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Show me the bomber's motive to justify the arrest!

Since when do you need a motive to make an arrest? Just a wild guess, could the possession of detonators and many fake passports justify an arrest??

Those bearing balls are definitely not the same as what is used in an airsoft gun, like another poster wanted us to believe.

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A healthy scepticism is appropriate unless the suspect is Thai.

No doubt we'll see how credible it all is in due course.

Yes. Just like we are seeing now with the Dark Tao murder trail, huh? Why one earth would the people involved remain in Bangkok? Does that smell a little fishy? A bit like the Fulton Street Fish Market in NY.


The fact this Turkish man's home has a lot of explosives is disturbing enough, and definitely warrants an arrest.

I was just looking for that and found nothing! Where did you see any 'explosives'?

(N.B.: when this guy is part of the plot though, as it seems, when what we are shown is all true, and part of a terrorist cell, then it'd not be uncommon the explosives would be kept by (an)other person(s), higher up, explosives are much harder to get than what was found today, rather making him an accomplice than the main perpetrator(s), IMO)

Didn't the authorities find the explosives in his apartment? That's what the news reported.

I really would be happy if the police had found one of the baddies... but somehow it just seem to good to be true, I mean, look at the pics above with the vest etc... But as I said, would be great IF all this is true


I believe that vest is from an article going back to 2013 ?

He's not a terrorist though according to the Police chief, all these empty pipes cannisters were not going to be used in the future ? whistling.gif


A healthy scepticism is appropriate unless the suspect is Thai.

No doubt we'll see how credible it all is in due course.

Yes. Just like we are seeing now with the Dark Tao murder trail, huh? Why one earth would the people involved remain in Bangkok? Does that smell a little fishy? A bit like the Fulton Street Fish Market in NY.

Why they would remain in Bangkok?

Going by the stock of material in the pictures I think they had plans for some future events.


The investigation will tell if this is the bomber.

But in any case the RTP did a good job today. Bravo.


Didn't the police already announce they are not accusing him of being the actual yellow t-shirt bomber?

Well they were under pressure to arrest somebody... anybody. Now they just have to plant and fabricate evidence. Case solved.

Dont be so insulting to the dead

Where in his post is he insulting the victims?

I think you are more insulting than Reigntax as you don't even consider the injured.

Shame on you for being assumptious and rude to all victims.

Closing a case by using a scapegoat IS insulting to the victims.
You mean like the RTP did in Koh Tao.? Similar situation, under pressure to find an answer, many false and misleading statements by authorities and suddenly they announce they have an arrest.

He may not be the bomber but he will certainly be charged with it and the evidence, if allowed to be examined will be as flimsy and concocted as the KT circus.

See, investigations are supposed to be based on collecting evidence and this evidence leads to a suspect, not first identify who you want the suspect to be and then collect or by other means, produce evidence to connect it to the scapegoat.

See post 574

You have munters who can't speak the lingo copy/pasting pictures of stuff from Thai websites and claiming it is 'evidence' from this case. If your wife or girlfriend translator has gone off to bed already, better go join her as you're doing bugger all useful here.


Reigntax, on 29 Aug 2015 - 15:45, said:snapback.png

Well they were under pressure to arrest somebody... anybody. Now they just have to plant and fabricate evidence. Case solved.

Perhaps I can help you....Exactly when did the dizzy spells first start?


Have noticeable differences, but those videos of taksin bridge suspect are very low quality and is at night. Is similarities too.



I think this guy is almost definitely a terror cell member. Whether he was the bomber remains to be seen.

It is surprising that his real name and whether he is really Turkish or not, is not clear yet. All we know is that he has used a fake Turkish passport.

A Turkish poster has written in this thread that tough days are awaiting Turks living in Thailand. Sadly, I think that is the case, if this guy is proven to be really Turkish and proven to have been the bomber. As far as I know, this was the first ever terror attack in Thailand done by a foreigner. and it claimed a lot of lives; and sadly, many Thais like to generalise.


