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ISIL operations centre in Idlib, Syria ‘destroyed’ by Russian airstrike

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ISIL operations centre in Idlib, Syria ‘destroyed’ by Russian airstrike

Russia says it has carried out a third day of airstrikes targeting ISIL positions over Syria.

ISIL is one of many groups fighting against Russia’s ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Video footage showed the aftermath of what is said to be a Russian airstrike in Dair al Asafeer on Friday (October 2).

Igor Konashenkov, a Moscow defence ministry official, told Russian news agencies that Russia’s Air Force carried out 14 flights in Syria on Friday and made six strikes against ISIL targets. He said an ISIL military operations centre in Idlib had been destroyed in the raids.

Syrian government air strike on Douma
Footage from the Syrian city of Douma shows an airstrike purportedly carried out by Syrian government warplanes. This civil defence building was hit as people were being helped outside .. including children after an earlier airstrike.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-03

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There is this today from Agence France-Presse on these particular strikes and Russia's air strikes so far...

Several military sources and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said Russia had hit areas controlled by groups other than IS.

A security source said they had been aimed at "military positions and command centers held by the Army of Conquest in Jisr al-Shughur... and Jabal al-Zawiya in Idlib."

British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, meanwhile, said that just five percent of Russian air strikes had targeted IS fighters,


Russian air force bombings of almost only rebel and and non-IS locations caused rebel commanders yesterday to instruct civilians not to go to mosque last evening due to concerns over the new Russian air strikes. Rebel areas are already viewing Russian air forces operating in Syria as no different from Assad's air forces that bomb civilian centers to include schools and mosques.

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OMG! Don't tell me the question of civilians, women and children is surfacing again!

OP: "This civil defence building was hit as people were being helped outside .. including children after an earlier airstrike."

Some people must be really carried away and thinking they are talking of IDF (?) laugh.png

Two or three days ago here on TV forum I warned that the "collateral damage" with Russia having joined in is becoming an irrelevant issue.

This kind of crap works when the civilians are long suffering "Palestinians" and the beastly murderers are Israelis.

If the West want no civilian casualties on their conscience - they should stop bombings.

NOTE! I'm not saying the West will save civilian lives. They will just be in the position to blame ISIS. The fate of these poor people is to be the meat in a sandwich.

ANOTHER NOTE! How long have the glorious Allies allegedly bombed ISIS? However I do not recall them packing and going before 'nasty Russians' stepped in. Shame!

AND YET ANOTHER NOTE! OP says the ISIS are packing to ran to Iraq. Could it be Iran instead of Iraq? And what are the glorious soldiers of Islam going to do there? Maybe create a Caliphate in Central Asia?

Something tells me we are going to hear more stories of "crimes against innocent civilians by those 'nasty Russians' in former Central Asian Soviet Republics". Somebody should mark my words.

Edited by ABCer
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Most other media sites are saying this is not ISIL territory....

it's only the USA propaganda machine saying Russia is bombing none ISIL territory...

Rebels or ISIS - it all goes towards stability in Syria, which is a good thing for the region.

No mention in these articles of the hospital the US bombed in Afghanistan yesterday...

Now there's propaganda.

Two of 'em yet. Only the Putin flying fanboyz could conceive or accept the final statement as it is written.

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Somebody should mark my words.

I would if I could understand what the heck you were on about.

Anybody can argue against my words.

But nobody yet complained about me not being crystal clear in what I am saying.

Just for you: Those brave soldiers of ISIS, quasi ISIS and absolutely good freedom fighters against Assad from Syria will be going to Central Asia -

Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan etc. - all Muslim states in the South of Russia to establish their Caliphate there.

I am sure they will bring with them their arms and training generously provided by USA, their money generously provided by many sponsors and the Never Ending Story will go on.

The important part relevant to this topic is: Bad Russians will get involved, they will get even worse than now and poor innocent civilian victims including women and children will be there too.

To be surely pointed out by the 'soft-hearted doers of good'.

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Do not overlook that the Russian Federal Security Bureau figures something like 2500 Russians are fighting in Syria on one of the several sides. Some may remain in Syria, some may go elsewhere, many will return with their Shiria Jihad to Russia. Putin and Russia would have to deal with this either way, but Putin throwing Russia into the mix in Syria invites and opens a long term conflict for Russia both in Syria, the ME and in Russia the mother.

