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BKK Police Chief Angered by Breathalyser Test Requests

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WOW! The funny thing is the guy actually really thinks he is in the right!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The guy has now exposed himself for what he is and no further comment about that is neededwai.gifwai2.gif Thank you wai2.gif thank youwai2.gif !!

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He'd be gone if it happened in the west. The media would have scandalized it, as they should. If the Thais weren't so apathetic he would be gone, so would the rest of the cronies and Thailand would be a better place. Much blame lies with an uncaring public.


The bloke front left is doing a good Mr.Bean.

Naaahh, that's just the way he looks,he will be starring in the next Joker Movie Installment.


Ah-ha, so the secret phrase is "I have not drunk any alcohol", and we'll be waived through.

This story also proves that volunteer cops are more honest than normal cops.

You have to tell them who you are too.....


Sounds like he was drunk and this is his way of getting off.

Probably correct, and no guilt or shame or setting a good example of police doing their job properly.

He just made himself standout as being above the law he does not understand that if you can talk your way out of a breath test, that others should be allowed to as well.

It's one rule for all.

Maybe because he is above the law he should visit the temple and ask the monks if he has special spiritual powers.


He as the BKK police chef leader and role model gives the entire police a stupid and ugly face.
The bad part is:
He is mentally unable to understand this.


I hope the Mr Prayuth reads this and nails this man to the wall for as he admitted, refusing a public officer's command 5 times and then using his rank to avoid being tested. It is irrelevant if they were volunteers or not as they were acting for a government body to ensure the laws of the Kingdom were upheld.

As for his comment "If those volunteers were quality people"., three words:Pot, kettle, black.


By taking the test he could have been an example for everyone, a hero, showing Thai people everyone has to obey the law... Now he is a zero, the loser of the year!


If im a top police chef in any country i surely travel with my own private motorcade and stuff like that... with sirens and flashlights and rounded up people around my route... there is absolutely no way anyone would breaCthalyze me that way for sure! w00t.gif

Would you please re-write your post so that it is some-way understandable?

Could you please learn to read and try applying a little comprehension skill.

Yes, the English is poor but the gist of the message is quite clear.

Sorry guys i was drinking my San Miquel light already, apologies for my engrish na kap ;)


Im sure if this story has appeared here it would have to be in the Thai media, and therefor on someones FB page sooner or late.

Sure a few would be up in arms, but id punt a more than a few would comments would be to the tune of...

55555 Poor policeman.. him who try catch big fish ..now he sard hong nam polit station muk muk with toothbrush 555 ^^^^^^(((*00*)))^^^^^^^^

If I'm not mistaken this appears to ridicule the general Thai population by pointing out that there may be a universal consensus that the Junior Policeman was in someway wrong in his attempts at getting the Senior Policeman to take the breathalyser.... It seems like a Thai Bash...

While society most certainly is rigged in favour of those with power and money, the large majority of those members of the General Public who may post of Facebook, Panthip and many other web forums would be quite annotated in their anger at this situation...

The issue in Thailand is that people are aware of how strongly the odds are stacked against them and what may happen to them when they stand up alone (or in a group).

Very few foreigners have truly scratched the surface here in Thailand yet draw stupid opinions ridiculing a nation with such childish and immature comments as highlighted in bold (in the quote above).


The smart thing of course would have been to take the test to show no-one is above the law... but this is Thailand...

He probably had all the breathalyzers rigged to show that anybody driving a Mercedes was over the limit & it came back to bite him.


You are not above the law. Lead by example. If you had nothing to hide then why did you refuse to take the breathalyzer. It would have taken less time (to take the breathalyzer) than to argue with the men doing their job properly. When people like you are no longer in the police force the country will be a safer place to live in. Are you going to have yourself charged for not taking the test? ITS LAW NOW or did you not know.

I recently read somewhere (I'm no Thai lawyer), that refusal of a breath test was punishable the same as if you failed a breath test?????

1 year in jail and a 20.000 baht fine.



