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About to be homeless - any suggestions?


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almost a 100 posts since he last replied,depression or LOVE SICK.

me thinks we have all been TANGO,ED.

Yes, sex is absolutely necessary, for mental and physical reasons.

Not so sure if a Puritanistic society would accept this fact.

In Belgium they would probably make him an asexual cripple, another reason not to go back.

Edited by micmichd
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Not sure what the problem with his back is.

I've got orthopaedical problems, too. I need injections in winter time, or sun.

So, no expensive medical treatment required for me in Thailand.

I would ask a doctor about this.

Also, winter depression could be an issue, and a reason not to go back to Belgium.

Without a place to go, outpatient care for treating depression would be impossible. Risk of hospitalisation in Belgium.

Who would pay for medical care in Belgium?

British NHS would be fine, but it's only available in the UK. As a freelancer in Thailand, he would probably have no health insurance in Belgium. So Belgian government would have to pay it all, from taxpayers' money.

It might be cheaper for Belgium to leave him in Thailand.

he did say he HAS medical insurance and still does BUT what he said it sounds like he didnt declare his on going problem when he took it out,so the insurance co.wouldnt cover him.

oh yes sex is a great healer,just look at the faces of all the farangs when their holliday is over,and have to wait for that flight home,talk about depression.

PASS THE HANKIE.crying.gif

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almost a 100 posts since he last replied,depression or LOVE SICK.

me thinks we have all been TANGO,ED.

He did say he only had 2000 baht left in the bank account.

May be spending 40 baht in internet cafe was not a priority.

Also considering all the attacks he came under initially, no wonder he has not been back.

Some TV members really enjoy kicking people when they down and take great joy in seeing someone's demise.sad.png

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Perhaps if the numerous doctors on this thread had offered him viable advice, or reached out a hand like some others did, instead of diagnosing the OP with clinical depression and all the horrors thereof, he would have hung around.

Scammers don't disappear. They milk the gullible until fully revealed.

Nicolas18, PM me and some of us will get together and see what we can do to help out.

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Why has the OP given up on freelance writing, or work in general? A bad back hasn't deterred most people from contributing some work, and there's always abundant demand for freelance writers, as well as teachers, movie/TV extras, online marketers, telesales staff, etc.

Back surgery is not a walk in the park, , sitting up is painful, not to mention all the pain killers, that either make you drowsy or sleepy.

Once he was well enough to return to work, he said company he worked for has closed down or closing down.

Once one has fallen into a pattern or depression, its not easy to think "out side the box"

I am also guessing he may not be aware of where to look. How many TV members knew about Thai Visa prior to joining,

I know it took me good 2-3 years to even discover Thai Visa existed.

100 % agree with your last sentence, I had lived in Bangkok for over 10 years before I knew Thai Visa existed.

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Some of the compassion and understanding shown here lets me know that should I ever need help I would not look for it here! I hope everyone receives that which they've given, in spades.

"DavidB4" - Well I think you need to look at it again ( the advice ) as I think it comes out generally positive on balance. Certainly a few pessimists but even the tough love guys add a reality check as a 'takeaway' . I think most folk can relate to his situation including you, but somewhat reassuring to see not even half want to add to his plight. I do agree that some TV responders can be less than helpfull on a very large number of subjects.

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almost a 100 posts since he last replied,depression or LOVE SICK.

me thinks we have all been TANGO,ED.

He did say he only had 2000 baht left in the bank account.

May be spending 40 baht in internet cafe was not a priority.

Also considering all the attacks he came under initially, no wonder he has not been back.

Some TV members really enjoy kicking people when they down and take great joy in seeing someone's demise.sad.png

The guy also stated that his landlord was also running out of patience. He may still be reading the posts but refraining from opening himself up for a 'kick'. You along with a number of others gave some positive help. One OP also thought he 'knew' him from Bangna and was thereby offering support, another has also offered direct support.

All of us are the sum total of our experiences and for some it is difficult to turn off the ' I am OK Jack' response.

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Firstly, sorry to hear about your back issues, I have had the same and it is no laughing matter, I hope you recover fully and get back to normal soon. (it does get better by the way,, eventually and physiotherapy, stretching, keeping weight down helps a lot).

