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Mounting evidence links bombing to Turks, Uighurs


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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.


So you think these psychopaths would not have found an excuse to blow something else up?

What an apologist.

What a ridiculous comment. The terrorists should hang for their actions, and there is no excuse for violence against civilians.

However, Thailand was never on the Uighurs' radar before the repatriation. This was a China-Uighurs conflict. My point is that by violating Human Rights Treaties, the junta brought the conflict onto their soil. Stating reality is not an apology.

That's right blame the victims. "If you don't do what we say we will plant a bomb in the middle of your city and kill innocent people".

Somehow I don't think terrorists have the right to pick and choose in which country they will live. Let them into Turkey and they either head to Syria and join ISIL or they infiltrate the west to carry out more indiscriminate attacks.

If Thailand didn't want to get involved in this they should have honored their United nations obligations and passed the Uighur to Turkey.

The events that came about can't be condoned. However, remember many of those people sent back will at least be in labour camps forever at best. Many will have been executed.

The Chinese state has no time for Uighur.

By sending them back, the Thais were sentencing many to death.

only the terrorists among them will be executed. For what they did at Erawan, many people are calling for Thailand to do the same.

The terrorist Timothy Mcveigh is not going to kill any more innocents.

You really want to speculate on how the Chinese legal system is going to treat them? Really?

This is like being in the twilight zone crossed with Ripley wonderful world of the bizarre. Of course China has the most wonderful, independent judiciary.

They wanted and we're entitled to refugee status and Thailand bent over took up the ass and sent them back. One of the most unprincipled decisions about refugees ever seen.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s East Asia regional director said, “Time and time again we have seen Uighurs returned to China disappearing into a black hole, with some detained, tortured and in some cases, sentenced to death and executed.”

Sunai Phasuk, a Thailand researcher at Human Rights Watch, told Reuters: “By forcibly sending back at least 90 Uighurs, Thailand has violated international law. In China they can face serious abuses including torture and disappearance."

Edited by Thai at Heart
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So the Uighurs hope to build international sympathy for their legitimate cause of being treated decently in China by blowing up innocent civilians / tourists at a religious shrine? coffee1.gif Attention -- yes they got attention.

Of course there have been numerous Uighur terror attacks in China and the big ones got lots of international attention ... but I think this one is the biggest one with the most attention as it happened in an internationally popular tourist destination.

A question I have, knowing the actual operatives of course are few, is what is the level of PUBLIC SUPPORT among all Uighurs in China for using terrorism tactics?

Yes, I realize it's not 100 percent confirmed that this was an Uighur attack but I think fair enough at this point to see that as very probable.

Edited by Jingthing
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@ i claudius

What is disgusting is those who preach hate and intolerance towards any faith.

Whether that be Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Christian, Buddhist or whatever.

Hate is hate no matter who preaches it.

Reality is reality no matter who tries to spin away from it.


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Well, ethnic conflict has been the worst problem in the world for some time. In India, people who had lived together fairly harmoniously were forced to separate themselves into Muslim and Hindu groups with separate countries because Ghandi and Nehru treated Jinnah poorly. Grievances between ethnic groups seems ubiquitous all over the world.

It will be interesting to see the outcome of a huge number of Migrants settling in Europe. Will they assimilate into the culture of their country of residence or will they form ethnic enclaves within the country? I hope for a friendly adjustment on both sides but I am not optimistic. These are Muslims and they will bring their intolerance of other religions with them.

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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

so ..in the future, anybody that feels their rights have been violated should be feared by the government? Innocent people lost their lives....

My hope is that a strategy for revenge does not include the loss of innocent lives.

Edited by slipperylobster
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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

so ..in the future, anybody that feels their rights have been violated should be feared by the government? Innocent people lost their lives....

My hope is that a strategy for revenge does not include the loss of innocent lives.

Accepted international convention is that the Uighurs should have gone to Turkey. Thailand showed zero spine and no principles.

Tragically people died. Terrorism isn't defendable. Neither is sending oppressed people back to rigged trials, labour camps, torture and in worst case a bullet.

The victims are deserving of humanity of course. What about people trying to escape an oppressive regime?

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And that is the response of most of the Muslim community ,you summed it up so well ,so why bother saying anything else?

Nope. And if you bothered to do some research you'd find many Muslim leaders, scholars and clerics have condemned terrorism.

