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Israel bans Arab workers from schools in several cities and further tightens security


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Israel bans Arab workers from schools in several cities and further tightens security


JERUSALEM: -- The atmosphere of crisis is gaining ground in Israel, with at least four cities including Tel Aviv temporarily banning Arab labourers from working in their schools.

The cabinet also announced a raft of new security measures at its regular Sunday meeting, including more roadblocks and sweeping stop and search powers, and the prime minister insisted Palestinian anger over supposed changes to al-Aqsa mosque was misplaced.

“We didn’t change anything. The orders of prayer, the visiting rights have not changed for the last fifteen years. The only thing that changed are Islamist hoodlums paid by the Islamist movement in Israel and by Hamas who are entering the mosque and trying to put explosives there,” said Benjamin Netanyahu.

In total at least 41 Palestinians and seven Israelis have died in the recent street violence which shows no sign of abating and is now raising concerns abroad. President Obama called for calm on Saturday, and Secretary of State John Kerry is meeting Netanyahu this week in Germany, and he will also meet the Palestinian president.

On Sunday in Rome Pope Francis added his voice to the appeals for calm, calling on people to have “courage and much fortitude to say no to hatred and vendettas, and to make gestures of peace.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-19

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Papa Frank should should stay out of this. He's already recognized "Palestine" ... a country that doesn't exist that if they did have an election today would elect a terror organization, Hamas, by a landslide (as in Gaza), and also Papa Frank facilitated the delusional and self-destructive Palestinian position of not directly negotiating with Israel.

The worker ban is really hard for innocent workers and hopefully this is only a TEMPORARY precaution. It happens to effect both Jewish and Arab school support workers, which the article fails to mention, is anyone surprised, though most are indeed Arabs.

Also to add this is about SOME cities in Israel doing this temporary ban, not ALL of Israel as the headline misleads about. I'm sure many will use this news to fuel further Israel demonization but things could go back to "normal" if the terrorists just cut it out.

Edited by Jingthing
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Papa Frank should should stay out of this. He's already recognized "Palestine" ... a country that doesn't exist that if they did have an election today would elect a terror organization, Hamas, by a landslide (as in Gaza), and also Papa Frank facilitated the delusional and self-destructive Palestinian position of not directly negotiating with Israel.

The worker ban is really hard for innocent workers and hopefully this is only a TEMPORARY precaution. It happens to effect both Jewish and Arab school support workers, which the article fails to mention, is anyone surprised, though most are indeed Arabs.

Also to add this is about SOME cities in Israel doing this temporary ban, not ALL of Israel as the headline misleads about. I'm sure many will use this news to fuel further Israel demonization but things could go back to "normal" if the terrorists just cut it out.

"..bans Arab workers.....in several cities...." What's misleading about that headline? Who thinks, from reading that headline, that "ALL of Israel" is affected? It's quite funny how some people see "Israel demonisation" everywhere, even to the point of not actually seeing an important word such as "several".

Anywhere else in the world, these bans would be condemned as racist and apartheid. And that's exactly what they are, racist and apartheid.

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Papa Frank should should stay out of this. He's already recognized "Palestine" ... a country that doesn't exist that if they did have an election today would elect a terror organization, Hamas, by a landslide (as in Gaza), and also Papa Frank facilitated the delusional and self-destructive Palestinian position of not directly negotiating with Israel.

The worker ban is really hard for innocent workers and hopefully this is only a TEMPORARY precaution. It happens to effect both Jewish and Arab school support workers, which the article fails to mention, is anyone surprised, though most are indeed Arabs.

Also to add this is about SOME cities in Israel doing this temporary ban, not ALL of Israel as the headline misleads about. I'm sure many will use this news to fuel further Israel demonization but things could go back to "normal" if the terrorists just cut it out.

"..bans Arab workers.....in several cities...." What's misleading about that headline? Who thinks, from reading that headline, that "ALL of Israel" is affected? It's quite funny how some people see "Israel demonisation" everywhere, even to the point of not actually seeing an important word such as "several".

Anywhere else in the world, these bans would be condemned as racist and apartheid. And that's exactly what they are, racist and apartheid.

