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Are we born or made the way we are?

i claudius

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Something i and another poster said on another thread was deleted ,not because it was offensive but it did not relate ,we had gone off at a tangent .

so it made me think , are we born a certain way with certain urges or or preclavities , or do we learn them or have then pushed on us ?

now lets not get offensive and to be honest i do not really know , but most gay people say that you are born that way , i being devils advocate said that so were men or women who fancied children born that way ? and then the answer was that it was a crime just like murder etc , but is it are some people hard wired to be a phycopath , or a mass murderer , what are your thoughts ?

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The argument of "nuture or nature" is longstanding.

My own opinion is there is a genetic predisposition toward behaviour and character traits. They can be developed or supressed but never extinguished.

Oh i do believe you can surpress urges and live an ordinary life , but is it that some of us just give way and say its natural to be this way .

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The argument of "nuture or nature" is longstanding.

My own opinion is there is a genetic predisposition toward behaviour and character traits. They can be developed or supressed but never extinguished.

Oh i do believe you can surpress urges and live an ordinary life , but is it that some of us just give way and say its natural to be this way .

If you are talking about wanting with be with too young children suppress it. But there is no reason to suppress being gay. Suppressing means your not happy and not acting natural. Some things you do have to suppress as they harm others, being gay is not one of those things.

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One must have the courage and strength of character to be who you want to be, or who you feel you are, what makes you happy. You only get one life.

In Thailand, the society as a whole is extremely acceptng of others no matter what they choose to do or how they feel, and leaves people to be who they wish. The famous "up to you".

People are accepted as people not as a "gender", and you will observe various genders in all sorts of roles here, its no issue (for the most part). and rightly so.

However, in the west and many countries around the world people are forced to hide or suppress what they feel and who they are.

My personal opinion.

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Some claim gay is natural.

Many people think it isn't (usually on advice from God).

I can't say either way (God doesn't speak to me .......much).

EDITED: To conform to guidelines specified below.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I have removed a number of posts. DO NOT make this about, or try to take this in the direction of children.

ANY attempt to do so will result in a harsh response.

I believe the purpose and intent of this thread, based on a previous issue from another thread in regards to "Gay" and specifically more toward "Katoeys"


Please keep on topic, and not wander into potentially offensive and illegal subject matter.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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My considered opinion reply is: Genetic imprinting certainly has a significant influence on individual behavior. However, there must exist a fundamental flaw in the design of the homo sapien.

All things considered, human beings have proven themselves to be, the most dangerous, most destructive (to all forms of life) creatures, in the history of biological life on this planet.

According to a particular academic constituency, Homo Sapiens are currently under universal scrutiny, and a pending summary judgement. However, that judgement is not based upon the way

we (people) are right now, as much as what we (human-beings) are capable of becoming, as a species, well into the future.

That same academic constituency has concluded that, as of 2015 AD, our's, indeeds, is the last civilisation of human life, on this planet. See the motion picture "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Cheerscoffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Another thought is that ,something that happens to you or what you are taught when you are young can influence the way you turn out ,as for what will happen to us as a species. Well I think that civilisation as we know it is coming to the end,,just to many of us and nature has a way of sorting that little problem out,ALWAYS

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Another thought is that ,something that happens to you or what you are taught when you are young can influence the way you turn out ,as for what will happen to us as a species. Well I think that civilisation as we know it is coming to the end,,just to many of us and nature has a way of sorting that little problem out,ALWAYS

I think that's a little extreme.

Life as we WASPs know it, may be looking a little iffy, but I'm certain Islam, India and China will continue on as always.

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Another thought is that ,something that happens to you or what you are taught when you are young can influence the way you turn out ,as for what will happen to us as a species. Well I think that civilisation as we know it is coming to the end,,just to many of us and nature has a way of sorting that little problem out,ALWAYS


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Very interesting topic....

I think the genetic code in us is still programmed on destruction but our behaviour codex/ morals is suppressing those animalistic instincts....but without the rule of law human mankind is one of the most cruel life forms on earth...see central Africa,South America,Cambodia ( red Khmer),Burma...or even in the so called civilised world the German Reich....

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Has anyone read the identical twin studies concerning twins who were separated at birth and brought up in different parts of America with different parents? It was discovered that the twins, although they were not aware of each other, liked similar food and clothes, maried similar partners and often drove cars of the same color and model. If you want to read the studies, I can look up their titles. It appears that, at least in the case of the twins, nature has a much stronger influence than nurture.

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Gay people are born that way....shoplifters and serial murderers are engineered by circumstance and experience of life.

Never heard of a serial murderer having urges to kill at 6 or 7.

psychopathy would disagree with that, and can start as young as 3 with small animals.

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Gay people are born that way....shoplifters and serial murderers are engineered by circumstance and experience of life.

Never heard of a serial murderer having urges to kill at 6 or 7.

psychopathy would disagree with that, and can start as young as 3 with small animals.

Never considered that...well there you are...those nutters are wired up differently then.

Question is how do you identify and contain such behavioural extremes within society?

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I hope we agree on "born", since then when I'm super lazy I can just say, "not my fault."

If talking about gay, then I think it's environment. Parents open, environment accepting, then i can see...or maybe super strict and that gets the kids to wonder.....but then this is another question, 'can a person be straight their entire life but really be gay?" sure. or the reverse.....i guess anything is possible. since we are talking mindset.

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Speaking in the past tense, of innate proclivities: “Humans were a kind of “biological error”, using their allotted 100,000 years (average species existence time-frame) to destroy themselves, and, in the process of that behavior, they managed to destroy much of everything else on the planet.”

Ditto ~ Human beings have definitely developed the capacity to do just that. A hypothetical extraterrestrial observer might conclude that humans (throughout their history) have demonstrated a unique self-destructive capacity, and dramatically so, in their last three hundred years.

Humans have assaulted the very environment that sustains all life, on the diversity of more complex organisms, and with a calculated savagery upon each other, as well.

Paraphrased from Noam Chomsky’s ~ “Hegemony or Survival” (America’s Quest for Global Dominance)

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We are born a certain way that is for sure also we are born with certain character traits. It is not all learned because otherwise a 2 brothers raise the same way should have the same character traits... and quite often they don't.

Is it not something to do with your genes?

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The argument of "nuture or nature" is longstanding.

My own opinion is there is a genetic predisposition toward behaviour and character traits. They can be developed or supressed but never extinguished.

Oh i do believe you can surpress urges and live an ordinary life , but is it that some of us just give way and say its natural to be this way .

If you are talking about wanting with be with too young children suppress it. But there is no reason to suppress being gay. Suppressing means your not happy and not acting natural. Some things you do have to suppress as they harm others, being gay is not one of those things.

It is said that when normal guys get a long prison sentence, it can turn them homosexual.

How true it is I have no idea.

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