You are not above the law. Lead by example. If you had nothing to hide then why did you refuse to take the breathalyzer. It would have taken less time (to take the breathalyzer) than to argue with the men doing their job properly. When people like you are no longer in the police force the country will be a safer place to live in. Are you going to have yourself charged for not taking the test? ITS LAW NOW or did you not know.

I recently read somewhere (I'm no Thai lawyer), that refusal of a breath test was punishable the same as if you failed a breath test?????

1 year in jail and a 20.000 baht fine.


unfortuantly its probaly either or and may be the decimal point is one or two to the right


I am sorry Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah, but surely your stance on this is wrong and the officer in charge should be commended on his actions, not repremanded.

Every driver that is stopped at a 'Drink/Drive checkpoint' should be checked by breathiliser no matter who they are.

I have been stopped several times, sometimes checked and others not, and somewhat surprised how gullible some officers were in believing the driver instead of testing them.

When an officer is seen as not performing his duty, 'we all complain', yet in this case the officer was doing what he was told to do, 'check drivers for DIC'. Let's be fair and recognise that the right thing was done.

There are worse things happening on the roads and if the Police Department can't see what they are, I am sure the readers of Thaivisa forum can write up the list.


what the hell is the test for then? should those in charge of testing just take the motorists' word that they didn't take any alcohol? a certified role model for imbeciles with authority. keep it up, sir!


If im a top police chef in any country i surely travel with my own private motorcade and stuff like that... with sirens and flashlights and rounded up people around my route... there is absolutely no way anyone would breathalyze me that way for sure! w00t.gif

On a private night out I'm sure you would not in the UK.

He's obviously a pillock.


I am sorry Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah, but surely your stance on this is wrong and the officer in charge should be commended on his actions, not repremanded.

Every driver that is stopped at a 'Drink/Drive checkpoint' should be checked by breathiliser no matter who they are.

I have been stopped several times, sometimes checked and others not, and somewhat surprised how gullible some officers were in believing the driver instead of testing them.

When an officer is seen as not performing his duty, 'we all complain', yet in this case the officer was doing what he was told to do, 'check drivers for DIC'. Let's be fair and recognise that the right thing was done.

There are worse things happening on the roads and if the Police Department can't see what they are, I am sure the readers of Thaivisa forum can write up the list.

This situation is partly coming from the fact some top police buy their way to the top and are in reality not capable of performing the needs and the responsibilities of the job, and don't have any broad or wordly approach.


Breath taking (no pun intended) arrogance and stupidity. I hope Prayut sacks him immediately.

Sad thing is that Prayut will not see anything wrong with his actions.

Maybe, but if he does see something wrong with this, will he have the balls to dismiss this police chief? Somehow I would doubt it. coffee1.gif

And if he doesn't take any action (publicly) then he MUST be condoning the attitude of this policeman. What happened to "attitude readjustment"? Or was that only for those who opposed the current regime? whistling.gif


You are not above the law. Lead by example. If you had nothing to hide then why did you refuse to take the breathalyzer. It would have taken less time (to take the breathalyzer) than to argue with the men doing their job properly. When people like you are no longer in the police force the country will be a safer place to live in. Are you going to have yourself charged for not taking the test? ITS LAW NOW or did you not know.

I recently read somewhere (I'm no Thai lawyer), that refusal of a breath test was punishable the same as if you failed a breath test?????

1 year in jail and a 20.000 baht fine.

That only applies to the little people.


Got to be a strong contender for "Thainess" of the Month award.

Clear winner.

More like lifetime award, bit like a Nobel prize.


Just because you are a police chief does not put you above the law. If he had nothing to worry about he would have taken the Breathalyser test. Then says the police are not doing there job properly. If

he had nothing to hide why make your self look so stupid by knowing the police rules and still breaking them. Maybe he will get transferred to another district with no check points!


Perhaps it would be better if all senior BIB were given a daily e-mail notification of where Breathalyser check-points would be set up that evening so that they could be avoided. This would at least maintain the facade that all are equal under the law.

BTW I see a possible business opportunity here as well.

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