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Video of Thai man brutally assaulting wife sparks outrage

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The text description was more than enough - I could not actually watch the video, so I don't know if the person taking the video or any other witnesses tried in anyway to stop it - I assume not?

A separate article said Thailand has the highest rate of infidelity, so I wonder how many similar cases like this happen on average each year?


You say you did not watch the video. Being BlindMagician ...................hmm. Not an attempt at humour but I too will not watch real violence, ok in films but not the real deal. I can only imagine after reading the comments how bloody awful the whole business was. I hope the poor lady recovers and she too never has to watch the vid.

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Watching this video, reminds me of the old adage "what do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes? , nothing, you already told her twice"

This gave me a titter…I suspect Sean Connery would love it too….is that wrong?



To see her hang like a rag doll after he pulled her up by her hair too . . . .

He deserves severe punishment.

Yet, this happens the world over - often in private where no video is available - sadly.


Piece of shit. Hope the lady makes a full recovery and leaves the ape.

... nope ... she'll go for another round of LaoKhaou with him as soon as outta the ICU


I say it's a staged event, for what purpose I've no idea but it doesn't quite look real.

staged or not, it's a quite common


class act this Thailand place... I have had one friend murdered and another seriously beaten. That was in the first 6 months of living here.

and I live in family friendly Hua Hin.

Moved to a good moo Baan private village in BKK.

Next day the neighbor's 15 yr old son was shot in the head outside the gates by another 15 yr old boy, over a girl.

Other boy was a policeman's son. Nothing happened to him.

The dead boy was kept on ice for a month before going to be cremated, at the temple they opened up the casket, after he had been dead for a month, luckily I couldn't see his face...... as every Thai there was blocking the way with their phone taking photos of his decomposing face the instant it was open.

All struck me as a bit off.


I'm with you. I can't imagine hurting my wife in any way.

The confession is irrelevant surely as the video has him bang to rights.

Hope this is 1 of those occasions where the cops act a little too rough with the perp .

This scumbag needs a taste of his own medicine for sure. Hope the lady makes a full recovery

Yoy can't imagine hurting your wife........yet you post yourself as Hitler?


class act this Thailand place... I have had one friend murdered and another seriously beaten. That was in the first 6 months of living here.

and I live in family friendly Hua Hin.

Says more about your friends and those you associate than i wish to know .


>>He deserves severe punishment.<<...From whom ? ...You or Mr .Charles Bronson ,who surfaced and was delated earlier

. My Ghandi quote also got delated ''an eye for and eye ,results in the whole World going blind ''


sick people all over the world. drunk people all over the world. domestic violence [against women] all over the world.

macho keyboards warriors all over the world coffee1.gif


sick people all over the world. drunk people all over the world. domestic violence [against women] all over the world.

macho keyboards warriors all over the world coffee1.gif

Careful...you're not allowed to mention the rest of the world. This happened in Thailand and Thai people were involved so it's much much worse than everywhere else? Why? Well...because...it just is ok. ;)


Of course it sparked outrage. This stupid pig is not good enough to lick the bottom of a Myanmar dung shoveler's sandals.

Instincts are powerful, and good men everywhere do not hesitate to physically protect women and children because women carry our future and children embody it.

The person that took the video is amoral, and should have interceded.

I know many disagree. I don't care at all about that.


The person that took the video is amoral, and should have interceded.

Millennials…..we call them millennials and they are the toast of the planet right now…..the generation that were born digital natives and know all there lis to know about self expression and sharing their innermost thoughts with the rest of the world…whether anyone cares or not.


So the who person filmed this hopefully gave this guy a good beating. He's been caught on film, but in Thailand can the guy get away with, "My wife is my property. I have the right to do with her whatever I want." ?

Don't think so, but I am not a lawyer. There have been changes to the Family Law through the '90s and '00s. For example when I was stationed here from 1971-73, a woman could not make a contract without the signature of her husband, or her father if unmarried, or her brother if her father was dead. Guess an orphan without brothers was SOL. I think that changed even during the series of reactionary "revolutionary" governments from 1976 to 1986. Maybe not until Chatchai Choonhavan or even Chuan Leekpai. In the late '90s more restrictions were eased. Of course the judges are quite conservative, and I recall one case several years ago where a college professor beat his wife to death with an umbrella and a golf club, and the judge sentenced him to 18 months of probation (for what it's worth, her family begged the judge to grant clemency to him; apparently she was a wife from Hell).


I'm with you. I can't imagine hurting my wife in any way.

The confession is irrelevant surely as the video has him bang to rights.

Hope this is 1 of those occasions where the cops act a little too rough with the perp .

