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Trump says he can't recall using insults he's made often

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How is calling Megan Kelly a bimbo news.. but when Megan Kelly asks Ted Cruz, "How will you deal with ISIS?" and he replies, "I will utter the words radical islamic terrorism".. not news..

Is that our new christian mantra like om nama shiva?

I believe Trump was fairly accurate with his description of Rosie O'Donnell. Although, I can't imagine anyone referring to Megan Kelly as a bimbo.

Ted Cruz is light years above that guy who is living in the White House, posing as a world leader, and is heads and shoulders above Clinton or Obama's side kick Biden.

Ted Cruz is a nitwit, the Republican field a catastrophe (exception: Kasich, Christie,Trump). A sorry state of affairs for the GOP.

The Con Brothers and their ilk will do anything to keep ball rolling against an increasingly powerful tide, 20 years max - bye bye. . .

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I honestly cannot remember ever behaving badly, or saying ugly things, now that I am running for the highest office in the land. Somehow, that campaign of mine has affected my memory. I cannot remember being hateful, ugly, deceitful, dishonest, overly cunning, ruthless, manipulative, xenophobic, racist, or a crime boss. I don't remember any of that. I am a really good guy. Honestly, I can lead the country.

This charlatan is one of the most disingenuous people to ever run for an office that thrives on that quality. He is a criminal. He has not uttered a truth since the age of 3. That is the time he started lying to his mother, father, and grandparents. Oh, I am really good at this lying thing. Maybe I can make a living by lying, and cheating people.

Wow, you knew him when he was three?

Not personally. But I can spot the type a mile away. He has dishonestly oozing from his pores. You can see it in his eyes. I do know men who have done deals with Disgusting Donald. They said that when they walked away from the closing table, they felt as if they had been raped. Not a good feeling. He absolutely abhors a win win type deal. If he cannot get over on you, he is unhappy. He is a real sad sack of a man.

Unfortunately, there is a real lack of talent on the ticket this time around. Probably a growing trend. But, is this clown the answer? Many find his candor refreshing. But I see it as a game, and a stunt, and a way to become the most famous man on earth. That is ultimately his goal. He realizes he will never get elected. Not a snowballs chance in hell that would happen. But, he sees it as a way to fulfill his dreams of megalomania and his insatiable desire for fame. Plus, in a goofy, twisted sort of way, it probably helps his business deals.

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Americans love the entertainment.this guy spreads around.

I wonder how he, if president , is going to deal with Putin. He will risk a world war.

And how is Prajuth going to deal with this "farang pig" ?

Not to talk about little boy NK.

Let us hope it just stays with entertainment, then we all had a good laugh, if not we will all die.

He stands for modern executive style "kick ass'.

Wake up you republican fools !!

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Ted Cruz is a nitwit

Yeah, but for a Canadian he's OK. whistling.gif

A nitwit only because he messed up the Green Cheese thing.

Ted Cruz is the smartest one of the bunce w/exception of Ms. Fiorina. Jing, jing, mai go hok smile.png

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At the very best,

Trump will be an almost won guy. He loses other peoples money and that's his best claim to fame outside of being born into wealth.

He's the bankruptcy king and he loves it. Support him if it feels good but….

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Trump reminds me of the jocks in high school who would stand in a circle and brag loudly among themselves about how high they would score in the athletics contest the following day. Next day comes, and skinny longhaired me outscores all the jocks in every event, except shot put.

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How is calling Megan Kelly a bimbo news.. but when Megan Kelly asks Ted Cruz, "How will you deal with ISIS?" and he replies, "I will utter the words radical islamic terrorism".. not news..

Is that our new christian mantra like om nama shiva?

I believe Trump was fairly accurate with his description of Rosie O'Donnell. Although, I can't imagine anyone referring to Megan Kelly as a bimbo.

Ted Cruz is light years above that guy who is living in the White House, posing as a world leader, and is heads and shoulders above Clinton or Obama's side kick Biden.

Fox did their best to take out Donald Trump last night. He's not Roger Ailes candidate so, he let the dogs loose on him. It was a thing of beauty. Donald Trump is pissed and he let the bimbo know it.

If anyone knows the Donald's history, he's not going to stand for the smallest slight and certainly not from some...woman. Fox can't control Trump and I love to see this family bickering. Fox has fawned over Trump for years. Letting him spew and encourage his misogynistic, racist insights. Make no mistake, Fox is responsible for creating this monster.

Let's look at Megan Kelly:

Fox News host Megyn Kelly responded to the brutal video showing a teen girl being manhandled by a Texas police officer by commenting that "the girl was no saint either".

Came out with this beauty, "Santa Claus is White."

"Obama administration is forcing communities that are too white and too privileged to embraced diversity whether they want it or not."

Criticized First Lady Michelle Obama's commencement speech at the historically black Tuskegee University, arguing her recollection of racial discrimination played into a "culture of victimization." Kelly added that discussing racial discrimination is the norm in "Cupcake Nation, that's what we're turning into."

Kelly argued that GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush's Mexican-born wife gives Bush immunity from criticism of his immigration views.