I see the Zionist posters are getting paranoid now...even attacking their gay-friendly Pope...that is until he speaks the truth on Palestine.

The article is not clear...is this ban on "Arab" workers apply to Palestinian labour from the occupied territories, Zionist State Arab citizens, or both?

In either case, the racist apartheid State's true colours are showing through.

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Papa Frank should should stay out of this. He's already recognized "Palestine" ... a country that doesn't exist that if they did have an election today would elect a terror organization, Hamas, by a landslide (as in Gaza), and also Papa Frank facilitated the delusional and self-destructive Palestinian position of not directly negotiating with Israel.

The worker ban is really hard for innocent workers and hopefully this is only a TEMPORARY precaution. It happens to effect both Jewish and Arab school support workers, which the article fails to mention, is anyone surprised, though most are indeed Arabs.

Also to add this is about SOME cities in Israel doing this temporary ban, not ALL of Israel as the headline misleads about. I'm sure many will use this news to fuel further Israel demonization but things could go back to "normal" if the terrorists just cut it out.

The Pope's position on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is balanced and fair.

He doesn't deny the existence of the Palestinian people and the state that is very close to becoming a reality.

Things will never go back to "normal" until Israel is willing to live within their 1967 borders. That would gain them international support as well as cooperation from moderate Palestinians.

As things are now, Israel is a rogue state that is condemned all over the world... not just in the Vatican.

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Without getting into Judea, Samaria, Gaza, I think there is an ethical problem with discriminating against any Israeli citizens based on ethnicity. My understanding is that these school support workers are Israeli citizens, mostly Arabs, so even though some are Jews, the charge of discrimination has merit. On the other hand, being very concerned about potential terror attacks on schoolchildren is totally understandable. Hard situation.

To add, I think Israeli officials well understand the poor international PR optics of moves like that, banning workers who are mostly Arab. In general, Israeli policy favors combating terrorism/survival over the price paid in bad PR. I think if you're living there under the threat of Arab terrorists with knives, molotov cocktails, guns, and runover cars, it becomes harder to be a PC liberal about ethnic profiling, which is what this is.

Israel isn't Berkeley California. It's in a very rough neighborhood.

Edited by Jingthing
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Papa Frank should should stay out of this. He's already recognized "Palestine" ... a country that doesn't exist that if they did have an election today would elect a terror organization, Hamas, by a landslide (as in Gaza), and also Papa Frank facilitated the delusional and self-destructive Palestinian position of not directly negotiating with Israel.

The worker ban is really hard for innocent workers and hopefully this is only a TEMPORARY precaution. It happens to effect both Jewish and Arab school support workers, which the article fails to mention, is anyone surprised, though most are indeed Arabs.

Also to add this is about SOME cities in Israel doing this temporary ban, not ALL of Israel as the headline misleads about. I'm sure many will use this news to fuel further Israel demonization but things could go back to "normal" if the terrorists just cut it out.

"..bans Arab workers.....in several cities...." What's misleading about that headline? Who thinks, from reading that headline, that "ALL of Israel" is affected? It's quite funny how some people see "Israel demonisation" everywhere, even to the point of not actually seeing an important word such as "several".

Anywhere else in the world, these bans would be condemned as racist and apartheid. And that's exactly what they are, racist and apartheid.

I see the Zionist posters are getting paranoid now...even attacking their gay-friendly Pope...that is until he speaks the truth on Palestine.

The article is not clear...is this ban on "Arab" workers apply to Palestinian labour from the occupied territories, Zionist State Arab citizens, or both?

In either case, the racist apartheid State's true colours are showing through.

Now who exactly is going to take any advice or opinion from those forum contributors cheering on the stabbers?

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Sorry, I must have had a brain fart and it appears I misread the headline before. The headline is not misleading. It does not say this ban is Israel-wide. sorry.gif

Please consider this post a retraction of that sentence in my first post here.

Edited by Jingthing
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Papa Frank should should stay out of this. He's already recognized "Palestine" ... a country that doesn't exist that if they did have an election today would elect a terror organization, Hamas, by a landslide (as in Gaza), and also Papa Frank facilitated the delusional and self-destructive Palestinian position of not directly negotiating with Israel.

