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Things that worries me the most about moving to Thailand some day


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"work at A Pharmacy"

uh nah its not that at all.

And like I mentioned I would definitely try to get hired from here b4 moving.

Anyway can we get back on topic...

The point is that many professions are protected in Thailand, meaning that non-Thais cannot work in those industries... Not saying that you cannot get a job in your given profession, but the odds are against you unless you have a highly specific skill set that is not available in the local populace... Even though you may be highly qualified, you may be in a profession that is barred from hiring foreigners...

As far as your assertion that it would be hard to stay out of bars and to not become an alcoholic in Thailand, the same mentality holds true here as anywhere else on the planet... If you don't have any self-control, then Thailand is not the place for you...

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Too many here become alcoholics if they were not before. They start early in the day and finish when they cannot drink anymore. I see too many foreigners killing themselves with alcohol daily here and or killing others in alcohol related accidents.

It is too easy here to become an alcoholic, it is how people deal with the stress of living in a foreign country, and booze is not cheap even at 2 bucks a quart at your local store, 3 or 4 bucks at a bar.

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Booze and heat dont work for me, just an occasional few but then again im only a social drinker, i prefer cold water with meals, beer i like but cant drink much in Thailand due to it makes me hotter than i already am.

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i really think that your chance to find a job in pharmacy industry here is very low . I know some thais working at a high level of management in these industries and there is no farangs with them . Check on government sites but very few jobs are open to non thai. And for beer i think you drink it because you like not because hot weather....it is a bad excuse . If you drink there you will drink here ....and many people here drink because they have nothing to do

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My personal solution to drinking is - Don't drink! If you added up all the beers I've had in the 7 years I've been here, the case would still be about one fourth empty. In fact, thinking about it now, it's probably been a good 10 months or so since I had one. I'd much rather have a good iced coffee, or iced lemon tea, than a beer. I realize that alcohol can be an addiction, but remember, it was the alcoholic who ALLOWED it to become an addiction.

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If you expect to have a fulltime job and live in the city (away from the red light) I would not expect this to be a specific problem in Thailand.

Finish work, retire to Thailand, bored to death out in the sticks or emblazed by redlight, no work, no hobby: that's a different situation.

I finished work, retired to Thailand, live in the sticks tongue.png

One of the main hobbies: reading and posting on this forum biggrin.png

Two large beers a day (in the evening).

The liver is still working well.

Self discipline is necessary!

If this is the biggest worry you are ready to go (come).

Two large beers every day, (presuming you mean each bottle is 640ml of a 5% strength) is 6.4 UK units of alcohol per day: assuming seven days a week, that makes 44.8 units a week.

The UK guidelines for a safe level of drinking are 21 units per week for men, with the advisory that you go at least two consecutive days a week without drinking.

Not saying this as a criticism, just pointing out that current UK views on adverse health effects of alcohol would class that level of drinking as" heavy", ie more than twice the recommended " safe" level. Of course other developed countries have different recommendation levels, both higher and lower, suggesting hard and fast evidence for "safe" levels is lacking. Looking at all current western countries' recommendations suggests an average of around 30 per week is probably OK.

Boredom coupled with hot weather and lots of free time does tend to increase any existing propensity to drink, which I admit I do have. The way I control it is write down every unit I drink. I deliberately limit myself to that 30 units a week, and when I get to that point I stop drinking for long enough to bring the weekly consumption average down to 30 again. This means always getting at least three to four consecutive non drinking days in a row-another heath benefit.

It's a bit obsessive but it works for my temperament: when you can see the spreadsheet in front of you it's hard to pretend to yourself that you're not overdoing it.

The UK guidelines for a safe level of drinking are 21 units per week for men.

Thank god i don't live in that nanny state anymore!

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If you expect to have a fulltime job and live in the city (away from the red light) I would not expect this to be a specific problem in Thailand.

Finish work, retire to Thailand, bored to death out in the sticks or emblazed by redlight, no work, no hobby: that's a different situation.

I finished work, retired to Thailand, live in the sticks tongue.png

One of the main hobbies: reading and posting on this forum biggrin.png

Two large beers a day (in the evening).

The liver is still working well.

Self discipline is necessary!

If this is the biggest worry you are ready to go (come).

Two large beers every day, (presuming you mean each bottle is 640ml of a 5% strength) is 6.4 UK units of alcohol per day: assuming seven days a week, that makes 44.8 units a week.

