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Will lack of education be the downfall of Thailand?

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This is pathetic criticising the language because it has tones and non one uses it. Language evolves just like animals, its the equivalent of saying we might as well stop trying to preserve remaining forest in indonesia for orangotangs cos there are only a couple of hundred left.

English language evolves and continues to evolve since England colonised much of the world the language evolves, we now have american English evolving in the american colonies, Philipino English, Argentinian English, the English used in India so all the Indian tribes can communicate in a common tounge.

now the tonal languages are important for a number of reasons, one being the way one needs to think to be able to speak, ask any scholar of canton, mandarin or other dialects, the way of thinking that goes with the language leads to different ways to tackle problems etc.

since England once dominated the world and English became the dominant langauage of business and is still spoken wihtin many of the colonies, ( Australian too, a far bigger landmass than the US, Canada etc - though not the French speaking bits) now perhaps as napolean once said the sleeping giant will dominate the world and we will all need to speak tonal languages when China dominates and perhaps colonises places as Englands colonies have

meant to be sleeping bear not giant, but same difference

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This is pathetic criticising the language because it has tones and non one uses it. Language evolves just like animals, its the equivalent of saying we might as well stop trying to preserve remaining forest in indonesia for orangotangs cos there are only a couple of hundred left.

English language evolves and continues to evolve since England colonised much of the world the language evolves, we now have american English evolving in the american colonies, Philipino English, Argentinian English, the English used in India so all the Indian tribes can communicate in a common tounge.

now the tonal languages are important for a number of reasons, one being the way one needs to think to be able to speak, ask any scholar of canton, mandarin or other dialects, the way of thinking that goes with the language leads to different ways to tackle problems etc.

since England once dominated the world and English became the dominant langauage of business and is still spoken wihtin many of the colonies, ( Australian too, a far bigger landmass than the US, Canada etc - though not the French speaking bits) now perhaps as napolean once said the sleeping giant will dominate the world and we will all need to speak tonal languages when China dominates and perhaps colonises places as Englands colonies have

meant to be sleeping bear not giant, but same difference

Since when is Australia a far bigger land mass than Canada?

And colonies? We haven't been a colony for quite some time.

You need to reread history, and fer chissake look at a map!


This is pathetic criticising the language because it has tones and non one uses it. Language evolves just like animals, its the equivalent of saying we might as well stop trying to preserve remaining forest in indonesia for orangotangs cos there are only a couple of hundred left.

English language evolves and continues to evolve since England colonised much of the world the language evolves, we now have american English evolving in the american colonies, Philipino English, Argentinian English, the English used in India so all the Indian tribes can communicate in a common tounge.

now the tonal languages are important for a number of reasons, one being the way one needs to think to be able to speak, ask any scholar of canton, mandarin or other dialects, the way of thinking that goes with the language leads to different ways to tackle problems etc.

since England once dominated the world and English became the dominant langauage of business and is still spoken wihtin many of the colonies, ( Australian too, a far bigger landmass than the US, Canada etc - though not the French speaking bits) now perhaps as napolean once said the sleeping giant will dominate the world and we will all need to speak tonal languages when China dominates and perhaps colonises places as Englands colonies have

meant to be sleeping bear not giant, but same difference

Colonies eh? You don't seem to know that for instance USA has been an independant nation for something like 230 years now. And the english "possessions" in the new world was a joke compared to Portugal, Spain and France around 1750.


Accuracy and merit from the above two posts however, Canada only joined the League of Nations in 1920 and joined the UN in 1945.

Not to dissimilar to Australia...landmass included.

We, the Australians, have a comparable education system but have a closer proximity to Asia providing greater opportunities for trade and relationship.

Not to mention, our climate is far more favourable, albeit extreme.

In comparison to the USA, we don't have the same economical divide (not yet), and also don't possess the "God" thing.

Education is learning, questioning, trying, growing, and formulating ones own beliefs, drives and wishes, with the assistance from qualified teachers and parents.

Unfortunately, a good education here is dependent on $$$'s, unlike Australia, Canada, and USA.

