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Thai-English actress Anna Reese becomes nun after killing cop in car crash


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TVF members must be bored... knowing so little about Thailand, so little facts about the real happening known and yet... such a loud windtalkers....

Get the facts and keep the lid on....

oh,... and since when are news reporting facts ? coffee1.gif

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So the police could not find any charges to put to her?

another HiSo, gets away with vehicular killing?

regards Worgeordie

I read a number of media releases, both Thai and English papers, which stated that she was charged with reckless driving occasioning death and leaving the scene of an accident. So what you posted is not correct. She hasn't gotten away with anything yet, as the matter is still to be addressed by the courts. If they give her a slap on the wrist, then it can be said that she got away with it.

Regards to you.

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I love Thailand, they are so organized in their laws and upholding them.

I'm going to celebrate, and go down to the corner and eat some Som Tam and forget about it.

Ohhhhh....that's right, I moved out of Thailand last year after coming here for years....Don't miss it

And...the Thai Baht to the USD is 34........when it hits 40, I will cash out.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance? I would not wait to cash out your baht. If you wait for it to get to 40, you will have lost money. Myself, I would rather buy at 40 and sell at 34.

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To me the most revolting thing about this is that the RTP will take bribes even to ensure that a cop killer gets away with the crime. How can they ever get any support or respect from the community if they allow this to happen??

And you know this? How?

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TVF members must be bored... knowing so little about Thailand, so little facts about the real happening known and yet... such a loud windtalkers....

Get the facts and keep the lid on....

oh,... and since when are news reporting facts ? coffee1.gif

So why did you bother to post kovaltech?... is it to remind all Thai Visa Forum Members that they all know so little about Thailand, whereas you are a veritable banquet of encyclopaedic cultural, political and social knowledge of all things Thai....????...... you are better than all those around you?

Some clearly feel they are a dash above the general TVF membership..... criticising all who comment and all those who've posted before them...

Yet they are unaware of how sad they come across... "TVF members must be bored"... well kovaltech, how did you manage to tear yourself away from your exciting, extravagant and oh so busy schedule that you could spare a few seconds to educate us with your wisdom?

People posting with this 'rise above it all' attitude are in the same bracket as the 'if you don't like it, don't come here' crowd... or the 'don't let the door hit you on the way out'...

Edited by richard_smith237
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I love Thailand, they are so organized in their laws and upholding them.

I'm going to celebrate, and go down to the corner and eat some Som Tam and forget about it.

Ohhhhh....that's right, I moved out of Thailand last year after coming here for years....Don't miss it

And...the Thai Baht to the USD is 34........when it hits 40, I will cash out.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance? I would not wait to cash out your baht. If you wait for it to get to 40, you will have lost money. Myself, I would rather buy at 40 and sell at 34.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance?


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the featured drunk cop directing traffic in street, yesterday, dancing and admitting to drunkness is is charge of writting up possible charges, punishment, physical and money wise. they supplied him with a quart of black and a pot of coffee to keep him alert and focused back on the beat in a couple days, but no share in tea money

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absolutely farcical this woman should have been thrown into jail for dangerous driving she managed to get away with not taking a blood test or a drug test she should be punished and now she wants to become a nun ?.

Many newspaper reports indicate that the day following the crash she was tested for drugs, negative result, and also blood samples taken in respect of alcohol but no report as to the findings of that.

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When the poor farmer ran over the family bicycling around the world, killing the husband/father and injuring the wife and child, the driver said his cell phone slid off the seat and he was looking for it when the 'accident' occurred. I don't remember the same venom and calls for punishment for him. Could it be because she comes from privilege? Should everyone wear a hair shirt and renounce privilege? There's a lot of class hatred in the world and it is witnessed here. As was posted earlier, we don't know the facts; so why assume the worst of someone because they have money? I'll bet that poor farmer didn't attempt to pay compensation to the dead man's family or even apologize to them or become a monk. His failure happened in broad daylight on a lightly traveled road. What was he charged with?

Have you never been distracted, even for a moment, while driving? If you have, you were lucky not to have killed someone. Humans are imperfect and we all have lapses in judgment and are inattentive at times. Even drivers of High Speed Rail sometimes lose focus and sometimes a great number of people die. Was it intentional? That is the question that should be asked when wanting to assign punishment.

I agree with you, accidents happen, and nobody's perfect.

This isn't class hatred, it is more intolerance of bullsh1t. She claims the deceased has already forgiven her through apparition and now 'declared herself a Buddhist nun' where she's actually just a novice.......it is manipulation and narcissism.

Wait until next week, let's see what she will conjure up during her period of deep reflection.

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"It ain't the years, it's the mileage" -Indy Jones. She is getting lots of mileage out of this one for sure. Friend stole $1 jar of paint back when student, had to spend 4 weekends in jail, longer than this woman will spend eating vegan and hanging out. At least make her shave her head.... This whole affair can be seen as a career boost for her.

