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Croatia puts army on alert as it reels from migrant influx

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Croatia puts army on alert as it reels from migrant influx

BATINA, Croatia (AP) — Croatian leaders put the army on alert after chaos erupted Thursday on the border with Serbia, where thousands of asylum-seekers poured into the country, some trampling each other in a rush to get on the few available buses and trains. Dozens were injured in the mayhem.

The masses descended on Croatia after Hungary erected a barbed wire-fence and took other tough measures to stop them from using it as a gateway into Western Europe.

As Hungarian officials hailed their success in putting a halt to the influx and moved ahead with plans to build more border fences, leaders in Croatia pleaded that their country was at full capacity and unable to cope with waves of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.

Croatian Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said he had a message for migrants: Don't try to go to Western Europe through his country.

"Don't come here anymore. Stay in refugee centers in Serbia and Macedonia and Greece," Ostojic told reporters. "This is not the road to Europe. Buses can't take you there. It's a lie."

Hungary sealed off its border with Serbia this week with a razor-wire fence and began arresting people who tried to cross. Police used tear gas, batons and water cannons on those who tried to push open a border gate on Wednesday.

Croatia represents a longer and more difficult route into Europe, but those fleeing violence in their homelands had little choice. By late Thursday a total of 9,200 people had entered the country in just 48 hours, police said, and other groups were trying to cross into neighboring Slovenia and Hungary.

Slovenia, like Hungary, appeared unwilling to take in the inflow, with Slovenian police saying those arriving from Croatia would simply be sent back there, according to the country's state news agency.

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic called on the military to be on higher alert and to act if needed to protect the border from the migrants. Ostojic, the interior minister, meanwhile, suggested Croatia might close its borders if faced with thousands more newcomers.

After bus trips through Serbia, many migrants crossed fields on foot to enter Croatia, where dozens of police at first directed them to trains and buses heading to refugee centers. Authorities warned them to avoid walking in areas along the Serbian border, where there are still mines left over from Balkan wars.

Soon matters got out of control.

Hundreds of angry asylum seekers pushed through police lines in the eastern Croatian town of Tovarnik after waiting for hours in the hot sun, demanding to be allowed to move on toward Western Europe. An Associated Press photographer saw one man collapse on the ground and dozens injured.

More than 2,000 men, women and children had been stuck at the local train station for hours. When buses finally arrived, groups charged toward them, overwhelming Croatian police. The situation calmed down but some migrants moved off on foot, with police unable to stop them.

In Croatia's north, police in the town of Batina struggled to cope as hundreds of other asylum seekers came over a Danube River bridge after being bused there by Serbian authorities. Some families were separated as dozens of policemen tried to establish order.

As an EU member state, Croatia is required to register the asylum seekers. But almost all are trying to reach Germany or elsewhere in Western Europe, and want to move through quickly without a paper trail.

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said his country could do little to prevent the migrants from moving on. "Our resources are limited," he said. "I will not, and cannot, stop those people and they will pass through Croatia."

Some opted for a detour, trying to cross from Croatia into Hungary along a stretch of open border that has no fence. That move did not prove very successful: Dozens were detained near the Hungarian village of Illocska, across from the Croatian town of Beli Manastir, Hungarian state media reproted.

By nightfall hundreds were approaching the border with Slovenia, one of several countries on the migration route calling for urgent action by the European Union to manage the crisis.

While many refugees quickly decided to switch routes and try their luck through Croatia, others found themselves stranded in Serbia.

"We've run out of money and we only know the way through Hungary," said Mohamed Jabar, from the Iraqi town of Diyala, who was traveling with a son in a wheelchair and other family members. "All the other ways are unknown to us. They say ... there is a way through Croatia but who will welcome me there?"

"Are there humanitarian organizations? I have no clue!"

Mohamed Bader, sold his father's shop in Aleppo, Syria, to raise $10,000 for the journey with other family members, including women and children. He said he is now quickly running out of money and was afraid of spending the little he has left for an uncertain end.

"If anyone cares about us, let them let us in. From the beginning they could have stopped us by blocking our way in Turkey or Greece," Bader said. "Instead of having us come all this way with great difficulty only to be told at the end of the road that's it, we can't enter, stay here. I don't know what to do."

Hungary has faced strong international condemnation for its handling of the migrant crisis. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called Hungary's use of water cannons, tear gas and baton-wielding riot police unacceptable.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto lashed out Thursday against the criticism.

"I find it bizarre and shocking that certain esteemed international figures have stood on the side of people who for hours were throwing stones and pieces of cement at the Hungarian police," Szijjarto said. "And I'd also like to make it very clear, no matter what criticism I receive, that we will never allow such aggressive people to enter Hungary. Not even for transit purposes."

