the person has been convicted of an offence that was committed:

(i) while the person was in immigration detention; or

(ii) during an escape by the person from immigration detention; or

(iii) after the person escaped from immigration detention but before the person was taken into immigration detention again; or

(ab) the person has been convicted of an offence against section 197A; or

b the Minister reasonably suspects:

(i) that the person has been or is a member of a group or organisation, or has had or has an association with a group, organisation or person; and

(ii) that the group, organisation or person has been or is involved in criminal conduct; or

(ba) the Minister reasonably suspects that the person has been or is involved in conduct constituting one or more of the following:

(i) an offence under one or more of sections 233A to 234A (people smuggling);

(ii) an offence of trafficking in persons;

(iii) the crime of genocide, a crime against humanity, a war crime, a crime involving torture or slavery or a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern;

whether or not the person, or another person, has been convicted of an offence constituted by the conduct; or

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia; or

(iii) vilify a segment of the Australian community; or

(iv) incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community; or

(v) represent a danger to the Australian community or to a segment of that community, whether by way of being liable to become involved in activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threatening harm to, that community or segment, or in any other way; or

(e) a court in Australia or a foreign country has:

(i) convicted the person of one or more sexually based offences involving a child; or

(ii) found the person guilty of such an offence, or found a charge against the person proved for such an offence, even if the person was discharged without a conviction; or

(f) the person has, in Australia or a foreign country, been charged with or indicted for one or more of the following:

(i) the crime of genocide;

(ii) a crime against humanity;

(iii) a war crime;

(iv) a crime involving torture or slavery;

(v) a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern; or

(g) the person has been assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to be directly or indirectly a risk to security (within the meaning of section 4 of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 ); or

(h) an Interpol notice in relation to the person, from which it is reasonable to infer that the person would present a risk to the Australian community or a segment of that community, is in force.

Otherwise, the person passes the character test .

So why don´t they use these rules to keep out and deport Muslims? Seems to me they would fit into the same catagory, guilt by association and such seems to apply here!

Ahhh maybe they should have formed a religion instead of a ¨club¨, yeah that would work.......

If he was of ¨dubious¨ character how did he get a visa in the first place? And what has changed since then to warrant his expulsion? There should be some ¨accountability for this decision and I don´t feel one person having that responsibility (maybe he hasn´t) is right. If he was OK to enter the country in the first place, what has changed? Justify it !!!

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The guy will be OK back in the UK, IF IF IF he ain't upset any Hells Angels, UK has this club....

Uk also has his club (Bandidos).... Iam sure he will not a be a lone bandido facing those nasty hells angel boys.

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Haha it was a simple invitation for Coffee where you would have the chance to insult me to my face and see if your accusation that to be a member of a 1% Club you have to be violent is true or just hot air but of course your not man enough (which I knew already) and instead continue to throw insults from the safety of behind your keyboard LOL

Anyone that actually knows me would tell you that i am one of the nicest guys around not a criminal not into drugs, have an awesome family am a successful retiree from a legitimate business and retired at 42 and do a lot of good work with charities abut they would also tell you I love to ride my bike , drink beer party adn have a good time and as long as you show me respect just as I would do you then there would not be a problem or would never be a problem.

Now that is not what people like you want to hear you just listen to the press and follow what you are fed by the goverments and judge everyone based on their appearance.


Pretty much every long-timer in Thailand knows that many patch-wearing clubs in Thailand (one exception being the Bandidos) are more like social clubs than their equivalent clubs in USA. Canada, EU ,and Australia.

All the above areas have had serious biker "wars".

Here it's entirely possible, perhaps probable, to be a patched member and not be involved in criminal activities.

In those other areas it's impossible....

Actually it is not impossible in those or any areas, there are just ¨rules¨ to follow if you want to go that path. The ¨rules¨ are ¨street¨ laws, which everyone in the ¨fraternaty¨ knows.

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Wonder where he will settle in pattaya, see if people are so happy when he starts to settle in and make a chapter there.

Little bit hard to enjoy the local watering hole when it becomes badido patch country..........

So I take it you have never ben to the Bandido´s bar in Pattaya? You should try it out, itś a nice setup, it sure isn´t what it looks like from the street.

As for settling in and making a chapter,years too late!! But you haven´t noticed so I guess it hasn´t had any effect on your life....