Secondly, you are 38, hardly an old codger so you need to get off your backside and do something, no one is going to had you a solution, its down to you. I understand your current state of mind but you have absolutely no choice in the matter, not one. It clearly looks like your adventure in Thailand is over, sorry but its true, this is not the place to be if you have no money and no source of income. Despite what people may tell you earning money here as a foreigner on your own is very difficult and you will need cash behind you if you are going to try some private business so staying here is not an option, accept it and move on.

So, you just need to go back to Belgium and focus on getting there. Contact whomever you can in Belgium who can help house you, there must be some organisation that can help you with this. Go back to the embassy and tell them you need to get home no matter what, tell them you are trying to sort out accommodation and you will be willing to return the flight money back to them once you are back on your feet in Belgium. if you kick, scream and push the right people you will get home.

Good luck, try and stay positive and just see it as a new, fresh start. Maybe one day you can return when you have yourself sorted out and secure.

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As far as I can see, nobody has suggested: "Travelers Aid" http://www.travelersaid.org/#

They are a longstanding international NGO who's mission is helping those in the OP's situation. They don't help just anybody who asks, but if you can document your medical issues and your own attempts to resolve your situation, you might get assistance.

Worth a look.

I do wonder if the OP is even reading this thread anymore.

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I do wonder if the OP is even reading this thread anymore.

I wonder whether he can read or reply?

Sale of internet device?

Insufficient funds to log on in an internet café ( sitting outside Starbucks should still work)

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Do you have family or friends "back home" that can bail you out short time to at least get you "legal" again here and able to look for work ? or assist you in returning to your home country where you can obtain work perhaps more easily and sort yourself out.

charlie you are missing the point , he wants OPM and would like it asap.... (opm=other peoples money)

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i think we have to get our hankies out for all those who have been CONNED

yes you are correct ,his cradle to grave coddling was interrupted , go home get healthy ,get a job , save a few bucks, come back and pay your debts , get apartment .start your decline again . oh .... if you cant make it in Belgium ya cant make it anywhere .

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Get a teaching job out in a rural area. They will take a non native speaker out there. A lot of schools have teacher housing, find one that will let you stay for free. Live like a monk and save money and get your visa sorted out. It might take a while but you can survive.

Oh DP 25 great advice to one who is an overstayer. Brilliant suggestion !

DP, you have just blown my cover i though i was safe under the radar , in the jungle school.

whatsa work permit ,coffee1.gif

OP , please forward your bank details , to the do gooders on this forum , actions speak louder than words .

Good luck,etc , has never changed anything., any way good luck .wai2.gif

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Strange, living in a country without having health insurance is a no-no, som nam na.

You might get help in Belgium from the CPAS?

Are you in overstay also?

I understand your problem would be to find funds for a plane ticket plus your rent plus overstay fee and what else?

nasty. Please state what health insurance you have, Thai company or foreign?

Most of our western countries wont touch travellers with a bargepole and with the situations in Thailands past, would have discontinued cover anyway.

Even at the best of times those companies will keep taking your money, knowing all along that their fineprint conditions indemnify them of paying any claim possible. Cretins

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Depression is a very real and serious disease. I've been through it as has my business partner. You lose any desire to do anything. I remember my partner telling me she'd sit at her desk for hours, just trying to do 10 minutes of work. That's it, 10 minutes of work in one day. And couldn't do it.

OP: if you had money, I'd recommend some meds. They can help.

Meds and Thai doctors are bad news for depression.They dont have any idea of what they prescribe..multiple medications that shouldnt be taken together.

if you think you have problems now, when till they get you addicted to that stuff and then try to get off them.

Withdrawals are hell on earth, i wouldnt wish them on a worst enemy

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Not sure what the problem with his back is.

I've got orthopaedical problems, too. I need injections in winter time, or sun.

So, no expensive medical treatment required for me in Thailand.

I would ask a doctor about this.

Also, winter depression could be an issue, and a reason not to go back to Belgium.

Without a place to go, outpatient care for treating depression would be impossible. Risk of hospitalisation in Belgium.

Who would pay for medical care in Belgium?

British NHS would be fine, but it's only available in the UK. As a freelancer in Thailand, he would probably have no health insurance in Belgium. So Belgian government would have to pay it all, from taxpayers' money.

It might be cheaper for Belgium to leave him in Thailand.

he did say he HAS medical insurance and still does BUT what he said it sounds like he didnt declare his on going problem when he took it out,so the insurance co.wouldnt cover him.

oh yes sex is a great healer,just look at the faces of all the farangs when their holliday is over,and have to wait for that flight home,talk about depression.

