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Clinton: I didn't 'stop and think' about email system

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Clinton: I didn't 'stop and think' about email system
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday her use of a private email system at the State Department wasn't the "best choice" and acknowledged she didn't "stop and think" about her email set-up when she became President Barack Obama's secretary of state in 2009.

The Democratic presidential front-runner said in an interview with NBC News that she was immediately confronted by a number of global hotspots after joining the new Obama administration as its top diplomat and didn't think much about her email after arriving at her new job. Her use of private email has now become a distraction for her presidential campaign.

"You know, I was not thinking a lot when I got in. There was so much work to be done. We had so many problems around the world," Clinton said. "I didn't really stop and think what kind of email system will there be?"

But Clinton did not apologize for her decision when asked directly, "Are you sorry?" Instead, she again said she wishes she had "made a different choice" and that she takes responsibility for the decision to use a private email account and server based at her home in suburban New York.

She added it was a choice that should not raise questions about her judgment.

"I am very confident that by the time this campaign has run its course, people will know that what I've been saying is accurate," Clinton said, adding: "They may disagree, as I now disagree, with the choice that I made. But the facts that I have put forth have remained the same."

Republicans criticized Clinton's unwillingness to apologize for the decision and said it underscored polls which have shown large numbers of people questioning her trustworthiness. "What's clear is Hillary Clinton regrets that she got caught and is paying a political price, not the fact her secret email server put our national security at risk," said Michael Short, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee.

The conversation about emails led off a wide-ranging interview that included Vice President Joe Biden's interest in a potential Democratic primary bid, Clinton's plans to address the Iran nuclear deal and her views of Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

Following a summer in which both Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders, a longshot rival for the Democratic nomination, drew large campaign audiences, Clinton sought to cast her candidacy as one rooted in tackling the problems "that keep families up at night."

"Because I think you can come with your own ideas and you can, you know, wave your arms and give a speech, but at the end of the day, are you connecting with and really hearing what people are either saying to you or wishing that you would say to them?" she said.

Clinton's interview comes as current and former aides are testifying before a congressional panel investigating the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks. The committee has also delved into Clinton's email practices at the State Department. She is scheduled to testify publicly before the panel next month.

Clinton in August handed over to the FBI her private server, which she used to send, receive and store emails during her four years as secretary of state. Clinton has said she set up her own system instead of using a State Department account for the convenience of using a single Blackberry device.

But her comments that she didn't stop to think about setting up a private email server in her home belied the careful planning and technical sophistication required to set up, operate, maintain and protect a private server effectively — especially one responsible for the confidential communications of the U.S. government's top diplomat as she traveled the globe.

Even homebrew servers typically require careful configuration, Internet registration, data backups, regular security audits and a secondary power supply in case of electrical problems.

In the interview, Clinton said, as she has in the past, that she "should have had two accounts, one for personal and one for work-related."

Thousands of pages of her emails publicly released in recent months have shown that Clinton received messages that were later determined to contain classified information, including some that contained material regarding the production and dissemination of U.S. intelligence.

But Clinton reiterated that she did not "send or receive any material marked classified. We dealt with classified material on a totally different system. I dealt with it in person."

Clinton noted her support for an Obama-backed agreement to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions and said she would address what she would do as president to enforce the deal, hold Iran accountable and "make clear that no options were off the table. That they can never ever have a nuclear weapon."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-05

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Oh poor baby.


"You know, I was not thinking a lot when I got in. There was so much work to be done. We had so many problems around the world," Clinton said. "I didn't really stop and think what kind of email system will there be?"

Edited by capcc76
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Instead, she contracted an IT company to set up an email server at her house. Which took more thought or effort?

That's extremely presumptuous. Has it yet come to light that the setup was done after she became SoS, or was it an existing setup that she already had and simply decided to continue using? If the latter, then her statement makes complete sense.

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Republicans care about this because they think they've got a "gotcha" that they so desperately need. They don't have any legitimate candidates so, their only hope is to somehow paint her as a traitor. Same as Benghazi bullshit only different.

Nobody outside of the wingnutoshpere cares about HRC's email server.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the race for the Republican nomination for President. clap2.gif

Goodnight everybody. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses.

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Hillary Clinton’s five email lies

“I’ve never had a subpoena…Let’s take a deep breath here.”

Truth: Confronted by CNN’s Brianna Keilar on July 8 about why she had deleted 33,000 e-mails while under investigation, Clinton said it was common practice. Keilar pressed: Even if you’re under subpeona?

