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Call for stricter moves on Nigerian drug traffickers

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Call for stricter moves on Nigerian drug traffickers

BANGKOK: -- The Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) wants Justice Minister General Paiboon Koomchaya to approve strict new measures against Nigerian drug traffickers after a report highlighted their cunning when trying to avoid detection.

ONCB secretary-general Permpong Chaowalit yesterday said officials had recently discussed the measures with their Nigerian counterparts.

The move stemmed from the report, which stated Nigerian drug dealers were passing themselves off as respectable tourists and businessmen, athletes and students.

Some even married Thais to get residency and make it easier to smuggle drugs such as ice, cocaine and ecstasy into the country for distribution here, he said.

They also routinely hired Thais, South Koreans and Chinese to smuggle drugs for distribution in other countries, Permpong said.

He said an increasing number of Nigerians were being arrested for drug trafficking in Thailand, with about 100 currently in jail here.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Call-for-stricter-moves-on-Nigerian-drug-trafficke-30267742.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-30

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I've lived many years in Africa... and yeah some of them are quite cunning... and they do laugh behind our backs, trust me, but most people don't realise this... I do not judge everybody in Africa as being cunning etc, not at all, but somehow it's good to be "aware" that Thailand might attract a certain type of "tourist" from that country, maybe...

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This was happening already years ago, in Goa (india) africans were selling lots illegal substances.

That is a very interesting point because as far as I can see it is the Indian community that are now the main foreign drug distributors in Thailand or at least in Pattaya

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It's quite easy really.... when you see a black man in Bangkok, he is probably selling drugs.. or selling his sister.... Better safe than sorry..! And how else would the chief of a certain Police Station pay for his new Mercedes 500 .? Money makes the world go around..! whistling.gif

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Always blacks sitting at Nana/Asoke area having drinks on the street. They always ask if I want to buy some coke when I walk by. I want to report it to the police, but I know he doesn't have any coke on him, and I think the police might be getting paid by them.

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Always blacks sitting at Nana/Asoke area having drinks on the street. They always ask if I want to buy some coke when I walk by. I want to report it to the police, but I know he doesn't have any coke on him, and I think the police might be getting paid by them.

If you see them again, just piss them off by saying you prefer pepsi.

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They are openly doing business on Sukhumvit, right in the heart of the tourist area. There's no cunning about it. Who are we trying to kid here? There are obviously people who matter in Thailand who are only more than happy to oblige them and share the wealth. The drug dealing on Sukumvit seems to only grow by the year.

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I sincerely hope that no one is thinking that every person from Nigeria, with a population in excess of 170 million, is involved in narcotic trafficking, a few bad apples..

Every Nigerian that received their visa from the Thai Embassy in Nigeria has had to provide the clearance letter from the National Drug Law Agency, this is a document that the Nigerian government clearly instructs the Thai Embassy to check before issuing a visa to the Nigerian.

Even a recommendation to issue a visa from the Thai Ministry of Interior, to the Thai Embassy in Nigeria, will not override that requirement.

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This was happening already years ago, in Goa (india) africans were selling lots illegal substances.

That is a very interesting point because as far as I can see it is the Indian community that are now the main foreign drug distributors in Thailand or at least in Pattaya

Care to say how you "see" this?

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Well....they always start with a crack down and sweep of the various areas that are known to have numerous African people selling illicit recreational use drugs around Bangkok....namely the Sukumvite area and Nana Plaza area.

For some reason, over the last 3 decades, the Nigerians, more so than any other African nationality are known to be "the" foreign drug smugglers and drug dealers here in Bangkok, at least, far more so than any other nationality.

As this is a fact more so than speculation then the Nigerians and or West Africans are scrutinized far more so than other nationalities.

Sure enough, when they are scrutinized they find all too many of them to be smuggling drugs into and or out of Thailand, directly or indirectly, in a variety of means and ways and or selling the recreational drugs on the street...and openly...more or less.

That being the case then they should be scrutinized all the more and all the further while any other Nigerians that are made uncomfortable and or made to feel persecuted should take it up with the other Nigerians and figure out how to police their own..so to speak.....while helping the authorities by turning in the narcotics traffickers if and when they know of anyone dealing in drugs......rather than ignore what the Nigerian drug dealers are doing and or be complicate in sustaining the narcotics trafficking problems.

The Thai authorities have all the right in the world to tell the Nigerian government they are going to impose various restrictions on Nigerians if the Nigerian government does not deal with the all too many Nigerians that are known drug smugglers and narcotics traffickers and force the Nigerian government to deal with the problem all the more so on the Nigerian end.

It will not stop the trafficking...but it can help alleviate the situation.


