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In fairness if you've got bars on your windows for security purposes or not,thieves who are desperate enough will come tooled up to enter no matter what your security measure are.

Window bars aren't that difficult to remove if you know how.

But in all likelihood thieves will only mess with homes using security bars if they know something worth their while is inside otherwise they are going to go for the unsecured homes...wouldn't you?

Doesn't having the bars scream out that you do indeed have many valuables and goods worth robbing it does to me.

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I don’t care what other people do but I have chosen not to live behind high walls or iron bars. We just make sure there is someone watching the house when we are not there.


I don’t care what other people do but I have chosen not to live behind high walls or iron bars. We just make sure there is someone watching the house when we are not there.

Are you refering to a possible burglar whistling.gif


I don’t care what other people do but I have chosen not to live behind high walls or iron bars. We just make sure there is someone watching the house when we are not there.

Are you refering to a possible burglar whistling.gif

No, I am suggesting that the best deterrent in my opinion is for the house to be occupied at all times and to be on good terms with your neighbors. The thought of having my view marred by walls or bars would negate the whole reason for living where I do.


"No, I am suggesting that the best deterrent in my opinion is for the house to be occupied at all times and to be on good terms with your neighbors."

​So True. I had an acquaintance who lived in a Pattaya housing estate. He was quite reclusive and wanted to have nothing to do with his neighbors. He could be quite rude whenever anybody made an attempt to be friendly. Thus, when a truck backed into his drive one day, then left fully laden a hour or so later, everybody just assumed he was moving out unannounced. Nobody questioned it.

Not his truck....cleaned him out; everything down to the dishes.

He didn't get a lot of sympathy when he winged about none of his neighbors bothering to call security.


No mention of Burglary here either.

Must be a myth.


Where in that report do they compare 10 ft walls and bugler bars? Aren't you afraid that the wall just adds privacy to the burglar who can jump or climb?

Not at all,my infra red facial recognition cameras,and number plate recognition cameras are a huge deterrent as is the barbed wire and machine gun turrets.

The pay for our machine gunner was eating up my wife's household budget so we replaced him with Claymore mines. You might want to consider it as the gunners have a tendency to sleep it the turret is too comfortable.

Has this got something I read above, about a Thai bugler , possibly sounding ' Boots and Saddles ' when a villain comes into view.


There are two types of window bars, as we found out years ago when our place was broken into by removing a bar.

When we got the 'bar installer' back to complain we found out our security bars were the 'preety' type.

If we wanted 'security' security bars we should have told him.

Of course i didnt say 'crap' or argue with his very rational logic but upgraded from 'show' security bars to 'security' security bars.

Basically redoing the horrible welding jobs and charging for it.

The bars act as a deterent only.


several years ago one of my thai friends, his wife, children and parents all died in their house fire because everything was locked and they couldnt find the keys.

People were trying to get in from the outside to help but couldnt get in.

A spare set of keys should always be pegged in the same location and when anyone leaves and locks the house the people remaining inside must check they know where the keys are.


In fairness if you've got bars on your windows for security purposes or not,thieves who are desperate enough will come tooled up to enter no matter what your security measure are.

Window bars aren't that difficult to remove if you know how.

But in all likelihood thieves will only mess with homes using security bars if they know something worth their while is inside otherwise they are going to go for the unsecured homes...wouldn't you?

Doesn't having the bars scream out that you do indeed have many valuables and goods worth robbing it does to me.

85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.

Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most common.

Homes without security systems are up to 300% more likely to be broken into.

Burglars prefer to work quickly, quietly, and they don’t like complications. Simply the sight of burglar bars is enough to discourage most home invaders.


Check out target hardening at many police websites.

Some people put the bars up on ground floor apartments not to only deter burglars, but because they like to leave the doors and windows open with out the worry of some unwanted guest walking in.

Others put the bars on the higher floors for their children's safety as they still like to have natural ventilation but don't want their young children climbing out the widow or crawling out the front door...

Of course once the kids have grown up they just leave the bars there...

I personally remove these when I buy a place as to me as someone already posted they are ugly and its like living in a prison ...


To anyone who thinks bricks and concrete don't burn, you're right.

But the smoke from burning mattresses, chairs, cooking oil, books, and other contents will kill you long before your wooden structure would have caught fire back home.

So having a smoke detector, CO monitor and an escape plan is just as important in a concrete structure.


My neighbor installed cameras all around his house. Guess what the burglars took first? They cut the cameras loose and took them and then they burgled the house. Had bars but left the barred door open in the carport. Break-ins used to be quite frequent in our village but now we have most houses occupied. The houses are priced from 4 million up so it isn't exactly a slum. In the old days they used to remove roof tiles to get in.


In fairness if you've got bars on your windows for security purposes or not,thieves who are desperate enough will come tooled up to enter no matter what your security measure are.

Window bars aren't that difficult to remove if you know how.

I always carry one of these tools on my Honda Wave.

One of these on your Honda Wave will sort the bars out with no noise



In fairness if you've got bars on your windows for security purposes or not,thieves who are desperate enough will come tooled up to enter no matter what your security measure are.

Window bars aren't that difficult to remove if you know how.

" Locks" only keep honest people out.


My sister's house in Macau has electrically operated steel roller shutters that come down over the entire 5 story house.

I'd prefer to have no windows on the exterior walls, that way no-one can get in or see in.


One of these on your Honda Wave will sort the bars out with no noise

I don't think the jack will work on the windows pictured below. Dog only takes food from me (in case we want to go there).