Hungarian police said they detained 22 people, including one Syrian man suspected of terrorism.

The European Union's migration commissioner, Dimitris Avramopoulos, declared Thursday that walls and violence are no solution and urged Hungary to work with the 28-nation bloc to alleviate the continent's migration crisis.

"The majority of people arriving in Europe are Syrians," Avramopoulos said at a news conference in Budapest. "They are people in genuine need of our protection. There is no wall you would not climb, no sea you wouldn't cross if you are fleeing violence and terror. I believe we have a moral duty (to) offer them protection."

Hungary, in contrast, has been insisting that most are simply economic migrants seeking better jobs. Prime Minister Viktor Orban has also said that by keeping out Muslims, Hungary is defending "Europe's Christian culture."

His government celebrated its sealed border on Thursday as a success.

"The assertive, uncompromising defense of the border has visibly held back human trafficking and forces them to change direction," said Janos Lazar, Orban's chief of staff. "That was the aim of the entire action."

Gera reported from Budapest, Hungary. Jovana Gec in Belgrade, Serbia; Pablo Gorondi and Alex Kuli in Budapest; and Mike Corder in Roszke, Hungary, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-18


A somewhat dramatic change of events that may well stem this invasion of Europe by those ''refugee's.''

The Croatians are not known for being a soft touch and their military will if pushed return the push in their own style. Croatia and the Croatians have been through hell and high water over the last 10-15 years and sympathy is thin on the ground.

The Slavic states over the centuries have been a violent playground for the assorted factions both religious and ethnic, these states have long memories concerning their history.

Croatian Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said he had a message for migrants: Don't try to go to Western Europe through his country.

"Don't come here anymore. Stay in refugee centers in Serbia and Macedonia and Greece," Ostojic told reporters. "This is not the road to Europe. Buses can't take you there. It's a lie."

As said, '' sympathy is going to be a rare virtue.''


From the beginning they could have stopped us by blocking our way in Turkey or Greece," Bader said

So it's all Turkey's fault for not stopping them leaving, and Greece's fault for letting them stay after arriving on the shore in a boat ( perhaps Greece should have towed them back out to sea or erected a floating fence on the sea border? ).

This circus just gets more bizarre.

I wonder how many "refugees" Dimitris Avramopoulos has allowed to stay in his house.


A somewhat dramatic change of events that may well stem this invasion of Europe by those ''refugee's.''

The Croatians are not known for being a soft touch and their military will if pushed return the push in their own style. Croatia and the Croatians have been through hell and high water over the last 10-15 years and sympathy is thin on the ground.

The Slavic states over the centuries have been a violent playground for the assorted factions both religious and ethnic, these states have long memories concerning their history.

Croatian Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said he had a message for migrants: Don't try to go to Western Europe through his country.

"Don't come here anymore. Stay in refugee centers in Serbia and Macedonia and Greece," Ostojic told reporters. "This is not the road to Europe. Buses can't take you there. It's a lie."

As said, '' sympathy is going to be a rare virtue.''

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said his country could do little to prevent the migrants from moving on. "Our resources are limited," he said. "I will not, and cannot, stop those people and they will pass through Croatia."

Seems the PM and the Interior Minister are not singing the same song.


I think the PM and the Interior Minister will be singing the same song once the PM realises this is a surge of people without end, and a surge of angry, aggressive and demanding people at that.


I read the report on the BBC News website and looked at the photos.


There seems to be very few women and children but an awful lot of fit looking men aged between 20 and 30 odd. Why are they not staying in their own country and fighting for it instead of running away and leaving the old and infirm behind?

The old & infirm will follow later. Once the young men are established, all the old folks'll be able to come over and avail themselves of all the freebies. If refused they'll just claim that they have a "right to a family life", and all the liberal-fascists will be crying for them.


I read the report on the BBC News website and looked at the photos.


There seems to be very few women and children but an awful lot of fit looking men aged between 20 and 30 odd. Why are they not staying in their own country and fighting for it instead of running away and leaving the old and infirm behind?

The are the vanguard mate. They are fit enough, and determined, to get to the countries that offer the best opportunities. Once there, they'll push and agitate to bring wives, children, parents, cousins etc etc in.

Merkel is either manipulating this situation in both Germany's interests and a push towards a Federal EU with centralized government; or she's up to tricks with Putin to weaken the EU; or she's stupid and myopic.

Take your pick.


One stupid woman and a handful of dim witted EU parliamentarian aristocrats changed the future of Europe in one day.

Is she stupid? Or is she trying to be clever and and manipulate the situation to support her goal of a EU with a centralized government? That would be a government elected by a German process, run by Germany, managed by Germany and with German authority. Poodle Juncker does as told by Germany.

