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Palestine flag to be raised over UN

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I'm ashamed that the UK abstained on this vote, but good to see another one in the eye of the jews.

Substitute Zionists for Jews and I'd agree with you.

MrMuddle has made it plain that he does not need to use PC code words for Jews. At least he is direct.


Send me a memo when Palestine is actually a state rather than a make believe state. I see no reason why anyone is getting excited about this flag of a nation that doesn't exist

The UN and the world thought Palestine was a state when they created two states in 1948. Palestine is as much a state as Israel by UN edict. The only reason Israel gets away with what they have done is because the world is controlled by the US.


I'm happy that finally Palestine will be recognized. It's long overdue

What are the borders?

depends how much land you think should be returned to its rightful owners

That phony map has been discredited long ago. The Palestinian Arabs NEVER controlled much of that territory. giggle.gif



Now you are being facetious. Might as well say Rome, or the people that lived there before the Isrealites.
Interesting you used the term Israelites. You do realize diaspora Jews have been called that word throughout history often seen as a polite word for Jews because so many people hate Jews that just the word Jew doubles as a slur word. Funny thing. Israelite. Israel. Jerusalem. Middle East. Not referring to Boca Raton.

I am happy to hear that Palestine will raise their flag at the UN, but a recent UN report says Israeli aggression towards a Palestinian state will make Gaza uninhabited by the year 2020.

Is this the same UN that has said and done nothing in respect to the Syrian civil war?

It is puzzling that the muslim nations and their allies who depend upon the arab oil money are able to spend so much time on this issue, but have been unable to offer anything constructive on the refugee crisis that now grips the middle east.

So much fuss over a flag, and yet nothing concrete from these countries in respect to addressing the Syrian crisis. Rather hypocritical too, now that Turkey has started on a new slaughter of Kurds, the same people gassed by the Iraqi arabs, and massacred by the Iranian mullahs. Not one word on the plight of the Kurds.


I'm happy that finally Palestine will be recognized. It's long overdue

What are the borders?

depends how much land you think should be returned to its rightful owners

That phony map has been discredited long ago. The Palestinian Arabs NEVER controlled much of that territory. giggle.gif

They hope to brainwash new obsessive Israel demonizers by spreading the same big lies ad nauseum. Their agenda is clear.The same as Iran ... to end Israel.


Now you are being facetious. Might as well say Rome, or the people that lived there before the Isrealites.
Interesting you used the term Israelites. You do realize diaspora Jews have been called that word throughout history often seen as a polite word for Jews because so many people hate Jews that just the word Jew doubles as a slur word. Funny thing. Israelite. Israel. Jerusalem. Middle East. Not referring to Boca Raton.

Side track all you like. You know I was using Isrealites to refer to the people that lived in that area thousands of years ago as referred to in the Bible.


Send me a memo when Palestine is actually a state rather than a make believe state. I see no reason why anyone is getting excited about this flag of a nation that doesn't exist

The UN and the world thought Palestine was a state when they created two states in 1948. Palestine is as much a state as Israel by UN edict. The only reason Israel gets away with what they have done is because the world is controlled by the US.

You should go back and read the original UN document 181 (ii) that deals with the end of the British Mandate. It specifically refers to;

Independent Arab and Jewish States. It never mentions "Palestine" as an independent state.

The issue of whether or not the arabs occupying the former British mandate in the lands designated arab under the document have the right to self determination is not in question. Rather, it is whether or not the historically inaccurate term "Palestine" applies and to what land.

Palestine does not apply for the simple reason that the term Palestine referred to all of the land addressed by 181 (ii). In plain language, Palestine included the land that was to be designated as Israel, and was not used as a name for the Independent Arab nation that would have been formed had the Arabs not attacked Israel and sought its destruction. It was the arabs who had rejected "Palestine". After successive failed attacks they have backtracked and are now want the agreement they violently rejected. Note that the Independent arab territory did not include cisjordan aka the west bank. It was only after Jordan had lost the territory following its planned invasion and destruction of Israel that Jordan said it would give the land to the local inhabitants. Unfortunately, Jordan had lost the land in a war it had provoked.

