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Schäuble's 'refugee avalanche' remark whips up storm in Germany


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Schäuble's 'refugee avalanche' remark whips up storm in Germany


BERLIN: -- German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble has caused a political storm by his comments on the migrant crisis.

In an apparent swipe at his boss Angela Merkel Schäuble said Germany may be facing “an avalanche” of refugees.

He said: “You can trigger avalanches when a rather careless skier goes on to the slope … and moves a bit of snow.”

Twitter went into overdrive, Die Zeit tweeted: “Sharp criticism against Schäuble’s avalanche remark.”
German justice minister Heiko Maas claimed: “People in need are not a natural disaster. We should have a debate without pouring oil onto the fire.”

Left wing, Die Linke MP Bernd Riexinger, pulled no punches: “Not an avalanche, but a boomerang of your ruthless politics.”

The crisis has caused Merkel’s popularity to plummet and her refugees welcome policy is causing ructions within the ruling CDU/CSU coalition.

Merkel is also under fire from the traditional centre of German politics and the extreme-right, which continues to launch attacks on refugee shelters.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-13

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Germany has at least one sane politician : Her Schâuble . But he is only partly right. It is an invading army or the BORG. Assimilated in the muslim collective or die. Resistance is futile.

With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations :

Herr Schraeuble is the speaker for Big Money, and Big Money is what caused the war and the refugee crisis.

Big Money destroys Germany, not some refugees.

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves. Of course, there might be some outlaws among them who couldn't even integrate in Syria. Absolutely no reason to blame all Syrians for a few.

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves.

What a nonsens post. Came back last week from a short trip to Austria and Germany visited some friends. What a hell was that. These immigrants destroying all and give a sh.t about non muslim and their countries. It was really horrible and i'm happy to back home to SEA.

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves.

What a nonsens post. Came back last week from a short trip to Austria and Germany visited some friends. What a hell was that. These immigrants destroying all and give a sh.t about non muslim and their countries. It was really horrible and i'm happy to back home to SEA.

You would probably not be able to spot out the many Muslims that are already there in Germany and integrated very well - they all came as immigrants once.

There's migration in SEA, too. Would you be able to tell a Thai from a Khmer?

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves.

What a nonsens post. Came back last week from a short trip to Austria and Germany visited some friends. What a hell was that. These immigrants destroying all and give a sh.t about non muslim and their countries. It was really horrible and i'm happy to back home to SEA.

You would probably not be able to spot out the many Muslims that are already there in Germany and integrated very well - they all came as immigrants once.

There's migration in SEA, too. Would you be able to tell a Thai from a Khmer?

Also a blind would see them. Syrian 'Immigrants' dressed like young playboys, shouting " Allah..." and waving syrian flaggs in the stadium at the 1. BL football game in Stuttgart.

Or 2 mad immis trying to rape a girl at noon in the middle of a small town near vienna. Friend and i stopped the car and helped this girl. Good luck for her we where there and she was only little bit shocked and not hurt. Or, or,or ....i could go on what i saw in 8 days. Only ignorant dudes don't see the truth.

Sure not all apples are rotten but the situation is getting worse day by day and the day will come that it's getting really nasty.

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So sad not everyone joins the fabulous dresscode and the shoutings of VfB Stuttgart hooligans.

Sorry to hear about the girl. Maybe Germany should allow more Arabian women in the country, then the problem of sexual overpressure would probably be less. Native Germans are usually full of alcohol, and many suffer from erectile dysfunction, not so sure if that is what German women prefer.

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So sad not everyone joins the fabulous dresscode and the shoutings of VfB Stuttgart hooligans.

Sorry to hear about the girl. Maybe Germany should allow more Arabian women in the country, then the problem of sexual overpressure would probably be less. Native Germans are usually full of alcohol, and many suffer from erectile dysfunction, not so sure if that is what German women prefer.

A man who jokes about rape. Sort of shows everything you're really about, doesn't it?

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Believe it or not, I was a member of a women's network in Germany, and I know many German girls and women personally.

I'm far from joking about rapes, just telling what's going on.

Many German girls and women don't dare to go home at times of a football game because they fear violent attacks from their drunken boyfriends and husbands. They have an institution in Germany called 'Frauenhaus' for such women. What do you think they need it for?

In fact, many native German women are pissed from native men now and prefer Moslems. Isn't that what Farang men are afraid of?

Edited by micmichd
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So sad not everyone joins the fabulous dresscode and the shoutings of VfB Stuttgart hooligans.

Sorry to hear about the girl. Maybe Germany should allow more Arabian women in the country, then the problem of sexual overpressure would probably be less. Native Germans are usually full of alcohol, and many suffer from erectile dysfunction, not so sure if that is what German women prefer.

