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Where exactly do we stand in the Thai social scale - Buffalo

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I wince at how Westerners fail to anticipate the likelihood of situations like this developing when they decide to buy into a local family in return for shagging one of the younger female members.

The OP's not a buffalo; more of a cash cow laugh.png

Sorry, but being a farang doesn't guarantee respect anymore and it never should have in the first place

Since the locals got internet and social media - a hell of a lot more of them know exactly what old Western men marrying younger women are all about . . . thank God

LOL. The implication being they didn't know about old farang geezers and young Thai women before Facebook. More likely they've heard of forums like TV where disrespectful ferners put them down constantly.

As far as the OP, sounds pretty sensitive and self-conscious. Most, but not all Thais I've come in contact with have been nice enough to me. All I need to do is be polite to them and respect their culture; simple enough.

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Woman im dating asked if i wanted to come around for dinner with her family ive never met last week, we had made arrangements to eat out

my response: **** that, ill go out by myself, cya later

she ended up coming out with me to dinner and paying her half which i pretended to try and decline the offer but let her in the end, anyway, i digress

What im trying to say is stop being a doormat and throwing hissy fits like sending that letter off to the family and stop being an ATM, dosnt necessarily take being an a******* like me either


If you are considered a buffalo, you are considered to be uneducated, not polite and unsophisticated. If you are called bird sh..t you are foreign trash. As we don't know you, you must decide if you comply with any of these norms that decides your status in your society. Personally if I greet somebody and they don't greet me back I consider them to be of buffalo material and will tell my wife what I think and why I think so. You may be astounded at the change in attitude when they meet you again. In trying to save face they will greet you ever so politely, if not you will know that you have married into a buffalo herd.



Actually you need to understand that Thai do not really think we are 'livestock' at all as they are extremely jealous of Westerners.

Of course they would never admit that.

There are many traits in the Thai people which one realises after being here long enough to suss them out.

The trait you should remember when you think they are trying to be smarter than you is.......

that they all feel very INSECURE in themselves and in their lives.

Thai think they know better than you even if they have hardly left their village!

It's all tripe of course but they are brainwashed from birth to believe it.


I my experience, it's the ones who see you as a walking wallet who are the ones who are too friendly for the first meeting.

I've noticed that it takes a long time before Thai people will warm to you and be friendly. At least 3 or 4 meetings.

The one which always strikes me as bizarre is when you go to leave and say goodbye. Once you've said it, it's as if you are already gone. No final waves as you set off in the car or anything like that ...


Who Farting cares ,,I don't ,,,If they don't wai you if you wai them ,,Easy F---k Them all,Do your own thing in your own place and Enjoy your your Temporarily stay in LOS (Land Of Something else)


My experience - those farangs who allude to the walking ATM profile usually have very little $$$.

They get the OAP & complain about the volatility of the FE market.


I think half the problem is large numbers of Johnny bloody farang comes to Thailand and expect the natives to kow tow down in their presence

Normally soutpeel you miss the point of the OP entirely and this is no exeption

Which is what dear boy ?..its the typical " i am a whitey and demand respect from the natives" rant been done plenty times on here

Is it <deleted> you loon head

It simply a case of the Op being taken for granted usually due to the low intelligence of those who are benefitting from his largess

Why you need to make it anymore is perplexing to me!

:( Why is it that some westerners believe, YES believe without knowing, that Thailand possess even 1% of western culture and social behaviour.

Please, try to improve your own intelligence and investigate the differences before you BELIEVE Thai people don't say hello because they want to be rude.

So many poor little simple minded farrangs complain about not being treated well, boohoo, I feel so sorry for you, and if you would know me, you would also know that I look down on people I feel sorry for.


They probably still hold more respect for you than the average Thaivisa member.

With the exception of a few, i wouldnt piss on the average TV member if they were on fire



Could you pack everything important to you and leave on the back of a motorbike taxi ? Your passport, medicines, plastic cards, and what else do you need ? Next time you get pissed off, sit down and make a list, it'll make you feel better to have a plan.


I wince at how Westerners fail to anticipate the likelihood of situations like this developing when they decide to buy into a local family in return for shagging one of the younger female members.

The OP's not a buffalo; more of a cash cow laugh.png

Sorry, but being a farang doesn't guarantee respect anymore and it never should have in the first place

Since the locals got internet and social media - a hell of a lot more of them know exactly what old Western men marrying younger women are all about . . . thank God

LOL. The implication being they didn't know about old farang geezers and young Thai women before Facebook.

That's not what I was implying. The clue to that fact was in the use of the word "more"


it keeps amazing me with this sort of topics that people with no social skills at all (don't know about their intellect) feel the need to talk shit about a whole nationality. then again it shouldn't amaze me at all


Perhaps they know that you're just a mark, so have no interest in you whatsoever.

Same for many farang here.

just keep all your money and assets and life, away from Thailand until you figure it out.


Since you have alrady said you will not answer any posts - I'll give it to you straight, like others have: You won't have any 'respect' just because you pay for everything, nor should you xpect any. You married the family, and if your "Wife" as you refer to her is letting this happen shows you exactly where you stand, even in her eyes, nothing more that a Walking ATM. That is, unless she has her own money somewhere, or a source of income - do like a fe others in Isaan have done, move to Pattaya by yourself, see if she comes looking for you. Once the money flow is interrupted, whi will lose face first?? You or Ger?? Syop whinning and move the hell out, take only what is in your name and as we used to say "Di Di Mau!!"