And of course, a Federal EU dominated by Germany would have cordial relations with the growing Russian Empire. Why wouldn't Vlad get on with the former East German Stassi spy?

Wakey, Wakey, Europe before it's too late. Don't let Merkel force the German idea of quotas on you; don't let her decide how many she will make your country take. Let her get on with sorting out what Germany will do with all these illegal economic migrants they invited into your countries.

This Hungarian PM seems to see what's really going on.


I read the report on the BBC News website and looked at the photos.


There seems to be very few women and children but an awful lot of fit looking men aged between 20 and 30 odd. Why are they not staying in their own country and fighting for it instead of running away and leaving the old and infirm behind?

The old & infirm will follow later. Once the young men are established, all the old folks'll be able to come over and avail themselves of all the freebies. If refused they'll just claim that they have a "right to a family life", and all the liberal-fascists will be crying for them.


Refugees are entitled to family reunion with their spouse and unmarried children less than 18 years of age. Family reunion with other family members may be granted, provided that the refugee is able to support him/herself and provide accommodation for the additional family members.


I read the report on the BBC News website and looked at the photos.


There seems to be very few women and children but an awful lot of fit looking men aged between 20 and 30 odd. Why are they not staying in their own country and fighting for it instead of running away and leaving the old and infirm behind?

The old & infirm will follow later. Once the young men are established, all the old folks'll be able to come over and avail themselves of all the freebies. If refused they'll just claim that they have a "right to a family life", and all the liberal-fascists will be crying for them.

If I take myself and my dual nationality son to the UK there will be no problem.

If, however I want to bring my legally married Thai wife to the UK then I have to prove that I am earning in excess of £18,600 pa. In addition my wife has to pass some English language tests before she comes and while she is there. Our "right to a family life" has already been thrown out in both the UK and the EU courts.

I am more than happy for these immigrants to come to the UK provided that they have to meet the same requirements that I and my family have to meet. If not then go back from whence you came and take all the PC people with you and give them a taste of real life.


This is just a tiny snippet from Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech, in 1968:

"But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.
They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. They now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by act of parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent-provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions."


Personally I can't understand Hungary's reaction. They are being vilified by Austria and Germany.

Just load the migrants up in busses at the boarder and ship them up to the Austrian boarder.

They would only be in the country a few hours. They can/will pay for the bus fare. 10,000-20,000

a day, it does not matter. Germany/Merkel is open for business, and welcoming with open arms.

Even if there in a redistribution of migrants, take the EU money and let them head back to

Germany/Sweden where they want to go. Hungary's problems solved. coffee1.gif


Personally I can't understand Hungary's reaction. They are being vilified by Austria and Germany.

Just load the migrants up in busses at the boarder and ship them up to the Austrian boarder.

They would only be in the country a few hours. They can/will pay for the bus fare. 10,000-20,000

a day, it does not matter. Germany/Merkel is open for business, and welcoming with open arms.

Even if there in a redistribution of migrants, take the EU money and let them head back to

Germany/Sweden where they want to go. Hungary's problems solved. coffee1.gif

The financial cost of migration will be shared by the entire EU one way or another. Besides perhaps the Hungarians might have an issue with assisted euthanasia.

This invasion of Europe the subsequent occupation has to be checked and halted. The destruction of European culture, lifestyles, economies and individual freedoms,the choice of religious beliefs and sexual preferences will be the victims if this invasion is allowed to continue.

Now we are seeing the first mutterings of discontent and possible actions are being seen to come for the old Slavonic states region.

That region had experienced the delights of a Muslim occupation and the interpretation of the words of the Prophet by the more rabid less well educated and civilised followers of the Prophet a few centuries back.

They, the old Slavonic peoples saw their peoples enslaved, tortured and murdered, women and young girls turned into breeding machines so as to reinforce the gene pool, pedophilia was the pastime of many of the faithful in their distorted beliefs.

Then came our old friend, Europe's savior, ''Vlad the Impaler'' better known as Dracula.

How his deeds and name have been distorted over the centuries to hide that which in realty he actually did. His actions led to the overthrow of the occupiers they were treated to the same barbaric actions that they practiced and it worked

Europe was saved and the Slavonic states were liberated.

Perhaps a new updated Vlad the Impaler, Dracula is emerging and we will see that character rising from the ashes in the current Slavonic region.

This invasion must be halted or all is lost, European culture lifestyles will be but a memory that will be erased from memory by the Imans and their blind to the truth P.C. fiends friends.

Wake up Europe before it is too late and you are being warned and if you don't act you will be swallowed in to the quicksand of religious intolerance and insanity.

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