The UK guidelines for a safe level of drinking are 21 units per week for men, with the advisory that you go at least two consecutive days a week without drinking.

Not saying this as a criticism, just pointing out that current UK views on adverse health effects of alcohol would class that level of drinking as" heavy", ie more than twice the recommended " safe" level. Of course other developed countries have different recommendation levels, both higher and lower, suggesting hard and fast evidence for "safe" levels is lacking. Looking at all current western countries' recommendations suggests an average of around 30 per week is probably OK.

Boredom coupled with hot weather and lots of free time does tend to increase any existing propensity to drink, which I admit I do have. The way I control it is write down every unit I drink. I deliberately limit myself to that 30 units a week, and when I get to that point I stop drinking for long enough to bring the weekly consumption average down to 30 again. This means always getting at least three to four consecutive non drinking days in a row-another heath benefit.

It's a bit obsessive but it works for my temperament: when you can see the spreadsheet in front of you it's hard to pretend to yourself that you're not overdoing it.

The UK guidelines for a safe level of drinking are 21 units per week for men.

Thank god i don't live in that nanny state anymore!

You know it's just a suggested guideline, right?

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If you expect to have a fulltime job and live in the city (away from the red light) I would not expect this to be a specific problem in Thailand.

Finish work, retire to Thailand, bored to death out in the sticks or emblazed by redlight, no work, no hobby: that's a different situation.

I finished work, retired to Thailand, live in the sticks tongue.png

One of the main hobbies: reading and posting on this forum biggrin.png

Two large beers a day (in the evening).

The liver is still working well.

Self discipline is necessary!

If this is the biggest worry you are ready to go (come).

Two large beers every day, (presuming you mean each bottle is 640ml of a 5% strength) is 6.4 UK units of alcohol per day: assuming seven days a week, that makes 44.8 units a week.

The UK guidelines for a safe level of drinking are 21 units per week for men, with the advisory that you go at least two consecutive days a week without drinking.

Not saying this as a criticism, just pointing out that current UK views on adverse health effects of alcohol would class that level of drinking as" heavy", ie more than twice the recommended " safe" level. Of course other developed countries have different recommendation levels, both higher and lower, suggesting hard and fast evidence for "safe" levels is lacking. Looking at all current western countries' recommendations suggests an average of around 30 per week is probably OK.

Boredom coupled with hot weather and lots of free time does tend to increase any existing propensity to drink, which I admit I do have. The way I control it is write down every unit I drink. I deliberately limit myself to that 30 units a week, and when I get to that point I stop drinking for long enough to bring the weekly consumption average down to 30 again. This means always getting at least three to four consecutive non drinking days in a row-another heath benefit.

It's a bit obsessive but it works for my temperament: when you can see the spreadsheet in front of you it's hard to pretend to yourself that you're not overdoing it.

The UK guidelines for a safe level of drinking are 21 units per week for men.

Thank god i don't live in that nanny state anymore!

You know it's just a suggested guideline, right?

Sure! biggrin.png

As was not eating beef (mad cow)

Boiling eggs for 30 minutes (can't recall the reason)

Making holes in salt sellers smaller, and a mass of continuing ill thought out ideas by people trying to justify their jobs.

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You are a true German, member of the Master Race. Master of everything except your own mind. Really such stupid questions. Why would anyone take a wife to retire with in Thailand. Go on your own and have a different wife every night. Taking a wife to Thailand is like taking your own chocolates to a chocolate factory. Who wants to work in Bkk ? the pollution, the traffic the only reason to go to Bkk is the shopping certainly nothing else there. Beer drinking is overated. Get some class and drink wine, though its expensive in Thailand that should limit you to just a few drinks per nite. Too hot for wine you say ? No never, chilled red wine on ice is sooo much better than beer. Enjoy your retirement, best wishes from an old retired Englishman. PS You people bombed our fish n chip shop, (no hard feelings).

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I love the thunderstorms! Amazing. Plus I dont see much problem with the health system in Thailand. A full check up for £100 isn't bad.