My yawn comment was directed at BSJ's usual hate post BS.

Only a few muslim leaders, clerks etc condemn terrorism. THAT'S the main issue. Most muslim leaders keep quiet. Makes one wonder whether they support terrorism or are afraid to say something. Extremists have no problem killing muslims that don't support them.
Extremists of all faiths and political persuasions have no trouble killing others.

It's the extremism that makes them killers not their faith.

To judge all on the actions of these is stupidity of the highest order. Hence my yawn.

As for when Muslim extremists are condemned by leaders/clerics/scholars its never enough for some.

Nothing ever will be.

I better delete my question.

I am just surprised that you think that the muslim community is doing enough to condemn violence by muslim extremists because they are hardly doing anything about it.

In your view, one I so do not share.

Edited by Bluespunk
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@ i claudius

What is disgusting is those who preach hate and intolerance towards any faith.

Whether that be Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Christian, Buddhist or whatever.

Hate is hate no matter who preaches it.

Reality is reality no matter who tries to spin away from it.


Lets hope one day you find it.

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So the Uighurs hope to build international sympathy for their legitimate cause of being treated decently in China by blowing up innocent civilians / tourists at a religious shrine? coffee1.gif Attention -- yes they got attention.

Of course there have been numerous Uighur terror attacks in China and the big ones got lots of international attention ... but I think this one is the biggest one with the most attention as it happened in an internationally popular tourist destination.

A question I have, knowing the actual operatives of course are few, is what is the level of PUBLIC SUPPORT among all Uighurs in China for using terrorism tactics?

Yes, I realize it's not 100 percent confirmed that this was an Uighur attack but I think fair enough at this point to see that as very probable.

That's a good question, and one that I don't think anyone can answer clearly, not even Chinese Intelligence. I worked closely with some Uighur businessmen in China some years ago, and got to know some of their families and friends in China. They are an extremely tight-knit cultural group, where, in order to fit in and survive, they have to speak Mandarin and be very Chinese, but at the same time, among themselves, only speak their Turkic dialect, and maintain their cultural and religious ties.

They maintain very old traditional cultural practices, including this tribal mentality from what I saw. I got to know one of them very closely, and he never spoke badly of the Chinese government or their struggle to me, because it would have been costly to do so.

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If Thailand didn't want to get involved in this they should have honored their United nations obligations and passed the Uighur to Turkey.

The events that came about can't be condoned. However, remember many of those people sent back will at least be in labour camps forever at best. Many will have been executed.

The Chinese state has no time for Uighur.

By sending them back, the Thais were sentencing many to death.

I do find it odd that the usual 'must abide by the laws/treaties' stance on this forum has given way to emotion on this subject. The FACT is, Thailand should have honoured it's signing of the Human Rights Treaty and not have sent anyone, Uighurs included, back to the persecution from which they were fleeing. The international condemnation on this issue should have given you a clue. So enough with the anti Islam rhetoric, with which I have a lot of sympathy BTW. This was simply very very wrong, much alike the shooting to death of 13 Catholics on Bloody Sunday was, resulting in twenty long years of the bombing of mainland England.

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So yet again it looks like a Muslim terrorist group do what they always seem to do if they do not get what they want ,blow people up.sad.png

I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

Quite a few countries as well.

Of all faiths.

You can stick up for Muslims all you like ,but the truth though it may hurt you is that Muslim terrorism around the world far far out ways any other religion or nationality
A terrorist is a terrorist no matter what their faith.

I don't stick up for any faith, I'm an atheist and think all faiths are superstitious BS.

Its just that I just despise bigots who condemn a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a few.

Its just that I just despise bigots who condemn a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a few....a few !cheesy.gif A few hundred thousand you mean?


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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

So like why are they traveling through Thailand, how did they get in? And where were they going? So is this like an off radar situation? And if it is the point, why did they not follow proper procedures? Just my two cents.... Oh I forgot, that is right.... They just lost their way huh? whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.

Absolutely no evidence any of them were anything but genuine refugees.

Absolutely none.


The latest bombings. Are these not evidence that there are terrorists among them?

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why did they get sent back to china? just wondering

They had Chinese passports.

Whichever passport they're carrying Uighurs coming from China are Chinese nationals. That doesn't mean Thailand didn't have a choice about where to send them considering the conflict there. They had a choice and they have competing pressures about how to deal with them. Obviously, China wants them sent back.