Russia's economy is tanking yet a country can't support a long term military engagement without bucks, unless of course it gains some new sources of revenue and wealth. Putin, Iran, Syria, enough of Iraq etc are aligned against the US/EU and allies such as Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like. Putin's military buildup would, if he used all that's there right now, wipe out, say, ISIS in a short order.

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Well he's going to be popular with European leaders now....

Russian airstrikes on Saturday targeting the Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria have sown "panic", forcing some 600 "militants" to abandon their positions and head to Europe, Moscow claimed.

"Our intelligence shows that militants are leaving areas under their control. Panic and desertion have started in their ranks," " Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, a senior official with the Russian General Staff, said in a statement.

"Some 600 mercenaries have abandoned their positions and are trying to find their way into Europe," he added.


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Most other media sites are saying this is not ISIL territory....

it's only the USA propaganda machine saying Russia is bombing none ISIL territory...

Rebels or ISIS - it all goes towards stability in Syria, which is a good thing for the region.

No mention in these articles of the hospital the US bombed in Afghanistan yesterday...

Now there's propaganda.

Two of 'em yet. Only the Putin flying fanboyz could conceive or accept the final statement as it is written.

Not propaganda.

The US is trying to oust Assad. After the debacles in Iraq (now a complete mess thanks to the US) and Libya (now a complete mess thanks in part to the US) - it appears nothing has been learnt.

Putin has clearly stated that his priority is stability - now you can believe that or not but you can be sure that if that IS the case - he will go after all factions looking to overthrow the government there and replace them with something else. That something else could quite possibly be Muslim extremists.

Or maybe Iraq and Libya are all roses now and it's purely Russian propaganda that makes them look like Extremist infested hell holes where it's not even safe to go to the local market.

As for the final statement - http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/03/us-afghanistan-attack-idUSKCN0RW0HC20151003 - 9 dead yesterday after the US bombed an Afghan hospital - or is this also pro-Russian propaganda too?

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it's only the USA propaganda machine saying Russia is bombing none ISIL territory...

Rebels or ISIS - it all goes towards stability in Syria, which is a good thing for the region.

No mention in these articles of the hospital the US bombed in Afghanistan yesterday...

Now there's propaganda.

Two of 'em yet. Only the Putin flying fanboyz could conceive or accept the final statement as it is written.

Not propaganda.

The US is trying to oust Assad. After the debacles in Iraq (now a complete mess thanks to the US) and Libya (now a complete mess thanks in part to the US) - it appears nothing has been learnt.

Putin has clearly stated that his priority is stability - now you can believe that or not but you can be sure that if that IS the case - he will go after all factions looking to overthrow the government there and replace them with something else. That something else could quite possibly be Muslim extremists.

Or maybe Iraq and Libya are all roses now and it's purely Russian propaganda that makes them look like Extremist infested hell holes where it's not even safe to go to the local market.

As for the final statement - http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/03/us-afghanistan-attack-idUSKCN0RW0HC20151003 - 9 dead yesterday after the US bombed an Afghan hospital - or is this also pro-Russian propaganda too?

It is absurd to suggest or to imply the US military forces knowingly and consciously by plan and design attacked a hospital they knew to be a hospital. The US and partners are fighting people who use human shields so military commanders and other combatants are careful yet cannot be intimidated or diverted. The tragedy at the hospital will be properly investigated, facts found, conclusions drawn. Until then America bashers will have to suck wind.

Putin's answer to everything is a strongman dictator leader who himself is the rule of jungle law. The US continues to try to establish a diverse and reasonably balanced team of leaders when it can and where it can. The military coalition on the ground in Syria changed strategies early in the year and have had unprecedented coordination and success, which brings us to where we are at the present time and circumstance.

The salient reality of the present is that Russia, Syria, Iran are in an ad hoc military alliance of desperation. That Assad's situation had become tenuous is not new, however, this alliance born of panic is new. People in Western capitals can argue about the peoples of the ME region until the cows, camels and goats come home How to deal with it remains the question for the US and coalition partners, Nato and other formal treaty allies.

The Russian approach is the historical one of the tsars and the KGB, i.e., to squeeze your nuts until you cry out 'uncle' then to squeeze harder yet. In other words it is the usual, i.e., from Russia with love.

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Rebels or ISIS - it all goes towards stability in Syria, which is a good thing for the region.

No mention in these articles of the hospital the US bombed in Afghanistan yesterday...

Now there's propaganda.

Two of 'em yet. Only the Putin flying fanboyz could conceive or accept the final statement as it is written.

Not propaganda.