Muslims genuinely believe that all Western women are whores because they don't wear the hijab. It's a fact. A German lady that understood Arabic recorded a conversation on a train by newly arrived 'immigrants' discussing whether to rape her or not. 'She's a whore' was the main argument. People working for 'welcome refugees' organisations have been sexually abused at welcoming parties.

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves. Of course, there might be some outlaws among them who couldn't even integrate in Syria. Absolutely no reason to blame all Syrians for a few.

I'm not sure if this is true. It has been calculated that in 2016 in Germany there will be as many immigrants of army service age as there are Germans of military age. Looking good, right? Genuine Syrians make up 40% of immigrants at present.

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves. Of course, there might be some outlaws among them who couldn't even integrate in Syria. Absolutely no reason to blame all Syrians for a few.

I'm not sure if this is true. It has been calculated that in 2016 in Germany there will be as many immigrants of army service age as there are Germans of military age. Looking good, right? Genuine Syrians make up 40% of immigrants at present.

Remains the question which side would they fight for in a war, NATO or one of the armies in Syria?

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The Islamisation of Europe, pure and simple.

People will wake up when it is too late.

Now in Germany immigrants are refusing to be treated by female nurses, refusing to pay for medicines, demanding Halal food. The gates are opened...coffee1.gif

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Germany has at least one sane politician : Her Schâuble . But he is only partly right. It is an invading army or the BORG. Assimilated in the muslim collective or die. Resistance is futile.

With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations :

The Borg comparison is brilliant.

I have been trying to find a way to describe how I see the muslim threat.. It is exactly like the Borg.

Exactly how?

They possess no individual consciousness? They arrived in a huge cube-shaped spaceship? They possess overwhelmingly superior firepower? They have Patrick Stewart speak for them?

What a load of paranoid guff you people can be persuaded to swallow so easily.

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Some might be both.

The majority from Syria are actually middle-class people driven away by the war. They integrate really fast in Germany, better than many Germans themselves. Of course, there might be some outlaws among them who couldn't even integrate in Syria. Absolutely no reason to blame all Syrians for a few.

I'm not sure if this is true. It has been calculated that in 2016 in Germany there will be as many immigrants of army service age as there are Germans of military age. Looking good, right? Genuine Syrians make up 40% of immigrants at present.

Remains the question which side would they fight for in a war.


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The Islamisation of Europe, pure and simple.

People will wake up when it is too late.

Now in Germany immigrants are refusing to be treated by female nurses, refusing to pay for medicines, demanding Halal food. The gates are opened...coffee1.gif

I guess you’re referring to the letter at the URL below that has been repeated across the usual websites as fact, without verification. The letter has been identified as being forwarded by a Dr. Barbara Sziraki, but she appears to be a Los Angeles psychologist and is not a Czech physician working in Germany.


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The Islamisation of Europe, pure and simple.

People will wake up when it is too late.

Now in Germany immigrants are refusing to be treated by female nurses, refusing to pay for medicines, demanding Halal food. The gates are opened...coffee1.gif

I guess you’re referring to the letter at the URL below that has been repeated across the usual websites as fact, without verification. The letter has been identified as being forwarded by a Dr. Barbara Sziraki, but she appears to be a Los Angeles psychologist and is not a Czech physician working in Germany.


Thanks for that, I found this: http://www.snopes.com/female-physician-munich/

However there are reports from the UK and other countries about patients refusing to be treated by female doctors.

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Face simple facts, they are there and they will out breed the natives all courtesy of the taxpayer. Yes...90% of the 'refugees' will never work..

Then Islam will dominate parts of Europe.

The West tried to crush the Islamic advance 1000 years ago but ended up in somewhat of a stalemate.

The rise of the petrodollar has changed that over the last 70 years or so. The Saudis now want to continue where they left off .

The signs were there in the 60's when they started buying properties and political influence in Europe.

Enoch Powell saw the future but was ridiculed for it...in a similar manner as posters here are...including me.

And the bleeding hearts and twittering classes simply cannot see the threat that was facing them...indeed now it is in their face as they say, they still can't acknowledge it.

However i am confident Europe will respond in one way or another...but it's not going to be pretty..nationalism, Nazism, call it what you will will respond.

Then again maybe not, and we might see the first crucified King of England.

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So sad not everyone joins the fabulous dresscode and the shoutings of VfB Stuttgart hooligans.

Sorry to hear about the girl. Maybe Germany should allow more Arabian women in the country, then the problem of sexual overpressure would probably be less. Native Germans are usually full of alcohol, and many suffer from erectile dysfunction, not so sure if that is what German women prefer.

A man who jokes about rape. Sort of shows everything you're really about, doesn't it?

Yes maybe that's why he moved to Thailand

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