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Enough rain yet?


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A lot of people (including those in the Thai gov't) have recently been (and perhaps still are) praying for rain. I think they have gotten what they need.

Is there any end to the daily deluges? I half expected to see periods of rain in the late afternoon (for that is normal this time of year), but now it is raining randomly throughout the day.

Since I cannot get a decent weather report here in Thailand, can someone shed some light as to why the rain is occurring almost daily (in the morning and early afternoon hours). Has Thailand been blanketed with the remnants of a typhoon?

P.S. I am staying 20 minutes East-NorthEast of Korat (city). Cloudy every day for the last two weeks, and rain almost everyday... oftentimes very heavy.

Edited by Gumballl
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Enough yet?

No way!

A lot has to come down to fill up the reservoirs/dams to a sufficient level.

Very annoying:

in the past you could find maps with the deviations to temperature and precipitation compared to the long time mean values.

All gone, searching hard, not to find.

All you can see are maps with the absolute values.

Like this map from Jan 1 up to today:


(click to see, can't be inserted as an image here and click on the pic to zoom)

You can see there areas in the central plain with less than 300 mm !!! of rain since Jan 1.

I am quite certain that this is "catastropic".

More maps here:


(but hard to use without knowing the normal values)

Edited by KhunBENQ
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It appears that another rain deluge is on its way to my locale. So far, during the dinner prep time, it has only been a spit of rain. But the western sky looks awfully dark, and it is only 5:20PM.

For the safety of my computer, I'm saying goodbye for now.

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Send it to northern BKK, please!

Not a drip since last week sad.png

All of the farmers in Bangkok must be very worried!.

Here in the north, where the farms are and where the "Big Mango" gets it water from, we are finally getting some.

When we are done, I'll send a few clouds big south. o.k.?

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Send it to northern BKK, please!

Not a drip since last week sad.png

All of the farmers in Bangkok must be very worried!.

Here in the north, where the farms are and where the "Big Mango" gets it water from, we are finally getting some.

When we are done, I'll send a few clouds big south. o.k.?

We are surrounded by farms and rice, the north does not hold a monopoly on farming. And yes, the local farmers are worried.

We had the first decent rain for a week last night, so at least the garden got a bit damp.

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I'm about 25k west of Sakon Nakhon.... been raining day & night for about a week now. Mostly showers all day & good soaking rain all night.

The eastern edge at the Mekong usuallty gets the most from the Typhoons.

See the chart as cited above:


Edited by KhunBENQ
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I am 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet on the edge of the Mae Wong national park. This is where our government water supply comes from. It stopped in mid January and hasn't come back yet.

For the last few days it has been cloudy and some what I would call gardening rain. Heavy enough to soak into the ground and make the grass and trees grow like crazy but not enough to fill the klong and the small local reservoir to provide government water yet.

KPP rainfall for July

2013 239.2 mm

2014 338.8 mm

2015 90.5 mm to 07.00 this morning with 3 days of the month left.

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You can look at this Thai Met Office link for Korat and play around with it.


One from Accuweather which may help and try looking for your village on the link.


Or perhaps the Wunderground weather site here.


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Enough yet?

No way!

A lot has to come down to fill up the reservoirs/dams to a sufficient level.

Very annoying:

in the past you could find maps with the deviations to temperature and precipitation compared to the long time mean values.

All gone, searching hard, not to find.

All you can see are maps with the absolute values.

Like this map from Jan 1 up to today:


(click to see, can't be inserted as an image here and click on the pic to zoom)

You can see there areas in the central plain with less than 300 mm !!! of rain since Jan 1.

I am quite certain that this is "catastropic".

More maps here:


(but hard to use without knowing the normal values)

The tmd site was rewritten a few months ago and most of the easily accessible, useful information is now gone! They really took a step back when they changed it.

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Here in Lopburi we have the odd shower but no real rain for 2 months ,the Pasak dam one of the big 5 dames in Thailand is only 9% full ,all the years I have lived here never seen it so low,maize crops ,80% failure sugarcane not looking well, a local head of dairy cows were grazing a dried up river bed, my own few cows were grazing our dried up fish pond.

The only way we are going to get back to normal ,is for a lot of rain that will cause some flooding,and will restore some normality.

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Well, I only have a few more days here in Thailand (my vacation period is coming to an end). We had sun peering through the clouds yesterday; perhaps the best day in the last two and a half weeks. The day before, however, a deluge of rain during the late afternoon. Probably got an inch (2.54cm) of rain in about an hour, with some spectacular vistas of dark clouds and 30+ mph winds. It actually felt comfortable to sit outside (under a roof of course).

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Well, I only have a few more days here in Thailand (my vacation period is coming to an end). We had sun peering through the clouds yesterday; perhaps the best day in the last two and a half weeks. The day before, however, a deluge of rain during the late afternoon. Probably got an inch (2.54cm) of rain in about an hour, with some spectacular vistas of dark clouds and 30+ mph winds. It actually felt comfortable to sit outside (under a roof of course).

its rain season.
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Cloud seeding. El Nino.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what the TRAF is doing in their spare time. whistling.gif

As far as El Nino, it's a global phenomenon, but without hard evidence to prove that it is the cause, then we are just left with theories and suppositions; nothing concrete.

If it matters, it rained hard for two straight hours last night. I live near 'Thanon Phet Ma Tu Kla' (in Korat), according to my AIS service.

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Cloud seeding. El Nino.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what the TRAF is doing in their spare time. whistling.gif

As far as El Nino, it's a global phenomenon, but without hard evidence to prove that it is the cause, then we are just left with theories and suppositions; nothing concrete.

If it matters, it rained hard for two straight hours last night. I live near 'Thanon Phet Ma Tu Kla' (in Korat), according to my AIS service.

Australia doesn't have hard time producing evidence or reports on the subject. But the erratic rain is due from cloud seeding.
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Cloud seeding. El Nino.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what the TRAF is doing in their spare time. whistling.gif

As far as El Nino, it's a global phenomenon, but without hard evidence to prove that it is the cause, then we are just left with theories and suppositions; nothing concrete.

If it matters, it rained hard for two straight hours last night. I live near 'Thanon Phet Ma Tu Kla' (in Korat), according to my AIS service.

Australia doesn't have hard time producing evidence or reports on the subject. But the erratic rain is due from cloud seeding.

I'm not sure if you are posting from Australia or from Thailand, but cloud seeding only affects a small area. It is not practical for large areas (i.e. the entire country of Thailand).

If it makes you feel better, I just heard the RTAF (Royal Thai Air Force) F-16's flying by... perhaps they are dumping "salt" into the few clouds there are today in the sky.

P.S. In my earlier posts, I erroneously used the acronym TRAF; I meant to have used RTAF.

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