The worker ban is really hard for innocent workers and hopefully this is only a TEMPORARY precaution. It happens to effect both Jewish and Arab school support workers, which the article fails to mention, is anyone surprised, though most are indeed Arabs.

Also to add this is about SOME cities in Israel doing this temporary ban, not ALL of Israel as the headline misleads about. I'm sure many will use this news to fuel further Israel demonization but things could go back to "normal" if the terrorists just cut it out.

"..bans Arab workers.....in several cities...." What's misleading about that headline? Who thinks, from reading that headline, that "ALL of Israel" is affected? It's quite funny how some people see "Israel demonisation" everywhere, even to the point of not actually seeing an important word such as "several".

Anywhere else in the world, these bans would be condemned as racist and apartheid. And that's exactly what they are, racist and apartheid.

I see the Zionist posters are getting paranoid now...even attacking their gay-friendly Pope...that is until he speaks the truth on Palestine.

The article is not clear...is this ban on "Arab" workers apply to Palestinian labour from the occupied territories, Zionist State Arab citizens, or both?

In either case, the racist apartheid State's true colours are showing through.

Now who exactly is going to take any advice or opinion from those forum contributors cheering on the stabbers?

I think most posters like myself would like to see a long time joint peace effort in Israel and occupied territories. Typical deflection to shift the topic responsibility of Israeli and Palestinian government to insinuations on members on this forum...

What is Israel waiting to implement martial law ?

Banning Arab workers in public services and schools are selective measures if you let the citizens of Jerusalem carry and use their guns. Many Israeli extreem-right groups are systematically making razzia's all over the country. 'Price Targeting' towards Palestinians and other religious and ethnic minorities is still in place.

Martial law was implemented here in Thailand not so long ago for much lesser...

Why providing this exclusivity to a national suicide to the Israeli government if they refuse neutral UN troops in Jerusalem and they persist to the idea that there's still a status quo in Jerusalem...

Ah yes, let's wait for Kerry...for a hell of a pinpoint operation...

Edited by Thorgal
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I think Israel in general would prefer to err on the side of caution and not worry much about international PR. Imagine if they didn't do these bans and there was a massacre of schoolchildren. Not only the terrorist would be blamed. The Israeli officials that didn't prevent that would be blamed as well. That's internal politics. It's often much more compelling than international perceptions.

It's easy from a distance to say what the Israeli officials SHOULD do or what you would do, but it's not nearly so easy for the Israeli officials making these hard decisions.

There is of course a much bigger issue implied by this smaller news story ... the future situation for Arab Israeli citizens in a scenario of indefinite conflict of Israel with the Arab/Muslim world. Some right wing Israelis are promoting "loyalty oaths" which is of course very controversial. So this school ban is kind of a tip of the iceberg thing. It's a symptom of a much deeper fundamental problem.

This isn't exactly a new issue in history. Like during WW2 and the USA interned the Japanese American citizens in what were called concentration camps (but they weren't genocide camps as that term might suggest), accepted then as sensible, seen now as a horrible violation of human rights.

No, I don't have any quick and easy answers. It seems to me nobody does. I don't really get the use of loyalty oaths though. People could still lie, so what's the value in them?

Edited by Jingthing
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Here is some interesting background on these issues from a prominent Arab Israeli citizen:

Arab-Israeli news anchor Lucy Aharish isn’t afraid to take on both sides of her fraught identity. She has spoken out against the racism that Palestinians face in Israeli society as well as against Palestinian violence.

Aharish, 34, was interviewed on Tuesday on Israel’s Channel 2 about the wave of Palestinian terrorism that has Israel on edge. In a segment of the interview shared over 22,000 times on Facebook in less than 24 hours, Aharish slammed Palestinians for using religion as an excuse to attack Jews, and their leaders for inciting the violence.


Edited by Jingthing
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Here is some interesting background on these issues from a prominent Arab Israeli citizen:

Arab-Israeli news anchor Lucy Aharish isn’t afraid to take on both sides of her fraught identity. She has spoken out against the racism that Palestinians face in Israeli society as well as against Palestinian violence.

