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US: Multiple deaths in school shooting in Oregon State


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Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.

2) You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law


Logic 101.

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Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.

2) You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law


Logic 101.


CNN, Breitbart News and Former US Marshal Art Roderick look like good reputable media sources to me. If you think posting current stories from CNN and Breitbart news are a violation of forum rules by all means report the posts and have them removed.

Although you could have done that without all the bickering posts in between.

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So saying the place was a gun free zone may be true or may not be?

I'd ask CNN, Breitbart and Former US Marshal Art Roderick. I appreciate the fact that you think I know everything that's what I tell my wife. When you asked before I gave you my source what more do you want me to do? http://www.breitbart...munity-college/

On August 2 Breitbart News reported that eight attacks with firearms in gun free zones in the last eight years resulted in the lost of 105 lives and the wounding of 150 others. Those attacks were on the Lafayette Grand Theater (July 23), Chattanooga (July 16), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), Aurora movie theater (July 12, 2012), Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007)

Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.

I care about what it true or at least what can be shown to be viable. CNN or anyone else can say what they like but I am asking YOU if it was a gun free zone since YOU said it was.

How would I know? I have not been to Oregon since they closed the Oregon trail. Are CNN and Breitbart News trusted sources?

Make up your own mind.

Cool. I shall consider anything you post to be worthless in the future on the basis that you do not care about if it is true or not.

To get back on topic. 9 people killed but I do not see people who care. Grand parents, parents, brothers and sisters. Close friends could be sitting with tears in their eyes but people show little care.

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Cool. I shall consider anything you post to be worthless in the future on the basis that you do not care about if it is true or not.

To get back on topic. 9 people killed but I do not see people who care. Grand parents, parents, brothers and sisters. Close friends could be sitting with tears in their eyes but people show little care.

On August 2 Breitbart News reported that eight attacks with firearms in gun free zones in the last eight years resulted in the lost of 105 lives and the wounding of 150 others. Those attacks were on the Lafayette Grand Theater (July 23), Chattanooga (July 16), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), Aurora movie theater (July 12, 2012), Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007).

I gave you the above information and said make up your own mind. I'm only an observer as I don't know for sure. I can only quote what I read in the papers.

9 people got killed because they told an anti Christian guy they were Christian. That is sad. I'd also suggest if guy asks you if you are a Christian and he is pointing a gun at you it is probably a good thing to say no.

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9 people got killed because they told an anti Christian guy they were Christian.

I don't believe you.

What do you believe?

That which can be shown to be true or that which can be reasonably construed as such. We do not live in a pure deterministic world so aspects have to taken at face value but they also have to be open to scrutiny. If you say that while having a morning coffee a chap riding an elephant went past then I would likely take that on face value. If you said that the elephant was 200' tall then I would not take it at face value. I'm talking about here in Thailand and not say in London where I am from.

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9 people got killed because they told an anti Christian guy they were Christian.

I don't believe you.

What do you believe?

That which can be shown to be true or that which can be reasonably construed as such. We do not live in a pure deterministic world so aspects have to taken at face value but they also have to be open to scrutiny. If you say that while having a morning coffee a chap riding an elephant went past then I would likely take that on face value. If you said that the elephant was 200' tall then I would not take it at face value. I'm talking about here in Thailand and not say in London where I am from.

Off topic troll

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9 people got killed because they told an anti Christian guy they were Christian.

I don't believe you.

What do you believe?

What the evidence shows. He hated organised religion. There is no evidence he only wanted to kill christians. He closely followed the IRA activities to learn about terrorism and killing.

Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians.

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9 people got killed because they told an anti Christian guy they were Christian.

I don't believe you.

What do you believe?

What the evidence shows. He hated organised religion. There is no evidence he only wanted to kill christians. He closely followed the IRA activities to learn about terrorism and killing.

Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians.

“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.


“‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and ‘if you are a Christian then stand up’ and they would stand up. He’d say ‘because you are a Christian you’re going to see God in about one second’ and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people.


