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Europeans shut borders, block bridges, to halt migrant surge

Lite Beer

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Problems now in Europe, but what will be the long term consequences? Unemployment in northern Europe now is hovering around the 5-10% mark (Germany 4.7%, UK5.4%, France over 10%, Sweden 7.5%), housing is presently very limited as are services like schooling and medical care. Given the present arrival numbers, it is not sustainable and I foresee huge social problems in Europe.

They had a dam, cracks slowly appeared, a trickle came through but those cracks have now opened up and a massive flood is now underway. Unfortunately there is no easy solution. RIP Europe.

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This invasion of Europe the subsequent occupation has to be checked and halted. The destruction of European culture, lifestyles, economies and individual freedoms,the choice of religious beliefs and sexual preferences will be the victims if this invasion is allowed to continue.

Now we are seeing the first mutterings of discontent and possible actions are being seen to come for the old Slavonic states region.

That region had experienced the delights of a Muslim occupation and the interpretation of the words of the Prophet by the more rabid less well educated and civilised followers of the Prophet a few centuries back.

They, the old Slavonic peoples saw their peoples enslaved, tortured and murdered, women and young girls turned into breeding machines so as to reinforce the gene pool, pedophilia was the pastime of many of the faithful in their distorted beliefs.

Then came our old friend, Europe's savior, ''Vlad the Impaler'' better known as Dracula.

How his deeds and name have been distorted over the centuries to hide that which in realty he actually did. His actions led to the overthrow of the occupiers they were treated to the same barbaric actions that they practiced and it worked

Europe was saved and the Slavonic states were liberated.

Perhaps a new updated Vlad the Impaler, Dracula is emerging and we will see that character rising from the ashes in the current Slavonic region.

This invasion must be halted or all is lost, European culture lifestyles will be but a memory that will be erased from memory by the Imans and their blind to the truth P.C. fiends friends.

Wake up Europe before it is too late and you are being warned and if you don't act you will be swallowed in to the quicksand of religious intolerance and insanity.

Will there be vampires again?

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This invasion of Europe the subsequent occupation has to be checked and halted. The destruction of European culture, lifestyles, economies and individual freedoms,the choice of religious beliefs and sexual preferences will be the victims if this invasion is allowed to continue.

Now we are seeing the first mutterings of discontent and possible actions are being seen to come for the old Slavonic states region.

That region had experienced the delights of a Muslim occupation and the interpretation of the words of the Prophet by the more rabid less well educated and civilised followers of the Prophet a few centuries back.

They, the old Slavonic peoples saw their peoples enslaved, tortured and murdered, women and young girls turned into breeding machines so as to reinforce the gene pool, pedophilia was the pastime of many of the faithful in their distorted beliefs.

Then came our old friend, Europe's savior, ''Vlad the Impaler'' better known as Dracula.

How his deeds and name have been distorted over the centuries to hide that which in realty he actually did. His actions led to the overthrow of the occupiers they were treated to the same barbaric actions that they practiced and it worked

Europe was saved and the Slavonic states were liberated.

Perhaps a new updated Vlad the Impaler, Dracula is emerging and we will see that character rising from the ashes in the current Slavonic region.

This invasion must be halted or all is lost, European culture lifestyles will be but a memory that will be erased from memory by the Imans and their blind to the truth P.C. fiends friends.

Wake up Europe before it is too late and you are being warned and if you don't act you will be swallowed in to the quicksand of religious intolerance and insanity.

"religious intolerance and insanity" ?

Guess these are already present in Europe.

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This was a mess until Merkel and Junker issued their ' everyone welcome ' message and now Europe is a powder keg. They deserve the utmost condemnation but it will never happen and EU leaders are still demanding countries open their borders and stand back.

I read on the Internet a couple of days ago that migrants in Denmark were offered resettlement but declined because they want to go to Sweden as the benefits there are better. Now that's a story that the completely biased and irresponsible BBC will never broadcast.

correct , It is hard for the few hundred genuine mother and two kids who's breadwinner was killed and they are in dire need.

But the rest are just country shoppers looking for the best deal ......... why should a country have to pay to take care of an extended family of say 40 all related and the wives have 6 or 7 kids .... ?? blink.png

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They should be in their homeland , fighting for freedom, if western societies adopted this mentality the world would have changed for the worst after ww2. They are economic migrants not refugees.

If they were genuine refugees, they would have stayed in the first country they came to, they go through other countries and then try and get to the UK

so they can then get houses and other benefits. The vast majority of these "refugees" are men in their twenties and thirties. I can only assume they left

their wives and children and intend to send for them when they get settled into hopefully the UK.