PS: The part about the Thai police and the Thai drug dealers working with or protecting the Nigerian drug racket has already been discussed before...so no need to talk about that aspect of how it all comes together and continues indefinitely.....but just a reminder what the Nigerians do and get a way with is not unknown to the Thais........and SOME of the Thai police who profit from the narcotics trafficking affairs.

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I sincerely hope that no one is thinking that every person from Nigeria, with a population in excess of 170 million, is involved in narcotic trafficking, a few bad apples..

Every Nigerian that received their visa from the Thai Embassy in Nigeria has had to provide the clearance letter from the National Drug Law Agency, this is a document that the Nigerian government clearly instructs the Thai Embassy to check before issuing a visa to the Nigerian.

Even a recommendation to issue a visa from the Thai Ministry of Interior, to the Thai Embassy in Nigeria, will not override that requirement.

Wonder how much those letters cost.

Edited by Hayduke
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I have shared my time between Vietnam and Thailand for the past 10 years and live in both Hanoi and Ramhkamhaeng. I have seen what goes on around Nana and Asoke. Some years ago Nigerians came to Vietnam under the guise of soccer players. Local clubs recruited them and organised legitimate visas and all seem good - for a while. Then surprise, surprise the prostitution and drug rackets started. Once the Vietnamese twigged they had been dudded action was immediately taken. Police and Immigration rounded them all up and trucked them to the nearest border and said goodbye, never to return. Vietnam runs a tight country and those who try to take advantage of their hospitality don't get a second chance. Now with few exceptions for legitimate reasons Muslims and Nigerians don't get past the front door. Gun laws are extremely tight and drug dealers are dealt with most severely. In serious cases the penalty is death. Pity the same cannot be said for crime and law and order in Thailand. Sadly in Thailand crime and the law walk together in lockstep meaning that civil order can never be fully restored.

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Not just Nigerian drug traffickers but ALL Nigerians as, so far. every one has been involved in some criminal activity !When you think about it why would they come to a no entitlements nation ?

Mostly young, no address, no employment on arrival so how do they continue to be allowed in ?

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I sincerely hope that no one is thinking that every person from Nigeria, with a population in excess of 170 million, is involved in narcotic trafficking, a few bad apples..

Every Nigerian that received their visa from the Thai Embassy in Nigeria has had to provide the clearance letter from the National Drug Law Agency, this is a document that the Nigerian government clearly instructs the Thai Embassy to check before issuing a visa to the Nigerian.

Even a recommendation to issue a visa from the Thai Ministry of Interior, to the Thai Embassy in Nigeria, will not override that requirement.

Easy to get around when you are black and come from Africa... I can go to Ghana and pay $300 US for a new passport, a real passport which says I am from Ghana... They have no trouble coming here on a 30 day visa exemption. And it is Nigerian people who work in the Thai Embassy in Nigeria.. a few quid in the right pocket and you are on your way.. Money makes the world go round and its those same stupid rules and regulations that put more corruption moneys in the trough..

And we know full well that NOT all Nigerians are involved in the drug trade.... many are full time scammers also.. wanna clean up some black dollars ..???

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I sincerely hope that no one is thinking that every person from Nigeria, with a population in excess of 170 million, is involved in narcotic trafficking, a few bad apples..

Every Nigerian that received their visa from the Thai Embassy in Nigeria has had to provide the clearance letter from the National Drug Law Agency, this is a document that the Nigerian government clearly instructs the Thai Embassy to check before issuing a visa to the Nigerian.

Even a recommendation to issue a visa from the Thai Ministry of Interior, to the Thai Embassy in Nigeria, will not override that requirement.

Wonder how much those letters cost.

Maybe they get them legitimately - pass a piss test. The smartest dealers who are in it for the money don't use.

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Easy fix.

Deport all who can not prove they have a legal reason to be here, and legal means of support while here.

Do extensive background checks on those wanting to enter the country and do the above mentioned checks on them.

Thailand is a magnet for Nigerian drug dealers and con artists.

I met a Nigerian who told me his brother convinced him to come here and sell drugs.

While in flight to Thailand, his brother was arrested and is now in prison.

The man decided to become an English teacher instead and scams Thai women, young and old, the for extra "benefits"" they can provide him.

This needs to be stopped.

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How about stricter laws for ALL nationalities????


I hope it was a translation thing...something like, "We need to toughen up the law, because these Nigerians, for instance, are getting quite cunning:.

It is foolish to eliminate all reptiles.

Many reptiles serve a good purpose in the ecosystem and are very beneficial.

But if you have poisonous snakes in your yard who are known to be aggressive and bite...you are foolish not to eliminate them.

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