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how serious is it not to get vaccinations in phuket?

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wasnt sure if this is the right category but yeah I'm staying near kamala beach and I was in bangkok for 2 weeks, I got no vaccinations and got a few misquito bites so far. How strong of a chance is it that I catch something and where can I get these vaccinations locally and how much does it cost?

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There are no vaccinations available at all for the two most common mosquito-borne diseases, malaria and dengue fever, so the decision doesn't arise.

Malaria is not a risk in Phuket, and there are no drugs that can be taken to prevent dengue transmission, other than avoiding mosquito bites.

Japanese encephalitis B is mosquito-borne, and there is a vaccine available, but it is really only necessary if you are spending a long period in an area where it is endemic, that is up country where there are a lot of infected humans or reservoir animals (mainly pigs). This does not apply to Phuket, so is not necessary.


Better be prepared for dog bites and similar (tetanus).

Do you have vaccination for Hepatitis A and B? Thats also useful.


Never had any vaccinations here in 20 years of living here in Phuket.

Dengue is the most likely problem, something I do worry about. But ain't no shot for Dengue. Use mosquito repellent if outside.


It's always good to be up to date with your tetanus vaccine. As others have said, no vaccine yet, although I've read there's one in the works for Dengue. The one that I got here that crippled me for over two years was another mosquito bourn virus that there also isn't a vaccine for, chikungunya, that I was infected with in Rawai about 6 years ago. Dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya come for the same type of mosquito, the Aedes Aegypti and are very identifiable by the white stripes on their legs. They are daytime biters, as well as evening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes_aegypti



Ive been here 2 years. Think i was recommended a total of 12 vaccinations if i stay long time in thailand. I took none.

Havent been sick 1 day in 7 years. Dont know if chlamydia and gonorrea counts as sickness though haha


I read only recently (May be on here!) that a combination of oral vitamins B1, B6, and B12, will prevent mosquito bites. Since I read this I have been taking a B complex which includes all these. Did cop one bit a few evenings ago whilst outside. Not a sufficient test yet!


It's always good to be up to date with your tetanus vaccine. As others have said, no vaccine yet, although I've read there's one in the works for Dengue. The one that I got here that crippled me for over two years was another mosquito bourn virus that there also isn't a vaccine for, chikungunya, that I was infected with in Rawai about 6 years ago. Dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya come for the same type of mosquito, the Aedes Aegypti and are very identifiable by the white stripes on their legs. They are daytime biters, as well as evening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes_aegypti

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-10-23 at 4.19.20 PM.png

There.is NO, risk of contacting Yellow Fever in Thailand.


The only vaccines which one should need in addition to those obtained routinely at home are


Hep A & B

Japanese encephalitis if intending to spent time in rural areas where pigs are farmed.( Transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Culex species mosquitoes.)


It's always good to be up to date with your tetanus vaccine. As others have said, no vaccine yet, although I've read there's one in the works for Dengue. The one that I got here that crippled me for over two years was another mosquito bourn virus that there also isn't a vaccine for, chikungunya, that I was infected with in Rawai about 6 years ago. Dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya come for the same type of mosquito, the Aedes Aegypti and are very identifiable by the white stripes on their legs. They are daytime biters, as well as evening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes_aegypti

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-10-23 at 4.19.20 PM.png

There.is NO, risk of contacting Yellow Fever in Thailand.

I didn't say there was. I only said it is the same mosquito that carries those diseases...


The only vaccines which one should need in addition to those obtained routinely at home are


Hep A & B

Japanese encephalitis if intending to spent time in rural areas where pigs are farmed.( Transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Culex species mosquitoes.)

Tourist and locals sneeze and cough around you 365 days a year add a flue shot.


I read only recently (May be on here!) that a combination of oral vitamins B1, B6, and B12, will prevent mosquito bites. Since I read this I have been taking a B complex which includes all these. Did cop one bit a few evenings ago whilst outside. Not a sufficient test yet!

And bull samen prevent for aging!!! Try it!!!


I read only recently (May be on here!) that a combination of oral vitamins B1, B6, and B12, will prevent mosquito bites. Since I read this I have been taking a B complex which includes all these. Did cop one bit a few evenings ago whilst outside. Not a sufficient test yet!

And bull samen prevent for aging!!! Try it!!!

But it only works intravenously!


Never had any vaccinations here in 20 years of living here in Phuket.

Dengue is the most likely problem, something I do worry about. But ain't no shot for Dengue. Use mosquito repellent if outside.

skeeters do not like the cold environment that is found near da barstool . no dengue buzzing going on there ..............