PASS THE HANKIE.crying.gif

Private health insurances never cover pre-existing conditions.

I'm afraid they wouldn't cover sexual healing either. Vegetative dystonia is not a recognized disease in ICD anymore. If it was, it would probably still not be covered, because it is also a pre-existing condition common in the West :-(

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Unfortunately OP has not logged in since 9.23 AM yesterday so he did not see all the helpful replies here. Only the few that were not helpful early in this thread. Let's hope he's doing alright.

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I'm not sure where to approach, but if you had surgery done on your back, the hospital may help you with your overstay situation but you need to act sooner than later. I know Bangkok Hospital has an international relationship management facility that does just that. You can get extensions while you recover. But 6 months, not sure if still possible. But I would ask if I were in your position. Forgiveness is not unheard of with medical cases.

Getting out of immigration trouble would be first action. Getting back to Belgium 2nd. Working then as a bar tender, dish washer, basket weaver, or anything is then possible. Even straight off the plane.

The airfare will be an issue. Someone mentioned looking for more writing work online. You should try. If you can't pay your rent, promise to repay it when you leave and then repay it when you can.

I helped a friend of mine out before he got into over-stay mode here recently, he was down to last 400 baht, and no way to earn any more money because of a change in the industry he works in.

I may or may not get the money back from him and I'm not worried about it if I don't. But I can't afford more friends like him, fact of life.

I wish you well.

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A few bickering/bating remarks removed.

Please keep on topic and refrain form personal jabs.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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Whether the OP returns, is legit or not, there is a lot of useful and helpful info posted here that may be of use to others who may find themselves in or heading toward a similar situation.

Not everyone is negative or sceptical, there are people who are willing to give "the benefit of the doubt" and provide useful guidance and advice for someone who may be in need and situations such as this are where forums like this one comes into its own and becomes a credit to its members who choose to participate and offer positive support when its needed, even by anonymous strangers.

clap2.gif to those that have and anyone else that continues to do so.

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Actually this thread has restored my faith a little - i.e. there are compassionate foreigners amongst us living in Thailand, regardless of if the OP is legit (I think he is)

I think he is who he says and is facing a difficult situation.

It would not be good to be homeless in a foreign country, or in one's home country.

If one has no family and few friends, then one is at greater risk.

The USA is a very cold place, which prides itself on worshiping individualism.

It seems that Thailand is a place where people are willing to help their neighbors, and members of their extended family.

However, for a Farang in Thailand, I doubt whether this commitment to help the westerner might be so available.

We are only at no risk of these vagaries when I take our last breath, and breathe a great sigh of relief.

For me, I will be happy to see this day come, when it comes.

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I'm not sure where to approach, but if you had surgery done on your back, the hospital may help you with your overstay situation but you need to act sooner than later. I know Bangkok Hospital has an international relationship management facility that does just that. You can get extensions while you recover. But 6 months, not sure if still possible. But I would ask if I were in your position. Forgiveness is not unheard of with medical cases.

Getting out of immigration trouble would be first action. Getting back to Belgium 2nd. Working then as a bar tender, dish washer, basket weaver, or anything is then possible. Even straight off the plane.

The airfare will be an issue. Someone mentioned looking for more writing work online. You should try. If you can't pay your rent, promise to repay it when you leave and then repay it when you can.

I helped a friend of mine out before he got into over-stay mode here recently, he was down to last 400 baht, and no way to earn any more money because of a change in the industry he works in.

I may or may not get the money back from him and I'm not worried about it if I don't. But I can't afford more friends like him, fact of life.

I wish you well.

A fully paid hospital stay and a basket weaving job. Works for me.

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Whether the OP returns, is legit or not, there is a lot of useful and helpful info posted here that may be of use to others who may find themselves in or heading toward a similar situation.

Not everyone is negative or sceptical, there are people who are willing to give "the benefit of the doubt" and provide useful guidance and advice for someone who may be in need and situations such as this are where forums like this one comes into its own and becomes a credit to its members who choose to participate and offer positive support when its needed, even by anonymous strangers.

clap2.gif to those that have and anyone else that continues to do so.

i am fraid i am one of the sceptical ones,30yrs.ago not once,not twice,but three times it took before i learnt my LESSON.and it was farangs,so yes i have heard more stories in thailand than the no.of cooked dinners i have had.most of them you couldnt make them up.

