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Top 3 Favorite & Top 3 Least Favorite Things About Living in Thailand

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Hello all,

I've been living here in Thailand for about 5 years now - and I am often asked - what's your favorite, and least favorite, thing(s) about living in Thailand. While they can vary from week to week, I think it's an interesting topic. So, I'd love to ask all the people Thai Visa to share their views/opinions as well.

Let's not turn this into a ranting session - please just try to keep your answers as short and sweet as possible :)

Here are mine:

Top 3 Favorite (in no particular order):

- Relative inexpensive cost of living

- MOST people seem sincerely pleasant and nice on the surface with casual interactions (give a smile, get a nice smile in return)

- Location. I work all throughout Asia, and it's pretty easy and reasonably inexpensive to get just about anywhere in the AP region


Top 3 Least Favorite (in no particular order):

- Lack of critical thinking & debating skills - most people just seem to believe whatever they are told, never question authority, and are unable to operate outside a predefined set of operating procedures.

- Lack of respect for the environment - Thailand has such natural beauty, and most people seem to not even think twice about throwing their crap out of their car window, dumping trash on the side of the road, throwing trash into the rivers/storm drains :(

- Lack of freedom of speech - closely tied to the first item above in this category. But, the criminal / legal consequences for making statements about the government, voicing opinions on judicial rulings (and, of course you all know the big one that I can't even probably specifically mention here! (case in point)) goes squarely against the basic tenets of freedom of speech that are common in my home country.

So....let's hear yours!

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We don't need another Thai-bashing thread.

Ummm....excuse me?

I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session" And, I asked for the top 3 favorite things as well.

So, it's more of a conversation than a bash...

If you asked me about my home country, I'd be happy to give you the top 3 and bottom 3 there as well....

So, relax, Mesquite.


Top three thing

no speed cameras and parking wardens everywhere

no political correctness stifling free speach

the wife earns far more here in buisness than working in a Thai restaurant in Britain,all she could do.

i could go on but you said only 3

worst things

the me first attitude of drivers

no free healthcare

the lack of thought that goes into anything.


first the good things,

No 1, my wife and children,

No 2, being able to farm without to many restrictions,

No3, the general freedom you feel when living here,

the not so good things,

No 1, to bloody hot in the hot season, ( that seams to last longer now)

No 3, not being able to grow all the veg i used to love growing in the uk, yes i can grow some here and some beautiful flowers, but i miss potatoes and the first frost on my brussles,

No 3, i truely think they could make the visa reporting a little better, but its only once every 90days no hardship just a pain,


Well freedom of speech is relative...here you can't discuss the royals.

In Germany you can't discuss the 2nd worldwar or Hitler

In USA you can't discuss Jews or racial differences....OK might not go in jail but at least you would loose your job.

In all Muslim countries you can't discuss homosexuality or religion

Not freedom is when you are allowed to tell things that might be wrong or offensive to others.

Freedom of speech is getting worse everywhere.



No pressure living/ carefree


Weather same same


Customer service

Long weekend/holiday crowds

Free event crowds.


Only two faves - soapies and bum guns.

The negative aspects I won't put down. Let's just leave it at "I have already bought my plane ticket to move to Mexico."


Thai girls. Thai girls, Thai girls

Thai food, Thai food, Thai food

So you started with least liked or most liked? Please clear up ambiguity there.



1. Most Thais are very nice people.

2. Relatively cheap cost of living.

3. Not too many restrictions/laws and stupid nanny state rules.


1. Total lack of respect for the environment.

2. Corruption.

3. Burning in the north dry season.


1/ Thai women----I really do think that they are delightful, & isn't that what brought most of us here? ...

if you disagree possibly you could be spending to much time in the bars, talking to the wrong ones.

2/ Casual life style --I wanted to build a very small garden wall for my daughter in Oz last time there--it was just over 3 ft......needed council building approval + architect planes ------architect plans for a back yard garden wall.

3/ Lack of PC................great

1/Whingers on ThaiVisa

2/Whingers on ThaiVisa

3/Whingers on ThaiVisa

Thailand is not for everyone-----that's understandable , so if you don't like it, go find somewhere that will make you happy---- its not so much that life is short---just that death so bloody long.


I pretty much agree with OP on his list. I'd change his #2 of positives to 365 days of warm weather more of less allowing you to travel where you want, when you want, within the Kingdom itself.


Pros: The amazing Thai food.

The friendly people

Ability to live very inexpensively (I could list more.... like medical being very cheap.... Buddhism with the temples etc... don't have to shovel snow... lol)

(Someone mentioned "no free medical" I'm not aware of medical being "free" anyplace in the world. "Free" medical is an illusion...)

Cons: The trash problem in some areas as mentioned by someone else...

The traffic....which when I first was driving in it I referred to it as "...organized chaos..."

The smokey season in parts of Thailand... like around Chiang Mai.

All in all...... I love Thailand.... at least in the northern area... and some of the islands.... I'm not too interested in western party places like Pattaya.



Inexpensive, never have to look at a price tag

Most people are friendly. I enjoy the different


Weather, hot but it never gets cold


The Cities,beaches and water are filthy

To many freaken drunk Westerners always

complaining about everything Thai.