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micmichd post # 35.

"religious intolerance and insanity" ?

Guess these are already present in Europe.

They are indeed and the religious intolerance started when the door was opened to the alien religion that wishes and also aims to destroy asorted religious ideals of Europe that are not in tune with the Muslim theme.

There is of course no religious intolerance in Muslim countries is there? All religious beliefs and associated buildings and activities are allowed total freedom in their practice..

That door is now wide open .Now if you feel so strongly why don't you move to Europe to assist in this religious refugee invasion.

Oh by the way I came to Thailand some 25+ years back. And you ?

Edited by arfurcrown
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They should be in their homeland , fighting for freedom, if western societies adopted this mentality the world would have changed for the worst after ww2. They are economic migrants not refugees.

If your talking about Syrians exactly who would provide training, weapons and logistical support? Currently if they don't wish to fight for mass murderers (Assad regime or Islamist groups) they're reliant on the US training camps in Jordan that have proved to be an utter failure - where to next?

Many if not most of those trained have defected to the hard line Islamist groups, so there does appear to be a willingness to fight, just not for democracy or any of the values western theorists try to project onto a completely alien culture.
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This invasion of Europe the subsequent occupation has to be checked and halted. The destruction of European culture, lifestyles, economies and individual freedoms,the choice of religious beliefs and sexual preferences will be the victims if this invasion is allowed to continue.

Now we are seeing the first mutterings of discontent and possible actions are being seen to come for the old Slavonic states region.

That region had experienced the delights of a Muslim occupation and the interpretation of the words of the Prophet by the more rabid less well educated and civilised followers of the Prophet a few centuries back.

They, the old Slavonic peoples saw their peoples enslaved, tortured and murdered, women and young girls turned into breeding machines so as to reinforce the gene pool, pedophilia was the pastime of many of the faithful in their distorted beliefs.

Then came our old friend, Europe's savior, ''Vlad the Impaler'' better known as Dracula.

How his deeds and name have been distorted over the centuries to hide that which in realty he actually did. His actions led to the overthrow of the occupiers they were treated to the same barbaric actions that they practiced and it worked

Europe was saved and the Slavonic states were liberated.

Perhaps a new updated Vlad the Impaler, Dracula is emerging and we will see that character rising from the ashes in the current Slavonic region.

This invasion must be halted or all is lost, European culture lifestyles will be but a memory that will be erased from memory by the Imans and their blind to the truth P.C. fiends friends.

Wake up Europe before it is too late and you are being warned and if you don't act you will be swallowed in to the quicksand of religious intolerance and insanity.

Not sure I go along with the Vlad bit, but am deeply depressed at the thought of the various countries of Europe having their culture swamped any further by another's diametrically opposed, intolerant one. Fang's for the post biggrin.png

Edited by dageurreotype
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I always said give them an island and every country put in so many billion $$'s to get everything going for two years, hospitals, schools, roads, buses, solar power plants, factories, farms, timber industry, water plants, sewerage system, garbage waste to energy plant.

After two years the money stops and they are self sufficient ....... and if they go back to their home country after time I'm sure others will take their room/accomodation.

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Europe has made their bed now they have lay on it ....... a hell of a big mistake !!!!!! facepalm.gif

Profound post coffee1.gif

why thank you .......... biggrin.png

The definition of profound is being deep, having intellectual depth or being intensely felt. An example of profound is a scientific equation proving God's existence ...


Profundus meant literally "deep" in Latin, and profound had the same meaning when it

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Time the rest of the world dealt with the issue of why all these so called migrants are leaving their homelands.

It's happening because outsiders interfered in the middle east in the first place.

The ME was a mess long before there was any meddling.

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Too little too late, they should have come up with a strategy and plan well before this uncontrolled mass migration has started to take shape, shy should have seen it coming when 10 of thousands of these illegal migrants, that what they really are, and illegal migrants looking to better their life at the expense of others, most of with pockets full of cash willing to pay to settle in rich European countries, now those countries that has shut their borders look heartless and ignorant to the ' plight' of those poor people, little the world knows that if those migrants will be settled in Europe or Scandinavian countries, millions others will be on the march tomorrow with no stopping them, it will never end...

