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Yingluck & former ministers to pay half trillion baht compensation

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The day that Yingluck pays out that kinda money in compensation, is the day that 15 ducks fly outta my arse, fly up to the moon, circle it three times, and fly back down to earth and perform a tap-dance on my bellend.

Never gonna happen.


I should imagine that you're quite relieved that it is very unlikely to happen - unless that's what "floats your boat" as they say!
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The Junta should have frozen all their assets from day 1. Any ill gotten gains have been squirreled 'offshore' a long time ago coffee1.gif

What about freezing the assets of the ultrabillionaire ultracorrupted military who have been plundering Thailand for decades, leaving this country as one of the poorest and miserable on the planet, where few men in uniform are amongstthe richest people in the planet and 99% of the population is starving to death.

No exaggeration there then!

In response to max72's post, referring to Thailand as one of the poorest and most miserable countries on this planet is just plain babble, and utter nonsense. 99% of the population is starving to death? What planet are you living on? Do you actually live in Thailand? I doubt 1% of the population is hungry. The people here eat very well. The soil is some of the most fertile I have seen, and I have traveled far and wide throughout the countryside, and rarely have I seen a hungry person. Most eat 5 meals a day! Thailand is relatively prosperous, by third world standards, with an average per capita GDP of nearly $5,800US, per year. In comparison to Bihar state in India, which is about $500US. Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, and Assam are slightly higher than that. Somalia, Burundi, Congo, Niger, the Central African Republic, and Malawi have per capita annual incomes of $1000US or less. Thailand has nearly 6 times that.

And in terms of his completely ridiculous reference to Thailand as being one of the worlds most miserable places, I take absolute exception to that nonsense. I find most people here to be quite content, fulfilled, living good lives, and enjoying themselves immensely. They are not dealing with much disease, warfare, pestilence, or plague. They are living decent lives. Sure, their lives could be better, and definitely their government could be better, but it depends on what measurement you are using to define quality of life. In the US the people are making more money, but the level of fulfillment appears to be a fraction of what it is here, and most people I know are disenchanted, malcontent, and frustrated with their lives. Most, not all of course.

If you are living in Thailand, I suggest you get out more, and travel around. If you are not living here, I suggest you discuss subjects, of which you have some direct knowledge.


Good job done by PM Prayuth Chan o cha wai2.gif We salute you & the people of Thailand salute you .........

Someone needed to take control and try to get back the billions missing and wasted payed by taxpayers.

do NOT insult the people of Thailand

YOU can grovel as much as you like BUT the people of Thailand DO NOT salute him unless he has a gun (yes we know he has) and all the Thais I know do not support him your post is a presumptuous disgrace

You insult the intelligence of the people of Thailand if you think they like to pay inflated taxes so the Shinawatras live total luxurious with private airplanes.....

Well said, right on, 3 times...

With respect to H90, I add / adjust a little:

You insult the intelligence of the people of Thailand if you think they like to be forced to pay massively inflated taxes so that the paymaster and family and the 350? immoral members of their scam club (the 'get real rich real quick club') can then rape the taxpayers funds account (the common wealth of all Thai people) with no hesitation and with no conscience.

Are you saying the following is not true?

I'm saying show me one credible source/link that refutes The Economist's article and blames the specifics of Yingluck's rice scheme failure on Abhisit or claims that the program, as implemented by Yingluck, was directly due to Abhisit's idea.

Perhaps then we can put this silliness to rest.


Yingluck had a rice subsidy scheme and so did Abhisit. To think any unelected government can charge another, out of power government for a policy they didn't like is not realistic or legal. Perhaps now we can put an end to this silliness.smile.png


Good job done by PM Prayuth Chan o cha wai2.gif We salute you & the people of Thailand salute you .........

Someone needed to take control and try to get back the billions missing and wasted payed by taxpayers.

do NOT insult the people of Thailand

YOU can grovel as much as you like BUT the people of Thailand DO NOT salute him unless he has a gun (yes we know he has) and all the Thais I know do not support him your post is a presumptuous disgrace

You insult the intelligence of the people of Thailand if you think they like to pay inflated taxes so the Shinawatras live total luxurious with private airplanes.....

Well said, right on, 3 times...

Airplanes. Oh why did you have to pick airplanes? Too funny. Why not submarines?


