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Republican Bush says multiculturalism wrong for US

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Republican Bush says multiculturalism wrong for US

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Tuesday that multiculturalism is bad for the United States, adding that immigrants who close themselves off from American culture deny themselves access to economic rewards.

The former governor of Florida, who speaks fluent Spanish and often touts his success winning Latino votes in a party that badly needs them, addressed the issue in a packed northern Iowa diner as he met people in the crowd.

A young woman approached the candidate and asked how the federal government could help refugees better incorporate into U.S. society.

"We should not have a multicultural society," Bush said, before beginning a longer explanation of his views of what comprises culture in the U.S.

"When you create pockets of isolation — and in some places the process of assimilation has been retarded because they've slowed down — it's wrong," he added. "It limits people's aspirations."

A multicultural society gives all cultures equal prominence, but they remain separate.

Bush's remarks appeared to conflict with the way he has presented himself throughout the campaign and hew toward other GOP presidential hopefuls who are hoping to appeal to the party's core supporters.

But Bush said later he viewed multiculturalism as not aspiring to an American ideal. "You have to have people assimilate into society. But that doesn't mean we have a monolithic, homogeneous population. To the contrary," he told The Associated Press before headlining a legislative fundraiser in Cedar Rapids. "The power of America is a set of shared values with a very diverse population embracing it."

Led by billionaire developer Donald Trump, other GOP presidential hopefuls have aired urged newcomers to assimilate. Some have suggested it's their duty.

Recently, in South Carolina, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was interrupted by applause when he said legal status for immigrants should be determined by what they could contribute and "whether they want to live in America or whether they want to be American."

Trump has climbed to the top of national Republican preference polls in part by using stronger language. He's described illegal immigrants often as violent, predatory criminals, vowing to deport them by the millions and proposing to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.

The approach clashes with the Republican Party's effort to attract support from the increasingly influential Hispanic community, which the GOP has named as critical to the party's successes. The national GOP is hosting events across the country to mark Hispanic Heritage Month.

Compared to most of his Republican rivals, Bush's personal story gives his credibility with Latinos. His wife, Columba, is a Mexican native. Bush sometimes campaigns in Spanish and is fond of relating details that highlight the influence of Hispanic culture at home.

"We eat Mexican food in the home. My children are Hispanic in many aspects. We don't talk about it, but the Hispanic influence is an important part of my life," Bush said in a July interview with Telemundo.

Bush even took a shot at Trump on the issue, mocking the frontrunner's credibility.

"Mr. Trump says that I can't speak Spanish," Bush, speaking Spanish, told supporters recently in Miami. "Pobrecito" (poor guy).

Yet Bush has used the term "anchor babies" to describe infants whose parents come to the United States specifically so the children are born in the United States and granted automatic citizenship. The term is considered offensive in the Hispanic community. Bush later said he was referring mostly to the so-called birth tourism industry that flies wealthy Asian women to the U.S. to give birth — a real phenomenon that has drawn concern from the Obama administration.

Associated Press writer Steve Peoples in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-23

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You must be a Muslim lol we didn't start anything you crazed people did, with the notion you're going to be met with this many virgins when you pass on, their is only one person(Angel)called many names but today will just use Satan is waiting for you and will show you what real pain is.

Sincerely hope you change but if not then you can look forward to that pleasure of pain.


You must be a Muslim lol we didn't start anything you crazed people did, with the notion you're going to be met with this many virgins when you pass on, their is only one person(Angel)called many names but today will just use Satan is waiting for you and will show you what real pain is.

Sincerely hope you change but if not then you can look forward to that pleasure of pain.

The Muslims have been lied to. When the men die they believe they will go to heaven and 40 Virgins will meet them at heavens gate.

ITS TRUE what they forgot to tell them is its 40 VIRGIN MEN


Catholics, Buddhists , Jews, even Rastafarians all preach love and tolerance acceptance and love But Muslims want to wage Jihad with the rest of the world.

