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Bangkok Bomb Suspect Arrested

Lite Beer

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If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.


For people that don't know, a few months ago Thailand deported several hundred refugees back to China and Turkey. They were hiding in Thailand, and were being held in camps to determine what to do with them. The press said they were sent back to China, but many were sent back to Turkey as well. The refugees claimed to be Turkish.

From the beginning, I thought this bombing smelled like payback for sending their buddies back to the governments that were repressing them and probably sending them back to death or certain prison.

If these are Turks,,,,,it is a direct result of those deportations.

Here is your Turkey connection for you people that didn't follow the deportations....read this article. TURKEY is heavily involved.


Edited by remaxtony
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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

But it should read first: Date of issue

I never noticed that - good spot.

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Whilst I hope this arrest brings justice and closure, especially to the relatives of the victims, i noticed the pictures of the bomb making equipment are missing one component.


Innocent until PROVEN guilty through due process gents. (I'm not siding at all, if he is guilty, i hope he is sentenced to some bad news via an AK47...)

You said it -- supposedly TNT which looks a little like vanilla fudge. Also no high acceleration detonator. No wires. No pipes. No timing devices.--- only Ball bearings

Edited by tigermonkey
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This guy is probably uyghur, carrying a fake Turkish passport.

No Turk would carry out an attack like this, all turks in Bangkok are either kebab shop owners or sex tourists the only bomb they have in mind is a shot of viagra.

I understand your sensitivity to this matter and indeed he may be carrying a fake passport, though I don't think we know about that yet, either way.

In any case, if this guy is guilty, I think it's important that people should not unfairly demonize all people in Thailand who have any connection to Turkish nationality or ethnicity. I'm sure any such people who might be involved in this kind of terrorism in Thailand are a tiny minority.

Realistically though, I reckon that people with a Turkish connection here will be subject to some additional scrutiny and I certainly hope that isn't abused to hurt innocent people.

Thailand is FAR WAY from the "PC" universe and Thai culture has zero issues with PROFILING people based on nationality/ethnicity. That's the way it is here ... and foreigners are never going to to change the culture here in that regard.

OH DEAR here we go with the left protecting scum again and making excuses for them and lets not do this and that and lets not profile its just a small minority


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This guy is probably uyghur, carrying a fake Turkish passport.

No Turk would carry out an attack like this, all turks in Bangkok are either kebab shop owners or sex tourists the only bomb they have in mind is a shot of viagra.

I am sure there are also a lot Turkish "Specialists" for rent. It doesn't mean that he is a Islamic extremist. Someone could have paid him.

But I am sure Police and Military will ask him.

That's true, and if that theory follows, those possible sponsors also saw to it that he stayed in what appears to be a relatively remote Muslim area, as on TV it showed a number of women residents wearing hijabs.

Oh yeah, the area north east of the airport is largely populated by muslims. Tons of mosques around there and lots of muslim communities. That's the area they caught that SEA terrorist kingpin as well a few years back, can't remember his name.

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Turkish suspect been renting rooms in Bankok since July: Sriwarah
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Metropolitan Police Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Sriwarah Rangsitpramkul said the Turkish suspect has been renting his room in Nong Chok since July.

Sriwarah said the suspect, who was arrested at Poon-anand apartment rented about three to four rooms and police were checking all the rooms.

Sriwarah confirmed that police found some materials in some of the suspect’s rooms and the materials were similar to those used in the two bombs.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Turkish-suspect-been-renting-rooms-in-Bankok-since-30267730.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-29

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Maybe the Erawan bomber was wearing some kind of disguise that day.

But to my eyes, the guy caught today as shown doesn't seem to much resemble the suspected Erawan bomber shown in the blurry CCTV photos. Or at least he certainly got a hair cut between then and now.

The police may indeed have caught someone involved in the bomb plot. But whether this guy is the one who actually did the Erawan bombing is an entirely different issue.

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The passport is fake guys, just checked my passport. It says issued in Iştanbul.

Its, Istanbul, not Iştanbul, they got that part wrong.

This is not a Turkish passport but a very quality imitation indeed.