There'll be a raft of court cases here that could stretch decades......but then again.....maybe she'll just pay the fare......no...she wouldn't do that!!



Yingluck cant hand over that much because, on paper at least, she aint got that much. So if he does manage to pay this fine, authorities will start asking where she got the money from.

If she doesn't pay the fine, she's also in trouble.

Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.

All that will actually happen is that you will see the Thail legal system at its finest: Yingluck and her cronies will appeal and this ruling, the subsequent case will then be held up by the bureaucracy of the Thai courts for the best part of a decade.

By which time her cronies will probably be back in power!

Quickly followed by another coup.

And life goes on...


The Junta should have frozen all their assets from day 1. Any ill gotten gains have been squirreled 'offshore' a long time ago coffee1.gif

Do you know how many very rich generals there are ! Do you know how wealthy the current PM is ! Who will freeze there assets !


The Junta should have frozen all their assets from day 1. Any ill gotten gains have been squirreled 'offshore' a long time ago coffee1.gif

They should take the buildings and everything that is more worth than a 5 year old motorbike....

When you look at most of the characters in Thai politics, it might be a good idea to do this with the bloody lot.


They ain't got that much. Like 15 billion bucks innit?

One of 'the vehicles' used to hide the huge family's wealth outside Thailand is located on the Caiman island and called 'Amply rich' (that name only...!), the Shins own it, and I wonder how many Billions of USD are already dissimulated inside that one only...


Good job done by PM Prayuth Chan o cha wai2.gif We salute you & the people of Thailand salute you .........

Someone needed to take control and try to get back the billions missing and wasted payed by taxpayers.

do NOT insult the people of Thailand

YOU can grovel as much as you like BUT the people of Thailand DO NOT salute him unless he has a gun (yes we know he has) and all the Thais I know do not support him your post is a presumptuous disgrace

Most Thai's I know agree with the PM's actions ........ just because you don't doesn't mean they will follow you.

So you would rather have the protests every day and the killings and security risks as before.

Well sorry buddy , but most thai's are past that unfortunate era and don't want it back.

If you don't like the way things are now you could always leave. wai2.gif

If you don't like the way things are now you could always leave?

Are you an adult? Do you have an education? Are you from a communist nation? Are you Forrest Gump? What ever happened to the concept of dissent? Are we supposed to agree with anyone and everyone and anything and everything? Where has the right to dialogue gone, in your peculiar and fascist universe?

Perhaps you are a well-placed agent for the general? Snooping around a bit? Intolerant of diverse opinions?

Many of us were very tired of seeing Thailand torn apart by the rallies and many of us despised the Bangkok shutdown movement. Not the people. But the power hungry sluggers behind the movement. But, we are not sure this was the right answer, and we are not sure the general has worn his power lightly enough, nor has he directed his reform correctly enough.

We are merely well intentioned folks seeking the right answers. Your manifesto type slogans are not helpful nor are they constructive.


600 billion is about what Suthep and Gen. Prayut cost the country in their 'rule or ruin' campaign to shut the country down so as to justify military rule.

And that is so far. By the time they have finished it will be a lot more. These are also true losses to the country whereas the rice scheme just issued some of the money to the wrong people but it stayed in the country and will be recirculated amongst all the well off. It was never lost.

I doubt you can show where the 600 billion ( rice scam monies) went or is.I did not see it appear on asset declarations turned in. It was laundered via a few monks, crooked bankers, crooked relatives /family, etc each would get a little comp for handling and they may even have put a very small amount into local economy . By making them pay the money back they are going to get hit twice on conversion rates, lose the laundery fee and expose others involved.

Talk about squealing like a pig stuck under a gate. I just hope it comes to pass, it would set a beautiful example for future poloticians here and in other countries. Its a great idea if it works .

Not one bit of evidence exists that points at the Taksins stole 1 baht themselves or where the so called stolen money is - nothing. She is just accused of doing a lousy job which is true for most politicians and army generals posing as them. Nothing new about that. The present lot are also at it giving away loads of dosh to the villagers half of which is scammed before it arrives. There was a village meeting here last night on how to spend 500k the kind generals have donated to build a pond. The local politicians are busy carving it up and sure a pond will be built but for about 250k so where has the rest gone? This is happening all over Thailand so should the present Gov. be held accountable? It's just business as usual but at least whatever is scammed stays in the system but the continuing effect of the coup on Thailands economy is an absolute loss which is much worse.