According to the Los Angeles Times, Ana Boylan, a student who was shot in the back, told her grandmother from her hospital bed that as she lay wounded, the gunman asked people to rise and state their religion. “If they said they were Christians, they were shot again,” the grandmother, Janet Willis, told the Times.


Now what were you saying about no evidence?

Edited by lostoday
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9 people got killed because they told an anti Christian guy they were Christian.

I don't believe you.

What do you believe?

What the evidence shows. He hated organised religion. There is no evidence he only wanted to kill christians. He closely followed the IRA activities to learn about terrorism and killing.

Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians.

[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if youre a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, Good, because youre a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second. And then he shot and killed them, Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.


Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if you are a Christian then stand up and they would stand up. Hed say because you are a Christian youre going to see God in about one second and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people.


According to the Los Angeles Times, Ana Boylan, a student who was shot in the back, told her grandmother from her hospital bed that as she lay wounded, the gunman asked people to rise and state their religion. If they said they were Christians, they were shot again, the grandmother, Janet Willis, told the Times.


Now what were you saying about no evidence?


Well you better tell the authorities because they dont know.

He did not like christians but had a wider antipathy to organised religion. He disliked all organised religion. He was also a member of the Beta Boys.

So you seem hell bent on trying to prove any connection on him being a muslim, no matter how tennuous and unsubstantiated.

At the moment there is no evidence whatsoever of a muslim issue.

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Meanwhile, don't let a shooting in your town slip away without a little bit of exploitation!


This is Candi Kinney Owner of the Roseburg Gun Shop, photo was 20 hrs ago (After the shooting!). She is telling a UK Guardian Journalist how she has ordered a lot more AR's as "there is always a rush after a big shooting, and we just can't keep them on the shelves'!

See the Guardian article here


Way to Go America !! Does anyone want to make an investment with me, I was going to buy a few containers of 'Moral Compasses' and sell them in the US, they are in big demand I think..............then again maybe not, as a consumer needs to be aware they need a product before they buy it!

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Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians.

[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if youre a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, Good, because youre a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second. And then he shot and killed them, Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.


Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if you are a Christian then stand up and they would stand up. Hed say because you are a Christian youre going to see God in about one second and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people.


According to the Los Angeles Times, Ana Boylan, a student who was shot in the back, told her grandmother from her hospital bed that as she lay wounded, the gunman asked people to rise and state their religion. If they said they were Christians, they were shot again, the grandmother, Janet Willis, told the Times.


Now what were you saying about no evidence?


Well you better tell the authorities because they dont know.

He did not like christians but had a wider antipathy to organised religion. He disliked all organised religion. He was also a member of the Beta Boys.

So you seem hell bent on trying to prove any connection on him being a muslim, no matter how tennuous and unsubstantiated.

At the moment there is no evidence whatsoever of a muslim issue.

You wrote, "Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians."

I provided evidence published in three reputable sources that he asked if the students were Christian and if they said yes he killed them. He did not kill anyone who was not a Christian.

1. To be fair I think you should admit that there is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence that he only wanted to kill Christians. If you don't think so please list the people he killed who were not Christians.

2. I don't know if he was a Muslim. He acted like a Muslim in that he killed Christians and Muslims have been killing Christians since 1095. Is it a true statement to say that Muslims have been Killing Christians since 1095? It is not a PC statement but it is true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Were the folks who killed 3000 Americans on 9/11Muslim? Yes. How many Christians were killed on 9/11? I don't know and I suspect it is so politically incorrect to ask that no one may know.

The cause of these deaths was an anti Christian gunman killed 9 Christians because they were Christian. That is all I think we know for sure at this point.

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Meanwhile, don't let a shooting in your town slip away without a little bit of exploitation!


This is Candi Kinney Owner of the Roseburg Gun Shop, photo was 20 hrs ago (After the shooting!). She is telling a UK Guardian Journalist how she has ordered a lot more AR's as "there is always a rush after a big shooting, and we just can't keep them on the shelves'!