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Doubt he would be allowed into UK if refused entry in AUS.

UK Immi first question, "why were you refused entry into AUS?" ......Answer:"Cos, I roughed up a few geysers, caught wif a bit of Ice & ride me Harley wif me mates. An' I'm married wif wife & 2 kids OK??"

UK Immi, "Sure, you sound like a fine upstanding citizen compared to last lot from Africa.....don't know what's wrong with the old penal colony!!!" Hahaha

Of course the UK will allow him in, along with terrorists and suicide bombers.

All criminals have a right to exploit our benifit system.

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Ay yai yai yai!

The Frito Bandito!

Easily identified by the salty-yellow fingertips, 555

BTW, when did Australia start keeping criminals OUT?

Oh, give me a break. Another would-be comedian who still thinks that a joke about Australia being a penal colony 200 years ago is still funny. It's already been done to death on this post alone, never mind the 100's of other posts where it's been done. For god's sake, try a bit of originality.

Crikey whats wrong with you giddyup? Its called banter and maybe even rivalry. Why do you bite at EVERY penal/Oz remark?

Geez how to get an Aussie in a bad mood . . . . if it was 200 years ago or whatever, aint it about time you started ignoring the jokes? As it happens, its all true, Australia's real people are the Aborigines, just like the US were/are the native Indians. Is it jealousy that gets every Aussie biting cos you feel you have no identity to the land you live in?

Im English but having blonde hair and blue eyes classes me as a Hun or Scandanavian via ancestry. So what?

Seems to me you dont like being from Oz? Seriously if we talk about chips on shoulders, you lot could feed Ireland for centuries!!

Because they aren't jokes, they are tedious repetitions that each clown thinks he's discovered for the first time, but is in fact repeating like a parrot. I don't know what I have to feel jealous about, I come from one of the best countries on earth, and proud of it. How can I have no feeling of identity to the country in which I was born? It's nothing to do with being sensitive or having a chip on my shoulder, it's like being tall and someone asks "how's the weather up there"? It's boring and shows a limited imagination.

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Wonder where he will settle in pattaya, see if people are so happy when he starts to settle in and make a chapter there.

Little bit hard to enjoy the local watering hole when it becomes badido patch country..........

So I take it you have never ben to the Bandido´s bar in Pattaya? You should try it out, itś a nice setup, it sure isn´t what it looks like from the street.

As for settling in and making a chapter,years too late!! But you haven´t noticed so I guess it hasn´t had any effect on your life....

Fat Mexican/Route 69 on Soi Khao Noi ?

Wonder how they like having the Angels setting up further up the Soi !!

Edited by Don Mega
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Ay yai yai yai!

The Frito Bandito!

Easily identified by the salty-yellow fingertips, 555

BTW, when did Australia start keeping criminals OUT?

Oh, give me a break. Another would-be comedian who still thinks that a joke about Australia being a penal colony 200 years ago is still funny. It's already been done to death on this post alone, never mind the 100's of other posts where it's been done. For god's sake, try a bit of originality.

Crikey whats wrong with you giddyup? Its called banter and maybe even rivalry. Why do you bite at EVERY penal/Oz remark?

Geez how to get an Aussie in a bad mood . . . . if it was 200 years ago or whatever, aint it about time you started ignoring the jokes? As it happens, its all true, Australia's real people are the Aborigines, just like the US were/are the native Indians. Is it jealousy that gets every Aussie biting cos you feel you have no identity to the land you live in?

Im English but having blonde hair and blue eyes classes me as a Hun or Scandanavian via ancestry. So what?

Seems to me you dont like being from Oz? Seriously if we talk about chips on shoulders, you lot could feed Ireland for centuries!!

Because they aren't jokes, they are tedious repetitions that each clown thinks he's discovered for the first time. I don't know what I have to feel jealous about, I come from one of the best countries on earth, and proud of it. How can I have no feeling of identity to the country in which I was born? It's nothing to do with being sensitive or having a chip on my shoulder, it's like being tall and someone asks "how's the weather up there"? Boring.

If its boring, why realiate? Just saying . .

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Why didn't he apply for Oz citizenship?

BTW I remember some time back another a-hole being released from prison and deported to some anus of the earth. He had been in Oz since age 4 and didn't speak a word of his home language. Though both his parents had become citizens, he hadn't bothered.

