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Where exactly do we stand in the Thai social scale - Buffalo

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OK, I'm a Farang, and will always be a Farang. Even in the country where I happened to be born.

For me, the questions are:

1. How am I treated when I come from another culture?

2. How is someone from another culture (eg a Thai) treated in the West?

Ad 1:

I love to go undercover sometimes.

As a bum, completely broke, I was treated worse than a dog in Germany.

In Thailand, I was treated like a human being when I ran out of money.

Ad 2:

Have a look at the media and find out how immigrants are treated in certain Western countries.

Try to invite a Thai to your home country, with or without a permanent address in that country. Germans will probably point you to the madhouse, their favourite asylum for deviants that they can't jail or deport.

I understand you totally but this must mean that there are different farang cultures too. In NZ my Thai wife and her kids are accepted with open arms because I do and culturally kiwis (mostly) don't judge people by the color of their skin.

There *are* different Farang cultures. They are called subcultures, and it's politics to hide them away from mainstream culture.

Old Heidelberg is considered to be a multicultural place, so the colour of skin should actually not be a big issue. But try to get a flat in Old Heidelberg if your African, or a good job if you are a Roma, you'll face all kinds of hidden racism. Even if they say "well she's Thai, but maybe she"s an exception" sounds suspicious to me, and raise the return question "what do you consider to be normal for a Thai girl?"

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OK, I'm a Farang, and will always be a Farang. Even in the country where I happened to be born.

For me, the questions are:

1. How am I treated when I come from another culture?

2. How is someone from another culture (eg a Thai) treated in the West?

Ad 1:

I love to go undercover sometimes.

As a bum, completely broke, I was treated worse than a dog in Germany.

In Thailand, I was treated like a human being when I ran out of money.

Ad 2:

Have a look at the media and find out how immigrants are treated in certain Western countries.

Try to invite a Thai to your home country, with or without a permanent address in that country. Germans will probably point you to the madhouse, their favourite asylum for deviants that they can't jail or deport.

This has nothing to do with you personally that certain European country's have strict policy's in place concerning visa for people from third world country's there have been numerous documented and some times high profile cases concerning human trafficking of asian woman to Europe to work in the seks trade.

Thais not so long ago could travel without visa hassles to almost all scandinavian country's and the result was after a few years said country's where being flooded with brothels containing asian totty.

Almost weekly on Thai media one can see or read about Thai woman being trafficked to work as sexslaves in the gulf states or the west.

So think again before commenting on the visa process.


Hahaha…good rant.

Yes you are the walking parking meter here, but probably still doing better than where you came from, if not happy plenty more Asian countries full of people with similar morals, learn to live with or go live with westerm monkeys


Gedouttahere ! Buffalo dies they wail, pray, cry for a month, you die they say, once," WHO? " and then continue eating !

In the West they bury you, have a dinner, and then they start to fight each other for the heritage.


We are all prisoners here but don't seem know we are holding the key.

Social status in Thailand is based on money and/or power. If you have neither then you are of no use to the locals. No Frang with money and/or power ever stands in line for anything and certainly not for something as mundane as a visa stamp. The culture is what it is, deal with it, rob a bank or use your get out of jail card.

Good idea to substitute money with power.

Can you now please define "power"?

where is Naam when you need him?


I would not tolerate that kind of behavior on the part of my wife's family, if they came for a visit to our home. Behave like a decent human being, or do not visit! Surely your wife has to see this, and hopefully acknowledge it. Hopefully she understands your feelings. We do not need for them to be warm, and fuzzy. But, at least a simple acknowledgement when visiting. That is just common decency. Sorry to say, but it sounds like they might be a fairly substandard lot. My wife has a lovely brother, and a great sister. Warm hugs all the way around, when I see them. Of course the hugging part is my own initiative. I think they kind of like it, but do not really know what to make of it. But, they are quite friendly and warm, and very respectful. Same with her folks, though they are not so crazy about the hugs (LOL). I am not a respecter of convention, so I do not give a hoot. I consider them family, so that is that. I get the same from the aunts and uncles. Granted, I think my wife's family is a bit above the norm, in terms of class and respect, and upbringing. Really good people. And they know that my wife is happy, and well taken care of. That is all that matters to them. I definitely do not feel looked down upon, on any level, by her family.