The US is trying to oust Assad. After the debacles in Iraq (now a complete mess thanks to the US) and Libya (now a complete mess thanks in part to the US) - it appears nothing has been learnt.

Putin has clearly stated that his priority is stability - now you can believe that or not but you can be sure that if that IS the case - he will go after all factions looking to overthrow the government there and replace them with something else. That something else could quite possibly be Muslim extremists.

Or maybe Iraq and Libya are all roses now and it's purely Russian propaganda that makes them look like Extremist infested hell holes where it's not even safe to go to the local market.

As for the final statement - http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/03/us-afghanistan-attack-idUSKCN0RW0HC20151003 - 9 dead yesterday after the US bombed an Afghan hospital - or is this also pro-Russian propaganda too?

The fact the US is trying to oust Assad is widely reported. By most media sites. Putin has been known to tell lies before. Hard to trust what he says. But up to you if you believe him. Don't forget the billions of dollars he's getting from Syria for weapons. Without Assad, that stream of money (desperately needed by Putin) is gone. Perhaps that has something to do with this? LOL

As far as stability, it was the Arab Spring uprising against Assad, and his brutal response to it, that caused all of this. The general population there won't allow him to stay.

Afghanistan is off topic. There are other topics covering that one.

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So Russia Times is a better source? LOL

A variety of media sites have published information about Russia's attempts to influence the population with disinformation.


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Rebels or ISIS - it all goes towards stability in Syria, which is a good thing for the region.

No mention in these articles of the hospital the US bombed in Afghanistan yesterday...

Now there's propaganda.

Two of 'em yet. Only the Putin flying fanboyz could conceive or accept the final statement as it is written.

Not propaganda.

The US is trying to oust Assad. After the debacles in Iraq (now a complete mess thanks to the US) and Libya (now a complete mess thanks in part to the US) - it appears nothing has been learnt.

Putin has clearly stated that his priority is stability - now you can believe that or not but you can be sure that if that IS the case - he will go after all factions looking to overthrow the government there and replace them with something else. That something else could quite possibly be Muslim extremists.

Or maybe Iraq and Libya are all roses now and it's purely Russian propaganda that makes them look like Extremist infested hell holes where it's not even safe to go to the local market.

As for the final statement - http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/03/us-afghanistan-attack-idUSKCN0RW0HC20151003 - 9 dead yesterday after the US bombed an Afghan hospital - or is this also pro-Russian propaganda too?

It is absurd to suggest or to imply the US military forces knowingly and consciously by plan and design attacked a hospital they knew to be a hospital. The US and partners are fighting people who use human shields so military commanders and other combatants are careful yet cannot be intimidated or diverted. The tragedy at the hospital will be properly investigated, facts found, conclusions drawn. Until then America bashers will have to suck wind.

Putin's answer to everything is a strongman dictator leader who himself is the rule of jungle law. The US continues to try to establish a diverse and reasonably balanced team of leaders when it can and where it can. The military coalition on the ground in Syria changed strategies early in the year and have had unprecedented coordination and success, which brings us to where we are at the present time and circumstance.

The salient reality of the present is that Russia, Syria, Iran are in an ad hoc military alliance of desperation. That Assad's situation had become tenuous is not new, however, this alliance born of panic is new. People in Western capitals can argue about the peoples of the ME region until the cows, camels and goats come home How to deal with it remains the question for the US and coalition partners, Nato and other formal treaty allies.

The Russian approach is the historical one of the tsars and the KGB, i.e., to squeeze your nuts until you cry out 'uncle' then to squeeze harder yet. In other words it is the usual, i.e., from Russia with love.

OK - so you think the dead an injured in that hospital feel better that they were the victims of incompetence and not intentionally targeted?

As for "US trying to establish a divers and reasonably balanced team of leaders where it can" - where is there remit for that and where has it actually worked? Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya? It has never once happened. At best (Vietnam), they got their asses kicked at worse - they left countries destroyed by their bombs, with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and with a power vacuum filled by despots.

I think your head is in the cold war. Russia is not the bad guy. The bad guy is the one doing all the killings and leaving countries in ruins.

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OK - so you think the dead an injured in that hospital feel better that they were the victims of incompetence and not intentionally targeted?

As for "US trying to establish a divers and reasonably balanced team of leaders where it can" - where is there remit for that and where has it actually worked? Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya? It has never once happened. At best (Vietnam), they got their asses kicked at worse - they left countries destroyed by their bombs, with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and with a power vacuum filled by despots.