Suggested that the Obama administration chose to ignore Kate Steinle's murder by an undocumented immigrant because there weren't riots or protests like those that happened after the deaths of black Baltimore resident Freddy Grey while in police custody, and Michael Brown, an unarmed black man in Ferguson, MO., by a white police officer. "If you take a civilized route, the respectful, quiet, sad objectioning route, you get ignored," added Kelly.

Of dead arrested subject Sandra Bland, "Even if you know the cop is in the wrong, comply and complain later."

Kelly downplayed a Department of Justice report that found racial bias and stereotyping in the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. Kelly said it is unfair to "tar the entire organization" because "there are very few companies in America, whether they are public or private, where you won't find any racist emails [or] any inappropriate comments."

Kelly discussed nationwide protests in the wake of the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown and asked several times for "evidence" that the deaths of Garner and Brown had "anything to do with race."

Cited Ann Coulter's inflammatory anti-immigrant book, Adios, America, to push back on criticism of Donald Trump's comments that the Mexican government had sent "murderers" and "rapists" to the United States. According to Kelly, Coulter's data "support the fact that some obvious immigrants who come across the borders do turn out to be criminals."

Allowed Trump to defend himself against criticism for his anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican rhetoric. Kelly did not push back on Trump's assertions that Mexican immigrants are "killers."

Kelly repeatedly tried to scandalize a nonsense investigation about a New Black Panther Party member who stood outside a polling station on Election Day 2012, allegedly intimidating voters. Kelly claimed that her sources would shed light on the Obama administration's "decision to not pursue serious charges against members of the New Black Panther Party" and that "politics and race" were potentially to blame.

As a Fox News talking head, by definition, Megan Kelly is a bimbo.

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If Donald were prez, there would be screw-ups every day. When caught saying something stupid, he would start by responding, "I didn't say that." When it was then proven that he did, he would follow with "that was a misinterpretation." If that didn't work, he can attack the person who was interviewing him. Meanwhile, there would be the not-so-small matter of running the country and dealing with foreign affairs. He wouldn't have much time for such things because he'd be too busy defending his stupid actions and statements of days/weeks prior. .....when he wasn't calling up bank presidents, and cajoling them to loan him more money to amass more properties.

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If Donald were prez, there would be screw-ups every day. When caught saying something stupid, he would start by responding, "I didn't say that." When it was then proven that he did, he would follow with "that was a misinterpretation." If that didn't work, he can attack the person who was interviewing him. Meanwhile, there would be the not-so-small matter of running the country and dealing with foreign affairs. He wouldn't have much time for such things because he'd be too busy defending his stupid actions and statements of days/weeks prior. .....when he wasn't calling up bank presidents, and cajoling them to loan him more money to amass more properties.

Nope. Unfortunately, Donald usually says what he means and means what he says.

It may not be appropriate, it may be taken out of context, but at the time and the place it was meant and usually meant exactly as he said it.

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Trump is no different than the Con Brothers - POWER IS KING. Trump puts in your face while the others deal dirty through

they're reps. These guys are the premiere underhand players in the world. The big political football game, don't believe what you hear or read.

It ain't a joke, it's about control.

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If Donald were prez, there would be screw-ups every day. When caught saying something stupid, he would start by responding, "I didn't say that." When it was then proven that he did, he would follow with "that was a misinterpretation." If that didn't work, he can attack the person who was interviewing him. Meanwhile, there would be the not-so-small matter of running the country and dealing with foreign affairs. He wouldn't have much time for such things because he'd be too busy defending his stupid actions and statements of days/weeks prior. .....when he wasn't calling up bank presidents, and cajoling them to loan him more money to amass more properties.

Nope. Unfortunately, Donald usually says what he means and means what he says.

It may not be appropriate, it may be taken out of context, but at the time and the place it was meant and usually meant exactly as he said it.

The operative word here is " Unfortunately"

Unfortunate for him not to have the capacity to discern between "appropriate" and inappropriate

and in the unlikely event the American people were to loose their mind, (what little of it they have left) and he was to be elected president,

Unfortunate for the country to suffer from the damage his "not appropriate" behavior would cause.

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Trump's bovine, albeit magnificent combover trumps any lie he may spew out of his odious cake-hole of a mouth..

Just ask the lovely, skinny Ivana

The Donald's hair beats the late buffoon's bouffant in Korea for lustre - and staying in one spot in the highest gale-force winds ever recorded

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If Donald were prez, there would be screw-ups every day. When caught saying something stupid, he would start by responding, "I didn't say that." When it was then proven that he did, he would follow with "that was a misinterpretation." If that didn't work, he can attack the person who was interviewing him. Meanwhile, there would be the not-so-small matter of running the country and dealing with foreign affairs. He wouldn't have much time for such things because he'd be too busy defending his stupid actions and statements of days/weeks prior. .....when he wasn't calling up bank presidents, and cajoling them to loan him more money to amass more properties.

Nope. Unfortunately, Donald usually says what he means and means what he says.

It may not be appropriate, it may be taken out of context, but at the time and the place it was meant and usually meant exactly as he said it.

