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Where to find odd cables?


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I'll try to keep this brief:
I need IEEE 1394a/ 1394B (In other words FIREWIRE cables. (For those of you that own Macs and have an actual clue about what I'm taking about. LOL!)

I have looked EVERYWHERE in Chiang Mai with no luck, and now I am asking YOU if you know anyplace online in Thailand that can ship them to me.

Any starting point is muchly appreciated!


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ME Smith


If you have a Firewire 800 with Firewire400 on the other end, I'll gladly pay you for it.

I could also use a spare.

Also Firewire 800 to Firewire 800 in case any of my Mac's sh1t the bed.

I completely crippled at the moment, cannot do any kind of recording or mixing !

PM me if you do in fact have these cables!


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Good luck! You will be offered plenty of USB cables.I had a hard time finding a housing for a drive I rescued from a broken Mac. Unfortunately I recently binned my remaining cables. This was years ago when Firewire was standard *Mac equipment, finally found one at one of those shops on the upper floor at the IT Centre on Manee Nopparat road. People don't like saying "no" clearly here so every single shop that did not have a Firewire housing offered me a USB housing instead. Got irritating but I kept my smile on somehow.

(*And thanks to Apples' constantly shifting standards the new 2015 MacBook does not even have a regular USB connection, everything including power adapter goes through a new single connector they are calling USB-C.)

Edited by arunsakda
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Good luck! You will be offered plenty of USB cables.I had a hard time finding a housing for a drive I rescued from a broken Mac. Unfortunately I recently binned my remaining cables. This was years ago when Firewire was standard *Mac equipment, finally found one at one of those shops on the upper floor at the IT Centre on Manee Nopparat road. People don't like saying "no" clearly here so every single shop that did not have a Firewire housing offered me a USB housing instead. Got irritating but I kept my smile on somehow.

(*And thanks to Apples' constantly shifting standards the new 2015 MacBook does not even have a regular USB connection, everything including power adapter goes through a new single connector they are calling USB-C.)

Somewhat off-topic but I understand USB-C and thunderbolt 3 share the same connection so although the 2015 MacBook will be left behind as it won't have thunderbolt 3 future macs should be a bit more versatile as USB-C and thunderbolt 3 become more common

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