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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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What went so badly wrong in your life you thought it'd be a good idea to chop your penis off?

Because that's like 100x more crazy than working for $3.50 an hour online.

No mate, not me.... I am with a Transgender Thai and we are not sponging off the system on $300 a month

What 'system' would that be then?

A system of writing a lifestyle blog for down an out gambler's; "How to sponge off a Thai girl, using her resources an know how in how to live in Thailand for $300 a month" because you sure could not do it without her help! ... you would be up a creek...

For a start. I'm not the guy who wrote the blog. I'm the guy he interviewed.

Think it's pretty standard to use someones local knowledge to help out, and I disagree completely that this is 'sponging'. If I had a girlfriend in the UK who was an exchange student from say, China...I'd certainly help her find the cheapest places to buy food, clothes etc...and I wouldn't consider her to be sponging off me at all...

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You have to remember some people feel their only worth to the GF/Wife, is their wallet ! 'How can she love me if I have no money ' ...... Their is plenty of decent women out there that would love an equal relationship you just can't start it unequal as that means your both in it for the wrong reasons .

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You have to remember some people feel their only worth to the GF/Wife, is their wallet ! 'How can she love me if I have no money ' ...... Their is plenty of decent women out there that would love an equal relationship you just can't start it unequal as that means your both in it for the wrong reasons .

Thailand, especially with a Thai family can be very different. My partners sister has a boyfriend and is paid 9000 a month for his job. He gives his girl friends mother 1000 baht a month and it is expected. Just about everyone I know in our area, the same thing happens. The Thai boyfriend gives the mother a small amount of money every month.

I would not like to think what grinders Thai family would be thinking, shacking up with a poor farang and not contributing to the "Thai" way of doing things. Either that the girl is not telling her folks that she is with a farang. I know too many Thai girls that would throw Thai guys out for a lot less. In reality, most Thai girls would prefer to have a Thai guy; a farang is really second choice and most the time it is only for security but most farang men do not really want to think that because they are so 'hand sum". Sure some guys might have successful marriages here but for any Thai lady to get involved with a farang, security for herself and her family will always be first and I just think too many guys here do not see that, or are blinded by the truth of it or just think it is true love. The fact is most older guys here marry Thai Village girls and you are not going to take away the family values that have been instilled in them for a 100 generations. I have seen marriages here work very well from people with the same social-economical status (educated Thai/farang partnerships) and some of these people have become very good friends of mine. What I have seen is that there education is similar, work standards are the same and like any partnership, they work together well.

Look, really, I take my hat off to grinder for what he is doing. I would hate to try it and I would hate to live in such conditions even when I was younger but on a whole, it is so wrong within the Thai way of doing things, that he either has a girl that does really love him as many Thais, like I said even hooked up to a Thai guy, would not put up with it. If she really loves him this much, I would not let her get away from me as finding someone that will partner with you, when life is as hard as they have it, is a very rare commodity.

I really hope he does not 'leave her up a creek without a paddle' when he leaves.

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Her mother knows about me. With that said I've never known a single foreigner sending money to their girlfriends mother each month outside those who shacked up with whores. IMO anyone doing so needs to grow a set of balls though.

This is also an equal relationship, so even if it's true...which I somewhat doubt...I could just as easily say that the foreign way of doing things is not to send parents money. That is just as valid a viewpoint, is it not?

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"I cried because I had no shoes, until I met another man, who had no feet" Count your blessings! Thailand is perhaps the one, and only country in the world, where a foreigner could possibly manage to maintain a decent lifestyle, on $300./mo.coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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,what s wrong to live in a small room at 3000 bahts? it s like staying in a cheap hotel.

he probably sleeps better than a guy living in a millions dollars house. he probably eat better Street food than your fast food and his girlfriend is the best Thai lady that even all you money can never buy.

I don't really care about a nice bathroom as I will spend just a few minutes a day , we spend our time sleeping, watching TV, talking, on pc,... no need to have 5 bed rooms house. op has no children and don't want any probably.

we don't need all these fancy shitty things in life to be happy(you have been brainwashed by the American dream if you think so ) . if he is happy with little, this is what really counts.

do you think monks are truly unhappy to live in a 9 sqm rooms and sharing the rest?

why you guys don't go back to farangistan to buy a bigger house and a bigger car or motorbike. run, farang, run...