Clinton was under subpoena when the question was asked.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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The fact that she had the server wiped is clear obstruction of justice. Even if they WERE personal, the DOJ should have been the people determining that, NOT her. If it smells like a duck . . .

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May the farce be with you.


Hillary Clinton is sorry that you're too stupid to believe her excuses. And she would have made a different choice if she knew how stupid you were. She disagrees with the choice she made, only because she had not previously imagined just how stupid everyone was.

Now she's sorry... that you're too stupid to understand why a top government official would want to run her own email server with classified information and poor security that she then wiped. She's sorry that you can't understand why her associate is refusing to cooperate with the FBI.

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When I look at both Republican and Democrat candidates, than I get really sad....That can't be the best one you can find all over USA....An average IQ of 80, uneducated, liar and not even good liar.....Really sad....

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When I look at both Republican and Democrat candidates, than I get really sad....That can't be the best one you can find all over USA....An average IQ of 80, uneducated, liar and not even good liar.....Really sad....

Don't forget alcoholics.

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Instead, she contracted an IT company to set up an email server at her house. Which took more thought or effort?

That's extremely presumptuous. Has it yet come to light that the setup was done after she became SoS, or was it an existing setup that she already had and simply decided to continue using? If the latter, then her statement makes complete sense.

Colin Powell did the same, but then he was smarter than to subject himself to running for President. For my money most are carrying too much baggage. It's up to Bernie to loose my casting of my absentee ballot.

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Hillary Clintons five email lies

Ive never had a subpoenaLets take a deep breath here.

Truth: Confronted by CNNs Brianna Keilar on July 8 about why she had deleted 33,000 e-mails while under investigation, Clinton said it was common practice. Keilar pressed: Even if youre under subpeona?

Clinton was under subpoena when the question was asked.


"Clinton was under subpoena when the question was asked."

But wouldn't the correct statement be, "Clinton was under subpoena when she wiped the server". Now is that true?

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FYI, Carson has higher favorability ratings than Clinton.

A few simple questions (simple answers please):

1 - If you have some 60.000 emails on your servers, why would you spend time to identify 30.000 ("personal") emails to delete? Was your hard drive full? 30.000 emails would easily fit on a thumb drive. Wouldn't those "personal emails" be invaluable when write your biography?

2 - If you are SoS of the most powerful country in the world with many problems to deal with, how come you have time to send 30.000 (=50%) "personal" emails.

Gotcha ya there, right?

Republicans care about this because they think they've got a "gotcha" that they so desperately need. They don't have any legitimate candidates so, their only hope is to somehow paint her as a traitor. Same as Benghazi bullshit only different.

Nobody outside of the wingnutoshpere cares about HRC's email server.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the race for the Republican nomination for President. clap2.gif

Goodnight everybody. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses.

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Instead, she contracted an IT company to set up an email server at her house. Which took more thought or effort?

That's extremely presumptuous. Has it yet come to light that the setup was done after she became SoS, or was it an existing setup that she already had and simply decided to continue using? If the latter, then her statement makes complete sense.

Colin Powell did the same, but then he was smarter than to subject himself to running for President. For my money most are carrying too much baggage. It's up to Bernie to loose my casting of my absentee ballot.

The laws had changed dramatically since Colin Powell was in office. The circumstances were completely different. Although some former secretaries of state occasionally used personal emails for official business, Clinton is the only one who never once used an @state.gov email address in the era of email. Clinton’s office sent a memo in 2011 to State Department staff that said they should not use personal email accounts for department business, so she was a hypocrite if nothing else.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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it does not matter if Hilary or Jeb get 'selected' in 2016. It's just the same same divide and conquer that partisan politics engages in to satisfy the Proles' expectations that politics is just a choreographed game, and the electorate MUST choose one venal crook or the other. With Bilary you get your basic trailer trash con couple; with Jeb you get an extension of the dynastic Bush International Crime Family. What I could never have imagined happening currently is the existence and support of a corporation whose rice bowl consists of murdering viable fetusus, carefully extracting the body parts and selling them...another example of things I could never have imagined is the legal acceptance and outright celebration of Sodomy as a protected practice.

The U.S. has become the EVIL EMPIRE on a doomed planet. what to do? I hear that the weather is balmy this time of the year on Alpha Centauri.

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Republicans care about this because they think they've got a "gotcha" that they so desperately need. They don't have any legitimate candidates so, their only hope is to somehow paint her as a traitor. Same as Benghazi bullshit only different.

Nobody outside of the wingnutoshpere cares about HRC's email server.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the race for the Republican nomination for President. clap2.gif

Goodnight everybody. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses.

Seem as though the FBI cares about it.

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