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Suspected Child Molesting Football Coach arrested by Pattaya Tourist Police


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Is it just me or is the law really that ferked up here, jeeez!!!

"He is suspected of assaulting over 40 children and would film the lewd acts and then sell the videos online. A previous case dating back to 4th July 2011 saw him arrested on similar offences.

Despite allegations of serious crimes involving children and the high chance he could reoffend, we understand that Khun Draipop was granted bail of 700,000 Baht pending a Court appearance.

There is no bail condition which prevents him from continuing his employment as a football coach and no condition that he must refrain from any contact with children."

because he is suspected of, and innocent until proven guilty. However if he is guilty i hope the families give him a lesson in human behaviour

I'm sure you have noticed that he was out on bail since 2011, and still no court case after 4 years, while he already a new arrest warrant for similar offenses since 2012.

So that is 3 cases of child molesting involving 40 children, and you think there is still a possibility that they got the wrong guy?

I AM sure they have the right guy, but until they get him to court, he is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVED GUILTY. Hope the family get him first though, i hate nonces

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Thai parents probably never knew his past , I can assure you that Thais despite this man and he will have a tough time in jail if he is sentenced,

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This one seriously needs to be put down for good how much children must he damage sociologically before the Thai legal system says enough is enough and put this evil pervert away forever not released to do the same again to hurt even more children.

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Is it just me or is the law really that ferked up here, jeeez!!!

"He is suspected of assaulting over 40 children and would film the lewd acts and then sell the videos online. A previous case dating back to 4th July 2011 saw him arrested on similar offences.

Despite allegations of serious crimes involving children and the high chance he could reoffend, we understand that Khun Draipop was granted bail of 700,000 Baht pending a Court appearance.

There is no bail condition which prevents him from continuing his employment as a football coach and no condition that he must refrain from any contact with children."

because he is suspected of, and innocent until proven guilty. However if he is guilty i hope the families give him a lesson in human behaviour

I'm sure you have noticed that he was out on bail since 2011, and still no court case after 4 years, while he already a new arrest warrant for similar offenses since 2012.

So that is 3 cases of child molesting involving 40 children, and you think there is still a possibility that they got the wrong guy?

Exactly. First time bail is one thing. But now he should be in a prison while he waits four years for a trial.

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wow.. If he's guilty I trust he'll get what he truly deserves. Strangely enough, my manager, when I was with Stevenage 40 odd years ago turned out to be a nonce too, never knew until a few years ago.

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I am not the police, judge, jury or executioner of any person. Those that self appoint to those positions are free to do so, albeit, without any credibility.

As for the paedophilia experts, pease looks up the definition. The frequent misuse of that word is of interest.

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...and the government recently said that education institutes who hire non-Thai English teachers, to teach English, should do a thorough background check, i.e. criminal check, to make sure they are not hiring anybody who is or has been involved with paedophilia in their own countries. However, they precluded persons from their own culture. Maybe they should consider checking out all persons, volunteers and paid, and try to weed out people from ALL nationalities who meet such criteria.

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Most children don't have counseling access, or child line to help in Thailand, except some volunteers foundations in Bangkok. So the number of cases reported is low in Thailand, and most of the time students think it is normal for teacher to behave like that.

UNICEF kind of Child protection organizations should come up with a proper guidance for children and teachers about behaviors of good touch and bad touch, when there is student-teacher relationship. Most students are not aware and not reporting about their punishment, torture, or unhappiness over their teachers. Then they become abusers in the future, after they grow up. It is a social issue rather than criminal issue. There should be a collective effort to prevent this by workshops for students and teachers as well. Like driving license, there should be a teacher's license course that teaches the culture and behavior of teacher in schools, how they are suppose to behave schools etc.

Psychological health is as important as physical health for the healthy society.

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Thai parents probably never knew his past , I can assure you that Thais despite this man and he will have a tough time in jail if he is sentenced,

I can assure you he will not.

Thais in prison care very little about these kinds of cases.Immediate family on the outside, maybe!

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I am not the police, judge, jury or executioner of any person. Those that self appoint to those positions are free to do so, albeit, without any credibility.

As for the paedophilia experts, pease looks up the definition. The frequent misuse of that word is of interest.

You are right of course,

But one of the best ways to get the bums on beer bar stools in Pattaya and Bangkok nodding in agreement is to make the old statement " Hang them high " for drug dealers and " Let's castrate them, give them the death sentence " for Paedophiles.

Works every time!......... followed by a round of applause, a load more back slapping and nodding in agreement and get the singha beers in! for your new found friends.

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This is a very good example of why for years I have been advocating all persons working with Children should be police cleared in Thai and place of origin, not just the odd few Farangs .Thailand is 20 years behind on this issue. coffee1.gif

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This is a very good example of why for years I have been advocating all persons working with Children should be police cleared in Thai and place of origin, not just the odd few Farangs .Thailand is 20 years behind on this issue. coffee1.gif

How can you do a police check on 67 million children, unworkable. gigglem.gif

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I wonder how many arrest warrants are outstanding in this country?

Child molesters/rapists and murders should be tracked down without mercy, why don't they have a task force for this?

Because the only really important thing is money.

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