That's very interesting, and I would note that Uyghur facial features, skin tone etc., often appear turkish. In fact, many people may not know this, but movie and TV directors in China, when seeking to cast actors to appear as foreigners, often use Uyghurs because of this.

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Well they were under pressure to arrest somebody... anybody. Now they just have to plant and fabricate evidence. Case solved.

Dont be so insulting to the dead

how is it insulting to the dead,more so insulting to the dead if it is a set up.
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If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.


For people that don't know, a few months ago Thailand deported several hundred refugees back to China and Turkey. They were hiding in Thailand, and were being held in camps to determine what to do with them. The press said they were sent back to China, but many were sent back to Turkey as well. The refugees claimed to be Turkish.

From the beginning, I thought this bombing smelled like payback for sending their buddies back to the governments that were repressing them and probably sending them back to death or certain prison.

If these are Turks,,,,,it is a direct result of those deportations.

Here is your Turkey connection for you people that didn't follow the deportations....read this article. TURKEY is heavily involved.



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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

This is a fair point, looking at my own passport, not only does it say 'Date of Issue' and 'Date of Exipry' but the date of expiry is normally one day before the date of issue, so if issue was the 5th day of the month, expiry date will be the 4th... this might reasonably suggest a forged document.

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The passport is fake guys, just checked my passport. It says issued in Iştanbul.

Its, Istanbul, not Iştanbul, they got that part wrong.

This is not a Turkish passport but a very quality imitation indeed.

no, it is of bad quality, there are 2 "date of expiry" lines

also, I think the smaller portrait picture should be less colorful

the vertical "turkiye" imprint below the larger photo isn't right too

very bad quality imitation

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Take a good look at the wanted poster & this fellow's face. The nose and ears are exactly the same. The eyes and eyebrows at not too dissimilar and, if he was looking straight at the camera instead of down and to the side, I would say that the shape of the mouth and chin are not too far off.

I think a picture of him wearing glasses and a wig, looking straight at the camera would look very much like the poster.

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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

But it should read first: Date of issue

Exactly - as mentioned a quick google image search shows many Turkish passports with "valid from".


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From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_people_in_Turkey

" Turkey has a sizeable number of Muslim Uyghur people who hail from the Xinjiang region of China. They have come in large numbers since the early 1950s from the northwestern provinces of China, and as part of their migration to the Middle East, many chose to settle down in urban centres of Turkey. Today, they have effectively associated themselves with the local economy and can be seen practicing in various forms of trade.[2]

The living conditions of the Turkic Uyghurs in China has often been a source of contention between the two countries, with Turkey protesting the treatment the Chinese mete out to Uyghurs. Many Uyghur activists in Turkey are members of secessionist groups such as Home of the Youth, which advocate the independence of a Turkestan republic carved from the current Uyghur homeland of Xinjiang, PRC. These groups have reportedly engaged in various attacks against Chinese nationals and interests based in Turkey. In 2005, China voiced concerns over such organisations, stating explicitly that Turkey should contain any separatist activities which posed a threat to China and that Turkish security agencies had to better protect the life and property of Chinese citizens in Turkey.[3] In 2009, the Chinese Foreign Ministry warned its citizens in Turkey "to remain vigilant and ... avoid crowded or sensitive places" after a series of threats were made on Chinese people and facilities..."

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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


100% fake.

there are 2 date of expiry lines

Yep in the first line its supposed to write date of issue.

They said he own 10 passports

was this passport stamped by Thai immigration?

if so, the officer should be in trouble!

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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

This is a fair point, looking at my own passport, not only does it say 'Date of Issue' and 'Date of Exipry' but the date of expiry is normally one day before the date of issue, so if issue was the 5th day of the month, expiry date will be the 4th... this might reasonably suggest a forged document.

Strange if he really entered the country with it. All Passports are scanned with a special OCR device to read its content right?

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RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC


The only similarity between the photo and the picture is both have a head with ears on it.

Ur posts as usual show U truly have the intellect of a 1 month old fetus.

I can produce two photos of me that look like two different persons...and perhaps he wore a wig etc. This and your previous post here, an unsubstantiated attack on the RTP.

Save your crass comments until more information comes out.

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