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British ISIS hostage warns of plan to launch 9/11 style attack - but bigger


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British ISIS hostage John Cantlie warns of plan to launch 9/11 style attack — but bigger

SYDNEY: -- BRITISH journalist and longtime Islamic State hostage John Cantlie has issued a chilling warning that the terror group plans to launch an attack on the West to rival that of 9/11.

Mr Cantlie makes the claim in an article carrying his byline in the 12th issue of ISIS propaganda magazine Dabiq, which came out online yesterday and features the aftermath of last week’s Paris attacks on its cover.

The article, read by news.com.au, outlines IS plans to expand the borders of its so-called caliphate while continuing its campaign to try to provoke the UK and allied forces into sending boots on the ground, triggering the “final battle between Muslims and the crusaders”.

“An all-out ground attack (will set) the scene for the final battle between Muslims and the crusaders prophesized (sic) to be held at Dābiq in Syria, by conducting an operation overseas that is so destructive that America and its allies will have no alternative but to send in an army,” Mr Cantlie writes.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/british-isis-hostage-john-cantlie-warns-of-plan-to-launch-911-style-attack--but-bigger/news-story/42f658dcf4926d98715fd000eb334b90

-- News.com.au 2015-11-19

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Promises promises, if it were to be a final battle I am sure many nations would welcome it as we all know what the outcome would be but that aint their style. .....or maybe they have run out of virgins to rape here on earth and they want to get to paradise faster, one can only hope.

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree

that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with,

and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical

Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

Although we agree in general, aren't you risking making the same error in judgment that Obama and many others, including Hollande who also underestimated the threat to France, have been making? I'm not as sure as you that they festered from a bunch of "bearded goats herders".

So, would that be "junior varsity", "goat herders"?

I also disagree that "radical Islam" is "putting the best armies and air forces to shame".

Obama and other so-called leaders are acting incompetently and shamefully and forcing large elements of thir militaries and other resources to suffer in, at least, frustration.

(Thankfully, the C-130 gunship crews, A-10 pilots and special ops troops are notable exceptions. biggrin.png )

Edited by MaxYakov
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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

Correct had the US not meddled so much in the middle east we would not have this problem.
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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

There's you're problem, Ezzra; You conflate Islam with radical Islam.

One is not the other,

It's EXACTLY like conflating Christianity with fundamental Christianity, or Judaism with Ultra-orthodox Judaism.

There are extremists, terrorists, in all extreme religions.

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

First error - never be so dull as to underestimate the enemy. 'Goat Herders'!! You really think so? How about the majority being paid for mercenaries who are highly trained ruthless killers.

Second error - This entire disaster and all the death and destruction it involves is DIRECTLY the fault of the two war criminals Bush and Blair, do not kid yourself otherwise, not forgetting of course all the pigs at the trough who aided and abetted.

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Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

No ThaiVisa Forum, no idiotic posts like these.

Edited by MaxYakov
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It is just a thought...

What happened if a country like North Korea just happened to get their hands on a nuclear weapon....and then sided up with ISIS.

I think this may be what their objective is....and sure hope we got it all locked down. Seems to be only a matter of time before a big one goes off.

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An article in an ISIS propaganda magazine supposedly written by someone who has been a hostage for three years now - better make sure that this information provided by ISIS is given as much coverage as possible.

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The only way to solve the problem of ISIL is to beat them to submission as they continue to recruit young Muslims and mercenaries from around the world. To do that would literately mean bomb the crap out of them, artillery shelling, missiles and so on. This leads me to think that WMD might be used by US/NATO and Russia if ISIL continues with terror attacks outside of Syria and Iraq!

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The only way to solve the problem of ISIL is to beat them to submission as they continue to recruit young Muslims and mercenaries from around the world. To do that would literately mean bomb the crap out of them, artillery shelling, missiles and so on. This leads me to think that WMD might be used by US/NATO and Russia if ISIL continues with terror attacks outside of Syria and Iraq!

How did that work out for Russia and the US/NATO coalition in Afghanistan and IRaq? Take a look back 2000 years in history and try and find any force that has beat these people into submission.

The only way to solve this problem is to leave these people alone and let them fight and kill each other.

Edited by dcutman
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The next president of the USA will have to be seen doing more than Obama has, and that probably means troops on the ground.

You mean 'more' boots on the ground...

Good job Bush the 3rd looks to be struggling - another invasion of Iraq would just be embarrassing.

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The next president of the USA will have to be seen doing more than Obama has, and that probably means troops on the ground.

The US has already lived and fought over their 9/11.

I think it a better idea to let Russia and France put "boots on the ground". Dont you? Seems to be their fight now after recent events. Hell China even has a little stake in this game now, and is beating their own war drums at ISIS.

In fact the US should pull every asset they have, including the CIA. No need muddying the waters with that bunch.

Of course the corporate sponsor's of these terror wars will be more than happy to supply what ever hardware that is needed, to whom ever willing to pay for it.

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ph34r.png Send them in. Wipe them out. Go home. ph34r.png

Yes, we thought in 2003 that we would topple Saddam, and it would be mission accomplished/problem solved. However, that was just the beginning.

ISIS-type people are in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Syria, Libya, probably other countries too. Boko Haram-types in Mali (the Sahel), Niger, Nigeria.

I worked in Algeria in 97 - 2000, way back then a foretaste of things to come was happening there, mass-beheadings etc. It never got much coverage in the Western media, some of the things happening there were wicked, in the truest meaning of the word.

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It is just a thought...

What happened if a country like North Korea just happened to get their hands on a nuclear weapon....and then sided up with ISIS.

I think this may be what their objective is....and sure hope we got it all locked down. Seems to be only a matter of time before a big one goes off.

Wow, careful with such outlandish theories, next someone will be pointing out what would happen if Mossad supplied ISIS with a tactical Nuke!! That would achieve goals much faster. After all they have so many we don't even know because they refuse to comply under international Nuke law ;)

Everything is playing in to the hands of the large corporations that thrive on war and the riches it brings to their coffers. As for all the death and destruction that is an excellent additional benefit for them as most of the multi billionaires want the world for themselves and are all in some way or another supporters of Eugenics. Whats a few million dead here and there!! To them it is simply an opportunity to seize more land and to exploit the displaced living in poverty. The New World order is coming and the catalyst is ISIS.

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The next president of the USA will have to be seen doing more than Obama has, and that probably means troops on the ground.

The US has already lived and fought over their 9/11.

I think it a better idea to let Russia and France put "boots on the ground". Dont you? Seems to be their fight now after recent events. Hell China even has a little stake in this game now, and is beating their own war drums at ISIS.

In fact the US should pull every asset they have, including the CIA. No need muddying the waters with that bunch.

Of course the corporate sponsor's of these terror wars will be more than happy to supply what ever hardware that is needed, to whom ever willing to pay for it.

They have pissed off everybody apart from China, lets hope they manage that ASAP. Then the Plain of Dariq will unite the world

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The only way to solve the problem of ISIL is to beat them to submission as they continue to recruit young Muslims and mercenaries from around the world. To do that would literately mean bomb the crap out of them, artillery shelling, missiles and so on. This leads me to think that WMD might be used by US/NATO and Russia if ISIL continues with terror attacks outside of Syria and Iraq!

I see the bombs coming into the new war arena in Syria as being the MOAB and Gods Finger by the US and FOAB by Russia. No need for nukes, these bombs are way better, without the nuclear waste left behind. They vaporise every living thing but leave the area re-inhabitable.

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