We, from the developed world have the luxury of a good education irrespective of our financial position.

Yet, a misfortune in our world, partly due to the economical divide is, students squander this opportunity and have no farking idea just how fortunate they are.

This difference does see sharp, hard working Thai students excel by comparison.

However, where I am living, it's those with the Chinese ancestry and "drive" that are beginning to supersede many from our countries.

Just my thoughts after a 2 hour lesson with my 6 year Thai niece earlier, followed by assistance to my Thai wife with our work, in conjunction to 4 beers, and five glasses of red wine (Australian wine).

Nevertheless, I ran 3kms and swam 2kms today so I'm okay with that.

The exercise in my opinion is just as important as Maths, Science, and Language....but not too many Thai kids are into it.

Disappointing, because it's an education also.


Accuracy and merit from the above two posts however, Canada only joined the League of Nations in 1920 and joined the UN in 1945.

Not to dissimilar to Australia...landmass included.

We, the Australians, have a comparable education system but have a closer proximity to Asia providing greater opportunities for trade and relationship.

Not to mention, our climate is far more favourable, albeit extreme.

In comparison to the USA, we don't have the same economical divide (not yet), and also don't possess the "God" thing.

Education is learning, questioning, trying, growing, and formulating ones own beliefs, drives and wishes, with the assistance from qualified teachers and parents.

Unfortunately, a good education here is dependent on $$$'s, unlike Australia, Canada, and USA.

We, from the developed world have the luxury of a good education irrespective of our financial position.

Yet, a misfortune in our world, partly due to the economical divide is, students squander this opportunity and have no farking idea just how fortunate they are.

This difference does see sharp, hard working Thai students excel by comparison.

However, where I am living, it's those with the Chinese ancestry and "drive" that are beginning to supersede many from our countries.

Just my thoughts after a 2 hour lesson with my 6 year Thai niece earlier, followed by assistance to my Thai wife with our work, in conjunction to 4 beers, and five glasses of red wine (Australian wine).

Nevertheless, I ran 3kms and swam 2kms today so I'm okay with that.

The exercise in my opinion is just as important as Maths, Science, and Language....but not too many Thai kids are into it.

Disappointing, because it's an education also.


Really your post is complete gibberish and incoherent.

"Canada only joined the League of Nations in 1920"? That was the year the League was formed and we joined on the same day as Australia. Day 1.

Same for the UN.

In this day and age you don't need to be closer to have trade relations with Asia.


you are missing the point, yes all these canada, us, australia, india, singapore, malaysia, burma, the list goes on were colonies,

the point I am making is nothing to do with not wanting to be in the same list as India , malaysia, or Australia for whatever bigotted or unbigoted reasons you may have, the point I am making is that the language used in these ex colonies etc. has evolved,

additionally land mass has nothing to do with it, more the point that the us might think it is a more important colony than others, but Australia is a continent but the language continues to evolve their, what is important in Australia is that the indigineous language remains important, similarly in the Americas, the indiginous languagesd are important and remain important, even if the native inhabitants are pretty much wiped out by the colonisers, the language remains important,

try telling the Nepals, Tibetians, Israelies that their language is not important any more!

one could argue that speaking a tonal language enhances the education using Japan as a model, after all the top schools in the world still teach the dead langauges of Latin and ancinet greek, they are still taught, the same reason for keeping them i.e. understanding the structure of all romantic languages applies to the use of tonal languages

and the same reason that Americans or Austalians choose to cling to their cultural roots is the same reason tonal language or cultural language remains importnat and more so