I agree somewhat. He says stupid things. Then, when he's called on the carpet about it, if he can't out-shout the person asking him whether it's true, he will harass the interviewer by waving his hand over and over, and squinting and continuing to try and shout the interviewer out of existence.

He's the opposite of diplomatic. His blusterings play well for American red-necks, but in the world arena, he will have to deal with all sorts; people from other ethnic backgrounds, other colors, Muslims, etc. He mistakes soft-spokenness for weakness. Big mistake. Some of the most nefarious villains are soft-spoken. He can out-shout and shut others up, but that doesn't make him right - except in his mind. Even Kruschev, who was similarly hard-core blusterer (to Trump) knew when to back down. Trump wouldn't know when to back down, ever. He's like the 6'5" boxer who comes in the ring, brimming with confidence and self-financed promotion, and as soon as the starting bell rings - starts swinging every which way (and missing) with all his force. His opponent, who may be smaller, poorer, uglier and non-blustering, can just dodge the swinging giant, until the giant tires, and then the little guy jumps out of the ring and steals the trophy, while Trump is still mesmerized by the glare of the stadium lights which he himself paid for.

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Ted Cruz is a nitwit

Yeah, but for a Canadian he's OK. whistling.gif

A nitwit only because he messed up the Green Cheese thing.

Ted Cruz is the smartest one of the bunce w/exception of Ms. Fiorina. Jing, jing, mai go hok smile.png

The smartest one? Seriously? Well, in a field of Republicans, I suppose you can make that claim. But he is the craziest of the far right crazies. For the sake of world peace, Cruz absolutely cannot be the POTUS....ever.

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How is calling Megan Kelly a bimbo news.. but when Megan Kelly asks Ted Cruz, "How will you deal with ISIS?" and he replies, "I will utter the words radical islamic terrorism".. not news..

Is that our new christian mantra like om nama shiva?

It's news because the liberal news media will use it to attack Trump instead of trying to counter his actual policies. Classic diversion speak.

Kelly deserved to be taken down for asking such a blant anti Trump question. No doubt she has it in for him.

Plenty of horrble women in my life I'd like to use that language on, but not having zillions of $ I refrain. Some women are far nastier than men, as they know they can say anything and not get a fistful of fives in the face.

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Ted Cruz is the smartest one of the bunce w/exception of Ms. Fiorina.

Yes, Ted Cruz is well educated (Princeton, Harvard Law), a champion debater, clerk to Supreme Court Justice.

I worked for Ms. Fiorina at AT&T/Lucent. "Smart" is not a word I would use to describe her, and that's being overly generous.

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

Unless you are in public office.

Trumps style of talking could very well start wars if he was in office.

I hope he does get the nomination to run....Hillary would then be a shoe-in, and if by some miracle he won, The US, which still hasn't got over the embarrassment of Bush Jr, would well and truly be assigned to the 2nd tier in terms of international diplomacy.

There is a better chance of Hillary occuping a cell in the Big House, than ever going to the White House. If somehow Hillary evades criminal charges that may be brought against her, she would look like the buffoon she is, if she ever had to debate any one of the Republican candidates that participated in the recent Republican debate.

Talking about the U.S. getting over any embarrassment, it will be light years before America gets over electing Obama. This guy will go down in history as the worst of the worst to ever masquerade as a world leader.

The chances of HRC occupying the White House I would think are well over 80 %, especially if she will run against Donald the Clown. He has now managed to alienate women voters after brilliantly managing to alienate Hispanics.

If I was a right wing loony (and we all know you guys love your conspiracy theories) I would believe that Donald the Clown is a democratic mole because he has singlehandedly managed to almost guarantee a democratic president.

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Trump Fails to Back Up Misogynist Slurs with Anti-woman Proposals, Rivals Say

CLEVELAND (The Borowitz Report)Tempers flared in the aftermath of Thursday nights Republican debate, as rival candidates accused the billionaire Donald Trump of failing to back up his misogynist slurs with concrete and workable anti-woman proposals.

Florida governor Jeb Bush and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker led the charge, as both of them asserted that Trumps sexist rhetoric paled in comparison with their own strong records of opposition to womens rights.

As governor of Florida, I defunded Planned Parenthood, Bush said. Donald Trump is good at creating misogynist sound bites, but Ive actually rolled up my sleeves and gotten things done.


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I worked for Ms. Fiorina at AT&T/Lucent. "Smart" is not a word I would use to describe her, and that's being overly generous.

Gotta love the geniuses that take a company making $10 billion a year, employing 10,000 people, merge it with another company making $5 billion a year with 5,000 employees, and end up with a company making $11 billion with 11,000 employees.

Then (get this) claim a bonus for increasing the business by $1 billion AND claim to have created 1,000 jobs.

How do I sign on for one of those CEO positions? Or maybe they can just give me the severance package and I won't drive the company into the ground...

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.


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The more the media hates Trump, the more the public likes him.

Correction: a *section* of the public. The same section that believe abstinence education works because twice-knocked-up-out-of-wedlock Bristol Palin tells them so. Or believe Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" because Fox News tells them so.

This is the pool of Americans that all grifters dip into for their grifting. In Sarah Palin's case, it's money and fame. In Trump's case it's to feed his megalomania.


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