We all have to die sometime anyway

Perhaps a bit off topic, but where do you get real fish fingers in Thailand?
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You are a true German, member of the Master Race. Master of everything except your own mind. Really such stupid questions. Why would anyone take a wife to retire with in Thailand. Go on your own and have a different wife every night. Taking a wife to Thailand is like taking your own chocolates to a chocolate factory. Who wants to work in Bkk ? the pollution, the traffic the only reason to go to Bkk is the shopping certainly nothing else there. Beer drinking is overated. Get some class and drink wine, though its expensive in Thailand that should limit you to just a few drinks per nite. Too hot for wine you say ? No never, chilled red wine on ice is sooo much better than beer. Enjoy your retirement, best wishes from an old retired Englishman. PS You people bombed our fish n chip shop, (no hard feelings).

You should be beaten with a stick for putting ice in a glass of red, and you don't need fish and chip shops anymore anyway its Chicken Tika for you Old chap.

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I love the thunderstorms! Amazing. Plus I dont see much problem with the health system in Thailand. A full check up for £100 isn't bad.

We all have to die sometime anyway

Perhaps a bit off topic, but where do you get real fish fingers in Thailand?

TOPS Supermarket has a relationship with Waitrose UK, loads of UK products in the freezers, including fish fingers. In the North, Rimping has similar. And, check out Makro, Chinese knock offs under the brand name Aro.

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Sure! biggrin.png

As was not eating beef (mad cow)

Boiling eggs for 30 minutes (can't recall the reason)

Making holes in salt sellers smaller, and a mass of continuing ill thought out ideas by people trying to justify their jobs.

"Making holes in salt sellers smaller", whoa, kinky, didn't they object! laugh.png

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Nweever drrink dore 5 cloxks...

Funny but true, never before 6pm, a good rule.

Which Timezone?

I knew you'd come along, sooner or later.

I was being serious... honest coffee1.gif

Here's some interesting info. The worlds booziest nations. It shows Thailand and S.E. Asia as consuming less on average than most of Europe including the OP's country. Don't think the OP has anything to worry about, in fact he's coming to a more modest and chaste country (alcohol-wise)

Let's hope I get this link correct, I've had a beer.


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I knew you'd come along, sooner or later.

I was being serious... honest coffee1.gif

Here's some interesting info. The worlds booziest nations. It shows Thailand and S.E. Asia as consuming less on average than most of Europe including the OP's country. Don't think the OP has anything to worry about, in fact he's coming to a more modest and chaste country (alcohol-wise)

Let's hope I get this link correct, I've had a beer.


There are lies, damned lies and stats., next.

PS: Russia looks like a worthwhile visit. laugh.png

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I knew you'd come along, sooner or later.

I was being serious... honest coffee1.gif

Here's some interesting info. The worlds booziest nations. It shows Thailand and S.E. Asia as consuming less on average than most of Europe including the OP's country. Don't think the OP has anything to worry about, in fact he's coming to a more modest and chaste country (alcohol-wise)

Let's hope I get this link correct, I've had a beer.


There are lies, damned lies and stats., next.

PS: Russia looks like a worthwhile visit. laugh.png

You may have to visit Oz. too, it sticks out there like a sore thumb! And I understand it can get quite warm.

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What outdoor sport do guys do? I would hate to register to a gym center just because of the AC.

Two outdoor sports you can do easily are jogging ( 6:30 am because it's hot ) and bicycle

not all farangs here are fat : I know people who take care of themselves , they are slim even after 60 years old

living in Thailand doesn't make you automatically alcoholic : you must have hobbies !

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My company delivers large MES projects and process automation.

All those are doing business in Thailand and are or were our customers




Merck and


I worked and still work for 3 of those companies in long term projects.

And now the pharma dealers is out for more junkies, right?

And lovely Farang wife won't let him go alone, because Thai women toooo beautiful?

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"Old, fat alcoholics."

Well, let's see. I'm 66, so I guess that fits in the "old" category.

Now, at l73cm and 63kg, don't think "fat" applies to me in any way, shape or form.

And I'm about as far from being an alcoholic as you can get, without being a complete "teatotaler".

Ok, I'm safe. lol

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some day never comes....

Simply stop drinking if you're afraid of liver cirrhosis. You can if you want.

I even stopped taking bloody Farang pharma drugs, against all orders from your shamans, and I'm free now.

No poison no cry biggrin.png

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"Old, fat alcoholics."

Well, let's see. I'm 66, so I guess that fits in the "old" category.

Now, at l73cm and 63kg, don't think "fat" applies to me in any way, shape or form.

And I'm about as far from being an alcoholic as you can get, without being a complete "teatotaler".

Ok, I'm safe. lol

You don't see too many fat alcoholics

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