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Supreme Court declares US-wide right to same-sex marriage

Lite Beer

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Well, now that men can marry men, and women can marry women, what's next? Polygamy, group marriage, maybe even child marriage? After being married twice, I view marriage as some form of torture. Hopefully, these people will enjoy it as much as I did.

On the bright side, maybe this decision will make it easier for John Travolta to get a massage.

You really hate people who think differentky from you don't you.

I don't hate anyone but I don't have any homosexual friends if that is what you mean.

How would you know for sure? With your attitude, I doubt if any of your gay friends would admit it to you.

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To those who think it's gross - to picture two men making love. How more gross is it, than a male and a female making love? Think about the mechanics of sexual arousal, and what one person (male or female) will do, carnally, to another. Isaac Newton was an anomaly, in the sense he never had sex with anyone. Are people like him weirdos, or are all the other people who will put odd smelling things in their mouths weirdos? ...things which have multitudes of hundreds of types of bacteria, yeast and fungi.

It's clear now that marriage for everyone is actually an instruction from God.

With marijuana legalisation occurring coincidentally, Leveticus 20:13 comes to mind: If a man lay with another man, he should be stoned.

Problem solved for the Bible Belt people. smile.png

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At the end of the day all a marriage is just another contact you sign

It's much more than that because legal marriage status impacts on thousands of governmental laws beyond anything that you agree between two private parties. For example, family law, immigration law, etc. If what you say was actually true the push for same sex marriage equality wouldn't have been needed.

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And on a slightly humorous note; given that so many heterosexual marriages end in divorce, I only hope they industry has geared up for a boatload of gay divorce attorneys!

I can almost hear the legal profession rubbing it's hands in glee! Or is that Greed?

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At the end of the day all a marriage is just another contact you sign

It's much more than that because legal marriage status impacts on thousands of governmental laws beyond anything that you agree between two private parties. For example, family law, immigration law, etc. If what you say was actually true the push for same sex marriage equality wouldn't have been needed.

So...... A contract

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One argument against gay marriage being legal was that it could lead to polygamy being legal.

Looks like the fun has started ...


Nathan Collier: Montana man inspired by same-sex marriage ruling requests right to wed two wives

The 46-year-old polygamist said he decided to act in the wake of recent Supreme Court decision

Andrew Buncombe

Friday, 3 July 2015

Nathan Collier said he was inspired by the recent Supreme Court decision that made marriage equal. He said he was particularly struck by the words of dissenting Chief Justice John Roberts who claimed giving gay couples the right to marry, might inspire polygamy.

And so this week, Mr Collier and his two wives, Victoria and Christine, entered a courthouse in Billings, Montana, and sought an application to legalise the trio’s polygamous union,

“Right now we're waiting for an answer," Mr Collier told The Independent. “I have two wives because I love two women and I want my second wife to have the same legal rights and protection as my first.”

He added: "Most people are not us. I am not trying to define what marriage means for anybody else - I am trying to define what marriage means for us."

The practice of bigamy - holding multiple marriage licences - is outlawed in all 50 of the US states, Montana among them. But Mr Collier said he planned to sue if his application was denied.

Mr Collier said he was former Mormon who had been excommunicated for polygamy and now owned a refrigeration business in Billings. Same-sex marriage legalised across the US

He married his first wife, Victoria, 40, in 2000. The 46-year-old, who appeared in the reality TV show Sister Wives, held a religious ceremony to marry second wife, Christine, in 2007 but did not sign a marriage license to avoid bigamy charges.

His first wife, Victoria, said that she and her husband's second wife got along "like sisters".

"We're like any family. There are good days and there are bad days," she said. "But there are more good days."

Asked how she felt when her husband took a second wife, she said: "How can you know who you are going to fall in love with? This is our destiny."

Yellowstone County clerk officials initially denied Mr Collier's application, then said they would consult with the county legal officer before giving him a final answer.

Yellowstone County chief civil litigator Kevin Gillen, told the Associated Press that he was reviewing Montana's bigamy laws and expected to send a formal response to Mr Collier by next week.

Mr Gillen said: “I think he deserves an answer.”

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This topic is about same sex marriage.

It is not about marriage with multiple partners.

Typical diversion by the anti-gay set to invoke the "slippery slope" argument.

