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Bomb technique was 'taught by foreigners'

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why don't this thai folk officers take out their heads of their <deleted>, swallow their inlimited selfproud, grow up and ask for help to a profesional foreigner police?

Several of Western democratic nations have offered technical assistance.

Notably there has been NO apparent offer of assistance from the Junta's newest BFFs such as Russia, China and North Korea.

yet the Junta signed SECURITY AGREEMENTS last year wuth Russia and China as a diplomatic slap at Western nations critisizing its overthrow of democracy. It would seem a perfect situation with the Shrine bombing that Prayut REQUEST either to provide investigative expertise. But maybe you don't ask if you know you'll be refused.

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There actually is one very well trained group within Thailand that has the expertise in which to make such devices, who know how to construct them, what their effects can be, and the best ways to use them effectively.


when you think about it just about everything technical, scientific, industrial, or innovative is at some point first learned from foreigners whether in person or via the internet. even traditional medicine is a chinese import and allopathic (western) medicine is a us-euro import.


Hey Chief

First the suspect was a foreigner and now he was taught by foreigners

So his Thai right :)

You people change your stories like you change your pants


I, like many others on this forum, ofttimes, use my own unique dictionary...however I have to admit frequently though that it was not my intention......


This is truly a tradgidy !

I know what else is a tragedy

I, like many others on this forum, ofttimes, use my own unique dictionary...however I have to admit frequently though that it was not my intention to do so......


There actually is one very well trained group within Thailand that has the expertise in which to make such devices, who know how to construct them, what their effects can be, and the best ways to use them effectively.

So difficult to know if you are being serious or sarcastic here.

- The army/military?

- The Southern insurgents

Any more guesses?


'The suspected bomber ... does not look Thai.' The sketch doesn't have him looking particularly non-Thai, either.

'"The bank note has been submitted to the scientific crime detection unit for fingerprint and DNA analysis.' Wonder how many pairs of hands it's been through?

If the explosive used indeed was TNT, the there is no expert 'instructor', foreign or local. At something like 7000m/s blast velocity you don't need to make it into a pipe bomb (pipe bombs are designed to overcome the shortcomings of low explosives), just tape short nails or ball bearings straight onto it "Claymore style", stick in a blasting cap (you can improvise one), add an amplifying circuit with a battery (or any high voltage source), connect it to a cell phone ringer, and Voilà! you've got a bomb [remote controlled]. Takes about an afternoon [shopping included] once you got the explosive.

Are you Irish ?

No, I can hold my drink...

(The TNT observation is courtesy of a peaceful country that nonetheless taught members of its military how to wage "total war", including how to make [what are now called] IEDs. That, and years spent in places that make Thailand look like Switzerland.)


There actually is one very well trained group within Thailand that has the expertise in which to make such devices, who know how to construct them, what their effects can be, and the best ways to use them effectively.

So difficult to know if you are being serious or sarcastic here.

- The army/military?

- The Southern insurgents

Any more guesses?

Most EOD techs are taught how to construct such devices so that they know how to defuse them.. so yes, perhaps not so much the Army in itself, but it has people trained, past and present who are/were more than capable of making such devices, one thing that is constantly overlooked is that this "trained person, with knowledge" could very easily be/used to be a former RTA EOD officer/tech, but this falls back to the old adage "No Thai could ever do this" mentality, all Thais have a price, the former/current serving RTN SEAL's caught up in the demonstrations last year being prime examples.


Explosives are used everywhere for construction, mining, demolition, etc. For a person not trained to use them information on how to handle them is widely available. There is no need for 'expert' anything for someone who is willing to take a risk for his own safety to put others in danger. Even making explosives is not difficult. Once you know that ANFO (the most widely used explosive nowadays) stands for Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (think fertilizer and diesel) you're halfway there into making it. It can literally be less than 24 hours from getting p***ed off to becoming a bomber.


They are really jumping to conclusions to say for a fact this bomb was taught to them by foreigners when it can easily be learned online without any help



They are really jumping to conclusions to say for a fact this bomb was taught to them by foreigners when it can easily be learned online without any help

Why do the RTP keep releasing such stupid remarks on a daily basis.


Typical Thai response.

It's all about how things appear here and not how they really are. I wish someone in authority would get a grip on things and focus on what needs to be done to catch and prevent these terrible crimes rather then make silly statements implying yet again that Thai people would not do this and the bomb making techniques were taught by foreigners... How on earth can they make such a statement? How would they possibly know that? Just because they have not seen such explosive devices before doesn't mean a Thai person cannot be responsible. What happens if they are wrong and it is Thai invented and detonated by a Thai? Will they brush it under the carpet to avoid loss of face?

Such serious issues need serious people who stay focused, same story for the economy, corruption etc, etc,,.

I hope they catch the people responsible, punish them appropriately and send a message that they are very serious about dealing with these people no matter what nationality they are.


Relax the case is almost solved, they just need to get through the current season of blue bloods first. This has turned into a complete farce.

"Bangkok bombing: Prime Minister tells investigators to watch Blue Bloods."


Is this for real?

The PM is advising investigators to watch Tom Selleck to get tips on solving the case? Surely watching Sherlock Holmes would be better,, or how about 24? You really could not make this up?


If I ever have need for a small bomb (for getting rid of tree roots in our garden for example) there's no way I'm going to look through Yellow Pages and the like for a suitable supplier, or at least someone to tell how to make one - the brother in law is out of the question, he can't even light a ciggy without burning himself. No way sir..I'm coming straight to the TVF, lots of folks here will be able to help. Thanks in advance.


If I ever have need for a small bomb (for getting rid of tree roots in our garden for example) there's no way I'm going to look through Yellow Pages and the like for a suitable supplier, or at least someone to tell how to make one - the brother in law is out of the question, he can't even light a ciggy without burning himself. No way sir..I'm coming straight to the TVF, lots of folks here will be able to help. Thanks in advance.


Information; It's not what you know, but to know how to find it.

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