I think your head is in the cold war. Russia is not the bad guy. The bad guy is the one doing all the killings and leaving countries in ruins.

So the Russian force killing innocent civilians now in Syria is OK? And the one who started all this, by killing innocent protesters, Assad, is OK also?

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No one said a word because it's a coalition of governments that are involved (almost 60 now) and the targets are ISIL. Remember them, the ones who cut people's heads off?

Russia is not bombing ISIL targets solely. Primarily rebel held areas primarily. Huge difference. Plus, Russia does have a bit of a recent history with taking over territory from other sovereign nations.

And yes, the initial bombing was controversial, but done with the cooperation of some Arab nations...even Assad.


The United States and its Arab allies bombed militant groups in Syria for the first time on Tuesday, killing scores of Islamic State fighters, members of a separate al Qaeda-linked group and opening a new front amid shifting Middle East alliances.

The attacks encountered no objection, and even signs of tacit approval, from President Bashar al-Assad's Syrian government, which said Washington had warned Damascus in advance.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates participated in or supported the strikes against Islamic State targets, U.S. Central Command said. The countries are hostile to Assad but now fear the fighters who emerged from the rebellion they backed in Syria's 3-year-old civil war.

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Most other media sites are saying this is not ISIL territory....

it's only the USA propaganda machine saying Russia is bombing none ISIL territory...

Propaganda and hypocrisy....what was the US's track record in wiping out soft targets and even shooting their allies in Iraq/Afganistan ? .....woops didnt they just bomb a hospital in Afganistan yesterday ?

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No one said a word because it's a coalition of governments that are involved (almost 60 now) and the targets are ISIL. Remember them, the ones who cut people's heads off?

Russia is not bombing ISIL targets solely. Primarily rebel held areas primarily. Huge difference. Plus, Russia does have a bit of a recent history with taking over territory from other sovereign nations.

And yes, the initial bombing was controversial, but done with the cooperation of some Arab nations...even Assad.


The United States and its Arab allies bombed militant groups in Syria for the first time on Tuesday, killing scores of Islamic State fighters, members of a separate al Qaeda-linked group and opening a new front amid shifting Middle East alliances.

The attacks encountered no objection, and even signs of tacit approval, from President Bashar al-Assad's Syrian government, which said Washington had warned Damascus in advance.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates participated in or supported the strikes against Islamic State targets, U.S. Central Command said. The countries are hostile to Assad but now fear the fighters who emerged from the rebellion they backed in Syria's 3-year-old civil war.


Yes, as can be immediately inferred from the post, opponents of the United States try to focus only on the USA and campaign to try to make the United States the bad guy always and the only bad guy in their galaxy.

In the Iran nuclear Agreement, opponents of the Agreement ignored the fact the P5+1 negotiated the Agreement led by the USA. Here in the Syria civil war, opponents of the USA again try falsely to focus all evil on the USA only and always. Enemies of the USA always try their best to ignore the fact of partners in a USA led coalition or negotiating team.

It is only due to the leveraging by the United States, the partner Arab and allied European nations that Putin finally made a semi-serious effort to hit ISIS. This suggests encouragingly for this side that Putin will not have the free hand militarily in Syria that he'd thought he would have predicated on Assad having invited him.

Assad has no legitimacy in Syria or in the ME or internationally. Neither does Putin and neither does Iran. None.

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How dare these Russkies bomb CIA assets?

How about aid workers? Or the ongoing evacuation of civilians under a truce that's being negotiated with the help of Iran?


GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations has been forced to suspend planned humanitarian operations in Syria under a ceasefire agreement due to a "surge of military activity", a spokeswoman for U.N. envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Friday.

Aid activities including evacuations of wounded had been planned in Zabadani, a town surrounded by pro-government forces near the Lebanon border, and in rebel-besieged Shi'ite villages in the northwestern province of Idlib in a deal agreed with U.N. help and backed by Iran and Turkey.

"The U.N. calls on all concerned parties to fulfill their responsibilities in the protection of civilians and reach the necessary understandings in order to implement this agreement as soon as possible," De Mistura's office said in a statement that made no explicit reference to Russia's bombing in Syria for a third day.

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Most other media sites are saying this is not ISIL territory....

Please give a link.


Look at the map. Most strikes are in rebel held territory, not ISIS held territory.

That was only the first day of bombing you are talking about. Yes, the first day was against the moderate US proxies like Al Queda. Today the targets are ISIS.

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