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I've had the misfortune of being about 200 meters from Erawan when the bomb exploded, but was fortunate enough to get away with only a pounding heart and ringing ears, and a mix of emotions including a profound bitterness towards the authorities for their incompetence in handling the investigation.

I have some relatives - mid 20's with little travel experience - considering a trip here. It would be the standard Bangkok - Chiang Mai - beaches itinerary. I realize Thailand is a big country, and the overwhelming majority of tourists have a safe and wonderful trip here, but nonetheless I'm seriously considering telling them to consider another destination. I also realize my feelings probably have a negative emotional bias after what just happened, so I put it to others on here: would you recommended a holiday in Thailand for your loved ones?

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A bomb here & there - little relevance.

Look at the positive side -






SUMMARY: To good to miss.


Statistically, a European/Australian tourist is 20x more likely to die in Thailand than in Europe.

Thai beaches and sea dirty Vs Spanish/French beaches and sea clean.

So depends on what alternative destinations they have in mind, and do they feel lucky?


The OP makes it sound like it happens every day. Americans are murdered in the USA practically every single day. Would the OP recommend friends/relatives visit America? Regarding the OP's question, this one incident doesn't change my opinion of Thailand even a little bit.


Id recommend Thailand as its still relatively safe and it's easy to travel around and also culturally diverse. Ideal to a 1st time traveller.


Statistically, a European/Australian tourist is 20x more likely to die in Thailand than in Europe.

Thai beaches and sea dirty Vs Spanish/French beaches and sea clean.

So depends on what alternative destinations they have in mind, and do they feel lucky?

but not die from a bomb. When I spoke with the embassy one time, it seems that most dead are elderly men who can't handle the combination of overweight, viagra, lots of alcohol and nightly exercise.

The second seems to be the friends of motorbikes.


Statistically, a European/Australian tourist is 20x more likely to die in Thailand than in Europe.

Thai beaches and sea dirty Vs Spanish/French beaches and sea clean.

So depends on what alternative destinations they have in mind, and do they feel lucky?

but not die from a bomb. When I spoke with the embassy one time, it seems that most dead are elderly men who can't handle the combination of overweight, viagra, lots of alcohol and nightly exercise.

The second seems to be the friends of motorbikes.

You forgot all the balcony jumps and mysterious hotel "dead in their beds" which seems to be fairly broad spectrum.

Did I mention, I knew two guys in CM that slipped and died in their showers (aged 45 & 60) ....... I suppose it's possible.


I wouldnot reccommend it to anyone.Basically I feel tourists should quit coming here because of all the scams at Phuket and Pattaya and tuk tuk mafias and unsolved tourist deaths. I would tell them find a better destination, one where they get respect not smiles and scams and violence.


I wouldn't avoid Thailand over fear of terrorism as the odds of any one person being hit are very, very low (at least for now).

However, for those seeking more safe destinations in general, I definitely WOULD avoid Thailand.

Thailand is a very dangerous place and you can easily find the statistics about that.

I don't think most people choose their short term travel destinations though based on such risks.

It should be a bigger factor for those considering MOVING here though.


I wouldn't avoid Thailand over fear of terrorism as the odds of any one person being hit are very, very low (at least for now).

However, for those seeking more safe destinations in general, I definitely WOULD avoid Thailand.

Thailand is a very dangerous place and you can easily find the statistics about that.

I don't think most people choose their short term travel destinations though based on such risks.

It should be a bigger factor for those considering MOVING here though.

Very true -- there is indeed a big difference between living here vs. a holiday. It is quite easy to get a negative bias being here the long term, and recalling the many balcony-jumpers, protests, Koh Tao murders, etc., which are incidents most short-term vacationers wouldn't be aware of or consider. Indeed terrorism is quite low, save for the far southern border provinces which most 2-week holiday tourists wouldn't go to. I do sincerely hope that this remains an isolated incident.


Statistically, a European/Australian tourist is 20x more likely to die in Thailand than in Europe.

I think the statistic includes Europeans and Aussies that retire to Thailand (and to Europe) in addition to tourists.

If you consider that people die of old age where they retire to, that statistic isn't as frightening as it may seem on the surface.

The bombings in Bangkok got a lot of headlines, but they didn't add significantly to the number of foreigners who die in Thailand on a daily basis from other factors. With over 20 million tourists a year, losing less than 1 in a million to a bombing is tragic, but doesn't make the place significantly more dangerous.

Still, I wouldn't recommend Thailand to anyone back home simply because the time and distance make it much less convenient than places closer to home in the USA. Better a 2 hour flight than 40 hours of traveling- and the inevitable jet lag- especially for a typical 1-2 week vacation.


The OP makes it sound like it happens every day. Americans are murdered in the USA practically every single day. Would the OP recommend friends/relatives visit America? Regarding the OP's question, this one incident doesn't change my opinion of Thailand even a little bit.

