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Long term overstay

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I would be grateful for some urgent information on a long term overstay. One of our British friends overstay is 9 years he is planning to fly to Singapore on Sunday and return then get a 30 day visa upon re-entry. Has the new ruling for over stayers been approved or implemented yet? He will be flying out on Sunday. Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know, what grief are they ngoing to give him as he exits Thailand ? The maximum fine is 20,000 baht. Now, is it a simple case of paying the 20,000 baht fine, the official signs or stamps whatever paper, and that's it, he can leave.
OR, are they going to start shouting at him in a room where nobody can see, give him a lecture on how bad he has been, and then give him the 20,000 baht fine ?

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Does anyone know, what grief are they ngoing to give him as he exits Thailand ? The maximum fine is 20,000 baht. Now, is it a simple case of paying the 20,000 baht fine, the official signs or stamps whatever paper, and that's it, he can leave.

OR, are they going to start shouting at him in a room where nobody can see, give him a lecture on how bad he has been, and then give him the 20,000 baht fine ?

Clearing him to leave may take some time as the IO's will probably wish to check that there are no outstanding arrest warrants etc.

They most certainly will ask what he has been doing and the reason(s) for the overstay.

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Tell your friend to relax, nothing has been signed and if it was, it would take 6 months to be applied.

Why would it take 6 months? Sounds like a definitive statement. The proposal hasn't been agreed or the method of it's implementation announced.

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I wonder if all the posters stating he should be blacklisted etc would be brave enough to say it to the guys face?

Probably not ........

Agree.9 years overstay its crazy and uncalled for,but as long as there is NONE (yet) regulation in Thai immigration that overstay will lead to blacklisting its laughable and tiredsome that the same TV membere cry out "Blacklisted " every time the subject is overstay coffee1.gif .

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Zeirf1 - No need to worry about re-entry as I have re-entered a number of times at both land and air borders without the overstay being mentioned. I have however save the first entry visa exempt re-entered on a tourist visa. Such a concern should not deter anyone from legalising their status and given recent discussion that the overstay rules are in front of the PM now is perhaps a good time to address the matter. At the current time you can easily remedy the issue but if the blacklisting rules do get implemented then it will be difficult to get re-entry depending on what actual bans they might introduce.

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WOW! and I was worried a longtime ago when I overstayed a couple of months....when I came to the counter with my 20k in pocket, I did not say anything, the officer examined my passport, stamped it and let me pass. Dunno if he made a mistake or just was tired or felt generous or whatever, I just saved 20k!

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WOW! and I was worried a longtime ago when I overstayed a couple of months....when I came to the counter with my 20k in pocket, I did not say anything, the officer examined my passport, stamped it and let me pass. Dunno if he made a mistake or just was tired or felt generous or whatever, I just saved 20k!

Happened to me too as it was the correct month date in my passport, she didn't notice it was a year later though.

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