I think old farangs have lived too long in a sedentary system and have hard time to understand that they are still not happy with their materialistic life. they simply failed their life because they have always looked for more. you can always have more. it's much harder and more challenging to live with less. live with minimum is only reserved for the best of us.

go back in farangland and ask them if they are happy. how many times have you heard people saying they are happy in farang land. ? me never.... they don't even know what is happiness, they all think about how to pay their bills for their car, iphone and divorce with Betty the bitch....

Edited by VIPinthailand
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,what s wrong to live in a small room at 3000 bahts? it s like staying in a cheap hotel.

he probably sleeps better than a guy living in a millions dollars house. he probably eat better Street food than your fast food and his girlfriend is the best Thai lady that even all you money can never buy.

I don't really care about a nice bathroom as I will spend just a few minutes a day , we spend our time sleeping, watching TV, talking, on pc,... no need to have 5 bed rooms house. op has no children and don't want any probably.

we don't need all these fancy shitty things in life to be happy(you have been brainwashed by the American dream if you think so ) . if he is happy with little, this is what really counts.

do you think monks are truly unhappy to live in a 9 sqm rooms and sharing the rest?

why you guys don't go back to farangistan to buy a bigger house and a bigger car or motorbike. run, farang, run...

This part of your post I totally agree with.

Then you went of on some sort of ageist/racist rant which had little to do with the topic.

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I don't really care about a nice bathroom as I will spend just a few minutes a day , we spend our time sleeping, watching TV, talking, on pc,... no need to have 5 bed rooms house. op has no children and don't want any probably.

we don't need all these fancy shitty things in life to be happy(you have been brainwashed by the American dream if you think so )....

A clean bathroom with a hot-water sink is a "fancy shitty" thing?

Where do you come from?

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Ignore them OP. When I was about your age I'd travelled all of this continent for 1.5 years on $7000 (flights inclusive).

I came back home at 24 completely skint.

Twice in my life I had nothing. My family did, but I asked no one for help. It was perhaps some of my happiest and formative life years. Since then I realised I really needed to get after it.

Now 20 years later, there's 2 large at home and growing.

I'm married and live with my wife in BKK. I have not spent one dollar since married here in this country and her family wish for nothing other than I be a good man for their daughter and youngest sister.

Although very different in ways we have very similar backgrounds, drives and aspirations.

Trust me, when you do have uncompromising love, money doesn't enter into the equation. As long as you have enough.

We spend about $1000-$1200 per month combined.

We could easily spend more but don't have the need. We often spend less.

We have both been on $300 per month and less.

As long as you consolidate when u return to the homeland.

You need enough to lead a happy, healthy life but more doesn't necessarily make one any happier.

The oilfield lads will have you believe they are well travelled and experienced in life. Trust me OP, they aren't. Most travel through countries and they stay at western resorts and I bet you my bottom dollar that it's these lads that are shacked up with hookers. Don't worry OP, hope you keep having wins, but make sure you are transparent with your gf. Do the right by her mate.

Edited by JoopJoop
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You have to remember some people feel their only worth to the GF/Wife, is their wallet ! 'How can she love me if I have no money ' ...... Their is plenty of decent women out there that would love an equal relationship you just can't start it unequal as that means your both in it for the wrong reasons .

Thailand, especially with a Thai family can be very different. My partners sister has a boyfriend and is paid 9000 a month for his job. He gives his girl friends mother 1000 baht a month and it is expected. Just about everyone I know in our area, the same thing happens. The Thai boyfriend gives the mother a small amount of money every month.

I would not like to think what grinders Thai family would be thinking, shacking up with a poor farang and not contributing to the "Thai" way of doing things. Either that the girl is not telling her folks that she is with a farang. I know too many Thai girls that would throw Thai guys out for a lot less. In reality, most Thai girls would prefer to have a Thai guy; a farang is really second choice and most the time it is only for security but most farang men do not really want to think that because they are so 'hand sum". Sure some guys might have successful marriages here but for any Thai lady to get involved with a farang, security for herself and her family will always be first and I just think too many guys here do not see that, or are blinded by the truth of it or just think it is true love. The fact is most older guys here marry Thai Village girls and you are not going to take away the family values that have been instilled in them for a 100 generations. I have seen marriages here work very well from people with the same social-economical status (educated Thai/farang partnerships) and some of these people have become very good friends of mine. What I have seen is that there education is similar, work standards are the same and like any partnership, they work together well.

