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Japan bars relatives from visiting ex-Bangkok cop Kamronwit: Thai Official

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It was inevitable that Thai officials would play the sympathy card. Standard Asian tactics. When in a postion of strength, be hard (unbending, driving home every advantage), when in a position of weakness, be soft (excuses, crying, asking for sympathy and forgiveness).

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With all the crap you have to take when checking in on a flight these days i''l be upset if this idiot doesn't do some bird.


Now revealed that the firearm he was carrying could have been a big fatass 38 revolver......and not the wee 22 short revolver as first reported.

Thai reporting error??

Anyway...another 10 days of sweating.......while the rels get to stay in good hotels with fresh sushi!


i bet he is not sitting on the ground and his cell is bigger than the five foot square one he would be in if he were in thailand. air con too.

I suggest you look up life in a Japanese prison. It is regimented, cold and cruel.

Thais are social creatures. This man will be in solitary. His cell may be clean, but it will be a strict, regimented life. The Japanese are nasty, sadistic people when it comes to prisons. Cruel punishments such as forced standing in uncomfortable positions is not unusual. Beatings are the norm. Ever seen the Bridge Over the River Kwai? The Japanese haven't changed much since then. China often gets shredded by the west, but the Chinese have more compassion than the Japanese, so that should give you a hint.

He rolled the dice and lost. It was his choice, let us not forget that.


One offensive post has been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


he has forgotten what it means to have to answer to a higher authoriy (if he ever knew) who does not acknowledge/agree with his feeling of self importance/immunity

the mentioned number of 2 plus million civil servents of thailand should all be subjected to the same treatment before employment and when they abuse the authority entrusted to them.. just set the time deapendent on how serious a offeense was committed.

preemployment training should be instructional for good actions, not sent to have a visit with a ex pm who contributed as close to zero as you can get without causing a melt down.


Will he be allowed to hang the photo of himself and Thaksin in his cell? You know, just to remind him of brighter days.

Perhaps Moonface will give him a character reference, that should help.

Wish the worst for this piece of human crap and his family - let the japs turn his life into a living nightmare like the dirty pig probably did to many innocent people. The more members of RTP that suffer the better gigglem.gif


Not too many posters here being sympathetic. Understandably. He certainly won't be getting a visit from P.Chan-Ocha

I wonder if his buddy Mr T will be allowed to visit him?


No sympathy for this jerk. Has he offered up a reason he was carrying a firearm onto an airplane? Is he stupid or was he going to off someone?

Understandably, No,Yes and Probably.


From the various pronouncements by Thai officials, Embassy, very high level police, BMA officials, Foreign Ministry, I do not recall a single one condemning his actions.


Thank you Japan for handling this case as if he was a terrorist. No excuses for this brazen act by a X policeman who should know the law better than all the

people entering the airport. He thought he was above the Japan,s laws!


I hope he get's out soon

if he stays in there much

longer, real policing might

rub off on him,, then what,,

you know what i mean


Wish the worst for this piece of human crap and his family - let the japs turn his life into a living nightmare like the dirty pig probably did to many innocent people. The more members of RTP that suffer the better gigglem.gif


Make a great reality TV show in Thailand: Nitwit and Friends.

Hugely popular among drug dealers ...


A loaded hand gun on an international flight has got earn some stick no matter who you are. A bad 18 months in aviation to be testing lassitude there.

What i love is our perspective, the inversion, schadenfreude, the degree of pointed and pointless humor, the irony and justice too. More fantastic is that none of this will send a broader message to anyone in Thailand. We know that, don't we?


Before he gets forgotten....

Just a reminder our favourite ex Bangkok chief of police and friend of the square faced man is now entering his third week

of being locked up by Japanese police.

Words of sympathy might be appreciated?


Before he gets forgotten....

Just a reminder our favourite ex Bangkok chief of police and friend of the square faced man is now entering his third week

of being locked up by Japanese police.

Words of sympathy might be appreciated?

"Words of sympathy might be appreciated? " we will leave that up to you! biggrin.png


We are probably worrying too much about the Wit. Chances are, in his 3rd week in prison, he will have embarked on a new and exciting romantic adventure with at least one of his new peers. He should have worked out some scheme to make small cash, whether that be offering legal advise, selling handmade crafts or using his delicate lips to keep his new friends sated. Most of his time will be spend jockeying for position amongst his fellow prisoners, his bare knuckle fighting and raconteur skills will be called upon here(as well as his bedside manner).

End of the day, we will never know why he tried to carry a loaded gun at Narita airport, but I am very glad that he did.


Just a thought but can any member advise me if there has been any suggestion LoS has complained to Japan about the family being denied access ?

It would be part of the diplomatic two step if they did so despite people being held incognito here without criminal charges even being considered, oh wait a minute that's different.

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