See the Guardian article here


Way to Go America !! Does anyone want to make an investment with me, I was going to buy a few containers of 'Moral Compasses' and sell them in the US, they are in big demand I think..............then again maybe not, as a consumer needs to be aware they need a product before they buy it!

I don't imagine atheists will be buying many guns as this seems like a religious war to me. I, of course could be wrong. Have atheists committed many mass murders of Christians in the USA lately?

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So saying the place was a gun free zone may be true or may not be?

I'd ask CNN, Breitbart and Former US Marshal Art Roderick. I appreciate the fact that you think I know everything that's what I tell my wife. When you asked before I gave you my source what more do you want me to do? http://www.breitbart...munity-college/

On August 2 Breitbart News reported that eight attacks with firearms in gun free zones in the last eight years resulted in the lost of 105 lives and the wounding of 150 others. Those attacks were on the Lafayette Grand Theater (July 23), Chattanooga (July 16), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), Aurora movie theater (July 12, 2012), Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007)

Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.

I care about what it true or at least what can be shown to be viable. CNN or anyone else can say what they like but I am asking YOU if it was a gun free zone since YOU said it was.

May I join this little discussion in an attempt to put it to bed?

Where the shooting took place was a gun free zone.

Here's the deal...Oregon law says that concealed carry permit holders may carry weapons on to school property. However the schools may make individual rules about what is permitted inside their facilities.

Umpqua has just such a rule. No guns are to be allowed INSIDE any of their facilities but are acceptable OUTSIDE on campus grounds.

Since the shootings occurred INSIDE a building, it was a gun free zone.

Quote from the link provided below:

"The State Board tried to ban guns on campus entirely, but were denied by Oregon’s Court of Appeals. The current policy of the State Board of Education states that people with concealed carry permits are allowed to bring their firearms on campuses, but are not into university buildings, which means a person can roam a campus with a concealed weapon, but if they want to go indoors, they must have somewhere (like the trunk of their car) to store their weapon. Umpqua Community College is not governed by the State Board of Education, but has a similar policy in place."

Article continues here: http://www.vocativ.com/news/236421/the-complications-of-oregons-guns-on-campus-laws/

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May I join this little discussion in an attempt to put it to bed?

Where the shooting took place was a gun free zone.

Here's the deal...Oregon law says that concealed carry permit holders may carry weapons on to school property. However the schools may make individual rules about what is permitted inside their facilities.

Umpqua has just such a rule. No guns are to be allowed INSIDE any of their facilities but are acceptable OUTSIDE on campus grounds.

Since the shootings occurred INSIDE a building, it was a gun free zone.

Quote from the link provided below:

"The State Board tried to ban guns on campus entirely, but were denied by [/size]Oregons Court of Appeals. The current policy of the State Board of Education states that people with concealed carry permits are allowed to bring their firearms on campuses, but are not into university buildings, which means a person can roam a campus with a concealed weapon, but if they want to go indoors, they must have somewhere (like the trunk of their car) to store their weapon. Umpqua Community College is not governed by the State Board of Education, but has a similar policy in place."[/size]

Article continues here: [/size]http://www.vocativ.com/news/236421/the-complications-of-oregons-guns-on-campus-laws/

Thank you for taking the time to clear that up.

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Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians.

[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if youre a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, Good, because youre a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second. And then he shot and killed them, Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.


Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if you are a Christian then stand up and they would stand up. Hed say because you are a Christian youre going to see God in about one second and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Ana Boylan, a student who was shot in the back, told her grandmother from her hospital bed that as she lay wounded, the gunman asked people to rise and state their religion. If they said they were Christians, they were shot again, the grandmother, Janet Willis, told the Times.


Now what were you saying about no evidence?


Well you better tell the authorities because they dont know.

He did not like christians but had a wider antipathy to organised religion. He disliked all organised religion. He was also a member of the Beta Boys.

So you seem hell bent on trying to prove any connection on him being a muslim, no matter how tennuous and unsubstantiated.

At the moment there is no evidence whatsoever of a muslim issue.
You wrote, "Absolutely no evidence he only wanted to target christians."

