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Ben Carson: Questions on background aren't 'real' scandals


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You don't really think Ben is likely to get much of the black vote do you?

Yes I do. They turned out in droves to vote for Obama and Obama and Hillary were very similar when it came to the issues, but they mostly chose Barry because he was black.


By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice on pretty much anything to do with a conservatives on this forum. They don't have the slightest interest in being honest. Their whole purpose is to smear and discredit. Taking their lies and false propaganda seriously is a waste of time.

"By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice"

Yes, good idea if you want to avoid an open and honest discussion and exchange of ideas. Just ignore those you don't agree with.

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You don't really think Ben is likely to get much of the black vote do you?

Yes I do. They turned out in droves to vote for Obama and Obama and Hillary were very similar when it came to the issues, but they mostly chose Barry because he was black.


By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice on pretty much anything to do with a conservatives on this forum. They don't have the slightest interest in being honest. Their whole purpose is to smear and discredit. Taking their lies and false propaganda seriously is a waste of time.

"By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice"

Yes, good idea if you want to avoid an open and honest discussion and exchange of ideas. Just ignore those you don't agree with.

I am talking about posters who -IMO - have no interest in open and honest discussion - posters who I consider trolls.

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I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson.

Nonsense. It is mostly the liberal media smearing him and it is because he is so intelligent, so likable and likely to get much of the black vote.

"Mostly the liberal media..." eh? You might check out what Mr. Trump has been saying about the good doctor lately....


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I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson.

Nonsense. It is mostly the liberal media smearing him and it is because he is so intelligent, so likable and likely to get much of the black vote.

"Mostly the liberal media..." eh? You might check out what Mr. Trump has been saying about the good doctor lately....


And it ain't the liberal media unless you listen to Fox. Us liberals hate the CORPORATE media. It's their to con everybody.

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You don't really think Ben is likely to get much of the black vote do you?

Yes I do. They turned out in droves to vote for Obama and Obama and Hillary were very similar when it came to the issues, but they mostly chose Barry because he was black.


By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice on pretty much anything to do with a conservatives on this forum. They don't have the slightest interest in being honest. Their whole purpose is to smear and discredit. Taking their lies and false propaganda seriously is a waste of time.

"By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice"

Yes, good idea if you want to avoid an open and honest discussion and exchange of ideas. Just ignore those you don't agree with.

I am talking about posters who -IMO - have no interest in open and honest discussion - posters who I consider trolls.

This from someone who guzzles the Fox News Koolaid? I'm devastated.

Okay you're right, Ben Carson gets the black vote. I give up. coffee1.gif

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Off-topic post removed. The thread is about Ben Carson. Also, posts making personal remarks about another poster have been removed. Continue and a warning will be issued. Please stay on the topic and the topic isn't about other posters.

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It gets juicier.

Trump goes after Carson's BS "redemption" story big time.

"And I don't want a person that's got pathological disease, I don't want it. Now, I'm not saying he's got it. He said it," he clarified. "This isn't something I'm saying — he's a pathological liar, I'm not saying it. He said he's got pathological disease. He actually said 'pathological temper,' and then he defined it as 'disease,' so he said he has 'pathological disease.' Now if you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. OK? There's no cure for that."


Watch the JUICY Carson stuff starting after 1:25

Edited by Jingthing
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It gets juicier.

Trump goes after Carson's BS "redemption" story big time.

"And I don't want a person that's got pathological disease, I don't want it. Now, I'm not saying he's got it. He said it," he clarified. "This isn't something I'm saying — he's a pathological liar, I'm not saying it. He said he's got pathological disease. He actually said 'pathological temper,' and then he defined it as 'disease,' so he said he has 'pathological disease.' Now if you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. OK? There's no cure for that."


Watch the JUICY Carson stuff starting after 1:25

Of course they go after each other. Such is life as a candidate for president in the primary elections.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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It gets juicier.

Trump goes after Carson's BS "redemption" story big time.

"And I don't want a person that's got pathological disease, I don't want it. Now, I'm not saying he's got it. He said it," he clarified. "This isn't something I'm saying — he's a pathological liar, I'm not saying it. He said he's got pathological disease. He actually said 'pathological temper,' and then he defined it as 'disease,' so he said he has 'pathological disease.' Now if you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. OK? There's no cure for that."


Watch the JUICY Carson stuff starting after 1:25

both trump and carson are totally unravelling now. carson's in meltdown and trump will explode at some point probably with some misogynistic comment about hillary clinton. both will crash and burn spectacularly now leaving rubio to get the nomination by default really.

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that's what this freak show has forced them to - this parade of clowns and morons that takes the stage every debate has made mitt romney look statesmanlike, credible and simply more electable than any one of this current batch. that's just how shockingly bad this lot are. it must be a horrible time being a republican voter just now but, you know, good. :)

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that's what this freak show has forced them to - this parade of clowns and morons that takes the stage every debate has made mitt romney look statesmanlike, credible and simply more electable than any one of this current batch. that's just how shockingly bad this lot are. it must be a horrible time being a republican voter just now but, you know, good. :)

Anyone up there is better than Hillary/Bernie.

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that's what this freak show has forced them to - this parade of clowns and morons that takes the stage every debate has made mitt romney look statesmanlike, credible and simply more electable than any one of this current batch. that's just how shockingly bad this lot are. it must be a horrible time being a republican voter just now but, you know, good. smile.png

Anyone up there is better than Hillary/Bernie.

better at what? stand-up? juggling? hosting reality tv shows?

the republicans are incapable of putting forward a candidate with remotely any credibility or savvy, it's great to see. long may the freak show continue.