Look, really, I take my hat off to grinder for what he is doing. I would hate to try it and I would hate to live in such conditions even when I was younger but on a whole, it is so wrong within the Thai way of doing things, that he either has a girl that does really love him as many Thais, like I said even hooked up to a Thai guy, would not put up with it. If she really loves him this much, I would not let her get away from me as finding someone that will partner with you, when life is as hard as they have it, is a very rare commodity.

I really hope he does not 'leave her up a creek without a paddle' when he leaves.

Lot of common sense written there ! I don't send my ML any money but you can bet your boots if she needed it I would give to her without hesitation . Edited by chrisandsu
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Lets applaud the girl. Love is a lot more important than defecation facilities.....................hahahahahaha. I f grinder really cares for this girl he would send money from eu when he is rolling in dough- at worst just to show his appreciation .

Lets be real. Not many girls would subsidize a farang!

Edited by Nomyai
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I don't really care about a nice bathroom as I will spend just a few minutes a day , we spend our time sleeping, watching TV, talking, on pc,... no need to have 5 bed rooms house. op has no children and don't want any probably.

we don't need all these fancy shitty things in life to be happy(you have been brainwashed by the American dream if you think so )....

A clean bathroom with a hot-water sink is a "fancy shitty" thing?

Where do you come from?

cheesy.gif VP comes up with some crazy trash talk clap2.gif

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I don't really care about a nice bathroom as I will spend just a few minutes a day , we spend our time sleeping, watching TV, talking, on pc,... no need to have 5 bed rooms house. op has no children and don't want any probably.

we don't need all these fancy shitty things in life to be happy(you have been brainwashed by the American dream if you think so )....

A clean bathroom with a hot-water sink is a "fancy shitty" thing?

Where do you come from?

One of the things I never miss about Thailand is getting up at night and peeing whilst standing barefoot in cold water.

Indeed, returning to a civilized bathroom leaves me with a feeling of luxury that I never knew I had.

Edited by fey
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My hobbyhorse is housing costs. Even if you say that everything bar housing - food, travel, haircuts - is the same price (which it ain't) most people have to be saving at least £300/$450 on housing costs. So this thread is really, "Broke and Living on $750 a month". Well, that's an awful lot of people, including the urban poor in the US, and they've more chance of getting shot or stabbed, and generally have less in the way of casual grooviness smile.png

[Not too many one hour $5 back rubs in South Central Los Angeles].

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My hobbyhorse is housing costs. Even if you say that everything bar housing - food, travel, haircuts - is the same price (which it ain't) most people have to be saving at least £300/$450 on housing costs. So this thread is really, "Broke and Living on $750 a month". Well, that's an awful lot of people, including the urban poor in the US, and they've more chance of getting shot or stabbed, and generally have less in the way of casual grooviness smile.png

[Not too many one hour $5 back rubs in South Central Los Angeles].

No shortage of $20 BJ's though.

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My hobbyhorse is housing costs. Even if you say that everything bar housing - food, travel, haircuts - is the same price (which it ain't) most people have to be saving at least £300/$450 on housing costs. So this thread is really, "Broke and Living on $750 a month". Well, that's an awful lot of people, including the urban poor in the US, and they've more chance of getting shot or stabbed, and generally have less in the way of casual grooviness smile.png

[Not too many one hour $5 back rubs in South Central Los Angeles].

The "Urban Poor" in the US are on welfare and are given quite a bit more than $750 per month. In Washington, D.C., and 10 particularly generous states — Hawaii, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maryland, New Hampshire and California — welfare programs provide a mother with two young children an annual benefit worth more than $35,000 a year. The value of the package in a medium-level welfare state is $28,500. That income is also tax free and would put that "poor" urban mother in the top 35% of incomes in the world. In many cases, the fathers of those same young children claim them too and would receive another $35,000 per year income.