Ok why don't you get respect!

I'm sick of men whining in every contry nowadays

They are so pussy whipped

Read this site and you will know

You are not an alpha man

You are beta and no girl respect beta


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You serious? These extremist websites are just for men who doubt who they are and are run by other men who (s)exploit their delusions. If they talk about women in terms of 1-10 scales and 'gaming' to further objectify women to increase your imaginary power of sexual advantage, doesn't that give you a clue that you are getting played yourself ? You really believe formulas that women are machines that if you press the right buttons they can't help themselves to be gagging for it no matter who you are? Women I know think these kind of misogynistic websites and attendant kinds of players are totally laughable and BTW, not sexy either. Get your self confidence from real life and real people, not from commercial websites offering manipulated imaginary masculinity in exchange for advertising $$. Interesting though that U-Tube removed a video from your recommended site because of hate speech."Return of Kings" indeed, what nonsense


I'm serious lol

Because it is like this

It's not something people just write it because they think

But it's science

If you are not a woman or a western guy who get brainwashing by feminism then you will understand it too

You can scream all you want but it have many study prove that . I mean research

Ok got this

Beta buck alpha <deleted>

For short I will try to explain that site

It'll teach you about what is the reason behide woman behavior. Hypergamy blah blah. It's from gene to survive.

They don't teach guy to be womanizer. They just state the truth base on science

Why woman like guy who is strong leader type.

Most of the time

Femenism or someone like yourself will <deleted> a lot of alpha then decide to settle down with beta after 30 years old

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Ok why don't you get respect!

I'm sick of men whining in every contry nowadays

They are so pussy whipped

Read this site and you will know

You are not an alpha man

You are beta and no girl respect beta


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You serious? These extremist websites are just for men who doubt who they are and are run by other men who (s)exploit their delusions. If they talk about women in terms of 1-10 scales and 'gaming' to further objectify women to increase your imaginary power of sexual advantage, doesn't that give you a clue that you are getting played yourself ? You really believe formulas that women are machines that if you press the right buttons they can't help themselves to be gagging for it no matter who you are? Women I know think these kind of misogynistic websites and attendant kinds of players are totally laughable and BTW, not sexy either. Get your self confidence from real life and real people, not from commercial websites offering manipulated imaginary masculinity in exchange for advertising $$. Interesting though that U-Tube removed a video from your recommended site because of hate speech."Return of Kings" indeed, what nonsense

Agreed with bells on

So many guys buy into this shit while the unassuming, modestly-financed, blokes with borderline "dad-bods" absolutely CLEAN UP with the hot women.

It'd be silly to deny that some women are attracted to the kind of bullshit sites like this espouse but they almost ALL end up regretting it.


Ok these world already run by femenism already

But don't get the alpha man wrong

Alpha is almost like guy back then before they get brainwashing by faminism

And I talk about real attraction not about when rich guy use money to buy woman. Yes! She love his money but she definitely don't love him

Alpha is not womanizer!

That is delta

Real alpha is a man who is leader who don't let woman use them or fool them

Don't do as what woman tell them without thinking

Or cry Infront of woman

Alpha take good care of their woman.

Protect them

I'm not good with explaining

But alpha husband is a man who act like what husband should act

Not act like you are your woman's kid

And yeah your wife is your wife not your mother

And that's a reason why lot of woman

Enjoy reading " 50 shade of guy" their dream guy blah blah cuz the main character is real alpha but a little bit creepy if you ask me lol

This is just my opinion about what the op should learn

But if the op don't like it then don't do it.

It's his choice

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I think one of the main problems is that Westerners expect Thais to act just like they think is appropriate but Thais don't.

Unfortunately, in many cases which seem to be related to the rural Thais for whatever reason, appreciation for anything they are given from a falang doesn't always last very long. It doesn't matter that you give a hunk of your pension to feed, cloth, and sustain the family's livelyhood because they figure it is ok for you to do that just simply because you can afford to.

