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Wasting food it makes me so angry!

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So my wife and her family are food wasters.

I can't stand waste. Why can't some people cook the amount of food they can eat?

What annoys me is if you are coming from a poor background wouldn't you have a better appreciation for not wasting food?

It makes no sense at all. I try to eat all the leftovers that they can't eat.

When we go out to eat at a restaurant I try to order as little as possible because I will just eat what the family doesn't finish.

Does anyone else deal with this with there Thai family?

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Sorry OP but I'm not the family dustbin.

If there are leftovers, give them to the soi dogs.

In return I get their appreciation.

As about restaurants, I let everybody order what they want and I don't wash their dishes afterwards.

But everyone to his own as they say.......

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order what you want ... I don't like their leftovers. It's not your fault or problem that they are wasters .. but unfortunately thats the norm.

Just get your hot dog or sandwich or fries and don't look at their food ... let them eat theirs and you eat yours !! whistling.gif

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Sorry OP but I'm not the family dustbin.

If there are leftovers, give them to the soi dogs.

In return I get their appreciation.

As about restaurants, I let everybody order what they want and I don't wash their dishes afterwards.

But everyone to his own as they say.......

So your saying it's ok to order more than you can eat and just waste it?

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Sorry OP but I'm not the family dustbin.

If there are leftovers, give them to the soi dogs.

In return I get their appreciation.

As about restaurants, I let everybody order what they want and I don't wash their dishes afterwards.

But everyone to his own as they say.......

So your saying it's ok to order more than you can eat and just waste it?

...They are not paying, so why would they care?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Sorry OP but I'm not the family dustbin.

If there are leftovers, give them to the soi dogs.

In return I get their appreciation.

As about restaurants, I let everybody order what they want and I don't wash their dishes afterwards.

But everyone to his own as they say.......

So your saying it's ok to order more than you can eat and just waste it?

I'm saying that when I take the family to treat them in a restaurant, I'm not going to police their appetite or dictate what they eat.

A difference of 100 Baht on wastage won't brake the bank and will not make you look an awkward person or a cheap Charlie.

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Sorry OP but I'm not the family dustbin.

If there are leftovers, give them to the soi dogs.

In return I get their appreciation.

As about restaurants, I let everybody order what they want and I don't wash their dishes afterwards.

But everyone to his own as they say.......

So your saying it's ok to order more than you can eat and just waste it?

I'm saying that when I take the family to treat them in a restaurant, I'm not going to police their appetite or dictate what they eat.

A difference of 100 Baht on wastage won't brake the bank and will not make you look an awkward person or a cheap Charlie.

I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

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I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

Thats easy to fix.

when you take the family out for a meal give them 20b each to do with as they please. Tell them sternly that when the 20b is gone there will be no more.

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I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong continent to settle in then. There's a custom in most of Asia that food will keep coming out until everyone is finished eating and there is still food on the plates. Clean your plate like our mothers taught us and someone will order more food. Drove me crazy my first year in China. I'm over it now.

I hear it's not that way in Japan, where you have to clean your plate or the host thinks you don't like the food he selected for you.

Edited by impulse
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I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

Thats easy to fix.

when you take the family out for a meal give them 20b each to do with as they please. Tell them sternly that when the 20b is gone there will be no more.

You pay your 'Thai family' to eat with you? Are they not capable of paying the bill themselves?

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I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong continent to settle in then. There's a custom in most of Asia that food will keep coming out until everyone is finished eating and there is still food on the plates. Clean your plate like our mothers taught us and someone will order more food. Drove me crazy my first year in China. I'm over it now.

I hear it's not that way in Japan, where you have to clean your plate or the host thinks you don't like the food he selected for you.

I agree with the OP but impulse's post sums it up - it is cultural/habitual in Asia (but notably worse in Thailand).

Apart from being brought up to clear our plates, we also generally plan what we order to match our appetite. The Thais seem less conscious of this.

I also share the OP's thoughts that in a country that is generally poor, and has many ideals about respect, they show little 'respect' for food.

