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Trump says he can't recall using insults he's made often

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Will Trump, when elected...

"When"? cheesy.gif

Considering that he has never held an elected or appointed office, it is a stretch to think he could win. He will not get the Republican nomination, so he'd have to go it alone as an independent, third-party candidate. And he's not whacky enough for the Tea Party.

He'll blow it up, somehow.

This is the pool of Americans that all grifters dip into for their grifting.

Old, grumpy, angry, frightened, confused, barely literate white people. The only ones who still watch the Nightly News. Half will probably pass away before the election?

Edited by bamnutsak
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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

"Calling a spade a spade" is being rightwing politically correct.

Trump is rightwing politically correct in everything he says and actually most importantly, in how he says it.

Donald Trump is classically rightwing politically correct, which is why the most base among the Republican base love him..

BTW whomever comes out of the Republican national nominating convention next summer for prez/veep will be in worse shape than Romney was after he had been dragged through the primaries and stomped on in 2012. Far worse shape in fact. Paul Ryan as the innocent policy wonk veep was so turned off by the experience the mild mannered Wisconsin boy absolutely ruled out running this year, to rather remain a Congressman in charge of the budget committee, that's how awful the Republican nominating process had already become, well before Trump put an exclamation mark to the carnage of it.

The Republicans dominated by the far right are a wolf pack that drank bad water and have turned on themselves. It is not pretty but the political gore and bloodshed of the R party nominating process is unavoidable so let the games continue...

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"You know, some of the statements she made about the women, I don't recognize those words whatsoever," Trump said on ABC's "Good Morning America." ''We're going to take a very serious look at it."

Ole Donald "Frump" and his faded memory...After dissing John McCain by saying he liked soldiers that didn’t get captured we find out there was no chance for Donald Trump to ever be captured because he was the recipient of 4 student deferments and one medical deferment… When quizzed about the medical deferment he couldn’t recall exactly why….

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How is calling Megan Kelly a bimbo news.. but when Megan Kelly asks Ted Cruz, "How will you deal with ISIS?" and he replies, "I will utter the words radical islamic terrorism".. not news..

Is that our new christian mantra like om nama shiva?

It's news because the liberal news media will use it to attack Trump instead of trying to counter his actual policies. Classic diversion speak.

Liberal media?

You're joking right.

The Right have been out for him since the get go.

They're scared to crap of him. They want a puppet they can manipulate.

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

Unless you are in public office.

Trumps style of talking could very well start wars if he was in office.

I hope he does get the nomination to run....Hillary would then be a shoe-in, and if by some miracle he won, The US, which still hasn't got over the embarrassment of Bush Jr, would well and truly be assigned to the 2nd tier in terms of international diplomacy.

There is a better chance of Hillary occuping a cell in the Big House, than ever going to the White House. If somehow Hillary evades criminal charges that may be brought against her, she would look like the buffoon she is, if she ever had to debate any one of the Republican candidates that participated in the recent Republican debate.

Talking about the U.S. getting over any embarrassment, it will be light years before America gets over electing Obama. This guy will go down in history as the worst of the worst to ever masquerade as a world leader.

The chances of HRC occupying the White House I would think are well over 80 %, especially if she will run against Donald the Clown. He has now managed to alienate women voters after brilliantly managing to alienate Hispanics.

If I was a right wing loony (and we all know you guys love your conspiracy theories) I would believe that Donald the Clown is a democratic mole because he has singlehandedly managed to almost guarantee a democratic president.

I think you have been eating too many bananas and are hallucinating. I doubt if Trump will end up being the Republican nominee to run for the White House. There are many talented people that participated in the Republican election debate to choose from, although Trump is far better than Clinton or Biden.

The contrast between Republicans and Democrats are becoming more glaring by the day. I'm not certain if you people having been paying attention, but 17 Republican presidential contenders participated in two recent presidential debates. Most if not all those individuals would make vastly better presidents than Obama or the elderly, untalented Hillary Clinton.

Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

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"You know, some of the statements she made about the women, I don't recognize those words whatsoever," Trump said on ABC's "Good Morning America." ''We're going to take a very serious look at it."

Ole Donald "Frump" and his faded memory...After dissing John McCain by saying he liked soldiers that didn’t get captured we find out there was no chance for Donald Trump to ever be captured because he was the recipient of 4 student deferments and one medical deferment… When quizzed about the medical deferment he couldn’t recall exactly why….

Incipient Tourette's syndrome recently in a full affliction cheesy.gif

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Trump doesn't have one of the most important qualities necessary when seeking high public office.

When to keep your mouth firmly shut.......

