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Clinton 'appalled' by Muslim comment at Trump campaign event

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A lot of people don't like Trump, but he say's what he thinks and doesn't do the typical political pc double speak and that I like. coffee1.gif


A lot of people don't like Trump, but he say's what he thinks and doesn't do the typical political pc double speak and that I like. coffee1.gif

Just because someone is maliciously outspoken doesn't make him admirable. Perhaps Trump should occasionally heed the advice of an earlier President
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
(Abraham Lincoln)

Apparently, being called a muslim is such an appalling thing that everyone must condemn it immediately. Just like being called a Nazi, I guess. Glad to see Hillary realizes this. I wonder how muslims will take it?

Nazi is a slur because they did despicable horrendous things.

Being a Muslim just like being a Jew is not a slur. Trump is encouraging it to be used as a slur.

Can you imagine the reaction if an audience member criticized a President by saying; "But he's Jewish."

Quite rightly there would be outrage; that's racist; that's out of order, I won't tolerate such nonsense.

Trump just laughed it off.

But this is precisely what you do in topic after topic on this forum.

That's an outrageous lie. There is not a racist/religionist bone in my body. It is the racist supremacist political movement Zionism that I loathe. Educate yourself at...


But I do know that Zionists are behind the Islamophobic campaign in USA [and on this forum] that Trump is pandering to, and some American sheeple are being hoodwinked with.

and Trumps children are married into high profile jewish families and Trump has billions invested in Israel


there you go again using Wikipedia as a source. This thread by the way is about Hillary Clinton and what Donald Trump did, not about Zionism, but to your false distinction between being anti-Zionist and antisemitic I can but point you to the words of Martin Luthur King.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary...An Encyclopedia Brittanica Company

Definition of SEMITISM
a : Semitic character or qualities
b : a characteristic feature of a Semitic language occurring in another language
: policy or predisposition favorable to Jews

so antisemitism = policy or predisposition NOT favorable to Jews

So called "antisemitism" is nothing more than pro-Jewish bias which says Jews cannot be criticized for anything.

“When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism!” —Martin Luther King, Jr.

When did Donald Trump become responsible for defending Barack Obama's reputation or personal history?

Just more political spin from the left side.


Muslims are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease???? You have to be kidding me. You are living in darkness.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation. Like it or not, early lawmakers patterned many of our laws from biblical principles.

In countries where Muslims are the minority, they claim Islam is a peaceful religion that worships the same God as Christians. When these same Muslims become the majority, military or political control, they slaughter Christians.

The person who asked Trump about the current threat Muslims pose in America, was right.

As for Hillary and her silly comment, both her and Obama are the mother lode of bad political ideas.

I wonder where you get your knowledge? "American History for Simpletons"? Right wing religious revisionism. One Christian sect established a colony on the North American continent. They did not found America by any stretch of the imagination. Subsequent to the Puritans many other colonists from Britain and other European countries including Holland and Sweden established colonies on the Atlantic Coast of the continent. The mere fact that all of these colonists came from countries that were Christian does not mean that America was 'intended' to be a Christian nation. What the flag-wearers and loonies that create a fetish out of revolutionary war figures call the 'founding fathers' founded America. They were a product of the so-called Age of Enlightenment or Age of Reason that rejected theism. Whether the 'Founders' were Deists is debatable. Many suspect that the acknowledged free masonry of a number of them was more dominant than religiosity.

The video of Trump's Q&A is clear. The person asking the question was a cliche of a doofus. Normal people who take the poetical process seriously should be ashamed of him. New Hampshirites are sturdy libertarians not frightened loonies. They too would be ashamed of the nut bag. Trump's cowardice is clear beside McCain's sincerity and honesty. The fall of Trump and his trumpettes will be spectacular.