I gave my wife's family laptops, bicycles, food and more....and none of it was really appreciated. Sure, a thank you, thank you but that is about it. My biggest concern is that things that I buy don't often have much value but if a Thai bought the item then it is always squeaky clean and in good condition. It just seems to boild down to the fact that Falangs have a source for money that Thais don't have and if they can benefit from that ....why not?

Don't ever think that Thais will ever look at you like one of the family. They won't. I was once told by a Thai: "You might speak and write Thai, be married to a Thai and have children with a Thai and even lived here for years BUT DON'T THINK THAT IN THE EYES OF A THAI YOU ARE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A FALANG. I heard that 10 years ago and have never forgot.

Well that is because no one can change their ethnicity.. even if they wanted (Rachel Dolezal).

Who cares about being a Thai? Why is that important, anyway? I will never be a Thai and will never fully belong here. Who cares? I love it here. I have an amazing Thai wife, she has a great family, I love them, they seem to love me, it's all good. Why the obsession with belonging? That is for the tribes. For me, I don't need to belong. Just to be comfortable, which I am. I don't belong in my home country either, as I am too eccentric to belong. Never cared much about belonging. It is over rated. It is for the conventional.


Ok these world already run by femenism already

But don't get the alpha man wrong

Alpha is almost like guy back then before they get brainwashing by faminism

And I talk about real attraction not about when rich guy use money to buy woman. Yes! She love his money but she definitely don't love him

Alpha is not womanizer!

That is delta

Real alpha is a man who is leader who don't let woman use them or fool them

Don't do as what woman tell them without thinking

Or cry Infront of woman

Alpha take good care of their woman.

Protect them

I'm not good with explaining

But alpha husband is a man who act like what husband should act

Not act like you are your woman's kid

And yeah your wife is your wife not your mother

And that's a reason why lot of woman

Enjoy reading " 50 shade of guy" their dream guy blah blah cuz the main character is real alpha but a little bit creepy if you ask me lol

This is just my opinion about what the op should learn

But if the op don't like it then don't do it.

It's his choice

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Confidence is a given. But just forget about all the pseudo scientific label BS built around it that these guys try to make a career out of for their own benefit. Or carry on with it but don't be too disappointed when you find out that it's all very superficial and one size does not fit all, it never has and never will. Human kind is far too complex for their easy stereotyped answers.


My immediate family drove up to our house: younger sister, her oldest daughter, and her youngest son.

My wife says, "Come out and say hello."

So I come out, walk up to them, look at each of them in the eye: No one will even make eye contact with me. The youngest son yammers with himself; The oldest daughter won't even look in my direction, too busy picking buger out of her nose; and my wife and her sister are too busily engaged in "CONVERSATION" to even notice that I'm standing two feet from them attempting to say hello and acknowledge their visit.

I stand, I stand, I'm ignored. And then internally I finally say, "<deleted> it!" Also I'm thinking two things:

Number 1. Is this just because I'm a farang, an outsider, someone with status in Thailand between a Cow and Dog; or us this

Number 2. Thai culture degenerating to the point where younger people no longer respect elders.

Now. In my own view, I probably have the status of a Buffalo, which is ironic because I believe that the Thai Buffalo is one of the most important animals in Thailand, and probably one most worthy of immense respect. The average Thai will never understand that: just a f**king Buffalo.

I'm tired of the disrespect. I'm tired of being treated like a farm animal.

For my American and other "Farang" friends, Thai immigration now has moved to a smaller office. Folks who are 60,70, 80 or older are forced to stand outside in the sun. Right now, today, we had a nice balmy 82. Six weeks ago it was in the 100s. And we are suppose to stand outside, very few chairs are provided, and from a Thai forum that I subscribe to, the comment was made that after the foreigner were pushed outside, the smell was much better inside the office. That's what we deal with.

I personally believe that most consider me to be simply on the same status of Buffalo. I have supported my family with an income in excess of multiples of what Thais make, and I've spent a majority of my retirement funds taking care of my family.