It'll be fine until it's not.


I wouldnot reccommend it to anyone.Basically I feel tourists should quit coming here because of all the scams at Phuket and Pattaya and tuk tuk mafias and unsolved tourist deaths. I would tell them find a better destination, one where they get respect not smiles and scams and violence.

But if you told me that, I'd say it can't be that bad cos you choose to make such a place your home, I only wanna go for a couple of weeks !


I would recommend anyone to come Visit Thailand,especially some of the Islands.About living there um I would just leave it up to the



I wouldnot reccommend it to anyone.Basically I feel tourists should quit coming here because of all the scams at Phuket and Pattaya and tuk tuk mafias and unsolved tourist deaths. I would tell them find a better destination, one where they get respect not smiles and scams and violence.

But if you told me that, I'd say it can't be that bad cos you choose to make such a place your home, I only wanna go for a couple of weeks !

If you knew me you wouldnot come here. People who have known me for a long time willnot go where I go. They feel i live to near the edge. I have related too many stories to them of close calls and dangerous situations. When I was younger I went to Mexico a lot other guys wanted to come with me. After I showed them where I went they never ask to come again.


I wouldnot reccommend it to anyone.Basically I feel tourists should quit coming here because of all the scams at Phuket and Pattaya and tuk tuk mafias and unsolved tourist deaths. I would tell them find a better destination, one where they get respect not smiles and scams and violence.

But if you told me that, I'd say it can't be that bad cos you choose to make such a place your home, I only wanna go for a couple of weeks !

If you knew me you wouldnot come here. People who have known me for a long time willnot go where I go. They feel i live to near the edge. I have related too many stories to them of close calls and dangerous situations. When I was younger I went to Mexico a lot other guys wanted to come with me. After I showed them where I went they never ask to come again.

Jeez, you sound like Indiana Jones. smile.png


Lets not forget the big picture, if we start telling people not to come then the terrorists have won. Just imagine if Thailand had the mass shootings that occur in the USA on a daily basis..


I wouldn't avoid Thailand over fear of terrorism as the odds of any one person being hit are very, very low (at least for now).

However, for those seeking more safe destinations in general, I definitely WOULD avoid Thailand.

Thailand is a very dangerous place and you can easily find the statistics about that.

I don't think most people choose their short term travel destinations though based on such risks.

It should be a bigger factor for those considering MOVING here though.

Good comment, except the exageration "very dangerous". If we start using that kind of words, we won't have any left for places in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and some places in Africa...

So yes, Thailand is slightly less safe than holidaying in Switzerland, but it can't be labeled "dangerous".


You've gone too far in the other direction.

Yes Thailand is only dangerous, not very dangerous compared to war zones, but war zones don't enjoy mass tourism industries.

Also, there is no way that Thailand is only "slightly" less safe than Switzerland. It's a lot less safe. Of course people don't ski in Thailand ... so what you plan to do on holiday makes a difference too.


You've gone too far in the other direction.

Yes Thailand is only dangerous, not very dangerous compared to war zones, but war zones don't enjoy mass tourism industries.

Also, there is no way that Thailand is only "slightly" less safe than Switzerland. It's a lot less safe. Of course people don't ski in Thailand ... so what you plan to do on holiday makes a difference too.

I would really like to see statistics of number of accidental/unnatural deaths/serious wounds by country, number of tourists and duration of stay.

My point is that even if the risk in Thailand was 100 times higher than the risk in, say, France, it would still be so ridiculously low to be considered in a decision of where to go.


Please do not go to Thailand until the Thai people start to treat everyone with respect.

It may be a relatively safe place for a tourist, if you are careful, but you will be looked down upon or talked about behind your back. Without a doubt, you will leave with at least one negative experience.


This morning well thinking about this thread I suddenly realised the biggest reason to warn people about Thailand.

Most of the violent crimes against foreigners is against tourists. All beach scams are tourists,killed at the beach are tourists,killed in hotel rooms tourists,attacked on street tourists.

Tourists are the targets.


Please do not go to Thailand until the Thai people start to treat everyone with respect.

It may be a relatively safe place for a tourist, if you are careful, but you will be looked down upon or talked about behind your back. Without a doubt, you will leave with at least one negative experience.

If you're a tourist anywhere, some locals are going to look down on you and talk about you behind your back.


NO. I would advise anyone to avoid Thailand for the time being. It is a dangerous place where tourists are a target for locals and Police (Mafia) alike. Go somewhere with more pleasant people instead of Lieland.


Anywhere in the Caribbean or South Pacific is preferable to Thailand.

Thailand is only for tourists on a budget.

And don't worry about bombs, you will be killed on the highways... it is a slaughter house.

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