Once they started to let them in before closing the border they set a presidence and the people rushing in were on their mobiles yelling "Ya all come" to their family and friends left behind. Thus the wee brook turned into a turbulent flood of humanity. If I lived in the Euro zone beleaguered by poor politics and a poor economy I sure would not want to be on the financial hook for illegal foreigners. The milk of human kindness extends only so far. As the above poster states this march will never end only grow in size and numbers. Man the ramparts.

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Does anyone here have a good solution to this problem?

I always said give them an island and every country put in so many billion $$'s to get everything going for two years, hospitals, schools, roads, buses, solar power plants, factories, farms, timber industry, water plants, sewerage system, garbage waste to energy plant.

After two years the money stops and they are self sufficient ....... and if they go back to their home country after time I'm sure others will take their room/accomodation.

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Merkel clearly did not appreciate the power of social media. Offering an open door prompted by a falling birth rate. Perhaps she should have offered the germans a financial incentive. Governments are concerned about paying pensions. Anyway, looks like she's solved the problem overnight this lot breed like rabbits! Welcome to Eurabia.

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Germany said they are welcome. That is all that people remember. The UK said they will take 120,000 over 5 years. The promise of living in a wealthy European county is all that is needed to make millions make their way to a promised better life. Europe cannot possibly take in all the people who want to live a better life. They have made a big mistake to promises they cannot fulfill. They have created the problems they now have, themselves.

The UK have indicated they will take in 20,000 over 5 years. But with an important difference.

They will only take in genuine refugees, suitably vetted and mainly targeting the most at need, who are located in camps near to Syria, either Jordan or Lebanon, I believe. It is these, and similar camps, that the UK has made contributions of close to $1 billion to improve the conditions and provide better health and education facilities.

Whereas Germany, by making a 'come one, come all', statement has merely played into the hands of the people smugglers and economic migrants and we see the easily predicted outcome on our screens every day.

Merkel needs to be called out for making an already difficult process into one of disastrous dimensions. Pandora's box is well and truly open and one can but guess at the troubles to come.

Also, just where are all the migrants who were streaming across the Med from North Africa? It was only a couple of months back that tens of thousands were hitting Italy from that direction. This will not end well.

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Angela Merkel might not be able to stop this process unless she calls for a military solution. With the risk of then causing an additional civil war.

Not so sure what happened to the refugees from Africa. The last news I read was that Al Khaeeda is now fighting IS in Lybia.

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They need to stopped from getting to Europe, and I don't mean the European part of Turkey. Once they reach the continental mainland, there are too many laws to prevent them being easily returned.

That solution, of course, is easier said than done.

Too late for a solution. The damage has been done.

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As others have pointed out, it is too late to stem the tide. There will be over 1/2 a million arriving this year and I doubt if many will be sent back. The majority of the migrants are young men, which is both good and bad.

On the good side, they will be able to replace an aging workforce in countries like Germany and Sweden which have declining birthrates.

On the bad side, they will soon be bringing over their parents, brothers, sisters, wives, children, etc... The European governments had better start building more schools, more hospitals, more inexpensive apartment buildings and so on. They will also have to raise taxes to cover the increased cost of various social services.

In addition, there is the problem of integration/assimilation. While many of the immigrants will adopt fairly normal modern lifestyle, others will have issues with mixed-gender schools, living next to Jewish people, "provocatively" dressed women and hon-halal food (it's probably not a good time in invest in a pig farm). In ten or 15 years, as the children of the Eritrean migrants reach the correct age, their new countries will have to either crack down on or turn a blind eye to the "cutting season" when girls are taken to the old home country for a bit of FGM.

Finally, if the European governments continue to be back footed and do NOT plan ahead, they will have to deal with a generation of disenchanted and disaffected young men who will not be content with whatever dole then must subsist on while living in "the land of milk and honey".

The next decade or so should be interesting. Perhaps Europe will turn this challenge into an opportunity, but I rather suspect that they will continue to react to yesterday's problem rather than deal with today's. dry.png

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Syria and Iraq makes up the majority of these people coming to Europe. They are refugees from war and escaping barbarism from Isis, they are not migrants. As much as I can sympathize with most people not wanting them in Europe, we must remember that during WWI and WWII there were hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the wars amongst them Jews, Russians, Poles, French, etc. Did we put up razor wire, put them in camps, scream no more refugees? No we didn't.

Similarly for migrants, we are seeing thousands die in the Mediterranean Sea as they are trying to reach a better life. Remember the U.S. is made up of 99% migrants, so is Australia and so on.

People really should open their history books or just google for the history of refugees and migrants. It is nothing new, what is new is how we are treating them. Shame on these countries!

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