And what is my equal here in Prateat Thai? A water buffalo. If you think I'm kidding, at the new Chiang Mai immigration offices, foreigners are forced outside to sit along side a corral of sheep and goats. Yep! That's the respect we have here in Thailand. Anyone who thinks I'm kidding just go the the Chiang Mai forum on this issue. NancyL did a wonderful job outlining the facts.

And I'm not sure how much longer I want to put up with this, Buffalo Kee. My wife knows this too.

Oh, don't think I speak, read and write Thai. All this went out to my family in written Thai tonight. This last week in the country has pissed me off beyond repair.

And I won't even respond to comments. Most of you people don't have a clue.

You emphasised your financial support for the family, which in itself is quite commendable, but do you really belive that money is the only way to win a woman' affections? (read your wife) Your family's respect?

"You reap what you sow"


I'm no one to tell what is right and what is wrong.

But science is a fact not opinion. It's in woman gene to feel attract to guy who can protect them and can provide for them to guid them and their child. And to protect them of course!

You can say whatever you want but that is science. And you should see what science talk about feminism. Woman who try to be a man they are not happy theirselves too. let get it finish here.

If you want respect then you should respect yourself first.

What do you mean when you said you taking care your family?

Is it mean that you also give money to parents? There are term of "katanyoo" but it's not the same as being ATM.

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Ok these world already run by femenism already

But don't get the alpha man wrong

Alpha is almost like guy back then before they get brainwashing by faminism

And I talk about real attraction not about when rich guy use money to buy woman. Yes! She love his money but she definitely don't love him

Alpha is not womanizer!

That is delta

Real alpha is a man who is leader who don't let woman use them or fool them

Don't do as what woman tell them without thinking

Or cry Infront of woman

Alpha take good care of their woman.

Protect them

I'm not good with explaining

But alpha husband is a man who act like what husband should act

Not act like you are your woman's kid

And yeah your wife is your wife not your mother

And that's a reason why lot of woman

Enjoy reading " 50 shade of guy" their dream guy blah blah cuz the main character is real alpha but a little bit creepy if you ask me lol

This is just my opinion about what the op should learn

But if the op don't like it then don't do it.

It's his choice

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So you have tested this so called alpha male theory yourself yes ?Concerning 50 shades the lead caracter in said story is a billionaire and can get away with that stuff,now consider this same scenario between a foreign old age pensioner and his Thai wife it would be a scenario in the tv series criminal minds.

You don't really understand what feminism is, do you?

I'm interested more in what feminism effect on society. Esp family life. Because they wanna whor* them self around

Feminism is all about increased man brainwashing man to choose them. Most feminism are fat old high educate woman. And they like to talk about men get arouse by their intelligent alone lmao

Most of real attractive young woman don't like feminism

And real feminism is not even happy about themself. They hate themself

Forget about that equals . That is just an excuse. Equals should be same side . Not about woman get more benefits than man blah blah. If it's equal then why woman should get special treat.

Ok if you want the special treat from guy. They you should act like woman. Do you know this word ; gender role.

You can search google why real woman is against feminism because feminism really harm woman more worse than guy can do

Ex. Single mom( feminist do encourage woman to ruin family just for benefit of herself) , have to many sex partner so they can't feel love or connected with guy anymore only used them. Etc

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Ok these world already run by femenism already

But don't get the alpha man wrong

Alpha is almost like guy back then before they get brainwashing by faminism

And I talk about real attraction not about when rich guy use money to buy woman. Yes! She love his money but she definitely don't love him

Alpha is not womanizer!

That is delta

Real alpha is a man who is leader who don't let woman use them or fool them

Don't do as what woman tell them without thinking

Or cry Infront of woman

Alpha take good care of their woman.

Protect them

I'm not good with explaining

But alpha husband is a man who act like what husband should act

Not act like you are your woman's kid

And yeah your wife is your wife not your mother

And that's a reason why lot of woman

Enjoy reading " 50 shade of guy" their dream guy blah blah cuz the main character is real alpha but a little bit creepy if you ask me lol

This is just my opinion about what the op should learn

But if the op don't like it then don't do it.