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Asking for embassy to fund the overstay, and flight is almost certainly a no go,. Forget any help from them for the rent owing.

Having said that you have to try, that involves persistence requests to the consular staff ( not embassy ) but do not hold your breath.

Immediate action. Find a friend to live with, be honest with them regarding your situation, and be prepared to move around even if it is one night at a time. A roof over your head is needed.

After that be honest with the landlord, explain your personal situation, and that whilst you cannot pay at the moment you have intention to get your life back on track, and ask for patience and time to pay. If he/she will not you are going to have to disappear quick as he/she could easily invoke the police to assist.

Get on Facebook, check every single contact you have ever made ( including clients, if necessary forward sell your work - keep those promises), old school friends, distant family, ex-colleagues and send a polite but begging letter, asking them if they are able to help, after you have explained your personal situation, and your intention that you will repay.

Writing to the Belgium press is a good idea, your national regional AND local papers there.

Sorry to say you need to get back home, without a doubt and regroup. Thailand is always there, and you can return when you are sorted, at least you will have minimal support, even if it means throwing yourself on the governments mercy, ( you are not going to get very much in Swampy)

You need at this most difficult time to make a huge effort and I know that cannot be easy.

There are lots of people on TV who will try and put you down. Stand up, Several years ago I was one of nah sayers whilst in Indonesia and a fellow Brit was incarcerated. I was very dismissive. I did however see the error of my ways, got to know him via email, supplied him with food, reading and eventually a plane ticket out of there ( would have remained in immigration until someone paid for it) I never met him, but spoke to him whilst in UK. Good things can happen. Do I regret spending the money on him, hell NO, I do regret not listening earlier and was happy to help

failing all of this. Crazy as it sounds, I also had a German friend in similar dire straights as yourself, but with zero qualifications. He bit the bullet, and became a male escort in Thailand ( must get that book written one day )

Good luck

Regardless of what happens, I just want to thank the OP for generating some truly compelling discussion, like this account/advice! Great reading, but also heartening to see empathy/compassion shown.

I can only recommend tenacity and gratitude as the two essentials for life: tenacity to get you through the ongoing challenges, and gratitude to keep you from getting too upset about the challenges.

My time in The Kingdom has only been possible with both the kindness of others and my own diligence. Actually, I think the main reason people have been kind to me is because they can see that I am diligent—it is symbiotic.

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Strange, living in a country without having health insurance is a no-no, som nam na.

You might get help in Belgium from the CPAS?

Are you in overstay also?

I understand your problem would be to find funds for a plane ticket plus your rent plus overstay fee and what else?

I had (and still have) health insurance, but, due to the fact that I had a history of minor back problems, my herniated disc was considered a pre-existing condition and therefore not covered.

At the moment, I have two choices (but, neither of them are possible due to lack of funds):

1. Go back to Europe, which means a plane ticket, paying for the 20K overstay and the rent I currently owe. Pro: I would be in my own country. Con: I would be homeless.

2. Go to Cambodia and get a new visa, which means paying for the overstay at the border, pay for a new visa and have 20K on hand to show the immigration officer if needed. Pro: I could easily find a job once I'm not on overstay anymore. Con: I still am about to be homeless in a couple of days and, even if I did find a job right away, I wouldn't have any money to pay for a room during the first month.

So, yeah, complicated issue. Which is why I asked for suggestions here.

I read somewhere that a full (20,000 Baht) overstay will lead to the overstayer getting banned for a year or years from returning? It would be vitally important for the OP if that could be substantiated.

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and the embassy said?

You have really stuck your neck out staying here with no back up or support system in place.

I have no magic advice.

I wish you luck.

Please keep us informed.

I know.. I stayed here for 7 years with no issues whatsoever though. I really did not anticipate the shitstorm that fell on me for the past six months.

The embassy said they could not cover the overstay. They weren't even sure they could pay for a plane ticket.

As you have said you have been here for 7 years and had no issues what so-ever.

Therefore, you've held a relative work permit, and respective Visa. Also your past employers have respectfully paid your withholding tax, paid money into a social security & retirement fund including health care fund on your behalf In accordance with the law. If this is true, as outlined above, your first stop is the nearest social security and dept of labour office to claim back social security savings. Make sure you have all relative documentation when visiting them. Good luck. Hope you overcome your personal crisis soon.

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