The difference there is seeking office or performing the duties. We've got too many guys who are good at seeking the office and not so many good at performing the duties.

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Trump doesn't do polls.

He does ratings.

I still don't believe he really wants to be president.

So the conspiracy theorists that Hillary is in on this are not entirely out of bounds.

Question is, what's she got that he even wants?

Maybe she's got "the photos"?

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A few of those candidates could be elected president. Kasich, Bush, or Rubio. The others? Nope.

Good points if I may say so.


The R party needs the mainstreamer Kasich on the ticket (desperately) so he's a goner with no chance at all because the R base insists on a ticket that agrees with it rather than one that could possibly win with the right candidate under the right circumstances. Kasich would need to start rolling up lotsa votes in the primaries and caucuses to even get the attention of the party, which presents a real challenge to him anyway.

Ohioans in 2014 re-elected Kasich governor with 64% of the total vote and early 2016 polling of Ohio puts Kasich in a statistical tie with Mrs Clinton but only if Kasich is the nominee. Kasich as veep on the R presidential ticket would mean nothing to Ohioans as they, with other Americans, don't vote for vice president. Even Jebush doesn't get to 40% in early polling of Ohio voters (38%). HRC against John Kasich is averaging 44% while Kasich as the nominee is averaging 43%, so Kasich delivering Ohio in 2016 is still problematical. The current and trending polling in Ohio says anybody other than Kasich as the R nominee calls Ohio outright for Mrs. Clinton which would also call the election of the next president then and there.

As for Jebush nationally, Jeb is the guy the R Establishment knows to be mainstream so the party Establishment believes he can win if given the chance and the money. Reality is that if on election day voters are presented with the choice of Clinton or Bush, they will vote Clinton.

Rubio needs to acquire a consistency he's been yet incapable of attaining, which continues to leave him as the leading candidate for class president of his school who is dating the head cheerleader. The Republican Establishment has a decided distaste and disregard of Rubio. Rubio would have to achieve the highly unlikely feat of becoming the electoral frontrunner by miles for the R party Establishment to tolerate the thought of him as the nominee. Same btw regarding Ted Cruz. The Establishment wants someone who can appeal to Hispanic voters but not be one of 'em.

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Unless you are in public office.

Trumps style of talking could very well start wars if he was in office.

I hope he does get the nomination to run....Hillary would then be a shoe-in, and if by some miracle he won, The US, which still hasn't got over the embarrassment of Bush Jr, would well and truly be assigned to the 2nd tier in terms of international diplomacy.

There is a better chance of Hillary occuping a cell in the Big House, than ever going to the White House. If somehow Hillary evades criminal charges that may be brought against her, she would look like the buffoon she is, if she ever had to debate any one of the Republican candidates that participated in the recent Republican debate.

Talking about the U.S. getting over any embarrassment, it will be light years before America gets over electing Obama. This guy will go down in history as the worst of the worst to ever masquerade as a world leader.

The chances of HRC occupying the White House I would think are well over 80 %, especially if she will run against Donald the Clown. He has now managed to alienate women voters after brilliantly managing to alienate Hispanics.

If I was a right wing loony (and we all know you guys love your conspiracy theories) I would believe that Donald the Clown is a democratic mole because he has singlehandedly managed to almost guarantee a democratic president.

I think you have been eating too many bananas and are hallucinating. I doubt if Trump will end up being the Republican nominee to run for the White House. There are many talented people that participated in the Republican election debate to choose from, although Trump is far better than Clinton or Biden.

The contrast between Republicans and Democrats are becoming more glaring by the day. I'm not certain if you people having been paying attention, but 17 Republican presidential contenders participated in two recent presidential debates. Most if not all those individuals would make vastly better presidents than Obama or the elderly, untalented Hillary Clinton.

Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

"Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party."


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I think you have been eating too many bananas and are hallucinating. I doubt if Trump will end up being the Republican nominee to run for the White House. There are many talented people that participated in the Republican election debate to choose from, although Trump is far better than Clinton or Biden.

The contrast between Republicans and Democrats are becoming more glaring by the day. I'm not certain if you people having been paying attention, but 17 Republican presidential contenders participated in two recent presidential debates. Most if not all those individuals would make vastly better presidents than Obama or the elderly, untalented Hillary Clinton.

Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

"Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party."


Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

Unless you are in public office.

Trumps style of talking could very well start wars if he was in office.

I hope he does get the nomination to run....Hillary would then be a shoe-in, and if by some miracle he won, The US, which still hasn't got over the embarrassment of Bush Jr, would well and truly be assigned to the 2nd tier in terms of international diplomacy.