It's his choice

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So you have tested this so called alpha male theory yourself yes ?Concerning 50 shades the lead caracter in said story is a billionaire and can get away with that stuff,now consider this same scenario between a foreign old age pensioner and his Thai wife it would be a scenario in the tv series criminal minds.
You be alpha and rich lol that is ideal man

But the important is you have to be alpha to get respect( not get used) from your wife and her family.

Well, that is my opinion. Maybe you should suggest him other way.


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I married into a Thai family from the east. My wife is Uni educated and now a US Cit.. Her Family has always treated me with respect as i have them. Her Grandmother 99yrs always wants me to sit down and talk with her. I practice my Thai and Lao with her and she tries a little English.

No money has every went to them. I do slide some to the younger kids for snacks but that is it.

I would tell the OP to pack his bags and head back to where he came from...


I think one of the main problems is that Westerners expect Thais to act just like they think is appropriate but Thais don't.

Unfortunately, in many cases which seem to be related to the rural Thais for whatever reason, appreciation for anything they are given from a falang doesn't always last very long. It doesn't matter that you give a hunk of your pension to feed, cloth, and sustain the family's livelyhood because they figure it is ok for you to do that just simply because you can afford to.

I gave my wife's family laptops, bicycles, food and more....and none of it was really appreciated. Sure, a thank you, thank you but that is about it. My biggest concern is that things that I buy don't often have much value but if a Thai bought the item then it is always squeaky clean and in good condition. It just seems to boild down to the fact that Falangs have a source for money that Thais don't have and if they can benefit from that ....why not?

Don't ever think that Thais will ever look at you like one of the family. They won't. I was once told by a Thai: "You might speak and write Thai, be married to a Thai and have children with a Thai and even lived here for years BUT DON'T THINK THAT IN THE EYES OF A THAI YOU ARE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A FALANG. I heard that 10 years ago and have never forgot.

Well that is because no one can change their ethnicity.. even if they wanted (Rachel Dolezal).

Who cares about being a Thai? Why is that important, anyway? I will never be a Thai and will never fully belong here. Who cares? I love it here. I have an amazing Thai wife, she has a great family, I love them, they seem to love me, it's all good. Why the obsession with belonging? That is for the tribes. For me, I don't need to belong. Just to be comfortable, which I am. I don't belong in my home country either, as I am too eccentric to belong. Never cared much about belonging. It is over rated. It is for the conventional.

You misunderstood me...

I didn't mean anyone wanting or not wanting to be thai. My point was that no one can become (or uncome) thai because they wanted to.


People believe that simply moving to a different country should raise their social status? How remarkable.

Many people believe that, even look for it. Small fish in big pond = big fish in small pond. Then there are folks who consider themselves international and count no country or any/all countries as home. Nomad types.


People believe that simply moving to a different country should raise their social status? How remarkable.

Many people believe that, even look for it. Small fish in big pond = big fish in small pond. Then there are folks who consider themselves international and count no country or any/all countries as home. Nomad types.

Don't use the 'N' word. You'll wake up the old men.


People believe that simply moving to a different country should raise their social status? How remarkable.

Many people believe that, even look for it. Small fish in big pond = big fish in small pond. Then there are folks who consider themselves international and count no country or any/all countries as home. Nomad types.

And there are words for these "nomads": communist or socialist.


People believe that simply moving to a different country should raise their social status? How remarkable.

Many people believe that, even look for it. Small fish in big pond = big fish in small pond. Then there are folks who consider themselves international and count no country or any/all countries as home. Nomad types.

Don't use the 'N' word. You'll wake up the old men.

Good morning :D


You don't really understand what socialism means, do you?

I know perfectly what it means but only people i know that view themself as either comminsts (just one person) and socialists also view themself as "world citizens". But i'm sure you didn't know or understand this, quite clear from your posting history that you have comprehension issues.


You don't really understand what socialism means, do you?

I know perfectly what it means but only people i know that view themself as either comminsts (just one person) and socialists also view themself as "world citizens". But i'm sure you didn't know or understand this, quite clear from your posting history that you have comprehension issues.

I know a football fan who also likes cheese.

Are all football fans cheese lovers?

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