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My hobbyhorse is housing costs. Even if you say that everything bar housing - food, travel, haircuts - is the same price (which it ain't) most people have to be saving at least £300/$450 on housing costs. So this thread is really, "Broke and Living on $750 a month". Well, that's an awful lot of people, including the urban poor in the US, and they've more chance of getting shot or stabbed, and generally have less in the way of casual grooviness smile.png

[Not too many one hour $5 back rubs in South Central Los Angeles].

The "Urban Poor" in the US are on welfare and are given quite a bit more than $750 per month. In Washington, D.C., and 10 particularly generous states — Hawaii, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maryland, New Hampshire and California — welfare programs provide a mother with two young children an annual benefit worth more than $35,000 a year. The value of the package in a medium-level welfare state is $28,500. That income is also tax free and would put that "poor" urban mother in the top 35% of incomes in the world. In many cases, the fathers of those same young children claim them too and would receive another $35,000 per year income.

Yeah, but a single bloke (or indeed a female) with no kids and no unemployment insurance has fanny adams. People with the minimum of (IIRC) ten qualifying years of social security are as close to screwed as makes no difference, which is why so many of them are in Thailand or somewhere similar.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

Im actually SpeEcHLesS!

If i were a thai girl id surely expect better toilet facilities from a western bf.

That explains what you

rely on to get women here

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imagine taking a dump in a bus station (ekkamai and Pattaya come to mind) toilet everday. I just walked thru both recently.

Id be ashamed if i couldnt get a better toilet for a gf. We all know shes not a real gf.

I'd be ashamed to be with a girl who is only with me for stuff I can buy her.

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Well, that's an awful lot of people, including the urban poor in the US, and they've more chance of getting shot or stabbed...

Let's stay real, OK? The gun murder rate in Thailand is the 5th highest in the world and is about 10X the rate per capita as the US. Yes, you are about 10X more likely to be murdered by a gun in Thailand as in the US. Link

Now, let's not even start on highway deaths which statistics aren't kept honestly in Thailand but are still atrocious.

Oh, and then there are those balconies...

It's amazing how people will sit in Thailand which is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and talk about how safe they are.

Now, what were you saying about your "casual grooviness?"


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dont be so stubborn or youll be broke your whole life! thailand is for trust fund babies or guys whove worked theeir way up to thailand living.................hahahahaha.

Thailand is for anyone with a visa who feels like staying there, sorry.

How will you stump up the money for a METV? It looks like you will have to do SETV runs in friendly countries in the future but with a sore lack of money, maybe you will have to get a loan off your GF to get you over the line every 3 months? One Visa refusal and you would be stuck in another country with no way out.

Nope, living off a oily rag and hoping it does not catch fire is not a nice way to live....

No, you got it wrong... Thailand is slowly becoming a place that people with money that can buy a Visa and can show funds can stay for a while; not just because you think you can stay here because 'you can'. Those days are going by the way-side....

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Well, that's an awful lot of people, including the urban poor in the US, and they've more chance of getting shot or stabbed...

Let's stay real, OK? The gun murder rate in Thailand is the 5th highest in the world and is about 10X the rate per capita as the US. Yes, you are about 10X more likely to be murdered by a gun in Thailand as in the US. Link

Now, let's not even start on highway deaths which statistics aren't kept honestly in Thailand but are still atrocious.

Oh, and then there are those balconies...

It's amazing how people will sit in Thailand which is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and talk about how safe they are.

Now, what were you saying about your "casual grooviness?"


Well, let's compare like with like. If you're living on damn all in Thailand your alternative is urban hell in the US, not a gated community in suburban splendor. The US rates, and the Thai rates, need to be dis-aggregated to make them meaningful. In the US the rates are made much worse by urban kids - mainly from the minorities. In Thailand the figures are made much worse by people i) in dodgy relationships, ii) in business, iii) getting drunk and posturing, without realising the implications, and iv) involved in crime.

Someone poor who doesn't interact in ways i-iv can be safe on no money in Thailand. They'd struggle in large parts of the Western world.

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