Controversy and legal issues with polygamy is nothing at all new. In fact it is very old.

It is a separate issue than same sex marriage.

If people favoring legalizing polygamous marriages now want to organize and lobby, they are free to do so.

I don't like their chances though but that's for ANOTHER topic if and when such a movement actually gains traction in the U.S.

Translation: likely NEVER.

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This topic is about same sex marriage.

It is not about marriage with multiple partners.

Typical diversion by the anti-gay set to invoke the "slippery slope" argument.

Controversy and legal issues with polygamy is nothing at all new. In fact it is very old.

It is a separate issue than same sex marriage.

If people favoring legalizing polygamous marriages now want to organize and lobby, they are free to do so.

I don't like their chances though but that's for ANOTHER topic if and when such a movement actually gains traction in the U.S.

Translation: likely NEVER.

This topic is about a Supreme Court decision, 5-4. One dissenting justice claimed the decision might inspire polygamy. The man in the article is so inspired. Sounds right on topic to me.

Edited by mesquite
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The totally OFF TOPIC article about the eccentric polygamist in provincial Montana only touched on the state of Montana looking into its existing polygamy laws in response to his effort to legalize his multiple partner relationship. That's about 1000 steps from such a case being decided at the supreme court. If such a case does ever make it there, may it be decided on its merits and discussed as it should be as a SEPARATE matter from same sex marriage.

Also keep in mind that the success for the same sex marriage equality issue didn't just magically or instantly happen. Instead, It followed a series of lesser court rulings over many years including at the supreme court level that set the table for this definitive case. Including of course that the majority of U.S. states had ALREADY legalized same sex marriage at the state level. These cases had NOTHING to do with polygamous marriage. If there is a movement for legalizing that, they're on their own.

The first step that needed to happen was about criminalization of homosexuality, as in the Georgia sodomy case.

Many nations are at that stage now, with homosexuality itself being criminalized, so of course same sex marriage is impossible in that context.

The slippery slope line is a favorite of anti-gay activists. The smarter ones have learned to mask their anti-gay bias by referring only to polygamy which doesn't really shock anyone because of the Mormon history. Some have been and continue to be more openly bigoted, suggesting such absurdities that legalizing same sex marriage opens up the issue of allowing people to marry their dogs, horses, or sex toys.

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You do realize that Obama was against gay marriage and said marriage was meant to be a unity between a man and woman in 2008. He did nothing to make this happen, but jumped on the band wagon to take credit once it was apparent it was going to happen. Lol, suckers fall for his bs.

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You do realize that Obama was against gay marriage and said marriage was meant to be a unity between a man and woman in 2008. He did nothing to make this happen, but jumped on the band wagon to take credit once it was apparent it was going to happen. Lol, suckers fall for his bs.

Yes I realize the time line of Obama's position on the issue.

What you don't realize is that Obama has done a massive amount of work on GLBT civil rights issues that are in his power unrelated to marriage equality.

As president, he didn't actually have the power to effect marriage equality anyway. No president did.

Look I know some people just have Obama derangement syndrome. Clearly, there is no cure for that.

Believe it or not, history will show that Obama has done more to advance GLBT civil rights than all previous presidents combined. Yes, he has done more for GLBT civil rights than for African American civil rights .... personally I wish he can still do more on that issue, but yes, this is getting way too off topic, isn't it?

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He did nothing to make this happen, but jumped on the band wagon to take credit once it was apparent it was going to happen. Lol, suckers fall for his bs.

I haven't read every article and quote out there, so I may have missed it - how did he take credit?

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He did nothing to make this happen, but jumped on the band wagon to take credit once it was apparent it was going to happen. Lol, suckers fall for his bs.

I haven't read every article and quote out there, so I may have missed it - how did he take credit?

You're right. He didn't. But he celebrated the final big victory in a beautiful way.

Remember any president has the power of the BULLY PULPIT.

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Yes I saw plenty of pictures where he's obviously happy for those impacted, and enjoying the moment. I just wondered if the "he took credit for it" line was a total fabrication or merely some statement taken out of context.

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Yes I saw plenty of pictures where he's obviously happy for those impacted, and enjoying the moment. I just wondered if the "he took credit for it" line was a total fabrication or merely some statement taken out of context.

Total fabrication.thumbsup.gif Obama derangement syndrome isn't pretty.

