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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview

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Thaksin’s passports revoked


BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Ministry today announced that it has revoked two passports of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

It reasoned that the former premier’s recent press interview was detrimental to national security, and tarnished the country’s reputation.

The revocation was proposed by the Royal Thai Police to the Foreign Ministry after it considered the press interview contained some statements which were considered detrimental to national security and damaging the country’s dignity and reputation.

Revoked passports are Passport Book No U957441, and Z530117.

The revocation of the passports is effective from May 26, 2015.

The Foreign Ministry’s statement did not give details of the press interview but Thaksin has given the interview to a South Korean media agency last week.

Thaksin told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand’s traditional elites.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thaksins-passports-revoked

-- Thai PBS 2015-05-27

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Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.


>>Thaksin has seldom commented on political affairs in public over the past year, but the former PM made waves last week after he told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand's traditional elites.<< Quote

True, but hardly breaking news??

The good news:

With a 112 hanging over his head, Mr T will never return to Thailand!!

True JOC bit their are more ramifications to this that are not being said. Without a passport he would be evicted from his haven and sent here. Or he would be forced to seek political asylum putting him "in effect" the same shoes as Snowden.

The western media in Particular America are giving MR T a good deal of support for his valued opinions.

Yes they think Edward Snowden is a **** but the sun shines out of TS's ****

But who has done the most damage to their countries???


I thought he had his passport taken off him years ago and travelled around on a Serbian passport or something like that?

They were all revoked in 2009... But his sister gave them back when she became PM... coffee1.gif

His sister when PM and his number 1 cousin when Foreign Minister specially opened the foreign ministry, which was closed due to the appalling floods, so a new one could be issued. Cousin then hand delivered it to him for his birthday in Dubai.

Was that illegal - yes. Did the Ombudsman question it - yes. Did Yingluck and lackey cousin ever answer - no. Did anyone check to see who paid for the passport, all the costs associated with the FM delivering it etc - probably not.

Let's see, a known convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on 15 more serious charges for which warrants are out, openly meets with said criminal and presents new passports to him as a birthday present. So much for PTP respecting the law.

And still, the Shin boiler boys will be on, declaring Thaksin, Yingluck and the clan never ever did anything wrong, because they are above the law and entitled to use the country as they see fit. The Shins certainly think so,

Why they've never cancelled these before, or followed up on the Ombudsman's questions - who knows.


Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

As a Thai citizen, he doesn't need any passport to enter Thailand.


Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with


by law it should have been done before 8 years,

but his lovely sister and GVt didn't do his duty,

Now finally it's done,

and he have another crime on him which my get him another 10 years Bangkok Hilton !

Well done !! PM

Lese Majeste charges may be pressed by the current regime, however I rather suspect Thaksin does not envisage the current regime being in power, or at least being in a position to ever press charges should (when) he return.

The current regime is very clearly playing for keeps, so Thaksin is as well. The winner will be the one who commands the support of the people, either at the polls or on the streets. Which will it be? Thaksin seems pretty confident.


>>Thaksin has seldom commented on political affairs in public over the past year, but the former PM made waves last week after he told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand's traditional elites.<< Quote

True, but hardly breaking news??

The good news:

With a 112 hanging over his head, Mr T will never return to Thailand!!

True JOC bit their are more ramifications to this that are not being said. Without a passport he would be evicted from his haven and sent here. Or he would be forced to seek political asylum putting him "in effect" the same shoes as Snowden.

He has other nationalities and passports besides Thai. Billionaire's don't have the same problems the rest of us would.

The only issue for Thaksin is again, it will be another perceived slap in the face. He's the sort of lunatic that will let things like that really ignite his temper - although he won't show it until he gets a chance for payback.


Should have occurred years ago, but at least shows Prayut Gov't not prepared to put up with the "Puppeteer's" behaviour.

His ego got in the way & he opened his mouth a little too wide!

No more chummy meetings with his ex-political mates & attendances at Leadership Conferences!


The western media in Particular America are giving MR T a good deal of support for his valued opinions.

and we all know what a bunch of idiots the western media is. They write more bs than facts.


Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Keep up the red mantra. He is free to return at any time with or without a passport. As a fugitive criminal he is not entitled to a passport from this country. nor can he claim that as a passport holder there are not serious charges and a conviction waiting him.


So which passports were cancelled? How could have a regular passport, official passport, and a diplomatic passport. How could well have all of these + those of other nationalities. I doubt it will be a hindrance.

Never mind hindrance - it's a major loss of face!

Don't think he has much face to lose anymore seeing as how he is a fugitive criminal.


I thought he had his passport taken off him years ago and travelled around on a Serbian passport or something like that?