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If you are going to write a book about your life, that is supposedly the reason that you are qualified to be president, then it would seem to me that you should cross every T and and dot every i

Of course it is going to come under a microscope, since your words are the only thing that anyone has to go by

Obama wrote a book, Romney wrote a book, Clinton wrote a book so it seems almost every candidate has to write a book before they run

Is it too much to expect their books be totally accurate

And to the poster who says that he was confused about the difference between a scholarship and an appointment they need to use a dictionary more often

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Carson's mother confirmed the stabbing storyWAY back in 1997. How will the lying liberal media and their mindless minions spin this now?


But what's a mother to do!

especially one with Altzheimers, the initial stages and symptoms of which can be present decades before severe dementia sets in.

Does anyone believe the BIZARRE Popeye's chicken "organization"rolleyes.gif story? Especially considering he's supposed to be some kind of vegetarian. coffee1.gif


That's about as funny as a broken leg. I trust he has better material stored up somewhere or it's back to old blighty for him.

Actually I thought his material was pretty good. You gotta love Ben Carson's OWN words, in his montone drone, "A guy comes into a popeyes organization and sticks a gun in my ribs and i said 'i think you want the guy behind the counter' and the armed robber said 'oh ok' and left him "

I mean come on Chuckd, what's it take to make you smile.

We got pictures of the Bush family with Biin Ladens and Rumsfeld with Saddam, even Trump with every large busted woman to enter Miss Universe, but non of them have a picture like this in their own homes do they?


And Jesus is wearing a bath robe !!! I imagine the Koch brothers have commissioned the same artist to do one of Hilary sat signing her soul away with Satan. I am sure copies claiming to be genuine images of a blurry photo will be leaked out soon.

Personally I hope Carson and Trump make it all the way through because these selections which are normally dull and boring have never been so funny. Ratings must be up through the roof to watch the Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee show.

What is funny is actually seeing some members on here defending this fruit cake and saying he should be POTUS because he is 'nice and has common sense'. Well if common sense means Grain Stores made with 20 million carefully cut stones laid to mm perfection then yes he has oodles of it. If nice is insisting that he really did hit his mother with a hammer and try and gut his friend or relative with a knife then sure he is very nice. (Why did he let the belt buckle stop him? You just stab again somewhere a bit different - so he gives up at the first sign of difficulty - not Presidential wink.png )

I understand the Republicans are so worried they are actually considering trying to get Romney back in to the running. Far more funny than a broken leg chuckd!

The irony is that the Republicans think the Liberal press are lying, but you know, you just couldn't make this stuff up :D

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Carson is a frontrunner and will be subjected to increased scrutiny and attacks. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Trump, however, went over the line today when he compared Carson to a child molester.

He's sinking fast! It's a game of last idiot standing wins. Edited by slerickson
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Not a scandal in itself but as the Boston Globe investigative report found and discusses, Carson did what other surgeons would not do. It wasn't simply a matter of could or could not do. It was a matter of separation surgeries other expert surgeons would not do.

Ben Carson’s surgeries separated twins, didn’t always save them He was quiet, prayerful, and bold — but some felt he pushed ethical bounds https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2015/11/13/siamese-twin-separation-that-launched-ben-carson-fame-ended-poorly-for-twins/miZSU7XaINfDWFXWsfYLDO/story.html

Carson is anyway fading fast. Trump has skillfully if shamelessly exploited Carson's own statements about knives hammers and a mother. The Daesh abomination in France has put foreign policy forward in such ways that Carson proves his incompetence in all things presidential.

Ted Cruz is going to get more former Carson supporters than Trump would get. While Trump shouts Carson supporters away from Carson, Cruz collects 'em and gathers 'em up into his clutches.

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He's dropping faster than a whore's drawers....

Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate who has condemned Planned Parenthood’s donations of fetal tissue, once carried out research on tissue from aborted fetuses.

Jen Gunter, an OB/GYN and science writer, put on her blog Wednesday night a study co-authored by Carson in 1992 that used tissue from two fetuses aborted at nine and seventeen weeks, according to the paper.


This is just another thing that he'll get battered about if he makes it that far....

And it seems El trumpo is battering him in the polls again because for some reason that is beyond me Americans think Trump would "help keep Americans safe" better than our Ben.


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Of course Trump will be able to keep America safe, I mean the man could see people jumping from the World Trade Center from Trump Towers, 4 miles away

With eyes like that he can even see farther than Sarah Palin's Russia

The Republican presidential contender lives in Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan, more than four miles away from where the World Trade Center towers once stood. Trump has lived in the 5th Avenue tower since before the attacks

source: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/23/politics/donald-trump-9-11-twin-towers/

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I saw them jumping and I was in Saudi Arabia. The marvels of moderm technology brought the horrible scenes to me via live television

Trump did not see it on TV, he saw it from his apartment, according to him

Donald Trump said Monday that he witnessed people jumping out of the Twin Towers on 9/11 from the view in his apartment.

On TV, he saw all those Muslims dancing (tailgating) on the roof tops in Jersey City, footage that not one news organization can find a copy of

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Carson who?

MSNBC and Fox were buzzing last night with news about Ted Cruz now in #2 poll spot. Top two groups backing him are the evangelical religious nuts and ultra conservatives. He is a smarmy, repulsive gnome.

Meanwhile Trump is babbling about black people, dancing muslims, falling bodies, and Twitter.

And Jeb Bush's desperate new Fox commercial has him all bug eyed and pounding the podium about a global Holy War.

OMG! crazy.gif

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Funny how Ben jumped on the Jersey City Party animals, but at least his team had the good sense to come out later and say, and I quote:

"He doesn't stand behind his comments to New Jersey and American Muslims," Carson spokesperson Doug Watts told ABC News. "He was rather thinking of the protests going on in the Middle East and some of the demonstrations that were going on in celebration of the towers going down."

Which I suspect is what Trump probably meant, but he's too pig-headed to admit his mistake.

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