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Vietnam War's 'napalm girl' calls for global actions upon Syrian boy death

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Vietnam War's napalm girl calls for global actions upon Syrian boy death


VIETNAM: - Phan Thi Kim Phuc, Vietnam War's napalm girl, has joined voices calling on world leaders to work together to end the atrocities that are forcing thousands of Syrians to flee their homes, according to Thanh Nien News.

Kim Phuc, subject of the iconic photo โ€œnapalm girlโ€ taken during the Vietnam War, on Sunday shared her thoughts about another tragic war photo that has garnered attention from around the world.

The photograph of 3-year-old Syrian refugee Aylan Kurdi washed up dead on a Turkish beach has become a symbol of the worst refugee crisis in the world in seven decades.

Phuc was nine years old when she was photographed naked and screaming after being burned in a napalm attack during the Vietnam War in 1972.

The photo, officially named โ€œThe Terror of War,โ€ won its author Nick Ut the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography. It has become one of the most recognizable photos in the world and according to historians, a major inspiration for the anti-war movement.

Phuc, who came to Canada and later studied to be a doctor, told CBC newspaper during the visit that the Syrian boy photo underscores the impact war has on children and the future that is robbed from them.

Phuc said she hopes the government in Canada, where the Syrian boyโ€™s family had been trying to emigrate, and others around the world continue to open their borders to Syrian refugees.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/vietnam-wars-napalm-girl-calls-for-global-actions-upon-syrian-boy-death

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-08


In the light of Agenda 2030 from the UN to be announced later this month

this is a perfect piece of propaganda ... playing the "empathy card" usually works.

Might be that the US should stop arming and funding the opposition in Syria and let the legally elected

Government in Syria do its job ?

Syria was no harm to anybody until the US decided that the elected Government [Assad] has to go [just like in the Ukraine].


Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

Most of the parents are desperately trying to get their children out of harms way.


Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

Most of the parents are desperately trying to get their children out of harms way.

Whateva. Make excuses for them and more children due. Many out them in boats is search of a better economic life, not to escape harms way.

I have children. You protect your children and don't put them in harms way. These people seem more concerned about their own selves than their children.

Easy for me to criticize and for you to condemn me when not in the Craig storm. I get that, but at the end if the day the safety of children is the parents responsibility.


Her picture makes me feel old, i remember that horrific picture of her as she was running down the road, moved my mother to tears.

Yep, awful sad picture of an innocent child. We are old.


It is very sad when kids get caught in the outrages of war/terror.

It should not be forgotten that the majority of the children dying and being killed are the victims of Islam. Too many people think that these atrocities are only happening in places like Iraq, Libia and Syria but the brutal face of this "religion"

is happening all over the world.


It is very sad when kids get caught in the outrages of war/terror.

It should not be forgotten that the majority of the children dying and being killed are the victims of Islam. Too many people think that these atrocities are only happening in places like Iraq, Libia and Syria but the brutal face of this "religion"

is happening all over the world.

Sorry, I might seem incredibly stupid, but I don't understand your point. Are you saying that Muslims are killing one another because of their religion? Please tell me where else this is happening?


In the light of Agenda 2030 from the UN to be announced later this month

this is a perfect piece of propaganda ... playing the "empathy card" usually works.

Might be that the US should stop arming and funding the opposition in Syria and let the legally elected

Government in Syria do its job ?

Syria was no harm to anybody until the US decided that the elected Government [Assad] has to go [just like in the Ukraine].

Not sure the Syrians who were being brutally oppressed by Assad would agree that there was no harm being done!


Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

Most of the parents are desperately trying to get their children out of harms way.

If out of selfish reasons you want to have kids in a unfree country ruled by torturing dictators , or just a poor country , who is putting their offspring in harms way ?


What would you call a father who puts his wife and two young children in an inflateable dinghy

without a life-jacket between them? If this happened in the west they would be calling for the father to be charged with manslaughter.

The family had been living safely in Turkey for some years. And one final point. If the family were not safe in Syria why did the

father hold a very public funeral back in his home village.