They were all revoked in 2009... But his sister gave them back when she became PM... coffee1.gif

She not only gave him a diplomatic passport (to a criminal on the run) but also a gift of about 33 Billion (yes read Billion baht) as gift as he admitted in Forbes magazine interview, Amazingly you will still find a band of myopic TV supports speaking for her when they do drag her kicking & screaming into court. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timferguson/2012/10/30/qa-thaksin-sits-down-with-forbes/


I'll be more impressed when they issue an international arrest warrant. But in a country where transfers are favoured over actual punishment, I doubt that will ever happen. China have show some fortitude that is sadly lacking here.


by law it should have been done before 8 years,

but his lovely sister and GVt didn't do his duty,

Now finally it's done,

and he have another crime on him which my get him another 10 years Bangkok Hilton !

Well done !! PM

Lese Majeste charges may be pressed by the current regime, however I rather suspect Thaksin does not envisage the current regime being in power, or at least being in a position to ever press charges should (when) he return.

The current regime is very clearly playing for keeps, so Thaksin is as well. The winner will be the one who commands the support of the people, either at the polls or on the streets. Which will it be? Thaksin seems pretty confident.

It's a bugger when a crook can enter politics and then use politics to complete whitewash all his crimes, outstanding cases and probably all future ones too.

Trouble is, too many more educated worldly wise Thais about now. Not likely to put up with his lies, cheating and thieving so easily.


Unlike Prayut, I suspect there is no words that leave

Thaksin's lips that are not carefully thought out. The

charges are of little consequence to him, as he plans

to return to power. So of course all the charges will

be dismissed once he is back in control. The final

battle will be taking place in five to seven years

when the big event happens. I will be long gone,

but it will be interesting to watch from afar..... For

now Thaksin is just biding his time, and having a

bit of fun with Prayut by needling him.


I think the time is near when he will be coming home and his red army will be waiting and there is very little the official army will be able to do.


Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

1. He was already an exile.

2. To set up a government in exile you need a base - ideally a country that backs your position. Thaksin won't be finding any such backing.

3. Thailand is never really "under the international spotlight". Somehow it manages to drift on, ignored by most of the world, however disgraceful some of the news may be. Teflon-coated hub of increasingly down-market beach resorts, the Marbella of Southeast Asia.


Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

He wasn't overthrown in an illegal coup. That lie has been soundly told over and over by his PR and lobbyists.

Quite frankly, he's been lucky that he can afford such expensive lawyers, PR, lobbyists and pay back handers when necessary - all out of money thieved from the Thai people. He's very lucky not to have faced probes about his involvement in murders, the war on drugs, the massacres of muslims, the disappearance of opponents.

I do agree, the current government should have revoked these passports and sought extradition warrants based on his conviction and 15 pending court cases. But Thai culture like to avoid conflict, Unfortunately there is only one way to deal with a rabid dog.


Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

As far as I'm aware, the then Thai constitution made provision for military coups, as long as their was Royal Assent first.


I thought he had his passport taken off him years ago and travelled around on a Serbian passport or something like that?

They were all revoked in 2009... But his sister gave them back when she became PM... coffee1.gif

His sister when PM and his number 1 cousin when Foreign Minister specially opened the foreign ministry, which was closed due to the appalling floods, so a new one could be issued. Cousin then hand delivered it to him for his birthday in Dubai.

Was that illegal - yes. Did the Ombudsman question it - yes. Did Yingluck and lackey cousin ever answer - no. Did anyone check to see who paid for the passport, all the costs associated with the FM delivering it etc - probably not.

Let's see, a known convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on 15 more serious charges for which warrants are out, openly meets with said criminal and presents new passports to him as a birthday present. So much for PTP respecting the law.

And still, the Shin boiler boys will be on, declaring Thaksin, Yingluck and the clan never ever did anything wrong, because they are above the law and entitled to use the country as they see fit. The Shins certainly think so,

Why they've never cancelled these before, or followed up on the Ombudsman's questions - who knows.

The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.


Another huge error by the incumbents. Putting their arch enemy back in the limelight-again!

Mr T certainly knows how to wind them up which after being quiet for a while he is now starting to do more often. Passports revoked, I don't think he will be losing any sleep over that.


Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

As a Thai citizen, he doesn't need any passport to enter Thailand.

He may not need a passport to enter Thailand, which I doubt is correct anyway, but he will need a passport to leave whichever country he is currently hiding in.


>>Thaksin has seldom commented on political affairs in public over the past year, but the former PM made waves last week after he told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand's traditional elites.<< Quote

True, but hardly breaking news??

The good news:

With a 112 hanging over his head, Mr T will never return to Thailand!!

True JOC bit their are more ramifications to this that are not being said. Without a passport he would be evicted from his haven and sent here. Or he would be forced to seek political asylum putting him "in effect" the same shoes as Snowden.

The western media in Particular America are giving MR T a good deal of support for his valued opinions.

Yes they think Edward Snowden is a **** but the sun shines out of TS's ****

But who has done the most damage to their countries???

Actually this is nothing like Snowden as he has a warrant issued for his arrest, Thaksin does not.

This is a nothing move by the Junta as if they were even 1% serious about getting him they would issue their own warrant for him and I don't see any country, not even china who would honor it. They want him to stay out of Thailand as the consequences of having him in a Thai jail could cause chaos here with his supporters.

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