1. But its different than people boasting about that BMW is a German brand quality.
Any yokel with a computer can design a car it takes some brains to go from design to finished product and that in almost all cases is an international effort.
2. Thai education got bad because the country stop moving forward.
Thai education was always bad when compared to more technologically advanced societies.
3. Thais may be more developed due to the government, but they are not necessary smarter.
Thai government has almost always been a handicap to Thai people. All Thailand has is smart people who rescue the government when it stumbles.
4. You can keep on thinking that Thais are superior to their neighbor, just like a typical snobby Thai attitude looking down on your neighbors.
Oh come on now. I've been to Vietnam, Burma, Laos and Cambodia and Malaysia. Thailand is clearly superior - that's why I live here.
5. I know Thailand is not the UK, and what makes you think that I am even a westerner to begin with?
Because mostly Western people come on here without the experience or education to have a good understanding of South East Asia. Japanese and Koreans have a better idea.
6. Thank you for that statement, that is exactly the same mentality why Thailand is moving backwards, nobody wants and accepts change.
Thai people don't want change because change has usually meant disaster (think Phibun). Thais have never starved or wanted for a place to stay. Lots of food and shelter here for free and whiskey is only 5 baht a glass and tobacco is grown locally and the women are easy.
7. Why don't you ask you mom or grandma if they want walk around topless? Why are you still embracing western culture and technology? or heck, why are you even on TV?
Granny still goes topless. I'm on the computer because I work and the rest is just to fill in space so I don't get bored. The first years I was in Thailand there were no computers and I got along fine (TWX machine) but now I'm getting older and need more chair time.
8. Why can't you admit and accept that Thai education system is a failure and students are getting dumber? lose of face? hard to swallow the truth?
The education is a failure by your standards. Japan, China and most of the Western countries have suicide rates 400% higher than Thailand. I'm not so sure the Thai education system is a failure. A. Low rate of suicide. B. Full employment. C. Whiskey 5 baht a shot. D. Rice, vegetables and tobacco almost free.
9. sadly most Thais don't care or want to do much about it too! Its only the foreigners who wants Thais to get better because they see how much better this society can and could have been, how ironic!
Except me and a few others all of the Farang can go home. I don't talk to many of them any more and I have sourced all of my own food by now. So I don't need them.
It's not ironic - it is your lack of understanding about what is really important to Thai people. What is important to you is not important to them. It is their country they get to decide. biggrin.png

You are still giving Thais more credit than they deserve, car design is an international effort but sadly Thais are not included in any of that effort, they are just the muscle behind it not the brains. So I don't understand why you are still pushing this point.

We are probably are on the same page regarding to the failures in the government.

Agree with your point 5, that is why I keep on insisting education is a failure by everyones standards, not just mine.

You mentioned suicide rates, yet there are as many developed countries with less, and no reason why Thailand can't be like the other half.

I have Thai blood and I grew up in the country side, my understanding could not get any more clear.

I think your understanding of Thais is based on what you want, not what Thais want. Cheap food and booze and a laid back place to live, correct? :-)


^^^ most foreigners opinion of Thailand almost entire based on their needs and superficial experiences.very if any know what's the Thais actually want..you are absolutely correct...best point made on TV in months.


Too many locals that lack that combination of discipline + long term planning (with a dash of ambition thrown in). All 'more education' does for folks with those traits is create an excess of teachers and professors who 'teach' instead of 'do.'