There is a better chance of Hillary occuping a cell in the Big House, than ever going to the White House. If somehow Hillary evades criminal charges that may be brought against her, she would look like the buffoon she is, if she ever had to debate any one of the Republican candidates that participated in the recent Republican debate.

Talking about the U.S. getting over any embarrassment, it will be light years before America gets over electing Obama. This guy will go down in history as the worst of the worst to ever masquerade as a world leader.

The chances of HRC occupying the White House I would think are well over 80 %, especially if she will run against Donald the Clown. He has now managed to alienate women voters after brilliantly managing to alienate Hispanics.

If I was a right wing loony (and we all know you guys love your conspiracy theories) I would believe that Donald the Clown is a democratic mole because he has singlehandedly managed to almost guarantee a democratic president.

Yeah, he knows he is not going to be the president. He is just playing a game, centering himself and possibly waking up a few.

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I think you have been eating too many bananas and are hallucinating. I doubt if Trump will end up being the Republican nominee to run for the White House. There are many talented people that participated in the Republican election debate to choose from, although Trump is far better than Clinton or Biden.

The contrast between Republicans and Democrats are becoming more glaring by the day. I'm not certain if you people having been paying attention, but 17 Republican presidential contenders participated in two recent presidential debates. Most if not all those individuals would make vastly better presidents than Obama or the elderly, untalented Hillary Clinton.

Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

"Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party."


Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Trump says he can't recall using insults he's made often

he did not abject to being called an ass, he only claimed that he did not remember being an ass,

for him being an ass is so natural, that it does not even register in his long term memory.

not only is he belligerent, but has memory problems also.

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And the clown bus rolls along with the Donald in the drivers seat. Hurry up and drive off the cliff. There isn't an ounce of human blood in any of these alleged "people". You can thank the Koch (John Birch Society) brothers and their teabaggers, ALEC and various other front organizations for the current state of governance. Almost forgot the Republican gerrymandering, and the right wing un-Supreme Court also. Walker has ruined his state and had the audacity to brag about destroying the unions and then say he did it nicely. The lie meter went off the scale.

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I think you have been eating too many bananas and are hallucinating. I doubt if Trump will end up being the Republican nominee to run for the White House. There are many talented people that participated in the Republican election debate to choose from, although Trump is far better than Clinton or Biden.

The contrast between Republicans and Democrats are becoming more glaring by the day. I'm not certain if you people having been paying attention, but 17 Republican presidential contenders participated in two recent presidential debates. Most if not all those individuals would make vastly better presidents than Obama or the elderly, untalented Hillary Clinton.

Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

"Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party."


Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

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I think you have been eating too many bananas and are hallucinating. I doubt if Trump will end up being the Republican nominee to run for the White House. There are many talented people that participated in the Republican election debate to choose from, although Trump is far better than Clinton or Biden.

The contrast between Republicans and Democrats are becoming more glaring by the day. I'm not certain if you people having been paying attention, but 17 Republican presidential contenders participated in two recent presidential debates. Most if not all those individuals would make vastly better presidents than Obama or the elderly, untalented Hillary Clinton.

Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

"Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party."


Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

This would be true if most of America thinks as you do. But most of America does not. You're an endangered species, just like the right wing of the GOP...which is the GOP. Most of us tuned in to the Fox debate not because we think any of those Republicans have a chance to be POTUS, but for entertainment only. And as expected, Trump delivered. He's the gift that keeps on giving.

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Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

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Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

Your impending doom? are you the GOP?

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If I were American, I think I'd have really conflicting views of Donald Trump as a candidate. On one hand, he says despicable things about certain people but he does have a good background in business. So many past presidents have lacked business acumen, I may be tempted to drink the Kool-aid and support the Trump. George W ran oil companies into the ground prior to taking office and look how he handled the economy. For all his flaws, Trump understands wealth creation and job creation in a way that many politicians do not. It's hard to balance how rude/racist/seyxist he is with how effective he may be as a leader. He funds himself so he's not beholden to lobbyists or companies.

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If I were American, I think I'd have really conflicting views of Donald Trump as a candidate. On one hand, he says despicable things about certain people but he does have a good background in business. So many past presidents have lacked business acumen, I may be tempted to drink the Kool-aid and support the Trump. George W ran oil companies into the ground prior to taking office and look how he handled the economy. For all his flaws, Trump understands wealth creation and job creation in a way that many politicians do not. It's hard to balance how rude/racist/seyxist he is with how effective he may be as a leader. He funds himself so he's not beholden to lobbyists or companies.

because he is successful in business, does not mean he would make a good president

Business and government are two different things.

Why (Some) Psychopaths Make Great CEOs

"the incidence of psychopathy among CEOs is about 4 percent, four times what it is in the population at large."

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