I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 years and had my most recent vaccine - a tetanus booster - over 40 years ago. I won't be having any further vaccinations because as far as I am concerned they are all unnecessary, useless and dangerous. Vaccines actually cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.

"The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud."
Russell Blaylock MD

"Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body."
Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, Australian Vaccine researcher


I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 years and had my most recent vaccine - a tetanus booster - over 40 years ago. I won't be having any further vaccinations because as far as I am concerned they are all unnecessary, useless and dangerous. Vaccines actually cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.

"The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud."

Russell Blaylock MD

"Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body."

Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, Australian Vaccine researcher

Instead of lauding these two elderly conspiracy theorists you should do some research on their claims!

Blaydock - (Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.) - Wikipedia

Blaylock frequently appears on the Christian Broadcasting Network to espouse his theories and flog his books.

Schreibner, 90yo, is not a medical doctor, but a retired micropaleontologist.

(Dr Stephen Basser has written an extensive critical review of "the quality of the science of ... Scheibner" entitled Anti-immunisation scare: The inconvenient facts.

One of his criticisms involves a conclusion Scheibner makes regarding a potential correlation between SIDS and immunisation in Japan. After review of her principal sources and her resultant conclusion, he states that

"Dr. Scheibner's analysis of them...is at best sloppy, and at worst blatantly dishonest."

In 1997, the Australian Skeptics awarded her the "Bent Spoon Award". This award is presented annually to the Australian "perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific piffle":

"The unanimous choice of the judges was Dr Viera Scheibner for her high profile anti-immunisation campaign which, by promoting new age and conspiracy mythology and by owing little to scientific methodologies or research, poses a serious threat to the health of Australian children) -Wikipedia


There are no vaccinations available at all for the most common mosquito-borne disease, malaria

Wrong. You can take pre-emptive tablets when in a malaria prone area to stop infection.

Op, I would be more worried about catching a cold/virus off your partner for the night than worrying about malaria and dengue in places like Bangkok and Phuket, lol.


There are no vaccinations available at all for the most common mosquito-borne disease, malaria

Wrong. You can take pre-emptive tablets when in a malaria prone area to stop infection.

Op, I would be more worried about catching a cold/virus off your partner for the night than worrying about malaria and dengue in places like Bangkok and Phuket, lol.

I'm aware of this of course. A drug is not a vaccine, and the OP was asking about vaccines and shots.

In Phuket malaria is not a risk, and therefore taking all the well known malarial prophylactic drugs is not necessary.


I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 years and had my most recent vaccine - a tetanus booster - over 40 years ago. I won't be having any further vaccinations because as far as I am concerned they are all unnecessary, useless and dangerous. Vaccines actually cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.

"The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud."

Russell Blaylock MD

"Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body."

Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, Australian Vaccine researcher

Instead of lauding these two elderly conspiracy theorists you should do some research on their claims!

Blaydock - (Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.) - Wikipedia

Blaylock frequently appears on the Christian Broadcasting Network to espouse his theories and flog his books.

Schreibner, 90yo, is not a medical doctor, but a retired micropaleontologist.

(Dr Stephen Basser has written an extensive critical review of "the quality of the science of ... Scheibner" entitled Anti-immunisation scare: The inconvenient facts.

One of his criticisms involves a conclusion Scheibner makes regarding a potential correlation between SIDS and immunisation in Japan. After review of her principal sources and her resultant conclusion, he states that

"Dr. Scheibner's analysis of them...is at best sloppy, and at worst blatantly dishonest."

In 1997, the Australian Skeptics awarded her the "Bent Spoon Award". This award is presented annually to the Australian "perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific piffle":

"The unanimous choice of the judges was Dr Viera Scheibner for her high profile anti-immunisation campaign which, by promoting new age and conspiracy mythology and by owing little to scientific methodologies or research, poses a serious threat to the health of Australian children) -Wikipedia

Of course people like Dr Blaylock and Dr Scheibner get attacked for telling the truth! Dr Wakefield was also vilified and had his career destroyed for suggesting that the MMR vaccine may be responsible for autism and bowel disorders.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

You have all the vaccines you want but there is absolutely NO WAY I would let anyone with a vaccine come near me or any child of mine.




I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 years and had my most recent vaccine - a tetanus booster - over 40 years ago. I won't be having any further vaccinations because as far as I am concerned they are all unnecessary, useless and dangerous. Vaccines actually cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.

"The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud."

Russell Blaylock MD

"Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body."

Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, Australian Vaccine researcher

Instead of lauding these two elderly conspiracy theorists you should do some research on their claims!

Blaydock - (Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.) - Wikipedia

Blaylock frequently appears on the Christian Broadcasting Network to espouse his theories and flog his books.

Schreibner, 90yo, is not a medical doctor, but a retired micropaleontologist.