This scumbag needs a taste of his own medicine for sure. Hope the lady makes a full recovery

Yoy can't imagine hurting your wife........yet you post yourself as Hitler?


Sorry for the mix-up. The post was meant for newbe Toronto.


class act this Thailand place... I have had one friend murdered and another seriously beaten. That was in the first 6 months of living here.

and I live in family friendly Hua Hin.

How's the prognosis for the next six months, have you considered moving in different social circles!


Of course it sparked outrage. This stupid pig is not good enough to lick the bottom of a Myanmar dung shoveler's sandals.

Instincts are powerful, and good men everywhere do not hesitate to physically protect women and children because women carry our future and children embody it.

The person that took the video is amoral, and should have interceded.

I know many disagree. I don't care at all about that.

Why compare him to a Myanmar person, unnecessary and detracted from your post- - but I do agree an absolute a-sehole.


I wish i could meet up with this piece of filth! He would never do this despicable act again.This i promise!!!!

And he's off….solid first post mate….coming out swinging.

Be careful.


>>He deserves severe punishment.<<...From whom ? ...You or Mr .Charles Bronson ,who surfaced and was delated earlier

. My Ghandi quote also got delated ''an eye for and eye ,results in the whole World going blind ''

I bet Ghandi wouldnt have said that if he saw that video.


I wish i could meet up with this piece of filth! He would never do this despicable act again.This i promise!!!!

Problem is if you laid a finger on him, the way I see it the Thais would come crawling out of the wood work and you would be the victim.


Yep and other ******** Thais just stood around and watched!!!!

and filmed it instead of interfering! Documentation of a crime for hits on your youtube, great Samaritan award to you.


Yep and other ******** Thais just stood around and watched!!!!

and filmed it instead of interfering! Documentation of a crime for hits on your youtube, great Samaritan award to you.

Was that his/her intent? Do you know what his/her intent was?

Perhaps, being Thai and all, he understood that in Thailand you're far more likely to get yourself injured or killed interfering and posted the video in an attempt to raise awareness.

Keep in mind, cops in Thailand tend to turn a blind eye to a lot of crime unless they're being compensated to do something about it. Just reading that story about the gal up in Pai. Cops didn't even want to get her a rape kit unless she paid for it. Believe me, that whole incident would have been written off as "she was drunk and dressed too sexy" unless the media picked it up and forced the cops to actually do something.

Chances are if whoever took that video got involved, he would have gotten a beating from the guy (and possibly 10 other members of the family who live on the same block), been arrested and charged with assault, and the wife would have refused to press charges against the husband so he's the only one who goes to jail over this.

He posts the video, forces the cops to respond, makes the hubby look like a world-class douche, and the husband ends up getting arrested. All in all, a better outcome than jumping in.

Now, is that right? No. But this is Thailand. That's just the way the situation would have gone down.

Everyone is a hero sitting behind a keyboard.


Yep and other ******** Thais just stood around and watched!!!!

and filmed it instead of interfering! Documentation of a crime for hits on your youtube, great Samaritan award to you.

Was that his/her intent? Do you know what his/her intent was?

Perhaps, being Thai and all, he understood that in Thailand you're far more likely to get yourself injured or killed interfering and posted the video in an attempt to raise awareness.

Keep in mind, cops in Thailand tend to turn a blind eye to a lot of crime unless they're being compensated to do something about it. Just reading that story about the gal up in Pai. Cops didn't even want to get her a rape kit unless she paid for it. Believe me, that whole incident would have been written off as "she was drunk and dressed too sexy" unless the media picked it up and forced the cops to actually do something.

Chances are if whoever took that video got involved, he would have gotten a beating from the guy (and possibly 10 other members of the family who live on the same block), been arrested and charged with assault, and the wife would have refused to press charges against the husband so he's the only one who goes to jail over this.

He posts the video, forces the cops to respond, makes the hubby look like a world-class douche, and the husband ends up getting arrested. All in all, a better outcome than jumping in.

Now, is that right? No. But this is Thailand. That's just the way the situation would have gone down.

Everyone is a hero sitting behind a keyboard.

The problem with interfering is that far too many wacko ' s who are armed with a short fuse and have no second thoughts on using it on you.


i think the guys who live here know the score on this, i know its against western values/upbringing,the outcry from those do not live here, (or those that do, are living in cloud cuckoo land) i agree totally it was a disgusting act, at least the person taking the video has given it wordwide attention.otherwise we would have been non the wiser, that is the only saving grace i can see coming out of this.whats the odds on them being back together soon, yes this is Thailand, get use to it.


The police will probably slap him on the back, give him a shot whisky khao, laugh their &lt;deleted&gt; off...etc. For that is the way of Thai culture sorry to say.

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