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Bush hits campaign reset, retools slogan: 'Jeb Can Fix It'


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Bush hits campaign reset, retools slogan: 'Jeb Can Fix It'

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Jeb Bush hit the reset button on his faltering presidential campaign, racing across Florida Monday with a new slogan that cast him as the sole Republican candidate who can right what's wrong with Washington: "Jeb Can Fix It."

But the pithy phrasing could apply as much to his effort to steady the campaign as it does to his sense of confidence about handling the nation's problems.

"This is not about big personalities on the stage. It's not about talking. It's about doing," the two-term Florida governor told supporters in Jacksonville, the last of three stops for the day.

His remarks, repeated earlier in Tampa and Orlando, were obvious jabs at rivals Donald Trump and Marco Rubio, and a nod to his flat performance in the debate last week in Colorado.

Bush's reset comes as a populist surge has propelled the outsider campaigns of bombastic developer Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson — and created an opportunity for Rubio, a freshman senator from Florida and former Bush protege, to make his appeal to the party establishment

He and Rubio spent Monday jockeying for institutional credentials. Bush announced the backing of soon-to-be Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran, who was chief of staff to Rubio when he was speaker. Rubio countered with an endorsement from freshman U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, who took a veiled swipe at the Bush legacy by saying the nation needs a "new generation" of leaders.

What seemed last summer like the right slogan to carry Bush into the final three months of the pre-primary campaign now has an off-key ring, underscored by a cascade of criticism in online forums, including Twitter.

Even in his home state of Florida, Bush has a steep climb. Statewide polls show Trump leading the large GOP field, with Carson and Rubio ahead of Bush.

Surrounded Monday by friends and former colleagues, Bush delivered a morning speech in Tampa that amounted to re-declaring his candidacy, without changing his message or significantly altering his campaign strategy. Bush recently announced an across-the-board cut in salaries to protect his available campaign cash for the final charge into Iowa.

"But let me be clear: I'm not stepping into the role of 'angry agitator' that they have created for us, because it's not what's in my heart," Bush said, a nod to the frustration Trump has stoked.

Bush is making some tactical changes, such as spending more sustained time in early voting Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

But the message, an experienced conservative executive is needed to succeed Democrat Barack Obama, a one-term senator before becoming president, does not appear to be changing. Nor does Bush's dry, matter-of-fact, and at times self-deprecating delivery.

No need to change, said Will Bissette, a 75-year-old Tampa real-estate investor who was among the 200 or so in the auditorium.

"It's still early," said Bissette. "Jeb's recognizing what he needs to do."

Kicking off this leg of his campaign in Florida, surrounded by former statehouse colleagues and supporters made sense strategically, said Todd Josko, a 47-year-old communications consultant from Tampa. But it especially made for a warm reception for Bush facing a time of trial, Josko said.

"Home cooking cures all ills," Josko said, adding that people will look back on Monday, "as the day the campaign turned around."

The crowd skewed older, though Bush was backed by risers full of younger and diverse supporters, many waving signs with the new slogan.

"After seven years of incompetence, corruption and gridlock in Washington, we need a president who can fix it," Bush said. "I can fix it.

And in a show of quiet confidence more hidden in recent weeks, Bush assured his audience he had the stomach for the fight.

"I'm running this campaign on my own terms. And let me tell you something, when the dust clears and the delegates are counted, we're going to win this campaign," Bush said, igniting cheers and chants throughout the audience: "Jeb! Jeb! Jeb!"

Beaumont reported from Des Moines, Iowa, and Lush reported from Tampa, Florida. Sergio Bustos in Jacksonville and Brendan Farrington in Orlando contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-03

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Hey can fix it like he did in his brothers election win Years back! A third Bush is one too many.

I would say that is 3 too many.

The first 2 destabilized the middle east dumping us into this whole ISIS debacle the world is now in.

Not to mention the banking crisis.

What will a 3rd bush wacker do? War with Russia? China? Both?

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Seems this election is failing to come up with any shining lights on either side. If the best the republicans can find is the overbloated, arrogant, sexist bigot Trump then god help you all. Clinton will win but only as the best of a pathetic bunch. Normally U.S elections are upbeat affairs with candidates producing fever pitch support but it seems this time there is a reluctance to enthuse about any of them.

Same thing in the UK. I think we all realise now that politicians of all hues are a sorry lot of untrustworthy individuals.

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He's probably done.

This is good for KASICH.

He's now polling 4th in New Hampshire and with Bush out, he's the one viable not-totally crazy republican governor with a solid governing resume.

Rubio is 3rd after the totally crazy leaders (Trump and Carson) and although Rubio has charisma will they really go for a junior senator after they supposedly hate Obama so much, who was also a junior senator?