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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.

Absolutely no evidence any of them were anything but genuine refugees.

Absolutely none.

What nonsense! Your true colors are coming through!

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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

Making excuses for terrorist scum who mass murder innocent civilians.

We should not forget the history of the Junta's security partner communist China where 40-70 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over the four years of Mao's Great Leap Forward. The CCP has been historically insensitive to human life and intolerant towards democracy and religions.

Edited by Srikcir
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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

What a load of BS, when people enter a country illegaly you send them back where they came from. you don't give them a plane ticket to a place they want to go to.
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I do find it odd that the usual 'must abide by the laws/treaties' stance on this forum has given way to emotion on this subject. The FACT is, Thailand should have honoured it's signing of the Human Rights Treaty and not have sent anyone, Uighurs included, back to the persecution from which they were fleeing. The international condemnation on this issue should have given you a clue. So enough with the anti Islam rhetoric, with which I have a lot of sympathy BTW. This was simply very very wrong, much alike the shooting to death of 13 Catholics on Bloody Sunday was, resulting in twenty long years of the bombing of mainland England.

I do agree with you, however it should be noted what Thailand has actually signed.

What is known as the International Bill of Human Rights is actually made up of the several declarations and conventions, of which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) is one.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not a treaty, it is a declaration. That distinction is important because, where a treaty creates legal obligations for States, a declaration is not legally binding. It does, however, carry moral weight because it is adopted by the international community. The Declaration has had a profound influence on the development of international human rights law, and it is argued that because States have constantly invoked the Declaration over more than 50 years, it has become binding as a part of customary international law.

Thailand (then Siam) was one of the 48 countries to vote in favour of adoption by the U.N. General Assembly on 10 December 1948.

Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, also known as the 1951 Refugee Convention. It is a United Nations multilateral treaty that defines who is a refugee, and sets out the rights of individuals who are granted asylum and the responsibilities of nations that grant asylum.

Thailand in not a party to this convention, i.e. it has not signed nor ratified it. That being said, as I wrote yesterday, enshrined in the 1951 Refugee Convention is the principle of 'non-refoulement' - it is considered the cornerstone of international protection, and has acquired the status of customary international law, meaning that it has become binding on all States, regardless of whether or not they are signatories to the 1951 Refugee Convention.

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TVF: hub of low-educated, ignorant, rightist frustros who think all the problems in the world are caused by the muslims. as said before, we get exactly what we deserve. i blame no particular group. i blame our kind, our species is a virus with shoes (Bill Hicks).

You should not generalize but some figures are scary.


I didnd't read the article just the headline but allow me to reply this:

1. Arab muslims are not representative for all the muslims worldwide.

2. Online polls are easily manipulated / forged.

3. Most muslims (and basically all Arab muslims) are sunni and Arab muslims are strongly anti-shia. isis is mainly sunni. this might explain the sympathy they have for isis.


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This chinese passport photo was not from thai police who already claimed they did not get such a passport.

It is from xingxian media, a local chinese language newspaper in bangkok. We know all chinese language media in thailand is under control of chinese government which is utilizing the local media in launching smear campaign against persecuted uighurs.

So we know chinese givernment arranged the blast

You didn't see post #117?
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So yet again it looks like a Muslim terrorist group do what they always seem to do if they do not get what they want ,blow people up.sad.png

I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

Quite a few countries as well.

Of all faiths.

You can stick up for Muslims all you like ,but the truth though it may hurt you is that Muslim terrorism around the world far far out ways any other religion or nationality
A terrorist is a terrorist no matter what their faith.

I don't stick up for any faith, I'm an atheist and think all faiths are superstitious BS.

Its just that I just despise bigots who condemn a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a few.

Its just that I just despise bigots who condemn a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a few....a few !cheesy.gif A few hundred thousand you mean?


Oh dear, Wikipedia.

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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

What a load of BS, when people enter a country illegaly you send them back where they came from. you don't give them a plane ticket to a place they want to go to.

When they are genuine refugees fleeing persecution you don't.

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What nonsense! Your true colors are coming through!

Never hidden what I believe.

I despise racists, bigots, homophobes, the prejudiced and narrow minded hate fuelled non thinking.

Unless you are a mindless bigot who assumes all Muslims support terror (moronic and stupid I know but that's bigotry I guess) then no one should support the deportation of refugees to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder.

Edited by Bluespunk
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