What is this not ? Wroten by a Thai, for sure !.....

Can some people give some explanation and translation ? Thanks!

I can't read all of it, and no time for to translate that which I can read, but it is clearly a hand written note written by someone with the investigation outlining the evidence found in the apartment. It is not evidence in and of itself.

Show me the bomber's motive to justify the arrest!

Since when do you need a motive to make an arrest? Just a wild guess, could the possession of detonators and many fake passports justify an arrest??

Those bearing balls are definitely not the same as what is used in an airsoft gun, like another poster wanted us to believe.

They look like the ones Jonathon Head was pulling out the wall near the blast in this report



Did they told him to wear a yellow tshirt as they are good to do every they design that an innocent is guilty ? And pointing fingers !!!

uh.. what? english teacher?


Just thinking outside the box. I've just blow the hell out of a public place killing and maiming a lot of people. CCTV catches my escape. I've had days to get the heck out of Dodge. Why I'm I still in my room with a bunch of materials that could be used for bomb making. Personally, especially considering the media was saying there was not a good CCTV coverage, I'd be in a different country, and back to whatever sick terror cell I came from. But no! The "Suspect" stays. Like one of the previous posters said. Wait and see.

was thinking the same


I this instance there does seem to be a lot of evidence, not just a gram or two of weed that fell out of a policeman's pocket...

And although I am against torture and the death penalty, but as lives are at risk while these terrorists are at large I am happy to look the other way while he is taken off to a place where the military intelligence perfect their water boarding.

...while these terrorists are at large I am happy to look the other way while he is taken off to a place where the military intelligence perfect their water boarding.

That might work for extracting actionable intelligence on who else was involved. It makes any confession, or statement of what occurred, completely worthless without corroborating evidence ... except, I guess, that a Thai court may accept such a confession anyway.


of course the reward money played NO PART in it?

It's not that posters are upset, it's the incredible way in which the investigation was run, if you want to believe that the RTP are up there with the likes of the FBI, you crack on my old sunshine.

The RTP have proven to be sealers of their own fates, their senior officers went on record to say the most dumbest, and alarming things, from the very thing that put tourism in jeopardy by stating "It was an internal issue" or " No International Terrorist group responsible" well chief, last time I looked, being Turkish was pretty International to me, so what spin will they put on this now regarding their life blood... tourism?

I worked for a very senior Deputy Department of Defence staff member back in 2010, and in a meeting with the Japanese Ambassador down in Basrah, he stated quite brazenly "There is no terrorsim, nor terrorists left in Basrah, it's safe to bring your investors in" ... a week later 3 car bombs went off, killing dozens of innocent people.. talk about speaking out of turn, and looking like a knob, needless to say, Japanese Investors held back.

This is what the senior RTP bosses have been doing.. The best thing would have been to shut their mouthes. Remember when Somyot stated it was a very special bomb, as not much was left of it evidence wise and hence why they sanitised and cleaned the place up within hours ? Now all of a sudden there's stuff that matches the Erawan shrine bomb?? So what is it? There was plenty of evidence, and you just lied about it to prevent and protect any sort of alarmist reaction with the tourism sector?

EVERYONE here wanted the ones responsible caught, and there's people here in this thread praising the RTP, who were constantly stating and implying it was the work of the red shirts, they should be hanging their heads in shame, and admitting they were VERY wrong, and apologising, but the majority of those poster wont, as they've developed "Thainess", they know who they are, shame on them.

Personally however I've said to a few posters in the past, in PM's there was a growing problem that's being ignored and being dismissed by the Thai authorities, as well as people here, in that terrorism is indeed spreading, it was only a matter of time, all the combat indicators were there, however more people were "fixated" with the domestic lunatics.