1. But its different than people boasting about that BMW is a German brand quality.
Any yokel with a computer can design a car it takes some brains to go from design to finished product and that in almost all cases is an international effort.
2. Thai education got bad because the country stop moving forward.
Thai education was always bad when compared to more technologically advanced societies.
3. Thais may be more developed due to the government, but they are not necessary smarter.
Thai government has almost always been a handicap to Thai people. All Thailand has is smart people who rescue the government when it stumbles.
4. You can keep on thinking that Thais are superior to their neighbor, just like a typical snobby Thai attitude looking down on your neighbors.
Oh come on now. I've been to Vietnam, Burma, Laos and Cambodia and Malaysia. Thailand is clearly superior - that's why I live here.
5. I know Thailand is not the UK, and what makes you think that I am even a westerner to begin with?
Because mostly Western people come on here without the experience or education to have a good understanding of South East Asia. Japanese and Koreans have a better idea.
6. Thank you for that statement, that is exactly the same mentality why Thailand is moving backwards, nobody wants and accepts change.
Thai people don't want change because change has usually meant disaster (think Phibun). Thais have never starved or wanted for a place to stay. Lots of food and shelter here for free and whiskey is only 5 baht a glass and tobacco is grown locally and the women are easy.
7. Why don't you ask you mom or grandma if they want walk around topless? Why are you still embracing western culture and technology? or heck, why are you even on TV?
Granny still goes topless. I'm on the computer because I work and the rest is just to fill in space so I don't get bored. The first years I was in Thailand there were no computers and I got along fine (TWX machine) but now I'm getting older and need more chair time.
8. Why can't you admit and accept that Thai education system is a failure and students are getting dumber? lose of face? hard to swallow the truth?
The education is a failure by your standards. Japan, China and most of the Western countries have suicide rates 400% higher than Thailand. I'm not so sure the Thai education system is a failure. A. Low rate of suicide. B. Full employment. C. Whiskey 5 baht a shot. D. Rice, vegetables and tobacco almost free.
9. sadly most Thais don't care or want to do much about it too! Its only the foreigners who wants Thais to get better because they see how much better this society can and could have been, how ironic!
Except me and a few others all of the Farang can go home. I don't talk to many of them any more and I have sourced all of my own food by now. So I don't need them.
It's not ironic - it is your lack of understanding about what is really important to Thai people. What is important to you is not important to them. It is their country they get to decide. biggrin.png

You are still giving Thais more credit than they deserve, car design is an international effort but sadly Thais are not included in any of that effort, they are just the muscle behind it not the brains. So I don't understand why you are still pushing this point.

We are probably are on the same page regarding to the failures in the government.

Agree with your point 5, that is why I keep on insisting education is a failure by everyones standards, not just mine.

You mentioned suicide rates, yet there are as many developed countries with less, and no reason why Thailand can't be like the other half.

I have Thai blood and I grew up in the country side, my understanding could not get any more clear.

I think your understanding of Thais is based on what you want, not what Thais want. Cheap food and booze and a laid back place to live, correct? :-)

1. Mr Ford goes to Mr Somchai and says, "Here is the blueprint and specs. I need 500,000 of these parts in 13 months." Somchai builds the factory designs the machines to make the part, finds and buys the raw materials and hires the workers and 13 months later gives the parts to Mr Ford. That is quite an accomplishment.

2. Thai education is a failure by Western standards. I agree.

3. You're Thai blood and 25 satang might buy you a glass of water.

My understanding of Thais is based on almost free food and lodging. Thailand has always had almost free food and lodging.

People who grow up in the snow have to work hard to keep warm. Not so in Thailand. As I walk along the streets there is food wasted everywhere. Soi dogs are so fat they don't walk more than a couple of feet for food. A hungry country does not support millions of soi dogs.

Do you know how much money Thailand spends on monks and Wats? Thailand is loaded and lazy. It's not like the monks are running around raising a sweat beating drums and chanting.

Take a Thai person and stick him in the snow and he will work hard to stay warm. Leave him in Thailand and he doesn't have to work hard to stay warm.

Why do you think all the inventions come out of Scotland? The awful weather.


You are still giving Thais more credit than they deserve, car design is an international effort but sadly Thais are not included in any of that effort, they are just the muscle behind it not the brains. So I don't understand why you are still pushing this point.

We are probably are on the same page regarding to the failures in the government.

Agree with your point 5, that is why I keep on insisting education is a failure by everyones standards, not just mine.

You mentioned suicide rates, yet there are as many developed countries with less, and no reason why Thailand can't be like the other half.

I have Thai blood and I grew up in the country side, my understanding could not get any more clear.

I think your understanding of Thais is based on what you want, not what Thais want. Cheap food and booze and a laid back place to live, correct? :-)

Then tell us what's so special about thai peoples needs (wants) as i'm pretty sure most thai people want the same stuff as western people do: financial security (which includes anything related to work), able to travel freely inside and outside of their nation, democracy (not sure about that in Thailand) and so on.