(Dr Stephen Basser has written an extensive critical review of "the quality of the science of ... Scheibner" entitled Anti-immunisation scare: The inconvenient facts.

One of his criticisms involves a conclusion Scheibner makes regarding a potential correlation between SIDS and immunisation in Japan. After review of her principal sources and her resultant conclusion, he states that

"Dr. Scheibner's analysis of them...is at best sloppy, and at worst blatantly dishonest."

In 1997, the Australian Skeptics awarded her the "Bent Spoon Award". This award is presented annually to the Australian "perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific piffle":

"The unanimous choice of the judges was Dr Viera Scheibner for her high profile anti-immunisation campaign which, by promoting new age and conspiracy mythology and by owing little to scientific methodologies or research, poses a serious threat to the health of Australian children) -Wikipedia

Of course people like Dr Blaylock and Dr Scheibner get attacked for telling the truth! Dr Wakefield was also vilified and had his career destroyed for suggesting that the MMR vaccine may be responsible for autism and bowel disorders.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

You have all the vaccines you want but there is absolutely NO WAY I would let anyone with a vaccine come near me or any child of mine.


A typical "vaccine denying" post.!

These people are a threat to the well being of children.


The proven value of protecting against vaccine preventable disease is evident to most.

Not worthy of a detailed response.

But this is worth reading



I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 years and had my most recent vaccine - a tetanus booster - over 40 years ago. I won't be having any further vaccinations because as far as I am concerned they are all unnecessary, useless and dangerous. Vaccines actually cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.

"The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud."

Russell Blaylock MD

"Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body."

Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, Australian Vaccine researcher

Instead of lauding these two elderly conspiracy theorists you should do some research on their claims!

Blaydock - (Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.) - Wikipedia

Blaylock frequently appears on the Christian Broadcasting Network to espouse his theories and flog his books.

Schreibner, 90yo, is not a medical doctor, but a retired micropaleontologist.

(Dr Stephen Basser has written an extensive critical review of "the quality of the science of ... Scheibner" entitled Anti-immunisation scare: The inconvenient facts.

One of his criticisms involves a conclusion Scheibner makes regarding a potential correlation between SIDS and immunisation in Japan. After review of her principal sources and her resultant conclusion, he states that

"Dr. Scheibner's analysis of them...is at best sloppy, and at worst blatantly dishonest."

In 1997, the Australian Skeptics awarded her the "Bent Spoon Award". This award is presented annually to the Australian "perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific piffle":

"The unanimous choice of the judges was Dr Viera Scheibner for her high profile anti-immunisation campaign which, by promoting new age and conspiracy mythology and by owing little to scientific methodologies or research, poses a serious threat to the health of Australian children) -Wikipedia

Of course people like Dr Blaylock and Dr Scheibner get attacked for telling the truth! Dr Wakefield was also vilified and had his career destroyed for suggesting that the MMR vaccine may be responsible for autism and bowel disorders.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

You have all the vaccines you want but there is absolutely NO WAY I would let anyone with a vaccine come near me or any child of mine.


I guess you didn't grow up around people who had polio like I did when I was a kid… F'ing brilliant!


Do you have any thoughts on chemtrails?

Funny you asked. I never did believe it. Then one day this year I was looking at a jet flying by on what was a very unusual flight path for the area I was in. All of a sudden it started spewing a "vapor" or what ever trail, when it wasn't before… Same direction and altitude and the flight wasn't on flight tracker. But I digress. I get my vaccines and always have, my daughter got her's, as did my wife and we're all still quite healthy! It's people who refuse to get vaccines that put the rest of us at risk, especially in this day and age of world travel.


Do you have any thoughts on chemtrails?

Funny you asked. I never did believe it. Then one day this year I was looking at a jet flying by on what was a very unusual flight path for the area I was in. All of a sudden it started spewing a "vapor" or what ever trail, when it wasn't before… Same direction and altitude and the flight wasn't on flight tracker. But I digress. I get my vaccines and always have, my daughter got her's, as did my wife and we're all still quite healthy! It's people who refuse to get vaccines that put the rest of us at risk, especially in this day and age of world travel.

As I said earlier, I never worry or a second about infectious diseases as for one thing (just as there is no Santa Claus) there is no such thing as a vaccine-preventable disease, and for another, all "vaccine-preventable" diseases are treatable by medical and/or alternative means. I also have full trust that my immune system is capable of dealing with any bugs I may be exposed to.

I am however very concerned about the almost daily chemtrail activity I observe in our area (I live between Hua Hin and Pranburi). Vaccination programmes and chemtrail spraying are both part of the global depopulation programme. Vaccinations are peddled as "disease prevention" and chemtrail spraying as "geoengineering" to mitigate "global warming" to convince the gullible that these programmes are for our own good.