I provided evidence published in three reputable sources that he asked if the students were Christian and if they said yes he killed them. He did not kill anyone who was not a Christian.

1. To be fair I think you should admit that there is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence that he only wanted to kill Christians. If you don't think so please list the people he killed who were not Christians.

2. I don't know if he was a Muslim. He acted like a Muslim in that he killed Christians and Muslims have been killing Christians since 1095. Is it a true statement to say that Muslims have been Killing Christians since 1095? It is not a PC statement but it is true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Were the folks who killed 3000 Americans on 9/11Muslim? Yes. How many Christians were killed on 9/11? I don't know and I suspect it is so politically incorrect to ask that no one may know.

The cause of these deaths was an anti Christian gunman killed 9 Christians because they were Christian. That is all I think we know for sure at this point.

If all in the class where christians then he couldnt kill another denomination, what was to be his next pick? Who knows.

Christians have killed more muslims than muslims killed christians. That doesnt mean anyone that kills a muslim is a christian.

There are also many reports that authorities do not know the reason he did this. That is clear. If you know then good for you.
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Poor old Hannity.

Looks to me like the bloke was a Satanist.

VOA News

October 03, 2015 10:36 AM

Authorities in Oregon have confirmed that the heavily armed gunman who went on a shooting rampage at a community college left a hate-filled note at the scene.

NBC News and CBS News have quoted official sources saying Friday afternoon that the shooter “felt the world was against him.” He wrote he was “in a bad way” and did not have a girlfriend, adding that he “had no life.”

Christopher Harper Mercer, 26, who shot dead nine students and wounded nine others before he was killed in an exchange of gunfire with police at Umpqua Community College (UCC), also wrote that he would be “welcomed in Hell and embraced by the devil” in his multi-page, typewritten message.


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Interesting fact. Roseburg Oregon is named after Aaron Rose, starting in 1852:


For much of history Aaron Rose was considered to be a Jewish man. But turns out, he probably was actually not but rather Scottish-Irish.

I wonder if this mass shooting is the biggest news event in the history of Roseburg. If not, it's up there.

The "Roseburg Blast" was definitely more consequential to the town but the mass media was different back then in 1959.

Edited by Jingthing
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The routine of mass shootings in America:

The Aftermath

The routine nature of gun violence is quashing our ability to feel. It means nothing, or almost nothing, to those outside the immediate bubble of the victims. The sheer volume makes these cases difficult to keep track of. The names of countless victims bleed into one another. The shooters only grab our attention if they do something new, like open fire at an elementary school or post a first person video.

For the next few days, we’ll see many calls for change. The temporary push for gun control in the wake of a shooting is part of the routine too.


I suggest the "new" thing this mass shooter did was ask if people were Christian before offing them when he clearly wasn't an Islamic Jihadist. Perhaps he knew he needed a special gimmick to have any chance of being remembered for even a few WEEKS.

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I suggest the "new" thing this mass shooter did was ask if people were Christian before offing them when he clearly wasn't an Islamic Jihadist. Perhaps he knew he needed a special gimmick to have any chance of being remembered for even a few WEEKS.

Valid suggestion JT

I would go further and suggest that the whole 'Christian' thing may have been due to brevity. Would have known the timespan was short I would have thought. Beef could have been about people who believe things for no logical reason. Had it happened somewhere else then the question would have been Muslim or Hindu or whatever other flavour.

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So where is the militia now that all your freedoms have been eroded? You can't even grow tomatoes in your own garden in some states less they think you might be feeding yourself without paying money to the corporations. You cant dig a well on your own land for water. America has never had so many guns and Americans have never had so many restrictions on their freedoms. Americans have never been so suppressed or oppressed by their Governments as in the last 15 years.

Maybe, but America still has more freedoms than every other country on the planet.

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So where is the militia now that all your freedoms have been eroded? You can't even grow tomatoes in your own garden in some states less they think you might be feeding yourself without paying money to the corporations. You cant dig a well on your own land for water. America has never had so many guns and Americans have never had so many restrictions on their freedoms. Americans have never been so suppressed or oppressed by their Governments as in the last 15 years.