The Bangkok Bombings are a result of Muslims so it is no wonder that people have a dislike for Muslims. They preach hatred so in gods name What do you expect ?

Open arms saying its OK we understand ? We understand but not what you think


You must be a Muslim lol we didn't start anything you crazed people did, with the notion you're going to be met with this many virgins when you pass on, their is only one person(Angel)called many names but today will just use Satan is waiting for you and will show you what real pain is.

Sincerely hope you change but if not then you can look forward to that pleasure of pain.

Do you even know recent history? IS was the Frankenstein child of failed US policy led by George the Butcher Bush, who killed over a million children, women and innocent men for unjustified causes that were later revealed as lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction. None, nada, zip, it was all utter fabrication to funnel money into Cheney's Haliburton and the vast War Machine. Then over a billion US dollars went missing, and no one is accountable for that. Bush is now wanted for War Crimes in several countries, including Ireland.

You pretend to be a Christian, then judge someone, accuse them of being a Muslim like it's a crime, then dare to try and speak for God, when She is probably already having a bad hair day. Judge not lest you be judged, or have you never read your own favorite Book?

The sheer hypocrisy of your mediocre mental stance is beyond astonishing. The Doctine of Forgiveness that Joshuan introduced to the world has been hijacked by fake Christians and twisted into a litany of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and small-mindedness, and whom pretend that the one they call their Savior would never spit in their faces without hesitation for daring to ignore the message in his propositions of peace.

Enough lies and implied moral superiority are more than enough. The Muslims who support acts of terrorism are a very dangerous minority, who should be denounced and neutralized and are being denounced and neutralized by other Muslims as I write this, including Iranians. thumbsup.gif


I thought, based on the UK's example, that multiculturalism had proven an absolute failure. It should always be "fit in or eff off", regardless the country, culture, etc.

It would seem though that a number of TV posters, while spouting this philosophy, do not apply it to themselves while living in Thailand.


I live in a beach village dominated by Muslim. I live with Muslim neighbors. I have a Muslim landlord. Just stop with the Muslim are coming to kill us bullshit. It's the Republicans ginning up the fear factor.

Republicans are scared. They're afraid of everything. I fear only the Christian rightwing loonies with their guns and paranoia. They're not in training camps somewhere, they're walking around America about to go crazy with their hate.

Bush is just trying to say something provocative. He's losing this race. Even if he somehow gets the Republican nomination, that idiotic statement that his brother protected us will finish him. He's finished now, really.

16 15 unelectable candidates to go.


You must be a Muslim lol we didn't start anything you crazed people did, with the notion you're going to be met with this many virgins when you pass on, their is only one person(Angel)called many names but today will just use Satan is waiting for you and will show you what real pain is.

Sincerely hope you change but if not then you can look forward to that pleasure of pain.

Do you even know recent history? IS was the Frankenstein child of failed US policy led by George the Butcher Bush, who killed over a million children, women and innocent men for unjustified causes that were later revealed as lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction. None, nada, zip, it was all utter fabrication to funnel money into Cheney's Haliburton and the vast War Machine. Then over a billion US dollars went missing, and no one is accountable for that. Bush is now wanted for War Crimes in several countries, including Ireland.

You pretend to be a Christian, then judge someone, accuse them of being a Muslim like it's a crime, then dare to try and speak for God, when She is probably already having a bad hair day. Judge not lest you be judged, or have you never read your own favorite Book?

The sheer hypocrisy of your mediocre mental stance is beyond astonishing. The Doctine of Forgiveness that Joshuan introduced to the world has been hijacked by fake Christians and twisted into a litany of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and small-mindedness, and whom pretend that the one they call their Savior would never spit in their faces without hesitation for daring to ignore the message in his propositions of peace.

Enough lies and implied moral superiority are more than enough. The Muslims who support acts of terrorism are a very dangerous minority, who should be denounced and neutralized and are being denounced and neutralized by other Muslims as I write this, including Iranians. thumbsup.gif

Both sides of the fence? The invisible man/woman/thing in the sky likely does not agree with either of you! The books were written too long ago for the meaning to be understood in this day and age. If you "know" you are right! You are not the only one, and part of the problem, not the solution! Sorry if you feel flamed by this. You can't all be right, which means none of you are right!