I would have more respect for this woman if she wasnt trying to promote the destruction of white western culture via mass immigration on the back of the death of this unfortunate little boy and instead spoke out about..............

Diarrhoeal diseases claim the lives of around two million children each year- 5,000 per day, and cause countless more to fall ill. Children already suffering from poor diets and the ravages of other diseases are the first to get sick and die from water and sanitation-related diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and typhoid, UNICEF said today.



Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

Most of the parents are desperately trying to get their children out of harms way.

Depends on whether we are talking genuine refugees, or the much more prevalent economic migrants.


Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

Exactly what i thought, who puts their own kids in that much harm when there was camps they could have gone to, with no safety jackets and no protection, stop blaming the world, blame the parents too, for it was them who killed their own children, then the father goes back to syria to bury them, not much fear there, it is a card that they play to the hearts of the do gooders and tear jerkers, sad as it is, it could have been avoided


I would have more respect for this woman if she wasnt trying to promote the destruction of white western culture via mass immigration on the back of the death of this unfortunate little boy and instead spoke out about..............

Diarrhoeal diseases claim the lives of around two million children each year- 5,000 per day, and cause countless more to fall ill. Children already suffering from poor diets and the ravages of other diseases are the first to get sick and die from water and sanitation-related diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and typhoid, UNICEF said today.


Agreed. Also, the number varies...but very conservatively 2000-3000 children die every day around the world due to malnutrition and we rarely hear anything about that either. EVERY DAY! post-4641-1156693976.gif


In the light of Agenda 2030 from the UN to be announced later this month

this is a perfect piece of propaganda ... playing the "empathy card" usually works.

Might be that the US should stop arming and funding the opposition in Syria and let the legally elected

Government in Syria do its job ?

Syria was no harm to anybody until the US decided that the elected Government [Assad] has to go [just like in the Ukraine].

Exactly how can an election rigged by a minority dictatorship be considered a "legally elected Government". Previously no harm to anybody? Syria supported a number of terrorist organisations.


I remember that picture and wasn't even born - 1 day maybe will all stop but doubt it - we are our worse enemy

Actually, we are not our worst enemy. wai2.gif

Most people try to go through life as decent persons.

The international bankers who control the creation and supply of money, and who manipulate economies and overthrow governments, who use social engineering, to extort more money through taxes and higher prices, they are our worst enemy.

Education is your friend!


Yep, take action against parents who put their children in harms way.

Most of the parents are desperately trying to get their children out of harms way.

Whateva. Make excuses for them and more children due. Many out them in boats is search of a better economic life, not to escape harms way.

I have children. You protect your children and don't put them in harms way. These people seem more concerned about their own selves than their children.

Easy for me to criticize and for you to condemn me when not in the Craig storm. I get that, but at the end if the day the safety of children is the parents responsibility.

When the notion of risk is not a subject of discussion and you have the choice to stay and die or try to leave and maybe not die then you leave, whatever the risk is...

Yeah it is quite easy to say that they should stay in their own countries, especially when it is mostly our government responsibilities for the wars they are in the middle of...


In the light of Agenda 2030 from the UN to be announced later this month

this is a perfect piece of propaganda ... playing the "empathy card" usually works.

Might be that the US should stop arming and funding the opposition in Syria and let the legally elected

Government in Syria do its job ?

Syria was no harm to anybody until the US decided that the elected Government [Assad] has to go [just like in the Ukraine].

Exactly how can an election rigged by a minority dictatorship be considered a "legally elected Government". Previously no harm to anybody? Syria supported a number of terrorist organisations.

Bush Junior was elected by a minority and bombed Irak on false evidences...do that make USA a terrorist organization?

Want to have a list of terrorism USA and Europe members did and still do by themselves or by supporting oppositions in middle east just for their own profit, o?

Saoudis are well known to finance and support terrorism, helped Al Qaida and radicals everywhere in the world...yet the US and Europe see no problem to pat their shoulders and make money with them, and even finance some groups using Saoudi as a proxy

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