Typical Demoratict party lines......Oboma has claimed many times before that he is a Muslim..He has appologied to all Arab countries that USA had been a bully and he refuses to salute the american flag as he says it represents oppresion agianst Arabs. When the F...will people wake up? He has given imigrant amnisty to Palistinian and other questionable Arabs entry into USA. Meanwhile I have to jump through stupid and absurb obsticles with USA Immigration to get a simple visa for her. YOU TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT SITUATION. I pray Clinton or any Democrat is voted into office. I am tired of my home country becoming a socialist nation shoved down or throats. Vote for any canidate, but not the socialist Demorates and not bitch Clinton for sure


A perfectly reasonable response by HRC to Trump's ridiculous, bombastic racism gets the usual misogynistic, out of touch responses from our Thai Visa baggers.

They viciously hate Obama and Hillary. They hate everyone. It's why I love watching these lemmings walk off the cliff in lockstep. clap2.gif

Yup... And I will return home to vote and watch those silly Republicans walk on the dicks again and wonder why they are in pain. See them once again predict their victory by a landslide only to see the mudslide cover them. Weed is legal at least they will have a natural sedative to take.

But I do know that Zionists are behind the Islamophobic campaign in USA -snip-

"But I do know that Zionists 9/11 and other attacks are behind the Islamophobic campaign in USA."

There, fixed it for you. Muslims are their own worst enemies. What do you think will happen when they insist on carrying out terrorist attacks worldwide with no regard for human life?

9/11. Never forget.



Muslims are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease???? You have to be kidding me. You are living in darkness.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation. Like it or not, early lawmakers patterned many of our laws from biblical principles.

In countries where Muslims are the minority, they claim Islam is a peaceful religion that worships the same God as Christians. When these same Muslims become the majority, military or political control, they slaughter Christians.

The person who asked Trump about the current threat Muslims pose in America, was right.

As for Hillary and her silly comment, both her and Obama are the mother lode of bad political ideas.

You have just contradicted yourself.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation.


I have many relatives that are Jewish and believe me they are nothing like Muslim. So you can call it what you want, but what it is,is what it is. A horse is a horse call it what you want but a horse is a horse. I was a 2nd lieutenant United States of America Army and I've seen them I know them 90% of them hate America well, that's to bad because we'll whip you again and again if not careful.

Kevin Matthew Wall

My dear 2/Lt.. No wonder you didn't even make yo to the next rank. It's people like you who puts the life of other American in danger always. To begin with fighting in the Middle East wasn't and still isn't your war. We are being tricked and played by the politicians. Oh well being a second lieutenant of course you wouldn't understand anything about it, would you ? Oh I forgot in the Army one feels he has become a General thrice , once after passing out from the Military Academy finishing of his training , second time when he puts his uniform and becomes a 2/LT, and the third time when actually he earns his ranks to be a General.

All of this talk about the intent of the Founding Fathers brings this statement to mind:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


Christians are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease???? You have to be kidding me. You are living in darkness.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation. Like it or not, early lawmakers patterned many of our laws from biblical principles.

In countries where Muslims are the minority, they claim Islam is a peaceful religion that worships the same God as Christians. When these same Muslims become the majority, military or political control, they slaughter Christians.

The person who asked Trump about the current threat Muslims pose in America, was right.

As for Hillary and her silly comment, both her and Obama are the mother lode of bad political ideas.

You have just contradicted yourself.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation.

Well gee dexterm, how did I contradict myself?


The GOP, the party of hate, has not presented America with a candidate or politician with any class in a very long time.

They can not even be civil to each other. ( Did you see the last debate?)

Instead of learning and improving, they get worse and worse.

I am thinking this may lead to the final downfall of the GOP.

Good riddance to the Greedy Old Pricks!


Muslims are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease???? You have to be kidding me. You are living in darkness.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation. Like it or not, early lawmakers patterned many of our laws from biblical principles.

In countries where Muslims are the minority, they claim Islam is a peaceful religion that worships the same God as Christians. When these same Muslims become the majority, military or political control, they slaughter Christians.