Bush version 3.0 wants EVERYONE to be white, Christian (Anglo-Saxon Protestants preferred but Catholics accepted cuz his wife is Mexican) and ONLY speak English or Mexican [sic]. He further thinks they need to work harder because THAT'S the problem with the U.S. economy. He's a dangerous moron, but I don't think his poll numbers will ever get greater than single digits.


I live in a beach village dominated by Muslim. I live with Muslim neighbors. I have a Muslim landlord. Just stop with the Muslim are coming to kill us bullshit. It's the Republicans ginning up the fear factor.

Republicans are scared. They're afraid of everything. I fear only the Christian rightwing loonies with their guns and paranoia. They're not in training camps somewhere, they're walking around America about to go crazy with their hate.

Bush is just trying to say something provocative. He's losing this race. Even if he somehow gets the Republican nomination, that idiotic statement that his brother protected us will finish him. He's finished now, really.

16 15 unelectable candidates to go.

Move over Scott Walker you will soon have a buddy on the rejection bench. The Koch Bros. doctor must have screwed up and given you both stupidity shots instead of shots of wisdom. Sometimes I think politicians should just keep their mouth zipped and hold up cue cards with words on them written by wiser men. It seems none of the wiser men somehow get into contention for the worlds highest office. Guess that is why the world is in such a mess.


Bush version 3.0 wants EVERYONE to be white, Christian (Anglo-Saxon Protestants preferred but Catholics accepted cuz his wife is Mexican) and ONLY speak English or Mexican [sic]. He further thinks they need to work harder because THAT'S the problem with the U.S. economy. He's a dangerous moron, but I don't think his poll numbers will ever get greater than single digits.

I can agree with the dangerous moron part and also his thoughts on American's need to work harder. It the Big Business theory at work of do more with less equals more profit. The profit prophecy is what they live by. The rest not so much so.


Well, one thing that annoyed me a little when I lived in the U.S. was realizing that if I moved to Miami (which I was considering) not being fluent in Spanish was going to be a real handicap in finding many kinds of employment. I realize that's ironic because now living in Pattaya it's clear to me that employment prospects are much better for Thais who speak English. Oh well! As far as Hispanic/Latino culture in the U.S. I think at this point it's futile to resist. The USA won't be like Canada with English and French but it will be something in between with English and Spanish.


I note that the OP doesn't mention religion and certainly discuss Islam, so I think the usual bashers can leave that topic off this thread.


"It would seem though that a number of TV posters, while spouting this philosophy, do not apply it to themselves while living in Thailand"

I wonder if it were turned on it's head and the vast majority of the young women of the USA were readily available for all the immigrants there just how would the Americans feel about that?

In Thailand we are the immigrants


I come from a country (Canada) that has nurtured mulilticultruralism through most of its history. The society that has developed as a result is egalitarian and balanced. However, it has resulted is a poor/weak sense of national identity in favor of regionalism. There are few issues upon which I agree with the Rep party and Bush. Multiculturalism though is one in which I do agree, it's a disaster and it weakens the country.


You must be a Muslim lol we didn't start anything you crazed people did, with the notion you're going to be met with this many virgins when you pass on, their is only one person(Angel)called many names but today will just use Satan is waiting for you and will show you what real pain is.

Sincerely hope you change but if not then you can look forward to that pleasure of pain.

The Muslims have been lied to. When the men die they believe they will go to heaven and 40 Virgins will meet them at heavens gate.

ITS TRUE what they forgot to tell them is its 40 VIRGIN MEN

It's been proven that its a Spelling mistake , it should be 40 Sturgeons, they like fish,,


Once again Jeb gets confused on his platform... How can he be against multi-culturalism and support an open borders policy?


I thought, based on the UK's example, that multiculturalism had proven an absolute failure. It should always be "fit in or eff off", regardless the country, culture, etc.