Know what though? The locals would be better served if the arabs put their energy into solving the Syrian crisis.


Send me a memo when Palestine is actually a state rather than a make believe state. I see no reason why anyone is getting excited about this flag of a nation that doesn't exist

The UN and the world thought Palestine was a state when they created two states in 1948. Palestine is as much a state as Israel by UN edict. The only reason Israel gets away with what they have done is because the world is controlled by the US.

You should go back and read the original UN document 181 (ii) that deals with the end of the British Mandate. It specifically refers to;

Independent Arab and Jewish States. It never mentions "Palestine" as an independent state.

The issue of whether or not the arabs occupying the former British mandate in the lands designated arab under the document have the right to self determination is not in question. Rather, it is whether or not the historically inaccurate term "Palestine" applies and to what land.

Palestine does not apply for the simple reason that the term Palestine referred to all of the land addressed by 181 (ii). In plain language, Palestine included the land that was to be designated as Israel, and was not used as a name for the Independent Arab nation that would have been formed had the Arabs not attacked Israel and sought its destruction. It was the arabs who had rejected "Palestine". After successive failed attacks they have backtracked and are now want the agreement they violently rejected. Note that the Independent arab territory did not include cisjordan aka the west bank. It was only after Jordan had lost the territory following its planned invasion and destruction of Israel that Jordan said it would give the land to the local inhabitants. Unfortunately, Jordan had lost the land in a war it had provoked.

Know what though? The locals would be better served if the arabs put their energy into solving the Syrian crisis.

It's just a name. Palestine is as good as any to describe the land designated by the UN as Arab land. Do you have a better name?



Now you are being facetious. Might as well say Rome, or the people that lived there before the Isrealites.
Interesting you used the term Israelites. You do realize diaspora Jews have been called that word throughout history often seen as a polite word for Jews because so many people hate Jews that just the word Jew doubles as a slur word. Funny thing. Israelite. Israel. Jerusalem. Middle East. Not referring to Boca Raton.

Side track all you like. You know I was using Isrealites to refer to the people that lived in that area thousands of years ago as referred to in the Bible.
It's not a sidetrack. It's very relevant to the conflict. Obsessive Israel demonizers are always pushing the big lie that Jews in Israel are "white" colonialists with no connection to the middle east as if they are like the Belgians were in Congo. When in fact in the diaspora through history Jews have not been usually regarded the same as white and Next Year in Jerusalem was often said. Also relevant that the majority of Israeli Jews have direct middle east roots such as from Yemen, British Palestine, Iraq, Morocco, etc.


Now you are being facetious. Might as well say Rome, or the people that lived there before the Isrealites.
Interesting you used the term Israelites. You do realize diaspora Jews have been called that word throughout history often seen as a polite word for Jews because so many people hate Jews that just the word Jew doubles as a slur word. Funny thing. Israelite. Israel. Jerusalem. Middle East. Not referring to Boca Raton.

Side track all you like. You know I was using Isrealites to refer to the people that lived in that area thousands of years ago as referred to in the Bible.


Recognizing a "state" that is just a figment of the imagination, does not make it a nation. Some borders, leaders that govern the whole entity and a functioning economy would be a nice start. tongue.png


Recognizing a "state" that is just a figment of the imagination, does not make it one. Some borders, leaders that govern the whole entity and a functioning economy would be a nice start. tongue.png

Sure a blocus is always helping an economy to function, the borders could also be better defined if Israel stopped its settlements, and when they elect a leader, they are immediatly branded as terrorists...

I think I can see a common grip in all those problems...let see...


The problem is that the Palestinian Arabs have lost numerous wars that they started, yet refuse to sign a peace treaty and keep shooting rockets at innocent civilians - hence the terrorist designation. They are the source of most of their own problems and always have been.