You use the people on this Forum to service your need to get stuff off your chest....then once you have done that you insult the very people you have been using. That kinda says a lot about who and what you are I guess. You complain about not being respected, yet you have just dis-respected a bunch of people on here you most lightly have never even met. At least the Thai people you claim disrespect you...have indeed met you...that may explain it all and help us to understand why they feel the way they do. Maybe you were unaware...but.... "Respect" has to be earned".


Since the locals got internet and social media - a hell of a lot more of them know exactly what old Western men marrying younger women are all about . . . thank God

LOL. The implication being they didn't know about old farang geezers and young Thai women before Facebook.

That's not what I was implying. The clue to that fact was in the use of the word "more"

Nope, cannot accept. Maybe you weren't saying it outright, but with or without the use of the word "more," you were definitely implying it.

It seems, due to their education system, perhaps, that Thais don't have the same sort of inquisitive nature as we Westerners do, but they aren't dummies.


Oh, don't think I speak, read and write Thai. All this went out to my family in written Thai tonight. This last week in the country has pissed me off beyond repair.

I think the above means you DO speak, rad & write Thai, or you DON'T speak, read & write Thai?? After all you did say "This all went to my family in written Thai tonight"

I re-iterate my advice, take some time away, especially in Pattaya, see what pops up, your family mnay come running and do the crawl wai' apology or just the family will ignore you and send the wife down to apologize, if that happens, Move and don't go back.coffee1.gif


Disrespectiful? I'd be interested to hear the other side of the story.... The OP has spent a fortune on his adopted Thai family and he suddenly finds out they don't respect him. Something is missing from this narrative.

All the shizer that you clever dicks rant on about are irrlelevent to the OP He is calling it as he sees it doesn't
matter if he is a victim or not

He is whinging and ranting cos the natives will not kow tow down to him thats all

No. It's disrespectful, plain and simple.

connda, I agree with all you say ... Thais dont have any manners unless directed to another thai, they are extremely xenophobic - In the West we would call it racist.

English 1 is right that thais are jealous cause many westeners have more Money (very important in Land of $), are better educated, have more knowledge (know Earth is not flat) and dosent have to pick their nose 20 times per day ...

Of course your post is disliked by the Group that think all thais is bliss - even if a LB rape them they just love it ...gigglem.gif

Dont know what you should do about your wifes sister and horrible children - maybe just not invite them again ... thumbsup.gif


connda, I agree with all you say ... Thais dont have any manners unless directed to another thai, they are extremely xenophobic - In the West we would call it racist.

English 1 is right that thais are jealous cause many westeners have more Money (very important in Land of $), are better educated, have more knowledge (know Earth is not flat) and dosent have to pick their nose 20 times per day ...

Of course your post is disliked by the Group that think all thais is bliss - even if a LB rape them they just love it ...gigglem.gif

Dont know what you should do about your wifes sister and horrible children - maybe just not invite them again ... thumbsup.gif

Or dump her ass and find a new one, who have enough brain cells to at least respect the owner of the house or have enough brain not to piss off the cow that feeds them.


I really didn't know social status was so important to falangs in Thailand, personally I couldn't care less. Having said that, IMHO there are a few phrases in the OP which indicate where his problems are coming from.

" My wife". Mistake number 1.

" I've supported my family...and spent the majority of my retirement funds...." . Mistake number 2.

" Foreigners are forced to sit outside in the sun......." Mistake number 3.

Actually, I can understand the Thai comment about the smell - some falangs are oblivious to personal hygiene. Reminds me of the old joke of how to get a Brit out of the shower - throw in a bar of soap.

In reverse order, if you hire a visa service you won't have to sit outside in the sun - you don't even have to go there.

I keep about 20% of my retirement savings in Thai bank accounts. 80% are in Australia. That's the way it will stay. I rent, don't own anything except a car and scooter.

My Thai girlfriend knows we will never get married. She will be looked after well, but only as long as she keeps up her end of the relationship.

Her daughter disrespected me once and once only.

While I enjoyed the rant - you are obviously very frustrated - let me suggest you are the one that is clueless.


They probably still hold more respect for you than the average Thaivisa member.

I have had so much help from Thaivisa members about almost everything you could name, and it is more than a few, but I do admit you may have a point

as there is more than 5000 members, but just how much is a few, maybe forty or fifty?


Never had that problem whether it be family members or any other Thai person, mind you I try not to go to places with large farang population

You nailed it, Sabaidee Mai.

Treat Thais with respect and - with very few exceptions - that's the way they will treat you.

Farangs are a different breed; many more seem to be arrogant and clueless here in Thailand.


Never had that problem whether it be family members or any other Thai person, mind you I try not to go to places with large farang population

You nailed it, Sabaidee Mai.

Treat Thais with respect and - with very few exceptions - that's the way they will treat you.

Farangs are a different breed; many more seem to be arrogant and clueless here in Thailand.

Hope you do not forget to wai the taxi drivers and the hookersgigglem.gif


When in Rome....

Amazing how many generalization you got into just a few paragraphs. You must really like Thailand - not.

connda, I agree with all you say ... Thais dont have any manners unless directed to another thai, they are extremely xenophobic - In the West we would call it racist.

English 1 is right that thais are jealous cause many westeners have more Money (very important in Land of $), are better educated, have more knowledge (know Earth is not flat) and dosent have to pick their nose 20 times per day ...

Of course your post is disliked by the Group that think all thais is bliss - even if a LB rape them they just love it ...gigglem.gif

Dont know what you should do about your wifes sister and horrible children - maybe just not invite them again ... thumbsup.gif


Gawd, you people tink too mutt... The wife's sister stops by with her kids to have a chin-waggle and the wifey wants you to say hello... They get caught up in convo and the kids ignore you... BFD, smile, say sawassdee khap, turn around, go back in the house and go back to whatever you were doing...

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