Reckless driving, lack of respect for other



What I like :

1. Fruits.

2. Food.

3. Weather.

What I hate :

1. Soi dogs.

2.Taxi drivers.

3. International school fees.


We don't need another Thai-bashing thread.

Ummm....excuse me?

I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session" And, I asked for the top 3 favorite things as well.

So, it's more of a conversation than a bash...

If you asked me about my home country, I'd be happy to give you the top 3 and bottom 3 there as well....

So, relax, Mesquite.

"I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session"
Try to serious. Do you really think saying that will deter all the disgruntled, bored and self-loathing posters from having a go? Everyday people post 101 things, mainly imaginary or misunderstood things, they dislike
This is Thai Visa. Most bashing threads have some caveat or disclaimer about bashing and then quickly turn to bash, bash, bash. What could you possibly hope to achieve by starting another thread that is unlikely to come up with anything new or interesting?

We don't need another Thai-bashing thread.

Ummm....excuse me?

I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session" And, I asked for the top 3 favorite things as well.

So, it's more of a conversation than a bash...

If you asked me about my home country, I'd be happy to give you the top 3 and bottom 3 there as well....

So, relax, Mesquite.

"I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session"
Try to serious. Do you really think saying that will deter all the disgruntled, bored and self-loathing posters from having a go? Everyday people post 101 things, mainly imaginary or misunderstood things, they dislike
This is Thai Visa. Most bashing threads have some caveat or disclaimer about bashing and then quickly turn to bash, bash, bash. What could you possibly hope to achieve by starting another thread that is unlikely to come up with anything new or interesting?

Well, I am trying to have an interesting and enlightening discussion, that I, for one, find interesting. Following your "reasoning", any topic that could turn into "bash, bash, bash" should be avoided since they could possibly allow someone to voice a genuine and well-founded opinion?

If your colleagues aren't mature enough to have a intelligent conversation, that's not my fault. While I appreciate your pedantic concern, I am discerning enough to see thru immature and hateful comments that have no merit or not well founded.

Since you seem to profess that you know what's best for me, and the Thai Visa community at large, I would be most interested in hearing your comments on my list, for instance, since you essentially discount them as "imaginary or misunderstood". I'm eager to hear your views.

And, I am serious.


Lack of critical thinking skills among expats living in Thailand.

Let me give you an example. A person posted a topic and said he didn't want it to become a Thai bash and then He started off the posting by writing the below - a major Thai bash.

Lack of critical thinking & debating skills - most people just seem to believe whatever they are told, never question authority, and are unable to operate outside a predefined set of operating procedures.

- Lack of respect for the environment - Thailand has such natural beauty, and most people seem to not even think twice about throwing their crap out of their car window, dumping trash on the side of the road, throwing trash into the rivers/storm drains

- Lack of freedom of speech - closely tied to the first item above in this category. But, the criminal / legal consequences for making statements about the government, voicing opinions on judicial rulings (and, of course you all know the big one that I can't even probably specifically mention here! (case in point)) goes squarely against the basic tenets of freedom of speech that are common in my home country.

That is three big Thai bashes in a row and sets the tone for the topic to become an out and out Thai bash.

I feel sad that whatever school system he comes from has stopped teaching critical thinking.


We don't need another Thai-bashing thread.

Ummm....excuse me?

I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session" And, I asked for the top 3 favorite things as well.

So, it's more of a conversation than a bash...

If you asked me about my home country, I'd be happy to give you the top 3 and bottom 3 there as well....

So, relax, Mesquite.

"I specifically said "Let's not turn this into a ranting session"
Try to serious. Do you really think saying that will deter all the disgruntled, bored and self-loathing posters from having a go? Everyday people post 101 things, mainly imaginary or misunderstood things, they dislike
This is Thai Visa. Most bashing threads have some caveat or disclaimer about bashing and then quickly turn to bash, bash, bash. What could you possibly hope to achieve by starting another thread that is unlikely to come up with a


1. Eye candy

2. Massages with happy endings

3. Relatively inexpensive housing near the beaches I have lived


1. Blatant corruption at every level

2. Obnoxious ladyboys

3. Lack of inexpensive wines



1.) The women

2.) The environment

3.) The interesting innovation

Least favs:

1.) The women

2.) Thais destroying everything they come across (mostly environment related)

3.) Being sweaty and covered in ants too often


For 1 & 3 for Top 3 Least Favorite, what it leads to is bitching and complaining. In the west, it seems like everyone is having a cry about something and bitching about the government, people, work, etc.... WHO CARES!!! Just live your life the way you want where bitching is playing the "victim," game which doesn't change anything except make you depressed. You hear it all the time from the Feminist media in westernise society fuelling more hate towards men.

That's one thing I love about Thai people, they seem to get over things easier and are laid back. They narcissistic like in find westernise are back home especially the women!

My parents told me years ago, just keep your life simple and you will be happy.


1. The food

2. The genuine friendliness of the majority of people

3. The relaxed culture

1. The corruption at every level

2. The extremely spiteful nature of some Thais when they don't get what they want (usually red-shirts)

3. The heat and humidity when it is at it's peak

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