Here is a lighthearted look at this deadly serious subject:



I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 years and had my most recent vaccine - a tetanus booster - over 40 years ago. I won't be having any further vaccinations because as far as I am concerned they are all unnecessary, useless and dangerous. Vaccines actually cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.

"The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud."

Russell Blaylock MD

"Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body."

Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, Australian Vaccine researcher

Instead of lauding these two elderly conspiracy theorists you should do some research on their claims!

Blaydock - (Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.) - Wikipedia

Blaylock frequently appears on the Christian Broadcasting Network to espouse his theories and flog his books.

Schreibner, 90yo, is not a medical doctor, but a retired micropaleontologist.

(Dr Stephen Basser has written an extensive critical review of "the quality of the science of ... Scheibner" entitled Anti-immunisation scare: The inconvenient facts.

One of his criticisms involves a conclusion Scheibner makes regarding a potential correlation between SIDS and immunisation in Japan. After review of her principal sources and her resultant conclusion, he states that

"Dr. Scheibner's analysis of them...is at best sloppy, and at worst blatantly dishonest."

In 1997, the Australian Skeptics awarded her the "Bent Spoon Award". This award is presented annually to the Australian "perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific piffle":

"The unanimous choice of the judges was Dr Viera Scheibner for her high profile anti-immunisation campaign which, by promoting new age and conspiracy mythology and by owing little to scientific methodologies or research, poses a serious threat to the health of Australian children) -Wikipedia

Of course people like Dr Blaylock and Dr Scheibner get attacked for telling the truth! Dr Wakefield was also vilified and had his career destroyed for suggesting that the MMR vaccine may be responsible for autism and bowel disorders.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

You have all the vaccines you want but there is absolutely NO WAY I would let anyone with a vaccine come near me or any child of mine.


A typical "vaccine denying" post.!

These people are a threat to the well being of children.


The proven value of protecting against vaccine preventable disease is evident to most.

Not worthy of a detailed response.

But this is worth reading


Dr Wakefield was vilified, persecuted and eventually deregistered because he reported parents' accounts of how their children regressed into autism and suffered bowel disorders following vaccination with the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) in the British Medical Journal. The medical-phamaceutical mafia feared that the "vaccines are safe and effective" claim would be exposed as he lie it is, so they set out to destroy Dr Wakefield's reputation and career by lies and slander.

But guess what? A senior CDC scientist has now confessed that he and his coworkers destroyed study data showing that vaccines cause autism!


Here is the link to a video on which Dr. Wakefield speaks about the CDC whistle blower:


I'm guessing science was not this poster's strongest subject at school.

What interests me psychologically is why certain people are drawn to this sort of thing.

Whereas most people are naturally suspicious of single individuals who are cranky and espouse a whole range of dubious fringe theories, make sweeping condemnations way outside their field of expertise, and have been convicted of actual fraud by their peers, some people, like this poster, gravitate towards this kind of person, and this world view, as if it supplies some need.

It's very strange, as it goes against all common sense, never mind scientific evaluation: it's like falling for a lottery scam, or a Nigerian con e-mail: in some way the victim wants it to happen, and moves towards it.

I really would like to understand this. These people wouldn't want the airplane they fly overseas on to be serviced by a maverick aircraft engineer, who was not trained in aircraft engineering, has been fired, and whose ideas are condemned by 99.9% of other aircraft engineers, and yet when it comes to health matters, these are the kind of people who they trust. Why?


There are no vaccinations available at all for the most common mosquito-borne disease, malaria

Wrong. You can take pre-emptive tablets when in a malaria prone area to stop infection.

Op, I would be more worried about catching a cold/virus off your partner for the night than worrying about malaria and dengue in places like Bangkok and Phuket, lol.

Malaria is not a worry except in some border regions. But dengue is a huge concern! Over 50,000 cases reported last year in Thailand. And yes, in Phuket as well as Bangkok. http://outbreaknewstoday.com/dengue-in-thailand-tops-50000-cases-81268/


There are no vaccinations available at all for the most common mosquito-borne disease, malaria

Wrong. You can take pre-emptive tablets when in a malaria prone area to stop infection.

Op, I would be more worried about catching a cold/virus off your partner for the night than worrying about malaria and dengue in places like Bangkok and Phuket, lol.

Malaria is not a worry except in some border regions. But dengue is a huge concern! Over 50,000 cases reported last year in Thailand. And yes, in Phuket as well as Bangkok. http://outbreaknewstoday.com/dengue-in-thailand-tops-50000-cases-81268/

Simple measures reduce risk !


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