I'd like to have seen more in this find, I don't believe it's a major one, if anything it looks mickey mouse to be honest, no pipe bomb casings, no explosive, no detonators, no initiators, no serious tools, no crimpers, wire strippers, soldering equipment...

I'll save the fanfare personally till something more significant is found, like the source of the explosives, the bomb maker himself, if this guy is being touted as the bomb maker, then Thai EOD guys just need to ask him to create a simple circuit with the stuff that's been found, he's going to hang, he's got nothing to lose, if he can't complete a simple closed circuit diagram, then he's a red herring.

Long post, but they have posted photos of detonators, ballbearings, and on Thai media pipes that could be used for bombs.

But I guess all that doesn't fit your agenda.

They found detonators, ballbearings pipes etc. How much more evidence do you want Fat Higgis ?

Please can you just for once believe that RTP catched the right guy ?

Sadly No I can't believe they caught the right guy, and neither does the Chief of Police apparently.

What more do I want? well clear pictures of ALL the evidence, not in the bags would be ideal if you have them.

pmugghc, zero agenda from this call sign, other than the truth from the mouthes of the senior RTP personnel conducting this investigation. The agendas are from a certain section of TVF who had this down as Red shirts.

I, like others want the correct people caught, so that they cannot detonate another device anywhere in Thailand, you arrest the wrong people, just means the potential for repeat incidents is there, I'd much rather the real perpetrators are caught, don't you?

Ok I can understand your skepticism towards the Thai police.

But now we have a lot of evidence published , we have the suspect , and I didn't say he is the bomber but he is one of them . He rented 4-5 rooms in a remote area of Bangkok. He had lots of fake passports , a lot of bomb making materials found in the rooms, like detonators.

Do you think he's just here on holiday having fun in his rented room in a remote area of Bangkok , far away from any torist areas? Or do you believe this is a cover up by RTP just to catch a foreigner since "a Thai cant do this" ?

Can we just accept that RTP are on the right track and even how clumsy and stupid they may look sometimes in public, that they are just trying to do their best ?

Regarding the poster who mentioned that why is he still here , well maybe he could not escape , maybe he is the only one left of the terrorists still in Thailand. They had fake passports so who knows.

Well they were under pressure to arrest somebody... anybody. Now they just have to plant and fabricate evidence. Case solved.

Dont be so insulting to the dead

Where in his post is he insulting the victims?

I think you are more insulting than Reigntax as you don't even consider the injured.

Shame on you for being assumptious and rude to all victims.

Closing a case by using a scapegoat IS insulting to the victims.

Like it's never happened before Nicky has it? whistling.gif

That's besides the point Fat H. We are talking about whether it would be insulting to the victims or not.

it must be very difficult to click the big quote button and post a reply, sometimes reading this forum is painful


Have noticeable differences, but those videos of taksin bridge suspect are very low quality and is at night. Is similarities too.


^ to the above. Comparing many photos similar cheek bones, similar build, similar hairline, similar nose. The sideburns part of hair growth isn't same, skin color appears different (but again low quality at night - and a couple weeks passed).

I could buy that maybe the guy they have now is taksin (not Erawan) bomber. And the photo on the fake passport they are holding belongs to the Erawan bomber. The photos of guy they caught today don't look like the photos of Erawan bomber, but the photo used on the passport looks much closer.


Hairline similar, nose similar. Don't have much to go on with just that one passport photo though. Age doesn't seem to match. The Erawan bomber came off as very young and I would guess younger than whoever this passport photo is of, but is still possible.

Only tossing out the idea, is still room for this to be two people, not 3 or more.


Thailand has been rumored to be an R&R and resupply destination for international Islamic extremists for many years. They have avoided carrying out operations in Thailand itself. If they did, one would expect a claim of responsibility. My fear is that the RTP, lacking other suspects, may have just raided this long known about safe house and be trying to pin bombings on unrelated extremists. If so, it could result in an almighty backlash. These types of guys are not helpless Burmese immigrant workers.

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