It would seem though that a number of TV posters, while spouting this philosophy, do not apply it to themselves while living in Thailand.

When was UK not a multicultural country?


The future of the GOP gets dimmer every time any of these candidates opens their mouth..

They are killing their own party.

They are not even very good about pretending they care about people any more.

I'm getting pretty old,

But we may see the end of the republican party in my life time.

I hope I am lucky enough to see it happen.


Most of us here are not really immigrants. We're mostly non-immigrants / expats. Even if we're here for life. So the situation is NOT the same.

Next ...

I think you missed his point because the better word I believe would have been "interlopers".


I note that the OP doesn't mention religion and certainly discuss Islam, so I think the usual bashers can leave that topic off this thread.

This post is about as biased as that which you suggest should have no voice on this OP. The premise is false. I am aware that Scott has considerable (and applaudable) knowledge regarding the movement of peoples, their various plights, and the tools the west uses to try and integrate these peoples, but it is simply untrue that this multiculturalism OP excludes religion and islam. It is a choice perspective, and it is incomplete.

Sharia is indivisibly religious and most certainly "cultural." To suggest otherwise seems magnanimous on its face, but is untrue. One can choose to exclude it from the multiculturalism debate, but sharia/islam is cultural- its entire application is upon the civil arena, and culturally universal. Therefore, any conversation about "multiculturalism" that excludes islam from circumspection is evasive. Indeed, all throughout "multicultural" societies we hear the constant muslim refrain that islamic practices are cultural, and therefore relative (Read: "Be quiet and accommodate!). In fact, it is the nature of islamic sharia that is actually causing the problems now noted in the OP "multiculturalism wrong for US." The idea that the problems with multiculturalism stem from anything other than islam is a bold faced lie. Can anyone really demonstrate that religion is not the problem with the failing of multiculturalism? Its so self evident its implicit.

It is destructive to hide the fact that the primary problem with multiculturalism is the lack of islamic assimilation and cultural insurgency/supremacy of sharia. This is evident throughout the current world but is also apparent throughout history, as noted by Durant and others. Regular well-meaning people also divorce islam and religion from their musings on the failure of multiculturalism; the West is indoctrinated to give religion a wide berth. Religion has been given a pass in western society for a very long time, a pass that was a relic of the childhood of man. The fact remains- Islamic insurgency in the military, political, and cultural arenas, non-assimilation, and demands for cultural subordination are the problem with "multiculturalism."


I thought, based on the UK's example, that multiculturalism had proven an absolute failure. It should always be "fit in or eff off", regardless the country, culture, etc.

It would seem though that a number of TV posters, while spouting this philosophy, do not apply it to themselves while living in Thailand.

When was UK not a multicultural country?

Multiculturalism became government policy. "The policy of maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a community". It has been proven to work against assimilation, assimilation being the aim of any rational immigration policy. There is nothing wrong with recognizing different cultures, but to make it a policy to allow immigrants to introduce and maintain their own culture rather than adopting or at least accepting the culture of their new home, defeats assimilation. Immigrant communities, rather than fitting in, demand acknowledgement of their culture and often separate themselves from mainstream society in their new home. These immigrant communities are often represented by hardliners, who have no wish to fit in to their new home but want to transplant the culture and mores of their origins, and to speak out against the same suddenly becomes racist and politically incorrect. And government policy supports this position.

I say again, anyone who wishes to emigrate to any particular country should be willing to accept the culture of that country (that includes both good and bad) and be willing to try to fit in, but if they cannot do that, they should choose somewhere else that has a culture more in common with their own.


I note that the OP doesn't mention religion and certainly discuss Islam, so I think the usual bashers can leave that topic off this thread.

This post is about as biased as that which you suggest should have no voice on this OP. The premise is false. I am aware that Scott has considerable (and applaudable) knowledge regarding the movement of peoples, their various plights, and the tools the west uses to try and integrate these peoples, but it is simply untrue that this multiculturalism OP excludes religion and islam. It is a choice perspective, and it is incomplete.