Edited by Jingthing
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Bush/Clinton in 2016. The pageant, that is predetermined, is for a race between family dynasties, with Clinton winning the presidential bid to become the first women president, and Bill becoming the First Lady....???

Jeb may not want to run, but it's not his choice. He has a role to play.

Script's already been written. The rest is just 'circus'.

Edited by connda
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So you think "Jeb" will make a comeback, huh?

Possible, sure, but I'm just not feeling it.

I think this race is actually finally shaping up.

For the republicans:

Trump, maybe

Carson, never

Rubio, strong contender

Kasich, positioned well to peak at the right time

Trump, Rubio, or Kasich could all potentially beat HRC.

Carson, never.

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Either Team Jeb is so far removed from their candidate's history that it never occurred to any of them that using the word fix would remind people of a skeleton in his closet, or someone from Team Clinton has joined his camp as a saboteur. I'm waiting for one of the other hopefuls to bring up the 2000 election. If someone were to mention it at the next debate it would be a real kick in the nuts for him.

The first rule of problem solving is to develop an understanding of the problem. A poor or wrongful understanding cannot lead to a viable solution, except by luck. We already know his solution, which would be akin to W's third term. He has been saying this for months, albeit in not as many words.

Still, I don't count him out. Of any of the hopefuls, on either side, Jeb has the most clout. Aside from being related to two living ex-presidents and one dead one, the Bush family is olde USA establishment, and Barbara's side has its own influence. She's DAR, so is W's wife, and I would guess W's twins by default. Probably more. He has relatives that have been involved in the gears of the US gov't spanning at least three centuries. With the $$ and support his backers are willing to provide he could possibly survive having no delegates by Super Tuesday. If there is an open convention he will probably be the pick.

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If I had to stand back and take a look at the field, Jeb is for all is other faults one of the more sane options for the Republican's . That doesn't mean he'll win, far from it. With the general craziness of the Republican primary base, the general bat shit crazy field, coupled with Jeb's less than enthusiastic desire for the job, he's doomed.

A lot of money will be spent by the establishment Republican figures trying to shore up his campaign, but I truly believe it's going to be money down the drain.

My hope is that as the really bat shit crazies, Trump & Carson eventually implode the Rubio and hopefully Kasich campaigns will come to the fore. Either of them would be a good figure to fight the inevitable HRC.

Now I am a Democrat, but I'm also a democrat and democracy only survives if it has credible actors willing to participate, a good and credible fight, and regardless of who we support, that should be something any true believer in democracy wants

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Why did I immediately think of the Beverly Hillbillies?

Of course.

Jethro makes some mean moonshine.

And Dolly Mae ain't no slouch either!

The whole Jeb! tactic totally backfired. It makes you think about what he's hiding. His LAST name.

whereas the name Kasich didn't ever need hiding because it was already obscure.....

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Why did I immediately think of the Beverly Hillbillies?

Of course.

Jethro makes some mean moonshine.

And Dolly Mae ain't no slouch either!

The whole Jeb! tactic totally backfired. It makes you think about what he's hiding. His LAST name.

whereas the name Kasich didn't ever need hiding because it was already obscure.....

That's true. It's a blank slate. And right now Kasich has a big lead over Jeb!! Kasich is 4th in New Hampshire polls. If he can come in as high as 3rd, which is possible but not too likely, that would propel him into the big leagues going forward. For that to happen I think Carson would need to drop like a lead balloon. That might happen because I have a hunch people are lying about their support for him ... it looks "cool" to say you want a far right wing black man, but they might punch a different name in the booth. Iowa is less important. They don't have a direct vote and history shows their results are NOT predictive.

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Good to see old Jeb staying in the race. The longer he, Rubio, and Kasich battle it out, the better for Trump and Cruz.

I see why right wing ideologues like Cruz but the reality is he makes Hillary look warm. Nobody wants to have a beer with him. They want to THROW a beer AT him!

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Having Trump for president would be a wild ride for sure. Why is he soaring in the polls? Because he has the balls to say the things many only think.

Which is a measure of just how dumb many are.

People are desperate for a change. So desperate they are willing to take a chance with Trump.

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The USA is beyond fixing......................interest rates cannot be raised cos everyone owes too much already.The USA is in debt to the tune of 19 trillion dollars.QE 4 is on its way,you print money to keep the stock market afloat and to pay debt,there's no growth to pay it down.And the only business in town is the financial sector and technologies.In the US people are able to borrow money at zero interest,no deposit to buy 2nd hand cars over 7 years,the loans are packaged as investments with insurance default for 35% of the money owed.And no one says anything like 'this is crazy economics"

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