Aharish, 34, was interviewed on Tuesday on Israel’s Channel 2 about the wave of Palestinian terrorism that has Israel on edge. In a segment of the interview shared over 22,000 times on Facebook in less than 24 hours, Aharish slammed Palestinians for using religion as an excuse to attack Jews, and their leaders for inciting the violence.


Funny you mention Facebook, Their offices in Israel have been attacked by "persons unknown" for refusing to take down posts/links that are deemed to be anti-semitic in the last 24 hours....

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Here is some interesting background on these issues from a prominent Arab Israeli citizen:

Arab-Israeli news anchor Lucy Aharish isn’t afraid to take on both sides of her fraught identity. She has spoken out against the racism that Palestinians face in Israeli society as well as against Palestinian violence.

Aharish, 34, was interviewed on Tuesday on Israel’s Channel 2 about the wave of Palestinian terrorism that has Israel on edge. In a segment of the interview shared over 22,000 times on Facebook in less than 24 hours, Aharish slammed Palestinians for using religion as an excuse to attack Jews, and their leaders for inciting the violence.


Funny you mention Facebook, Their offices in Israel have been attacked by "persons unknown" for refusing to take down posts/links that are deemed to be anti-semitic in the last 24 hours....

"Attacked by persons unknown" says poster....

a poster was pasted with giant red hands and graffiti that read, "Blood on your hands" and "Stop_FB_terror." Political activist Rotem Gez claimed responsibility for the graffiti in an interview with Channel 2. He alleged that Facebook does not remove pages of incitement in order to get more engagement from the public.

"I decided to go out and campaign against them to make it clear our blood is on their hands," he told the Israeli commercial television channel, adding, "We decided to do this because you can't write anything on Facebook's Wall [on the site], so we transferred the protest to the company's physical wall, outside the network."


Them little differences.. In other news, said "person unknown" reported himself to the police and will be charged.

This is one of the pages in question:


And they even got a new little "like" icon:


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I think most posters like myself would like to see a long time joint peace effort in Israel and occupied territories. Typical deflection to shift the topic responsibility of Israeli and Palestinian government to insinuations on members on this forum...

What is Israel waiting to implement martial law ?

Banning Arab workers in public services and schools are selective measures if you let the citizens of Jerusalem carry and use their guns. Many Israeli extreem-right groups are systematically making razzia's all over the country. 'Price Targeting' towards Palestinians and other religious and ethnic minorities is still in place.

Martial law was implemented here in Thailand not so long ago for much lesser...

Why providing this exclusivity to a national suicide to the Israeli government if they refuse neutral UN troops in Jerusalem and they persist to the idea that there's still a status quo in Jerusalem...

Ah yes, let's wait for Kerry...for a hell of a pinpoint operation...

I think most posters, like yourself, are interested in seeing a version of peace conforming to their expressed views. There is relatively little willingness to discuss workable ways for compromise.

Nobody "let the citizens of Jerusalem carry and use their guns" - the call, by the mayor, was addressed to those having licensed fire-arms, and previous military experience. There was no call, or general permission to use them (which wouldn't be under his authority anyway). Even so, the call was criticized by some, and seen as a political maneuver by others.

.As for "Many Israeli extreem-right groups are systematically making razzia's all over the country" - systematic "razzias" (no less...) all over the country. Really? Off hand, I can think about a couple of incidents which might remotely conform to the above. More of the usual hyperbole. Most of the rioting within Israel was by Israeli Arabs, not that it figures in your post.

Again, how many "'Price Targeting' towards Palestinians and other religious and ethnic minorities" were there this last month? Casualties recorded?

As long as Israel considers Jerusalem (as a whole, even if obviously it ain't) as under Israeli sovereignty, unlikely UN Peacekeepers/observers will be acceptable. This being a right-wing government, there would have to be some very creative formulation for this to happen. For reference on how daft they can be - the police recommended putting up temporary concrete wall like constructions in certain areas between Arab and Jewish neighborhoods. The cabinet scrapped it as it would seem like they are dividing Jerusalem.

