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Spain passes Jewish citizenship plan


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Spain: Lawmakers approve Sephardic Jew citizenship plan
ALAN CLENDENNING, Associated Press

MADRID (AP) — Spain's lower house of parliament gave final approval Thursday to a law setting a citizenship path for descendants of Jews forced to flee the country after all Jews were told in 1492 to convert, go into exile or risk being burned at the stake.

Lawmakers approved it in positive votes to a series of amendments, so there was no single vote tally.

The law allows Sephardic Jews to start applying for Spanish citizenship in October, granting them a three-year window to seek a Spanish passport complete with the right to work and live anywhere in the 28-nation European Union.

"Today begins a new stage in the history of relations between Spain and the Jewish world," the Spanish Federation of Jewish Communities said in a statement. "A new period of reunion, dialogue and harmony re-integrating a branch of the nation that was unjustly torn off in its day."

Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Emmanuel Nahshon, praised Spain following the votes for finishing "its historic duty to the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain."

Spain's vote followed Portugal's March approval of a similar citizenship plan for Sephardic Jews whose ancestors were forced to leave that country.

Many would-be applicants thought the Spanish law in the works since 2013 would carry few requirements beyond thorough vetting of applicant ancestry by Jewish organizations. That's the case with the Portuguese law, which was proposed after Spain's but went into effect in March 1.

But Spanish lawmakers ended up drafting a citizenship process for Sephardic Jews similar to that faced by permanent residents seeking Spanish citizenship.

The hurdles are significant: Sephardic applicants must learn and be tested in basic Spanish and must also pass a current events and culture test about Spain.

And they must establish a modern-day link to Spain, which can be as simple as donating to a Spanish charity or as expensive as buying Spanish property.

The Spanish Jewish federation has received more than 5,000 requests for information about the Spanish law. No one knows how many people might be eligible, though some estimates run into the millions.

Associated Press writer Ian Deitch in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-12

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Naah, these things are not about the money... IMHO.

The way I am thinking is this:

- First the Romans disperse the Jews.

- Than some Muslims show more tolerance to Jews (and some Christians) than other Christians.

- Than other Muslims show no tolerance to Jews and get their arse kicked many times in succession.

- Than the Pope (the one and only good one!) apologizes to 'older brothers' of Christians and calls for love and understanding.

- Than the Christians invent Political Correctness and degenerate into a meat mass not fit to withstand the never ever changing hordes of other Muslims.

- Than the Europe finds itself on the verge of becoming a part of a Caliphate.

- Than Germans become really sorry for exchanging their Jews for Muslims (Merkel admits PC to be a mistake).

- Than we see what is described in OP, - Spain passes Sephardic Jew citizenship plan etc. (a Spanish version of Israeli right of return).

And during all these developments

- Australia is still lost in the woods of Multiculturalism.

- E. European Christians Sect (Russian Orthodox Church) is trying to move into the lap of the secular Government and engages in Middle Age type vices.

The last two facts are hardly surprising as the news from the West to East always travel slowly. coffee1.gif

Edited by ABCer
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""Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Emmanuel Nahshon, praised Spain following the votes for finishing "its historic duty to the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain."

I think his boss will not be too happy at Spain and Portugal. A chance to be a part of the EU will draw away potential Israeli citizens....it may even draw away current Israeli citizens. Hopefully it will ease the demand for new illegal settlements.

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If Spain had a real interest in restituting the descendants of its historic discrimination, this country would have prepared an inclusive bill, covering not only the Jews, but also the historic Spanish Muslim population, known as the Moriscos or Andalusians, who were expelled in the early seventeenth century.

Juan Bravo, the Spanish Vice-Secretary of Justice, stated : “ The Jews have preserved the identity traits that recall their Spanish condition; the Moriscos were assimilated into their new cultures after the expulsion.

The Moriscos disappeared as a community with a common origin.

The new bill is rewarding not the expulsion itself, but the ability to preserve links with Spain and Spanish culture.”