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Restaurants I have no problem with my family eats till the food is gone. But at home cook donot eat it all then cook something else 3 hours later donot eat it all so on and so forth,till there is left over food on the table,on the contour in the fridge you get the idea.. The next day I ask the wife what should i do with the food she says give it to the dog. This goes on everyday. i hate waste too. But dog likes it.

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i would love to read your opinion on this and a multitude of other hates which i think you probably have when you have lived here for another year or so i predict they will be very different from now or maybe even you will be posting from dear old HOME

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I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

Thats easy to fix.

when you take the family out for a meal give them 20b each to do with as they please. Tell them sternly that when the 20b is gone there will be no more.

You pay your 'Thai family' to eat with you? Are they not capable of paying the bill themselves?

what ?

Is that how you read my post ?

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In restaurant, it's very common to ask to have the food left put in a plastic bag and you take it to your home : just show what you want to take home and

say " sai toong " ( put in the plastic bag )

as for the food at home, give it to the dogs, every Thai does it

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It is a common reaction from poor people who now have money,[Yours],they order far too much,eyes bigger than stomach,but usually i find they graze on it until it is mostly gone,this is akin to 'panic eating' a phenomenom,i observed with illegal Rumanian immagrants in the uk,they would go and stuff a foot long baguette,chips ,sausage, down in record time at lunch,all the while scanning around them like wild animals,after lunch the were useless for an hour or so,no matter how hard i thrashed the devils with my cat o nine tails.

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Sorry OP but I'm not the family dustbin.

If there are leftovers, give them to the soi dogs.

In return I get their appreciation.

As about restaurants, I let everybody order what they want and I don't wash their dishes afterwards.

But everyone to his own as they say.......

So your saying it's ok to order more than you can eat and just waste it?

I'm saying that when I take the family to treat them in a restaurant, I'm not going to police their appetite or dictate what they eat.

A difference of 100 Baht on wastage won't brake the bank and will not make you look an awkward person or a cheap Charlie.

I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

Try to acknowledge that the primary driver to visit a restaurant is to have fun and feel good tasting dishes, and not satifying the body's need for nutriments.

When there is waste, I mainly feel sorry about the wasted money.

When I foot the bill, I let everybody order what they like - my trick is that I will only pay for drinks and dishes that were 90% eaten ! that usually works.

So there are no more 600 baht fishes where just one side was eaten, no half-full wine glasses, etc.

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I like to eat not to show off how much I can order then throw it in the trash.

I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong continent to settle in then. There's a custom in most of Asia that food will keep coming out until everyone is finished eating and there is still food on the plates. Clean your plate like our mothers taught us and someone will order more food. Drove me crazy my first year in China. I'm over it now.

I hear it's not that way in Japan, where you have to clean your plate or the host thinks you don't like the food he selected for you.

Where I grew up, I got the belt on my butt, for not eating what was put in front of me. My parents had no special feelings about Southeast Asia, but made many references to "those starving people in China!"

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by slipperylobster
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Nothing compared to the fossil fuels wasted on surfing the net

Imagine how much fossil fuel has been saved by people shopping on the interweb instead of driving from shop to shop like we did, looking for that one obscure component...

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I notice this too at food courts and restaurants. First of all, I have an extreme metabolism and the average 50 to 150thb food court portions are too small for me. But I have observed many Thai's eating only 3/4 of these meals. I often feel tempted to grab a bite off their plate, but that's kinda gross..., anyway I seriously hate seeing perfectly good food go to waste. But in the end.... I guess it's their money.

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People who have had nothing grab everything. I have spoken to a lot of people about this and seems to be a common thing in Thailand. Can't get enough. I can never understand the poor people live around us either. Go and slave on a farm all day for 200 baht and then come home and drink 300 baht of grog. They're the same with money. Maybe someone will win 60k on the lottery. First thing they want to do is have a party and show off they have money. Next day theyre skint again.

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Who is paying the bill OP?

You know who lol

Mr Farang aka me

Mr Farang if you are not payng I bet their ordering would change.

Ask your misses to pay and you will pay her back, Atm ate your card or something.. Just give it a test.

My misses doesnt do it but my Thai staff do.. When I am paying for lunch its a free for all.. Enough to feed a small village... Then if everyone has to chip in, its a different story.

Sent from my c64

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