The UN Peacekeeping forces in Southern Lebanon and the Golan heights were mostly ornamental. If sides do not intend to keep the peace, or is some elements are bent on breaking it, there is little UN troops can do. If another example is needed, recall how well the EU monitor presence worked out in the Gaza Strip. The notion that the UN is neutral could be argued. And then there's this - how will it work? Muslim UN Forces only? Unlikely. Armed infidels with their filthy feet? Nah. Saying UN "troops" is a slogan, not a solution.

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The headline is indeed somewhat misleading, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Israel did not ban Arab worker from schools in several cities, but rather, several cities in Israel banned Arab workers from schools.

Some would say semantics, me I think there is a difference between national policy and local initiatives.

The OP does not supply additional details - the bans are specific for school hours, not general. Most of the workers have maintenance jobs and will theoretically be able to keep their posts. The move is a controversial one, and accordingly, there were other cities declaring they will not take such means. Also, several schools under banning cities jurisdiction defied the move or carried out strikes to express solidarity with the Arab workers. There is already a motion to raise the issue in parliament, and very unlikely this will survive long once it hits the Supreme Court. If some of these guys effected sue, they could be in for a windfall (there is another related ongoing issue concerning temporary contract worker rights).

All 'n all - not one of Israel's finest moments. And another push to further alienate Israeli Arabs at an already tense time. I get people are scared, understandable. But how this specific move addresses these fears or makes the situation anything but worse - no idea. Worth mentioning that the Minister of Education failed to comment (as far as I noticed) on this - guess he's too busy running his mouth at the government he's member of, or carrying on about how the PA incites their young. What does an Israeli school kid supposed to make of this ban?

Edited by Morch
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Without getting into Judea, Samaria, Gaza, I think there is an ethical problem with discriminating against any Israeli citizens based on ethnicity. My understanding is that these school support workers are Israeli citizens, mostly Arabs, so even though some are Jews, the charge of discrimination has merit. On the other hand, being very concerned about potential terror attacks on schoolchildren is totally understandable. Hard situation.

To add, I think Israeli officials well understand the poor international PR optics of moves like that, banning workers who are mostly Arab. In general, Israeli policy favors combating terrorism/survival over the price paid in bad PR. I think if you're living there under the threat of Arab terrorists with knives, molotov cocktails, guns, and runover cars, it becomes harder to be a PC liberal about ethnic profiling, which is what this is.

Israel isn't Berkeley California. It's in a very rough neighborhood.

I don't know that some of the effected workers are Jews, the OP and related articles do not say so.

Most of the workers in question are not in the age groups often related to terror attacks, most are main or secondary breadwinners. Not many radical students pick up a mop. Even if the ban is not full, some would almost certainly lose their jobs with their agencies, or will have to give up their second jobs, if they got them. We're talking minimum wages for these sort of jobs and not well to do people. The ban, partial or otherwise, is an insult and another instance in which they "do not belong". Getting fired and having trouble providing for family doesn't help as well.

So parents may feel safer, alright. But what grows of the seeds of resentment these workers and their families represent?

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I think Israel in general would prefer to err on the side of caution and not worry much about international PR. Imagine if they didn't do these bans and there was a massacre of schoolchildren. Not only the terrorist would be blamed. The Israeli officials that didn't prevent that would be blamed as well. That's internal politics. It's often much more compelling than international perceptions.

It's easy from a distance to say what the Israeli officials SHOULD do or what you would do, but it's not nearly so easy for the Israeli officials making these hard decisions.

There is of course a much bigger issue implied by this smaller news story ... the future situation for Arab Israeli citizens in a scenario of indefinite conflict of Israel with the Arab/Muslim world. Some right wing Israelis are promoting "loyalty oaths" which is of course very controversial. So this school ban is kind of a tip of the iceberg thing. It's a symptom of a much deeper fundamental problem.

This isn't exactly a new issue in history. Like during WW2 and the USA interned the Japanese American citizens in what were called concentration camps (but they weren't genocide camps as that term might suggest), accepted then as sensible, seen now as a horrible violation of human rights.