The problem is that the Palestinian Arabs have lost numerous wars that they started, yet refuse to sign a peace treaty and keep shooting rockets at innocent civilians - hence the terrorist designation. They are the source of most of their own problems and always have been.

Worse than that. They are enabled by much of the Arab and/or Muslim world who cynically use Israel demonization as a cover for their own domestic failings.

That world could have solved the "Palestinian" "refugee" problem 10 times over and decades ago if they had wanted to. But they are such a useful tool for them why would they want to?


The problem is that the Palestinian Arabs have lost numerous wars that they started, yet refuse to sign a peace treaty and keep shooting rockets at innocent civilians - hence the terrorist designation. They are the source of most of their own problems and always have been.

And the vengeance of Israel that kills 100 times more civilians is complete OK?

The Palestinians call that attack and their rockets vengeance.

Even the Palestinians did many wrong things, it is fact that Israel take over the farms and lands of peaceful Palestinian farmer. You only need to look at the maps....No wonder that these homeless people hate Israel and try to fight back, lack of other options the terrorist way.

Both sides ensure that it will continue forever, or till all Palestinians died.


Raise as many flags as you want, the facts that the Palestinians doesn't want peace is undisputed, the have turned down a very viable peace settlements twice, Arafat thought he was smart, in the end he's dead and his people still live in shitholes.

The Palestinians authorities and Hamas, doesn't want peace, they happy to be the pitiful rag tag people that they are, happy to suck on UN;s funding for 100 years more, while they live in opulent houses and enjoy the good life, and da hell with the rest

of the Palestinians....

You must be the local BS'er for Israel on here,spinning fiction as usual. No one belives your lies only idiots for israel .The Palestine Papers released by the Guardian and Al Jazeera show that the Palestinians have bent over backwards to have peace with Israel and the Israelis have turned their backs on it time and time again so that they can steal more Palestinian land.


We could raise the confederate flag along side of it.laugh.png

Right next door to the flag of Vulgaria - another fictional "country". tongue.png

Why not add Narnia and westeross as well, it's all make believe!


"Israel's U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor has called the move a "blatant attempt to hijack the U.N.""

Lol, and pressuring the US to use it's UNSC veto in any matter concerning the benefit of Palestine isn't?

You can read more here...


Posting up a link to some pro israeli website does not make anything you say true.It was started by a nutter zionist called Nina Rosenwald.


I'm happy that finally Palestine will be recognized. It's long overdue

What are the borders?

depends how much land you think should be returned to its rightful owners

That phony map has been discredited long ago. The Palestinian Arabs NEVER controlled much of that territory. giggle.gif

It is not a phony map . The map comes from the British survey of Palestine 1946


I respect the Gatestone institute a heck of a lot more than totally biased All Jaz.

That is because you like lies for israel, not my problem really.

Perhaps you like Israel demonizing narratives. An All Jazz speciality.

I respect the Gatestone institute a heck of a lot more than totally biased All Jaz.

That is because you like lies for israel, not my problem really.

Perhaps you like Israel demonizing narratives. An All Jazz speciality.

So you think reporting factual news is demonising Israel, very amusing and says a lot about you.


I respect the Gatestone institute a heck of a lot more than totally biased All Jaz.

That is because you like lies for israel, not my problem really.

Perhaps you like Israel demonizing narratives. An All Jazz speciality.

So you think reporting factual news is demonising Israel, very amusing and says a lot about you.

Nope it is well known that the All Jazz management is rabidly anti-Israel. OK not as bad as Iranian propaganda but getting there.

Nope it is well known that the All Jazz management is rabidly anti-Israel. OK not as bad as Iranian propaganda but getting there.

Yawn....it is well known that you spend much of your time on this website defending Israeli crimes against humanity.I doubt you would know the truth if you fell over it on your way to zionist central to collect your pay check.

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