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I ran over and killed two old ladies on my motorbike yesterday, I was caught but refused to be arrested. Lucky me.

This case is too pathetic for words, a wind up, and have no idea what`s gone down here, except that I wonder how much mummy and daddy paid and her to bypass the legal processes?

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I love Thailand, they are so organized in their laws and upholding them.

I'm going to celebrate, and go down to the corner and eat some Som Tam and forget about it.

Ohhhhh....that's right, I moved out of Thailand last year after coming here for years....Don't miss it

And...the Thai Baht to the USD is 34........when it hits 40, I will cash out.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance? I would not wait to cash out your baht. If you wait for it to get to 40, you will have lost money. Myself, I would rather buy at 40 and sell at 34.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance?


I don't know what the hell the exchange rate, your moving out of Thailand and not missing it has got to do with the topic but let's play the silly game.

Take a look. You exchange US$5.00 @ B40 and get B200. A good benefit whilst here, however, if It trends down and you sell the B200 back @ B34 to the US$ and you receive a higher dollar return of US$5.88, which is more beneficial if returning home. So who's correct? Americano555 or the mathematical genius. I know who I'd bet on.

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I love Thailand, they are so organized in their laws and upholding them.

I'm going to celebrate, and go down to the corner and eat some Som Tam and forget about it.

Ohhhhh....that's right, I moved out of Thailand last year after coming here for years....Don't miss it

And...the Thai Baht to the USD is 34........when it hits 40, I will cash out.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance? I would not wait to cash out your baht. If you wait for it to get to 40, you will have lost money. Myself, I would rather buy at 40 and sell at 34.

Did you go back to the US to complete your degree in finance?


I don't know what the hell the exchange rate, your moving out of Thailand and not missing it has got to do with the topic but let's play the silly game.

Take a look. You exchange US$5.00 @ B40 and get B200. A good benefit whilst here, however, if It trends down and you sell the B200 back @ B34 to the US$ and you receive a higher dollar return of US$5.88, which is more beneficial if returning home. So who's correct? Americano555 or the mathematical genius. I know who I'd bet on.

Only it's not what he said genius...;)

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Let's be frank, shall we? The only (ONLY!) reason why she is putting up this circus is because she is mortified that the dead police officer's ghost might come to haunt her. Otherwise she'd give a rat's ass about having to atone for her deed.

And then only 7 days? Hardly a time span that anyone would consider adequate - not least the dead officer's spirit.

The big question now is: Will she be able to avoid getting the munchies at 3 a.m. (Buddhist nuns are supposed to eat only once a day, after daybreak and before noon), because we all know how tragic her last episode ended. Or so she claimed.

Once a day...daybreak and noon? Ok.

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"I pray every night, and a part of me believes he has forgiven me," Anna told reporters and cried.

​Well Anna part of me believes, the dead RTP officer does not forgive you at all, in fact he is very angry and upset that he will not see his daughters grow up, never see his future grandchildren and never be able to hold his wife again.

But don't let that worry you during your 7 day holiday in the wat.

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"I pray every night, and a part of me believes he has forgiven me," Anna told reporters and cried.

​Well Anna part of me believes, the dead RTP officer does not forgive you at all, in fact he is very angry and upset that he will not see his daughters grow up, never see his future grandchildren and never be able to hold his wife again.

But don't let that worry you during your 7 day holiday in the wat.

Very well said.

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Wonderful. Usual procedure with Thai VIP's. Becoming a monk for a while, pay big money (or depending who you nothing at all), hiding upcountry or abroad and come back a year later or so.

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With one or two notable exceptions the usual overly vindictive, uninformed, irrational Thaivisa illiterates are out in force on this thread. You lot might want to try to re-read the reports about this case very carefully and then consider how daft your posts are.

There are two subjects in this case, the driver of the car and the sleeping-at-the-side-of-the-road policeman. Have any charges been dropped? I don't think you'll find they have. So the woman puts herself into a nunnery and you're all up in arms about it. What's it got to do with you how she tries to atone for the accident? How many of you would do anything except what was required by law if you were unfortunate enough to be in her position? Can't picture many Thaivisa members shaving their heads (disregarding those that do it already for vanity purposes) and checking themselves into monasteries, can you? You'd all probably be down the pub with your mates as usual. You certainly wouldn't be in jail like you expect this woman to be, for an accident.

What is particularly hypocritical is that the vast majority of the posters are the same ones who regularly lambast the Thai police, without exception, as lazy, corrupt, contemptible incompetents who shouldn't be given the time of day with not one of them having a bad word for this policeman who possibly contributed to the accident, yet the woman is being vilified for an accident that may, or may not, have been her fault and some of the keyboard prosecutors are actually calling her a murderer.

But then, I suppose, what more could be expected from you?

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