BTW 2 oz is a bit like a prison with guards on the walls. But they are there to keep the criminals out, not in.

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All the bleeding hearts will be out in force pleading for this upstanding arse - hole to be allowed back into Oz.

Good move - should be applied more often.

No bleeding hearts coming from OZ, 400 visa's have been cancelled this year.

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I don't think he is stranded in Thailand, he can always go back to his country of nationality.

Well done the Aussie government for refusing him re-entry, and I hope that his Muay Thai expertise is put to use soon, as no doubt he will soon be shouting his mouth off about how invincible he is!

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The Rohinyas are looking far more decent then this fella.... smile.png

Then this fella.....what? smiled smile.png

Then = First we went swimming THEN we went to the movies

Than = The Rohinyas are looking far more decent THAN this fella.... smile.png

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Some here have forgotten ....

A visa is a privilege, not a right (As any ex-pats living in Thailand will be well aware). Australian rules on visas clearly state (but not the exact words) gang members are not allowed.

I like bikes, the bigger the better. I don't intimidate, persecute, engage in lawlessness, wreak havoc or cause fear in others, neither do I associate with anyone who does. Why would I???? Clearly, biker gangs have a way of life that makes them unwelcome neighbours purely by reputation.

This guy has made his choices, now he has to live with them.

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For those who don't understand, this is the relevant section of the Migration Act of Australia relating to the character test: (6) b (I) and (ii) would apply if he doesn't qualify under (6)(a).

An Act of Parliament is law, and Federal Law would usually overrule State criminal law if there is a conflict.

It paints with a pretty broad brush, and a Minister's decision is non-appellable.

Character test

(6) For the purposes of this section, a person does not pass the character test if:

(a) the person has a substantial criminal record (as defined by subsection (7)); or

(aa) the person has been convicted of an offence that was committed:

(i) while the person was in immigration detention; or

(ii) during an escape by the person from immigration detention; or

(iii) after the person escaped from immigration detention but before the person was taken into immigration detention again; or

(ab) the person has been convicted of an offence against section 197A; or

b the Minister reasonably suspects:

(i) that the person has been or is a member of a group or organisation, or has had or has an association with a group, organisation or person; and

(ii) that the group, organisation or person has been or is involved in criminal conduct; or

(ba) the Minister reasonably suspects that the person has been or is involved in conduct constituting one or more of the following:

(i) an offence under one or more of sections 233A to 234A (people smuggling);

(ii) an offence of trafficking in persons;

(iii) the crime of genocide, a crime against humanity, a war crime, a crime involving torture or slavery or a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern;

whether or not the person, or another person, has been convicted of an offence constituted by the conduct; or

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia; or

(iii) vilify a segment of the Australian community; or

(iv) incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community; or

(v) represent a danger to the Australian community or to a segment of that community, whether by way of being liable to become involved in activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threatening harm to, that community or segment, or in any other way; or

(e) a court in Australia or a foreign country has:

(i) convicted the person of one or more sexually based offences involving a child; or

(ii) found the person guilty of such an offence, or found a charge against the person proved for such an offence, even if the person was discharged without a conviction; or

(f) the person has, in Australia or a foreign country, been charged with or indicted for one or more of the following:

(i) the crime of genocide;

(ii) a crime against humanity;

(iii) a war crime;

(iv) a crime involving torture or slavery;

(v) a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern; or

(g) the person has been assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to be directly or indirectly a risk to security (within the meaning of section 4 of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 ); or

(h) an Interpol notice in relation to the person, from which it is reasonable to infer that the person would present a risk to the Australian community or a segment of that community, is in force.

Otherwise, the person passes the character test .

So why don´t they use these rules to keep out and deport Muslims? Seems to me they would fit into the same catagory, guilt by association and such seems to apply here!

Ahhh maybe they should have formed a religion instead of a ¨club¨, yeah that would work.......

If he was of ¨dubious¨ character how did he get a visa in the first place? And what has changed since then to warrant his expulsion? There should be some ¨accountability for this decision and I don´t feel one person having that responsibility (maybe he hasn´t) is right. If he was OK to enter the country in the first place, what has changed? Justify it !!!

Perhaps because since he entered Australia, he has become a "person not of good character", i.e. :-

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia;

Etc etc etc

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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

Edited by Time Traveller
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