^^^ most foreigners opinion of Thailand almost entire based on their needs and superficial experiences.very if any know what's the Thais actually want..you are absolutely correct...best point made on TV in months.

Thailand is not a deep country. They took an incredibly deep religion/philosophy and made it almost entirely superficial. I can give you a million other examples but I'll stick to one for the sake of superficiality. Raise your hand if you know what the machine below does.tongue.png



My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

Because they are charging western prices, International hospitals and dont speak English...Many examples of this. What a joke....


My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

Because they are charging western prices, International hospitals and dont speak English...Many examples of this. What a joke....

My Thai hospital just called to confirm an appointment and she spoke perfect English. I would find another hospital if she didn't speak excellent English.


Ironically, Thai students work harder than Western students, have more homework, spend their holidays being tutored 24/7, but are still as dumb as a sack of hay. Ask any Thai teenager about, the four fundamental forces, WW2, the periodic table, evolution, or the rise of the Roman Empire and it's decline into the Dark Ages. Or simply ask them to name some of the most influential historical figures and exactly what they did.

So typical: A lot of what you've brought up are western-centric. Why in God's name would you expect Thais to know or care about western history? Do you know anything about Asian and Thai history? Does that make you stupid?

There still needs to be a balance.

Thais perhaps need not know about Western history but an understanding of current world affairs is warranted.

Globalisation affects us all…even the rice farmer.

Yes, I get your point and don't entirely disagree. But a lot of these TV folks are being rather judgmental of Thais when they themselves (and their countrymen) aren't exactly Rhodes Scholars. I posted (a few pages back) some examples of how a great many Americans don't know about the Holocaust, where Iraq is, that the Earth revolves around the sun, or even where New York or the Pacific Ocean is! And the best universities in the world are in America....allegedly.


I DO NOT think Americans know very little,but I always remember telling a woman in L.A that I lived in London. ,"that's in France isn't it"she said mind you not as bad as the one who thought it was in Australia at least she was close


My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

Because they are charging western prices, International hospitals and dont speak English...Many examples of this. What a joke....

Its still their country, Thailand people speak Thai, in England people speak english...in Greece, they speak....God knows, even they don't know what they are saying...lol

My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

Because they are charging western prices, International hospitals and dont speak English...Many examples of this. What a joke....

My Thai hospital just called to confirm an appointment and she spoke perfect English. I would find another hospital if she didn't speak excellent English.

Maybe you really should try learning basic Thai then, opens a lot of doors,(to hospitals) 555

Learn the alphabet first, then read Thai, the rest is so much easier from there...try it!

Give yourself 10-15 years, if you don't learn by then, give up....5555 sorry, just kidding

My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.
While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

Because they are charging western prices, International hospitals and dont speak English...Many examples of this. What a joke....

My Thai hospital just called to confirm an appointment and she spoke perfect English. I would find another hospital if she didn't speak excellent English.

Maybe you really should try learning basic Thai then, opens a lot of doors,(to hospitals) 555

Learn the alphabet first, then read Thai, the rest is so much easier from there...try it!

Give yourself 10-15 years, if you don't learn by then, give up....5555 sorry, just kidding

Every Westerner residing here should be learning the language; many do however, in relation to the thread, every Western father to a luk kreung child should make it paramount to get their child to one of the best schools...that'll perhaps be the equivalent of a standard education in home country.

Anything less, it's possible that child's education and opportunities will be substandard and restricted.

Input from parents is also a must.

I don't have a child yet, but when the day comes, it'll be a move home after 5-8 years of age.

I'd want my child to have the same opportunities I had.

Since many agree that education here fails miserably by comparison to the west, I'm surprised more mixed families don't pack up for the benefit of their children's young eager minds.


Turning Thailand into the West is the only thing that will ruin Thailand. They've done fine without the West for a few thousand years.

And, what would you call failure? What do you call smart? What is the standard for success? Look how many products are imported from Thailand. Back in the States, I didn't see many things with made in England on them, or Australia, or even "Made in USA."