"...A fact-finding committee concluded that Ms. Yingluck had to pay 500 billion baht..."

Well may this committee conclude this - but, will it not be the role of the Administrative Court to make the ruling based on the evidence for and against?

Seems what was reported in the Thai-language has been misconstrued in translation by NNT's re-writer yet again. One hopes this is the case (and not some more sinister inside information),

I'm sure Deputy PM Wissanu will not have any difficulty formulating appropriate words for the indictment, but I shudder to think how these will be translated into English by NNT.

Accordingly, I suggest they look to the master of obfuscation and manipulation of the English language, Sir Humphrey Appleby, GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon).

"Notwithstanding the fact that your proposal could conceivably encompass certain concomitant benefits of a marginal and peripheral relevance, there is a countervailing consideration of infinitely superior magnitude involving your personal complicity and corroborative malfeasance, with a consequence that the taint and stigma of your former associations and diversions could irredeemably and irretrievably invalidate your position and culminate in public revelations and recriminations of a profoundly embarrassing and ultimately indefensible character."

From Yes, Prime Minister Series 1, Episode 3: The Smoke Screen

"...If the court upholds the Ministry of Finance’s demand, the trio will have to pay compensation immediately following the court’s ruling...". What, not right of appeal to a Superior Court?


Just imagine the tit for tat when the current incumbents finally have to capitulate.

I think quite a few need to be hiding more of their assets while they can, at least a couple more years though to,prepare.


Good job done by PM Prayuth Chan o cha wai2.gif We salute you & the people of Thailand salute you .........

Someone needed to take control and try to get back the billions missing and wasted payed by taxpayers.

do NOT insult the people of Thailand

YOU can grovel as much as you like BUT the people of Thailand DO NOT salute him unless he has a gun (yes we know he has) and all the Thais I know do not support him your post is a presumptuous disgrace

You insult the intelligence of the people of Thailand if you think they like to pay inflated taxes so the Shinawatras live total luxurious with private airplanes.....

Well said, right on, 3 times...

With respect to H90, I add / adjust a little:

You insult the intelligence of the people of Thailand if you think they like to be forced to pay massively inflated taxes so that the paymaster and family and the 350? immoral members of their scam club (the 'get real rich real quick club') can then rape the taxpayers funds account (the common wealth of all Thai people) with no hesitation and with no conscience.

you do not speak for the 'people of Thailand' any more than i do. You are just pompous and have failed, miserably, to see the real reasons for all this and it ain't found in a packet of Uncle Ben's.

Now even if you have a rudimentary education please try and THINK not just swig Chang and pontificate on Thais "forced to pay massively inflated taxes" if you have PROOF that ANY THAI is "forced to pay massively inflated taxes" please post here?

or are you making it all up to concoct an edifice built on lies to justify your swallowing of the Junta's propaganda hook, line and sinker???

"rape the taxpayers funds"? pathetic


a half a trillion baht compensation for damages incurred , what damages do they mean damages to the rice the rice which the government have allowed to go rotten in the warehouses something they are blaming yinglucks government for .


are you suggesting even ONE BAHT of the rice scheme went in their personal pockets? the people of Thailand KNOW this is a power struggle in preparation for...... censored

Are you suggesting that they didn't profit from their scam? That they have NO interests in rice-growing, or the renting of land for rice growing?

Just how gullible are you?


The Ministry of Finance should be commended for breaking new legal ground, establishing the "Unsuccessful Government Policy Money Back Guarantee Program".

The opportunities are limitless.

This definitely belongs in the new Charter, along with a new branch of the Supreme Court to hear all the cases, and an appointed people's Government Refund Oversight Steering SubGroup (GROSS) to capture the true essence of democracy.


Maybe she can borrow some from her brother? It was all his idea anyway.

Wasn't it originally Abhisit's idea? Yingluck just took it to a wider scale.

Yeah right - it wasn't introduced by Thaksin, replaced by a completely different Democrat scheme, and reinstated by Yingluk with an inflated price after she got carried away at a PTP rally - it was all Abhisit's idea.blink.png

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