Maybe, but America still has more freedoms than every other country on the planet.

Incorrect but charmingly American of you.

What happened? “The (U.S.) decline reflects a long-term drop in every category of economic freedom and in rule of law indicators,” the authors say. “The U.S. performance is worrisome and shows that the United States can no longer claim to be the leading bastion of liberty in the world.”


What conclusions can be teased out of all this number-crunching? The United States remains a fairly free place to live, all in all — but the trend in the past seven years seems to be heading in the wrong direction.


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Not true!

"But not only was UCC not a gun free zone by law, there were also people who brought guns onto campus at the time of the massacre.

John Parker Jr., a veteran and student at UCC, spoke with MSNBC and revealed that he was in a campus building with a concealed handgun when the shooting started. He suggested other students with him at the time were also carrying concealed handguns."


So you think if everyone in the country was carrying a side-arm, nobody would ever get shot? cheesy.gif

I have a friend who is a cop, he accidentally shot himself in the leg. This is a guy who was trained in using firearms.

I was in the office of a gun range getting ready to do shooting and I head a shot. The manager called out to the room next to the office "Are you okay?...Are you okay?"

After a pause, his disgusted-sounded wife finally replied. "yes...". "I didn't know it was loaded!" "you never know it was loaded when this happens". (Evidently not the first time.)

This time the round when through the cherrywood case of a set of dueling pistols on the shelf.

This is a guy whose life revolves around guns.

A baby reached into her mother's purse and shot her mom in the head and killed her last month. Countless children are killed or injured playing with handguns, and these are just the accidents.

The U.S. has by far the highest number per capita of firearm deaths. The U.S. has the most guns per capita. Think it's just a coincidence?

The U.S. also has the highest prison population per capita. 698 per 100k, England, where they like to drink, a lot has only148. Scotland where drinking heavily and brawling on the weekend is almost a national pastime is only at 145, Japan is only 45 per 100k. You know what they all have in common? An idiot with a bad attitude can't walk into a gun trade show at the local auditorium and slip $200 under the table and walk out with a loaded weapon and proceed to slaughter innocent people.

It's easier to get a gun than is it to get a dentist appointment. It's easier to get a gun than get an abortion. A license to drive, where you'd have to be extra skilled to kill more than 4 people at once takes from 3 weeks to 3 months and you have to study and pass tests, provide ID and proof of ID and have your picture taken before the government trusts you to drive a car.

Sorry, more guns mean more problems, not the other way around.

It was a gun free zone, and like most of these places that makes them a turkey shoot. Even the security guards were unarmed.

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Not true!

"But not only was UCC not a gun free zone by law, there were also people who brought guns onto campus at the time of the massacre.

John Parker Jr., a veteran and student at UCC, spoke with MSNBC and revealed that he was in a campus building with a concealed handgun when the shooting started. He suggested other students with him at the time were also carrying concealed handguns."


So you think if everyone in the country was carrying a side-arm, nobody would ever get shot? cheesy.gif

I have a friend who is a cop, he accidentally shot himself in the leg. This is a guy who was trained in using firearms.

I was in the office of a gun range getting ready to do shooting and I head a shot. The manager called out to the room next to the office "Are you okay?...Are you okay?"

After a pause, his disgusted-sounded wife finally replied. "yes...". "I didn't know it was loaded!" "you never know it was loaded when this happens". (Evidently not the first time.)

This time the round when through the cherrywood case of a set of dueling pistols on the shelf.

This is a guy whose life revolves around guns.

A baby reached into her mother's purse and shot her mom in the head and killed her last month. Countless children are killed or injured playing with handguns, and these are just the accidents.

The U.S. has by far the highest number per capita of firearm deaths. The U.S. has the most guns per capita. Think it's just a coincidence?

The U.S. also has the highest prison population per capita. 698 per 100k, England, where they like to drink, a lot has only148. Scotland where drinking heavily and brawling on the weekend is almost a national pastime is only at 145, Japan is only 45 per 100k. You know what they all have in common? An idiot with a bad attitude can't walk into a gun trade show at the local auditorium and slip $200 under the table and walk out with a loaded weapon and proceed to slaughter innocent people.