And, as far as speaking English? Why? People want diversity so they can go to McDonalds' in Russia? English is a very clumsy language. (Not that many others are better.) Let's not put your own laziness for not learning a foreign language as a noose around anothers' neck.


Turning Thailand into the West is the only thing that will ruin Thailand. They've done fine without the West for a few thousand years.

And, what would you call failure? What do you call smart? What is the standard for success? Look how many products are imported from Thailand. Back in the States, I didn't see many things with made in England on them, or Australia, or even "Made in USA."

And, as far as speaking English? Why? People want diversity so they can go to McDonalds' in Russia? English is a very clumsy language. (Not that many others are better.) Let's not put your own laziness for not learning a foreign language as a noose around anothers' neck.

I do speak Thai mate and have a little grasp on the written text. I also also speak Portuguese (60%).

"They've done fine without the West for a few thousand years."

Globalisation…it's a different world now brother irrespective of who likes it or not.

"And, what would you call failure? What do you call smart?"

Having the intellect or smarts is not the point…its education and opportunity; better found in my home country.


^^^ most foreigners opinion of Thailand almost entire based on their needs and superficial experiences.very if any know what's the Thais actually want..you are absolutely correct...best point made on TV in months.

Thailand is not a deep country. They took an incredibly deep religion/philosophy and made it almost entirely superficial. I can give you a million other examples but I'll stick to one for the sake of superficiality. Raise your hand if you know what the machine below does.tongue.png

Makes money?


Turning Thailand into the West is the only thing that will ruin Thailand. They've done fine without the West for a few thousand years.

And, what would you call failure? What do you call smart? What is the standard for success? Look how many products are imported from Thailand. Back in the States, I didn't see many things with made in England on them, or Australia, or even "Made in USA."

And, as far as speaking English? Why? People want diversity so they can go to McDonalds' in Russia? English is a very clumsy language. (Not that many others are better.) Let's not put your own laziness for not learning a foreign language as a noose around anothers' neck.

Thailand is ruining itself without any help at all, if done fine = todays mess then it clearly hasn't, high murder rate high road casualty, Junta in power etc, is any quality item made in Thailand I don't mean "assembled" ? Thailand is used for cheap labour .


Turning Thailand into the West is the only thing that will ruin Thailand. They've done fine without the West for a few thousand years.

And, what would you call failure? What do you call smart? What is the standard for success? Look how many products are imported from Thailand. Back in the States, I didn't see many things with made in England on them, or Australia, or even "Made in USA."

And, as far as speaking English? Why? People want diversity so they can go to McDonalds' in Russia? English is a very clumsy language. (Not that many others are better.) Let's not put your own laziness for not learning a foreign language as a noose around anothers' neck.

Thailand is ruining itself without any help at all, if done fine = todays mess then it clearly hasn't, high murder rate high road casualty, Junta in power etc, is any quality item made in Thailand I don't mean "assembled" ? Thailand is used for cheap labour .

Does it really make any difference if you are driven to off yourself? I believe Thailand's suicide rate is only a small fraction of the rates in Japan or Korea. And the biggest reason Farangs commit suicide in Thailand is they have to leave. Now what's that all about?


Turning Thailand into the West is the only thing that will ruin Thailand. They've done fine without the West for a few thousand years.

And, what would you call failure? What do you call smart? What is the standard for success? Look how many products are imported from Thailand. Back in the States, I didn't see many things with made in England on them, or Australia, or even "Made in USA."

And, as far as speaking English? Why? People want diversity so they can go to McDonalds' in Russia? English is a very clumsy language. (Not that many others are better.) Let's not put your own laziness for not learning a foreign language as a noose around anothers' neck.

Thailand is ruining itself without any help at all, if done fine = todays mess then it clearly hasn't, high murder rate high road casualty, Junta in power etc, is any quality item made in Thailand I don't mean "assembled" ? Thailand is used for cheap labour .

Does it really make any difference if you are driven to off yourself? I believe Thailand's suicide rate is only a small fraction of the rates in Japan or Korea. And the biggest reason Farangs commit suicide in Thailand is they have to leave. Now what's that all about?