No, I don't have any quick and easy answers. It seems to me nobody does. I don't really get the use of loyalty oaths though. People could still lie, so what's the value in them?

If this was a national policy, it would make sense (not much, as posted before) from a security point of view.. As is, it amounts to local initiatives taken because the Israeli government does not provide any direction or support to its citizens. Mayors taking such decisions without government approval or comment is not the norm. It is not even clear under what authority this is based on, to be honest. Doubtful that a mayor could issue a direct ban over ethnicity/race and get away with it. My guess is that they went and opted out from contract with temp workers agencies instead.

This is good PR sense if one is a mayor and a vocal group of voters makes demands, it is good PR in case something bad happens. Mayors do not deal with the international community, but operate on a local/domestic politics level. Its horrible PR on a national level, but nothing new with the dimwits running things.

The way the current Israeli government rolls, most ministers do anything but their designated jobs and most shy away from taking any major decisions. They sure do talk a lot, though. If it reminds some of another, closer, government...well, yeah.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_See_the_Paradise - this?

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Here is some interesting background on these issues from a prominent Arab Israeli citizen:

Arab-Israeli news anchor Lucy Aharish isn’t afraid to take on both sides of her fraught identity. She has spoken out against the racism that Palestinians face in Israeli society as well as against Palestinian violence.

Aharish, 34, was interviewed on Tuesday on Israel’s Channel 2 about the wave of Palestinian terrorism that has Israel on edge. In a segment of the interview shared over 22,000 times on Facebook in less than 24 hours, Aharish slammed Palestinians for using religion as an excuse to attack Jews, and their leaders for inciting the violence.


Funny you mention Facebook, Their offices in Israel have been attacked by "persons unknown" for refusing to take down posts/links that are deemed to be anti-semitic in the last 24 hours....

"Attacked by persons unknown" says poster....

a poster was pasted with giant red hands and graffiti that read, "Blood on your hands" and "Stop_FB_terror." Political activist Rotem Gez claimed responsibility for the graffiti in an interview with Channel 2. He alleged that Facebook does not remove pages of incitement in order to get more engagement from the public.

"I decided to go out and campaign against them to make it clear our blood is on their hands," he told the Israeli commercial television channel, adding, "We decided to do this because you can't write anything on Facebook's Wall [on the site], so we transferred the protest to the company's physical wall, outside the network."


Them little differences.. In other news, said "person unknown" reported himself to the police and will be charged.

This is one of the pages in question:


And they even got a new little "like" icon:


In the report i read it said " person(s) unknown" so please put your paranoia away this time just quoting what I read....sorry up cant pounce upon me and brand me an anti-zioinist, anti-jew or what ever provocative terms your using today and accuse me of creating conspiracy theories just giving a direct quote

Edited by Soutpeel
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Funny you mention Facebook, Their offices in Israel have been attacked by "persons unknown" for refusing to take down posts/links that are deemed to be anti-semitic in the last 24 hours....

"Attacked by persons unknown" says poster....

a poster was pasted with giant red hands and graffiti that read, "Blood on your hands" and "Stop_FB_terror." Political activist Rotem Gez claimed responsibility for the graffiti in an interview with Channel 2. He alleged that Facebook does not remove pages of incitement in order to get more engagement from the public.

"I decided to go out and campaign against them to make it clear our blood is on their hands," he told the Israeli commercial television channel, adding, "We decided to do this because you can't write anything on Facebook's Wall [on the site], so we transferred the protest to the company's physical wall, outside the network."


Them little differences.. In other news, said "person unknown" reported himself to the police and will be charged.

This is one of the pages in question:


And they even got a new little "like" icon:


In the report i read it said " person(s) unknown" so please put your paranoia away this time just quoting what I read....sorry up cant pounce upon me and brand me an anti-zioinist, anti-jew or what ever provocative terms your using today and accuse me of creating conspiracy theories just giving a direct quote

You did not link any report in your post, and my point was more about posting snippets of inaccurate and partial information. This is also quite common with OPs on this forum.

I haven't posted anything resembling allegations of "anti-Zionist", "anti-Jew" with regard to your post, and these are not a central ingredient of my posting in general. Must be your paranoia at work here.

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