It's easier to get a gun than is it to get a dentist appointment. It's easier to get a gun than get an abortion. A license to drive, where you'd have to be extra skilled to kill more than 4 people at once takes from 3 weeks to 3 months and you have to study and pass tests, provide ID and proof of ID and have your picture taken before the government trusts you to drive a car.

Sorry, more guns mean more problems, not the other way around.

It was a gun free zone, and like most of these places that makes them a turkey shoot. Even the security guards were unarmed.

US prison pop, baby shooting mom, cop shoots self in leg; what does this stuff have to do with an anti Christian nut asking people if they were Christian and then killing them? If the guy really wanted a gun and they were not available in the USA he could go to Australia and buy one and sail back to Oregon with it. You think every boat docking in Oregon is adequately searched?

My point is how he got the gun has nothing to do with the murders.

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Not true!

"But not only was UCC not a gun free zone by law, there were also people who brought guns onto campus at the time of the massacre.

John Parker Jr., a veteran and student at UCC, spoke with MSNBC and revealed that he was in a campus building with a concealed handgun when the shooting started. He suggested other students with him at the time were also carrying concealed handguns."


So you think if everyone in the country was carrying a side-arm, nobody would ever get shot? cheesy.gif

I have a friend who is a cop, he accidentally shot himself in the leg. This is a guy who was trained in using firearms.

I was in the office of a gun range getting ready to do shooting and I head a shot. The manager called out to the room next to the office "Are you okay?...Are you okay?"

After a pause, his disgusted-sounded wife finally replied. "yes...". "I didn't know it was loaded!" "you never know it was loaded when this happens". (Evidently not the first time.)

This time the round when through the cherrywood case of a set of dueling pistols on the shelf.

This is a guy whose life revolves around guns.

A baby reached into her mother's purse and shot her mom in the head and killed her last month. Countless children are killed or injured playing with handguns, and these are just the accidents.

The U.S. has by far the highest number per capita of firearm deaths. The U.S. has the most guns per capita. Think it's just a coincidence?

The U.S. also has the highest prison population per capita. 698 per 100k, England, where they like to drink, a lot has only148. Scotland where drinking heavily and brawling on the weekend is almost a national pastime is only at 145, Japan is only 45 per 100k. You know what they all have in common? An idiot with a bad attitude can't walk into a gun trade show at the local auditorium and slip $200 under the table and walk out with a loaded weapon and proceed to slaughter innocent people.

It's easier to get a gun than is it to get a dentist appointment. It's easier to get a gun than get an abortion. A license to drive, where you'd have to be extra skilled to kill more than 4 people at once takes from 3 weeks to 3 months and you have to study and pass tests, provide ID and proof of ID and have your picture taken before the government trusts you to drive a car.

Sorry, more guns mean more problems, not the other way around.

It was a gun free zone, and like most of these places that makes them a turkey shoot. Even the security guards were unarmed.

US prison pop, baby shooting mom, cop shoots self in leg; what does this stuff have to do with an anti Christian nut asking people if they were Christian and then killing them? If the guy really wanted a gun and they were not available in the USA he could go to Australia and buy one and sail back to Oregon with it. You think every boat docking in Oregon is adequately searched?

My point is how he got the gun has nothing to do with the murders.

He was most likely not anti christian but anti organised religion, if he had found muslims he most likely had killed them all.

And yes, easy access to guns makes these things happening more likely.

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So where is the militia now that all your freedoms have been eroded? You can't even grow tomatoes in your own garden in some states less they think you might be feeding yourself without paying money to the corporations. You cant dig a well on your own land for water. America has never had so many guns and Americans have never had so many restrictions on their freedoms. Americans have never been so suppressed or oppressed by their Governments as in the last 15 years.

Maybe, but America still has more freedoms than every other country on the planet.
Try telling that to a black american.
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