Having worked with locals in South Korea (Engineering), many of them told me they were unsatisfied with the quality of life; all work, not enough play. The South Koreans have come a long way since war in the early 50's however, the country's drive and success has cost some mental anguish, enough to "check out".

Farangs here by contrast in my opinion, spent the last of their money, lost their wife and life as a consequence, having little to nothing back home, so take to the balcony.

I feel for the young Koreans but not for the Farang...but that's just me.


1. Mr Ford goes to Mr Somchai and says, "Here is the blueprint and specs. I need 500,000 of these parts in 13 months." Somchai builds the factory designs the machines to make the part, finds and buys the raw materials and hires the workers and 13 months later gives the parts to Mr Ford. That is quite an accomplishment.

2. Thai education is a failure by Western standards. I agree.

3. You're Thai blood and 25 satang might buy you a glass of water.

My understanding of Thais is based on almost free food and lodging. Thailand has always had almost free food and lodging.

People who grow up in the snow have to work hard to keep warm. Not so in Thailand. As I walk along the streets there is food wasted everywhere. Soi dogs are so fat they don't walk more than a couple of feet for food. A hungry country does not support millions of soi dogs.

Do you know how much money Thailand spends on monks and Wats? Thailand is loaded and lazy. It's not like the monks are running around raising a sweat beating drums and chanting.

Take a Thai person and stick him in the snow and he will work hard to stay warm. Leave him in Thailand and he doesn't have to work hard to stay warm.

Why do you think all the inventions come out of Scotland? The awful weather.

1. Thing is Khun Somchai did not design the car or parts. They just build the facility shell according to a blueprint and specs. Somchai does not design the machines, machines are are made overseas from companies in the US/Europe/Japan/Taiwan. Anyone with enough cash can build a factory, buy raw materials, and make some parts either through injection machine, or stamping of the metal parts. NOT everyone can design a car and build the automated machines need in car production. You clearly have no understanding of how manufacturing works and continue to give Somchai too much credit again.

2. Education is a failure by Thai standards as well, why else would they need to have a "no failure policy". If not for that, perhaps half of the class can't pass the grade!

3. Taking cheap shots at my Thai blood? Lets see what you can buy with your blood back at home? Like you said at least a Thais can survive here unlike someone...

You clearly list all these problems, yet you don't think its due to lack of education. I know how idiotic Thais are donating to temples for merit making, yet most refuse to donate to charities that help good causes and what not.

We thank scotland for inventions that industrialize and revolutionize the world.

I know how idiotic Thais are donating to temples for merit making, yet most refuse to donate to charities that help good causes and what not.

Wow, how incredibly rude. Do you hold the same contempt for people who give money to Christian churches. Or Muslim. Or Mormon. Or Scientology. Or any number of other causes that you don't agree with? Who made you the judge and jury regarding what people should do with their own money?


You are still giving Thais more credit than they deserve, car design is an international effort but sadly Thais are not included in any of that effort, they are just the muscle behind it not the brains. So I don't understand why you are still pushing this point.

We are probably are on the same page regarding to the failures in the government.

Agree with your point 5, that is why I keep on insisting education is a failure by everyones standards, not just mine.

You mentioned suicide rates, yet there are as many developed countries with less, and no reason why Thailand can't be like the other half.

I have Thai blood and I grew up in the country side, my understanding could not get any more clear.

I think your understanding of Thais is based on what you want, not what Thais want. Cheap food and booze and a laid back place to live, correct? :-)

Then tell us what's so special about thai peoples needs (wants) as i'm pretty sure most thai people want the same stuff as western people do: financial security (which includes anything related to work), able to travel freely inside and outside of their nation, democracy (not sure about that in Thailand) and so on.

My reply was to Lostodays comment, you are taking it out of context. I do know Thais wants are pretty much the same from westerners. My main point is everyone wants better education, yet Lostoday keeps on insisting Thais are happy with what they have and the education level is good enough for Thais, and that I should not be demanding better Education.

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