Edited by Thorgal
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Coming to terms with the wrongs committed by a government in the past is certainly a noble thing to do. But why are they doing this now? It would be wonderful to think that it's out of a sense of moral justice, but I can hardly believe that's the real inspiration for taking these steps.

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""Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Emmanuel Nahshon, praised Spain following the votes for finishing "its historic duty to the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain."

I think his boss will not be too happy at Spain and Portugal. A chance to be a part of the EU will draw away potential Israeli citizens....it may even draw away current Israeli citizens. Hopefully it will ease the demand for new illegal settlements.

This will have no effect in the settlements. Zionist aren't going to pick up sticks and go to Spain. That is not why they live in Judea and Samaria.

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Coming to terms with the wrongs committed by a government in the past is certainly a noble thing to do. But why are they doing this now? It would be wonderful to think that it's out of a sense of moral justice, but I can hardly believe that's the real inspiration for taking these steps.

I was thinking the same, Could it be the old racist idea of Jews and Money, are the Spanish government thinking if we can entice Jews back to Spain our economy will get better?

Making a charitable donation or buying a property in Spain to prove a connection? Well a lot of Brits bought property in Spain, And the Spanish government are busy knocking them down, without compensation.

Better they stick this law where the sun don't shine!

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If Spain had a real interest in restituting the descendants of its historic discrimination, this country would have prepared an inclusive bill, covering not only the Jews, but also the historic Spanish Muslim population, known as the Moriscos or Andalusians, who were expelled in the early seventeenth century.

Juan Bravo, the Spanish Vice-Secretary of Justice, stated : “ The Jews have preserved the identity traits that recall their Spanish condition; the Moriscos were assimilated into their new cultures after the expulsion.

The Moriscos disappeared as a community with a common origin.

The new bill is rewarding not the expulsion itself, but the ability to preserve links with Spain and Spanish culture.”

I guess it boils down to the difference between settlers and invaders, the retention of Spanish culture is a sign of assimilation, as oppose to the tactical expedience of appearing to convert. I guess the cultural traditions are a yardstick the Spanish are using to make such a deduction. Edited by Steely Dan
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It really does appear to be a lot more about inviting people with a SPANISH HERITAGE ...

which is a common thing in many countries, like when Italian-Americans can become Italians again if they wish.

Edited by Jingthing
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It really does appear to be a lot more about inviting people with a SPANISH HERITAGE ...

which is a common thing in many countries, like when Italian-Americans can become Italians again if they wish.

It really does appear to be a lot more about inviting people with a SPANISH HERITAGE.

If it were so, Why the hurdles to prove you are a Sephardi Jew of Spanish decent? This is racist in its own way. Why make a distinction? Either you are of Spanish decent or not, religion shouldn't play a part in it. Why not say, any Israeli can immigrate to Spain if they can prove Spanish heritage.

This is a backhanded sort of apology.

"we're sorry for the inquisition against Jews 6 centuries ago, Oh and by the way if you can prove you are a practising Sephardi Jew who has a proven connection to Spain, Welcome back? Did I forget to say you can buy that connection! A nice donation or maybe you would like to buy a property, For you a special price!"

I'm sure the Spaniards gave it a lot of thought?whistling.gif

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It's better than nothing.

There are Spanish heritage Jews who experience anti-semitism where they live now, such as some places in Latin America, and this is another option for them if they want to leave if they aren't attracted to the idea of living in Israel.

It's not going to be hoards of people so in that sense maybe it's more like a PR event.

BTW, if anyone happens to be visiting Lima Peru and is a torture machine fancier, I highly recommend the Museum of the Inquisition.

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It only took them 523 years to right the wrong... it would have been super grand if a very fat check

compensations for millions of euros will accompany such citizenship document.....

I think the Spanish people from today are not responsible to pay for something 500 years ago.

Look at the history of Europe from the last 500 years. Almost everyone would get a fat check for compensation for some terrible act.

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It's better than nothing.

There are Spanish heritage Jews who experience anti-semitism where they live now, such as some places in Latin America, and this is another option for them if they want to leave if they aren't attracted to the idea of living in Israel.

It's not going to be hoards of people so in that sense maybe it's more like a PR event.

