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Speedtest results down since weekend?

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We got a TOT and True ISP and notice since the weekend (True started on Friday) that despite having good line ADSL connections on the modem display we now get much reduced speedtest results. For example this morning True 13mbps ADSL only giving 2mbps download speed result to a Thai server. We've emailed True and got no reply since Friday so suspect a more widespread issue?

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I tried a couple of speedtests at testmy.net over the weekend on True ADLS and it kept timing out lol. Finally got one to complete and the download speed was like 200kb D: Been rubbish since about Friday as well.


You might have a problem...

Your connection scored only 11% of the TOT average (89% slower). This does not always mean that you're in bad shape. If the Internet package you subscribe to is slower than most people using your ISP you'll see this message.
I have the 40 mb down fiber optic here in CR:(

My TOT Wiinet connection today is hopeless. Dropped out altogether earlier this morning but has since resumed at a snail's pace.

arrow-down-doubleM.png Download :: 233 Kbps 29 kB/s arrow-up-doubleM.png Upload :: 79 Kbps 10 kB/s


It's important to make sure you use testmy.net or other high quality testers and not the rubbish on speedtest.net

What good testmy will do if speedtest.net gives low speed?

You realize, speedtest gives better results because of in-Thailand servers right?


Been rubbish since about Friday as well.

Appreciate the replies. I was more interested in peoples perception of whether there is a generally throttling of the internet speed going on since late on Friday rather than which speed test to use. I note some people as above have noticed it as well. Something maybe going on? On TOT we had web sites completely off limits yesterday (no Twitter access) - but now working again, but I haven't been able to test speeds on that since.

On True I have used their own speed test http://trueonline.truecorp.co.th/speedtest - as I have always done so I have a general feel of how it should report daily. I found a slight improvement up to 7mbps since this mornings 2mbps results, but still nowhere near the 13mbps it should be and was until last Friday.

With testmy.net- couldn't get any result as timed out so gave up.



True was slower yesterday, but today it is fine (with Singapore VPN)

I'm again getting max download speed (4020 kb/sec on 30 [33 mbit] mbit True Docsis) now.


I also have a problem, testing at 230 Kb/s on a 30 Mb/s TOT fiber connection!

I noticed it both on my own connection and at the office that it's very slow.

Upload is OK at over 3.3 Mb/s


I use TOT and most websites were inaccessible for hours on Sunday. .co.th sites seemed ok.

Back to normal and usual speed today.


My TOT internet was useless on Sunday night. I have a group video call. The others in the group (all in the UK) had no problems between each other but for me the received sound preceded the vision by several seconds. There was something going on probably in connection with limiting international traffic.


My TOT fibre in Chiang Mai has been rubbish since yesterday, and still is. Currently max d/l is 400KB/s, when normally it's around 3.2GB/s. VPN doesn't seem to help much in terms of speed.


Been rubbish since about Friday as well.

Appreciate the replies. I was more interested in peoples perception of whether there is a generally throttling of the internet speed going on since late on Friday rather than which speed test to use. I note some people as above have noticed it as well. Something maybe going on? On TOT we had web sites completely off limits yesterday (no Twitter access) - but now working again, but I haven't been able to test speeds on that since.

On True I have used their own speed test http://trueonline.truecorp.co.th/speedtest - as I have always done so I have a general feel of how it should report daily. I found a slight improvement up to 7mbps since this mornings 2mbps results, but still nowhere near the 13mbps it should be and was until last Friday.

With testmy.net- couldn't get any result as timed out so gave up.


Maybe just a TOT thing...I'm on a True DOCSIS/cable 15Mb/1.5Mb plan here in Bangkok...below are my results at 6pm this Monday evening. The internet speed has been normal for me over the last week. You'll see I get significantly more than a 15Mb download speed which is typical for a True DOCSIS/cable plan since True DOCSIS uses "bursting" which last longer than the speedtest period of time....actually my download speed is usually around 28-30Mb....bursting is great for browsing.



Our TOT line has now come good again since mid afternoon today after going bad Sunday afternoon. We are now getting full 10mbps download speedtest result with no web sites blocked anymore. Even the Daily Mail is unblocked on TOT - unlike True!

The True line is still around 7mbps - when we last were on it. Will check again tomorrow.


It's important to make sure you use testmy.net or other high quality testers and not the rubbish on speedtest.net


Use this speedtest for TOT. http://speedtest1.totbb.net


Kind of says it all.

My TOT fiber, which is supposed to be 30down 3up has been rubbish since Sunday evening, at least it works but my IPTV box isn't worth watching now.


I use TOT and most websites were inaccessible for hours on Sunday. .co.th sites seemed ok.

Back to normal and usual speed today.

I had the same problems between midday and 6pm, today, no problems at all.


TOT is the worst ISP you can choose in Thailand, so good luck with that .

3BB has been stable for me almost daily for a year now. I only subscribe for the cheapest package 630 baht .

When I speedtest on testmy.net I'll get on average 2 mbps to the UK and Germany , more than enough to watch streamed content. Even if we have lags from time to time. If I test to a Thai server the speed is at maximum most of the time.


Absolutely rubbish on my TOT fiber and TRUE adsl since Friday.Testmy.net times out or I cancel the test after 5 minutes. Speedtest on the ToT local site shows full speed. What a joke.


TOT is the worst ISP you can choose in Thailand, so good luck with that .

Actually to be fair I've always been lucky with TOT in Hat Yai, and they've been my ISP for over ten years now.


I strongly suspect the monkeys are fooling around with the controls . . .

Quite so.......

It is not just a TOT problem. I have just retested my TOT speed and find that up load is 94% good but download is only 19% good. I shall be contacting them in the morning to see what they can tell me..........


I strongly suspect the monkeys are fooling around with the controls . . .

Quite so.......

It is not just a TOT problem. I have just retested my TOT speed and find that up load is 94% good but download is only 19% good. I shall be contacting them in the morning to see what they can tell me..........

I was about to say don't bother but then again, you might as well try. My wife received a phone call today in response to the email I sent on the weekend: it was ToT calling to tell her that everything has been fixed! When I got home I quickly discovered that absolutely nothing had changed. Honestly it feels as if they have already begun testing the great firewall.


Dont do a speed test using a Thai server for the test. It tells you nothing UNLESS the sites you access are within Thailand. As an expat the vast majority of the sites I access are outside the borders thats the speed you need to be looking at. Dont worry about upload speed unless thats what you do. We all should be using the download speed alone. All this being said a download speed of 3mbps is screaming fast for Thailand. Actually that is all you need to stream media.


Ran one before midnight and got 600kbps down, after midnight 6mbps down. I think someones figured out how to throttle their t'internet at peak times.

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