Sharia is indivisibly religious and most certainly "cultural." To suggest otherwise seems magnanimous on its face, but is untrue. One can choose to exclude it from the multiculturalism debate, but sharia/islam is cultural- its entire application is upon the civil arena, and culturally universal. Therefore, any conversation about "multiculturalism" that excludes islam from circumspection is evasive. Indeed, all throughout "multicultural" societies we hear the constant muslim refrain that islamic practices are cultural, and therefore relative (Read: "Be quiet and accommodate!). In fact, it is the nature of islamic sharia that is actually causing the problems now noted in the OP "multiculturalism wrong for US." The idea that the problems with multiculturalism stem from anything other than islam is a bold faced lie. Can anyone really demonstrate that religion is not the problem with the failing of multiculturalism? Its so self evident its implicit.

It is destructive to hide the fact that the primary problem with multiculturalism is the lack of islamic assimilation and cultural insurgency/supremacy of sharia. This is evident throughout the current world but is also apparent throughout history, as noted by Durant and others. Regular well-meaning people also divorce islam and religion from their musings on the failure of multiculturalism; the West is indoctrinated to give religion a wide berth. Religion has been given a pass in western society for a very long time, a pass that was a relic of the childhood of man. The fact remains- Islamic insurgency in the military, political, and cultural arenas, non-assimilation, and demands for cultural subordination are the problem with "multiculturalism."

I am pointing out that the topic is not Islam, per se. It is culture, or more specifically, multiculturalism.

It is very difficult to separate religion from culture; they are very much intertwined.

Please exercise care in making inflammatory remarks that are aimed at one particular group only.


Catholics, Buddhists , Jews, even Rastafarians all preach love and tolerance acceptance and love But Muslims want to wage Jihad with the rest of the world.

The Bangkok Bombings are a result of Muslims so it is no wonder that people have a dislike for Muslims. They preach hatred so in gods name What do you expect ?

Open arms saying its OK we understand ? We understand but not what you think

The reason is because Islam is not a religion. It is practiced by some as a religion but it is an ideology.


You must be a Muslim lol we didn't start anything you crazed people did, with the notion you're going to be met with this many virgins when you pass on, their is only one person(Angel)called many names but today will just use Satan is waiting for you and will show you what real pain is.

Sincerely hope you change but if not then you can look forward to that pleasure of pain.

Do you even know recent history? IS was the Frankenstein child of failed US policy led by George the Butcher Bush, who killed over a million children, women and innocent men for unjustified causes that were later revealed as lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction. None, nada, zip, it was all utter fabrication to funnel money into Cheney's Haliburton and the vast War Machine. Then over a billion US dollars went missing, and no one is accountable for that. Bush is now wanted for War Crimes in several countries, including Ireland.

You pretend to be a Christian, then judge someone, accuse them of being a Muslim like it's a crime, then dare to try and speak for God, when She is probably already having a bad hair day. Judge not lest you be judged, or have you never read your own favorite Book?

The sheer hypocrisy of your mediocre mental stance is beyond astonishing. The Doctine of Forgiveness that Joshuan introduced to the world has been hijacked by fake Christians and twisted into a litany of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and small-mindedness, and whom pretend that the one they call their Savior would never spit in their faces without hesitation for daring to ignore the message in his propositions of peace.

Enough lies and implied moral superiority are more than enough. The Muslims who support acts of terrorism are a very dangerous minority, who should be denounced and neutralized and are being denounced and neutralized by other Muslims as I write this, including Iranians. thumbsup.gif

It is disingenuous and ignorant for you to describe the lead up to the Iraq war in that way and expect it not to get challenged. Especially if you use that rhetoric to blame everything since then on the Iraq war.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations".

On 8 November 2002, the Security Council passed Resolution 1441 by a unanimous 15–0 vote; Russia, China, France, and Arab states such as Syria voted in favor, giving Resolution 1441 wider support than even the 1990 Gulf War resolution.

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