Our bars on our bungalow are on the inside. Much more difficult to get in but they are aimed at the opportunist thief. Yes if someone really eants toget in then yes they could come with a big cutter or gun but why? Steal my television or fridge? Best to have them. Easy to get out of our doors if a fire.


Our bars on our bungalow are on the inside. Much more difficult to get in but they are aimed at the opportunist thief. Yes if someone really eants toget in then yes they could come with a big cutter or gun but why? Steal my television or fridge? Best to have them. Easy to get out of our doors if a fire.

85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.

Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most commom.

I don't get the fire thing. You just open the bolt and go out. No more difficult that opening any door in case of fire. I guess if you can't open a door you may have a problem.


My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

Mine are made from rebar. Have you ever tried cutting rebar with bolt cutters? An angle grinder with a cutting disc will work, but that aint no stealth burglary.


Our bars on our bungalow are on the inside. Much more difficult to get in but they are aimed at the opportunist thief. Yes if someone really eants toget in then yes they could come with a big cutter or gun but why? Steal my television or fridge? Best to have them. Easy to get out of our doors if a fire.

85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.

Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most commom.

I don't get the fire thing. You just open the bolt and go out. No more difficult that opening any door in case of fire. I guess if you can't open a door you may have a problem.

Had one break in before we had bars fitted. But they took nothing and ran away! We think they heard our African Grey Parrot spreak.. peace of mind for the wife and kids having bars. Means a lot to feel more secure.

Our bars on our bungalow are on the inside. Much more difficult to get in but they are aimed at the opportunist thief. Yes if someone really eants toget in then yes they could come with a big cutter or gun but why? Steal my television or fridge? Best to have them. Easy to get out of our doors if a fire.

85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.

Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most commom.

I don't get the fire thing. You just open the bolt and go out. No more difficult that opening any door in case of fire. I guess if you can't open a door you may have a problem.

Seems you don't seem to know that not all window bars can be opened but that's not very surprising.


Most homes of two stories have a balcony with door access so windows would be unlikely to case issues. How many homes have you seen burn here (outside of slums where a group burn)? Cement does not go up in flames like wood construction of USA and some other countries.

As for not needing on second floor - how hard is it to gain access to upper floors? Not very. Many thefts are from roof access actually. As for the reason - just like a lock - to delay access and with luck have the thief pick another target.

My first, second and third floor windows and doors have bars, but each also have gates in them. So, only a bolt cutter is needed for access, even if you don't have a key.


Our bars on our bungalow are on the inside. Much more difficult to get in but they are aimed at the opportunist thief. Yes if someone really eants toget in then yes they could come with a big cutter or gun but why? Steal my television or fridge? Best to have them. Easy to get out of our doors if a fire.

85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.

Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most commom.

I don't get the fire thing. You just open the bolt and go out. No more difficult that opening any door in case of fire. I guess if you can't open a door you may have a problem.

Seems you don't seem to know that not all window bars can be opened but that's not very surprising.

Why is it not surprising? You aren't trying to attack the poster rather than the post are you? Heavens to Betsy not on Thai Visa I hope.biggrin.png We were discussing doors doors if you read the post above. My doors bars have screens like the one in the photo so I can open the wood doors and still be secure.




We have bars on first floor, none on second floor. It's all about security. Wouldn't take much for someone to enter second floor.

it is a old chinese habit started in the "great leap forward" times of the cultural revolution , people starving created a street army of thief's ,the real reason for the bars . i lived in a basement apartment with a 2 foot square window with 2 bars .


My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

Security bars are like the no function CCTV camera's except for the fact that some look like a real work of art. I always choose to live in a condo in one of the higher floors but then there are a lot of wannabe Spidermen out there. Your lucky the Spanish did not conqueror Thailand or like Mexico every property would have an 8 to 10 foot wall around it as well. This kind of works in the thief's favor as once your past the main gate(good chain and pickup truck) you can plunder at will as your hidden from passersby. Just back up the truck and load her up. Our condo has had very few break ins but that could now be changing as we are getting the B2B crowd now renting daily weekly monthly. When I first moved in 4 years ago I was told a 6 month lease is the minimum that they could offer. I guess its like smoking. There are no smoking quiet signs in the hallway but when I do my nightly bottom to top walk of the building I can smell cigarette smoke on most floors. Its the new meism world we live in.


People with long poles with a hook on the end come around when you're sleeping, they lean through the bars and try to grab your valuables.

Quite popular in the Carribean.

I'm worried about them hooking my 500 pound safe through my bars with my dog (trained to only accept food from me) chewing off their behind. biggrin.png

I smell 575 lbs of BS here allowing a 75 lbs. for the dog.


My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

Of course you are correct.clap2.gif

So... please enlighten me what this clips has to do with my post.

The average Thai bugler does not carry bolt cutters on his motorcycle. Burglary is a crime of opportunity. You don't have to make your house safe as a bank you only have to make it safer than the house next door. Your theory is all wet.

Buglers don't want to be noticed. Cutting through bars and barking dogs and sirens and flashing light all get a robber noticed.

Lets say you live next to me. I have TV cameras, signs, alarm system, bars and dogs. You have nothing. Do you think your house is safe because the robber thinks you are poor?

Put up bars and every other method you can think of to stop or make crime difficult and you will be safer than the man who does nothing.

I'll huff and puff and blow your house down! Not my house

I live next door could you please put up motion detecting lights as well. I do not feel safe.


Thieves could always use a ladder to get to the second floor. But window bars are dangerous because if a fire breaks out inside the occupants cannot escape.

For me no bars. Only bars I want are down the soi burp.gif

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