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You do realize that Obama was against gay marriage and said marriage was meant to be a unity between a man and woman in 2008. He did nothing to make this happen, but jumped on the band wagon to take credit once it was apparent it was going to happen. Lol, suckers fall for his bs.

Yes I realize the time line of Obama's position on the issue.

What you don't realize is that Obama has done a massive amount of work on GLBT civil rights issues that are in his power unrelated to marriage equality.

As president, he didn't actually have the power to effect marriage equality anyway. No president did.

Look I know some people just have Obama derangement syndrome. Clearly, there is no cure for that.

Believe it or not, history will show that Obama has done more to advance GLBT civil rights than all previous presidents combined. Yes, he has done more for GLBT civil rights than for African American civil rights .... personally I wish he can still do more on that issue, but yes, this is getting way too off topic, isn't it?

I have no issues about GLBT. Never have. Never will. Obama trying to lump such issues in the racial equality is offensive though as racial equality generally involves issues of people that always had the rights, but were too lazy to exercise them. Never understood why two people that love each other could not marry. What harm does that do to anyone. Now forcing us to pay for losers that drop out of high school, join gangs and commit crimes . . . please don't compare that to other legitimate struggles.

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Yes I saw plenty of pictures where he's obviously happy for those impacted, and enjoying the moment. I just wondered if the "he took credit for it" line was a total fabrication or merely some statement taken out of context.

Total fabrication.thumbsup.gif Obama derangement syndrome isn't pretty.

What eva dude. I don't fabricate anything. Don't really care enough to do so and nothing impacts me enough to do so. I am completely set and well taken care of. I just hate to see others not so well taken care of. You can sing zippididoda and smile so wide that you need plastic surgery to remove such smiles if it makes you happy and warm and fuzzy, but the fact it is . . . you been had and Obama gives not a care in the world about you.

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Yes I saw plenty of pictures where he's obviously happy for those impacted, and enjoying the moment. I just wondered if the "he took credit for it" line was a total fabrication or merely some statement taken out of context.

Total fabrication.thumbsup.gif Obama derangement syndrome isn't pretty.

What eva dude. I don't fabricate anything. Don't really care enough to do so and nothing impacts me enough to do so. I am completely set and well taken care of. I just hate to see others not so well taken care of. You can sing zippididoda and smile so wide that you need plastic surgery to remove such smiles if it makes you happy and warm and fuzzy, but the fact it is . . . you been had and Obama gives not a care in the world about you.

What a bizarre silly post.

I never said I thought he cares about me personally.

Of course he doesn't. Why would he?

Dude ... suggest you post on the topic (or not at all) and stop with the weird personalization agenda.

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What if three gay men decided they wanted to form a legal marriage?

Since that would be a same sex marriage, would it fall under this Supreme Court decision?

That actually happened in Thailand several months ago, so the possibility is there.

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What if three gay men decided they wanted to form a legal marriage?

Since that would be a same sex marriage, would it fall under this Supreme Court decision?

That actually happened in Thailand several months ago, so the possibility is there.

No. not covered in the decision.

Are you seriously asking the question or is the question just more bait?

Dude, if three people of any sex came into any clerk's office, they would be given a form for TWO people. So more than TWO not possible.

They would be told, two of you can marry each other but you'll have to decide which two and that is that.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

There has never been even one same sex marriage of any kind in Thailand recognized by Thai law.

Next ...

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It was an honest question, but if you want to take it personally, up to you.

Sorry I don't believe it was an honest question because I respect your intelligence too much to think you actually think three people can get legally married anywhere in the U.S. as a result of the recent same sex marriage supreme court decision.

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It was an honest question, but if you want to take it personally, up to you.

Sorry I don't believe it was an honest question because I respect your intelligence too much to think you actually think three people can get legally married anywhere in the U.S. as a result of the recent same sex marriage supreme court decision.

You can't disguise calling me a liar by saying you respect my intelligence. I am very likely not as intelligent as you think, but I am not stupid either.

I haven't read the SCOTUS majority opinion, but if it addresses specifically only same sex partners, then any state without polygamy laws might be open for trios or more.

PS: I haven't filled out an application for marriage since 1957 so I really have no idea what questions they might ask. For all I know they might ask the name of ones pet turtle.

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