The person who asked Trump about the current threat Muslims pose in America, was right.

As for Hillary and her silly comment, both her and Obama are the mother lode of bad political ideas.

I wonder where you get your knowledge? "American History for Simpletons"? Right wing religious revisionism. One Christian sect established a colony on the North American continent. They did not found America by any stretch of the imagination. Subsequent to the Puritans many other colonists from Britain and other European countries including Holland and Sweden established colonies on the Atlantic Coast of the continent. The mere fact that all of these colonists came from countries that were Christian does not mean that America was 'intended' to be a Christian nation. What the flag-wearers and loonies that create a fetish out of revolutionary war figures call the 'founding fathers' founded America. They were a product of the so-called Age of Enlightenment or Age of Reason that rejected theism. Whether the 'Founders' were Deists is debatable. Many suspect that the acknowledged free masonry of a number of them was more dominant than religiosity.

The video of Trump's Q&A is clear. The person asking the question was a cliche of a doofus. Normal people who take the poetical process seriously should be ashamed of him. New Hampshirites are sturdy libertarians not frightened loonies. They too would be ashamed of the nut bag. Trump's cowardice is clear beside McCain's sincerity and honesty. The fall of Trump and his trumpettes will be spectacular.

I couldn't help notice from your senseless rhetoric, you must be a Clinton supporter. I'm not sure how you came up with the idea Trump is a coward because he didn't defend Obama. when someone in the audience suggested Obama was a Muslim. Obama has made many comments in the past that makes one believe he either was or still is a Muslim.

The guy has lied so much about so many things, it is hard to know what he is other than being less than honest and being more of a threat to America than Islam.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your infinite wisdom regarding America's founding fathers. Interesting twist on history.

  • 2 months later...

A perfectly reasonable response by HRC to Trump's ridiculous, bombastic racism gets the usual misogynistic, out of touch responses from our Thai Visa baggers.

They viciously hate Obama and Hillary. They hate everyone. It's why I love watching these lemmings walk off the cliff in lockstep. clap2.gif

I don't know anyone who hates Obama or Hillary. It's their policies and constant lies that people hate.

As far as the Muslim comment at the Trump campaign event, in case you haven't noticed, Islam is on the march. Muslims are flowing across the borders of Christian nations all across Europe.

Even America is traveling down that same path thanks to Obama. The U.S. is importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries. Islam is the mother lode of bad ideas, and should be considered as serious a threat as the bubonic plague.

As far as I know, there is no European country that requires its citizens to be Christian by law. Some require Heads of State to be a certain brand of Christianity but that is irrelevant in modern democracies and is a feudal relic. Perhaps you know different? If so, please share.


Muslims are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease that corrupts man kind, and has been for centuries and centuries

Christians are a disease???? You have to be kidding me. You are living in darkness.

This may surprise you, but America was founded by people seeking religious freedom. These people had a Christian perspective on life, and intended America to be a Christian nation. Like it or not, early lawmakers patterned many of our laws from biblical principles.

In countries where Muslims are the minority, they claim Islam is a peaceful religion that worships the same God as Christians. When these same Muslims become the majority, military or political control, they slaughter Christians.

The person who asked Trump about the current threat Muslims pose in America, was right.

As for Hillary and her silly comment, both her and Obama are the mother lode of bad political ideas.

Yes, this is very surprising. My understanding was that American was founded by 13 colonies that rebelled against British colonial rule in the late 18th C. Prior to this, there were a number of individual colonies, one of which were founded by a religious cult fleeing persecution. There were however many different colonies established by many different countries including the Dutch, Swedish, French and others.

I do not believe you can define America as a Christian nation when the Constitution specifically provides for the government having no role in the establishment or disestablishment of religions.

Such religious zealotry adds fuel to the fires that seem to be consuming western cultures. This fire is being spread by the lilly-livered and fearful and you lot use any lie, untruth and inaccuracy to push your insane politics.

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