BTW, if anyone happens to be visiting Lima Peru and is a torture machine fancier, I highly recommend the Museum of the Inquisition.

Jews experience anti-semitism where ever they are! Is the level higher in South America than Europe? So they just swap one countries racism for another, some Spaniards are just as racist. Seems like a pointless exercise to me! A very good reason for more Jews to go live in Israels heart land of Judea and Samaria.

A BS PR event.

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It's better than nothing.

There are Spanish heritage Jews who experience anti-semitism where they live now, such as some places in Latin America, and this is another option for them if they want to leave if they aren't attracted to the idea of living in Israel.

It's not going to be hoards of people so in that sense maybe it's more like a PR event.

BTW, if anyone happens to be visiting Lima Peru and is a torture machine fancier, I highly recommend the Museum of the Inquisition.

Jews experience anti-semitism where ever they are! Is the level higher in South America than Europe? So they just swap one countries racism for another, some Spaniards are just as racist. Seems like a pointless exercise to me! A very good reason for more Jews to go live in Israels heart land of Judea and Samaria.

A BS PR event.

I agree there is anti-semitism is every country, but it's worse in some places than others. For example, currently in Venezuela.

I'm not disagreeing with you in asserting that it smells of a PR event.

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The history of the Sephardic Jews is a fascinating study. They are the real biblical Jews; refugees who started coming into Iberia following their expulsion from Roman Judea and the creation of Syria Palaestina in 135 AD. If Obadiah [1:20] is to be believed, some Jews came even earlier than that.

Following the Moorish Conquest in 711 AD the Sephardim enjoyed exceptional prosperity which lasted until the total re-conquest of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella.

What the current Spanish Government seems to want is a reconciliation with these Sephardic Jews who have historical roots in the country, and the exclusion of opportunistic Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazars.

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The history of the Sephardic Jews is a fascinating study. They are the real biblical Jews; refugees who started coming into Iberia following their expulsion from Roman Judea and the creation of Syria Palaestina in 135 AD. If Obadiah [1:20] is to be believed, some Jews came even earlier than that.

Following the Moorish Conquest in 711 AD the Sephardim enjoyed exceptional prosperity which lasted until the total re-conquest of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella.

What the current Spanish Government seems to want is a reconciliation with these Sephardic Jews who have historical roots in the country, and the exclusion of opportunistic Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazars.

There it is again ... the big lie about Ashkanazi Jews. This is a recent favorite of Israel demonizers. The theory of Khazar conversion has been refuted ... but the Israel demonizers will continue to push the lies because it fits their agenda. The truth is it doesn't matter if it were true, but it's not, Jews are Jews and it's up to Jews to decide who is a Jew, not people obsessed with demonizing the one and only Jewish state. Which goes to show yet again this truth ... Zionism isn't racist, ANTI-Zionism is.

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The history of the Sephardic Jews is a fascinating study. They are the real biblical Jews; refugees who started coming into Iberia following their expulsion from Roman Judea and the creation of Syria Palaestina in 135 AD. If Obadiah [1:20] is to be believed, some Jews came even earlier than that.

Following the Moorish Conquest in 711 AD the Sephardim enjoyed exceptional prosperity which lasted until the total re-conquest of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella.

What the current Spanish Government seems to want is a reconciliation with these Sephardic Jews who have historical roots in the country, and the exclusion of opportunistic Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazars.

It is a fascinating history and it means that Sephadim are quite fortunate....they can live where they currently are, they can move to Israel, Portugal, or Spain. What other group of people have such a wide choice of countries to settle in?

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A compensation after more than 500 years makes me laugh.But look who is claiming again, always the same people

What compensation?

Right to roam Europa freely. Most people in the world would call that a major win.

Edited by Wat dee
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A compensation after more than 500 years makes me laugh.But look who is claiming again, always the same people

What compensation?

Right to roam Europa freely. Most people in the world would call that a major win.

Well surely that only comes with gaining Spanish citizenship doesn't it? Hardly something being given to them as compensation but something they have to prove they are entitled to under Spanish law.

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